Re: [Trisquel-users] A mail provider based in Bulgaria, using 100% open source software, Tor-friendly and no javascript friendly.

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu
openmailbox is subject to the Charlie law. It requires javascript to open an  
account. It has a google tracker. It requires you to provide an email address  
for you to open an account. It doesn't have an onion hidden instance.

Ruggedinbox has a few limits:

- 30 outgoing emails per day
- 1 outgoing email every 3 minutes

I see no limits in it..

Besides Openmailbox has grown rapidly. They already have about 130 000 users  
at the moment.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Conky weather, RSS etc.

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif
Thanks, I found also another one that I like as well (the icons):

Also it's working with openweathermap.
For the icons, I changed the conky so that it points toward my personal  
folder instead of conky-manager (which I don't need to install).

But I have a problem with the xml.
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
I have curl installed, I have the API key and city code.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu
try SMTube for streaming YT vids and also set it so the right click of the  
mouse downloads the vid with youtube-dl. simple, fast and comfortable!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Rowhammer.js: A Remote Software-Induced Fault Attack in JavaScript

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu

thx for the link!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif

Thanks, I'll try it.
Is it better than my current setup?
I have noscript and requestpolicy running, and I sometimes allow some  
javascript through in order to either watch online or download, if I can't  

SMTube can work with zero javascript?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu
jdenz -> sudo netstat -tulpn will give you the info. If I recall correctly  
the process tor on Trisquel *is* indeed running all the time but it only  
listens to local host so, no biggy..


Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu

SMTube is not a plugin for your browser but...

SMTube is an application that allows to browse, search and play YouTube  
videos. Videos are played back with a media player (by default SMPlayer)  
instead of a flash player, this allows better performance, particularly with  
HD content.

You will need to install the latest version though (the one in the Trisquel  
repo does not work). You can download the .deb from the website but I highly  
recommend you compile it from source (it's easy). The latest source is here  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif

Ok, so by default there's no js.
And since it doesn't work with any online video,
youtube-dl, as a program, is supposed to work without js as well, right?

I doubt a bit about that since when I put a URL in, it displays images where  
it doesn't if I disable js.

I got it from the ppa and it works for now, should I compile anyway?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advertising Trisquel & FLOSS

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu
Well, the list of computers you can install libreboot on is growing ->

The greatest thing about the gluglug's X200 however is not libreboot but the  
fact they managed to successfully remove ME and AMT, the Intel's Management  
Engine system, and Intel's Active Management Technology firmware, thus making  
a truly libre laptop (a one that is not backdoored) and a hardware that truly  
respects your freedom.

And this is why AFAIC there is only the gluglug's X200 out there and all the  
rest is just standard hardware you can NOT absolutely trust. All the rest is  
just "free software friendly", that is to say works with a 100% libre OS, aka  
"laptops with a wifi adapter that requires no non-free firmware and an  
integrated INTEL GPU for 3D acceleration, if you need 3D acceleration.."


Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu
I think trusting ppas and external (to your OS repository) .debs is a naive  
way of doing your computing. Giving root privilege at the installation to  
some random software is not a very bright way to go. But then again that's  
just me.
SMTube just like minitube (which now requires a google api key to perform the  
installation) doesn't require js and it is an application separated from and  
external to your browser. No js and no flash. It just allows you to browse  
and search for the YT vids, it then opens the vid with your video player of  
choice (vlc, smtube, totem etc..) and also to download them (with a nifty  
trick, being that YT new policy forbids to the developers to include the  
function to download the vids by default).


[Trisquel-users] Re : A mail provider based in Bulgaria, using 100% open source software, Tor-friendly and no javascript friendly.

2015-07-29 Thread calinou
For heavy corporate users, not being able to send more than 30 e-mails a day  
can be a problem. For free software advocates too...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Conky weather, RSS etc.

2015-07-29 Thread abhijithb21
The conkyrc file is messy. Everything is put together. I made some changes to  
the original file to get it to display weather forecast and city name  
correctly. Now working on that big current temperature to be displayed on the  
top right corner. Here is a screenshot and the conkyrc file as a text file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A mail provider based in Bulgaria, using 100% open source software, Tor-friendly and no javascript friendly.

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif
Plus most corporate users you'll communicate with will be using gmail, yahoo  
mail etc. Might as well use one of those too (not anonymous nor  
privacy-friendly, but secure enough, even with js enabled).

The true advantage of ruggedinbox (not being forced to use javascript and  
maybe Tor) is indeed rendered impractical in that case anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
there is no tor process running on my machine all the time.  Unless its from  
installing icecat which I don't use.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A mail provider based in Bulgaria, using 100% open source software, Tor-friendly and no javascript friendly.

2015-07-29 Thread calmstorm

Let me add one that you may not be using or have heard of...

They have something called cryptomail which encrypts your whole email. and  
that isn't all either... :) and they have 0 trackers on their website at  
least to my knowledge.

Although their is a 1$ fee per month which might turn some of you off. but 1$  
a month is nothing compared to startmail's 60$ a year :)

my point? look at it

you may like it. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat question

2015-07-29 Thread calmstorm

I hope someone fixes it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Conky weather, RSS etc.

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif
I tried yours, and it's a bit better. Now I have ° everywhere instead of  
nothing. Some icons are somehow displayed, but they're not where they should  
be (not displayed in the screenshot because I roughly Gimped it).

Maybe it's because of my custom conky positioning.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
Your browser problems have nothing to do with being libre though because you  
would have the same issues on any operating system.  Its frustrating and  
overwhelming for the best of experts.  After a while from experience you can  
take better guesses at what domains you have to allow for certain functions  
on a webpage and which are just trackers.   If you are worried about  
noscripts whitelistdelete all the whitelisted pages in settings.  Thats  
good security practice anyways because a hacker did demonstrate a couple  
weeks ago that one of the white listed certs or addresses had expired and he  
bought it for 5 dollars and put malicious code on it and noscript was  
whitelisting it.

As for watching videos on tor,  it never seems to be a problem, but i really  
don't use tor much except for logging into and clicking links from websites  
like this one,  since its associated with people on IRC, as one example.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
You didn't need to add a url,  its in the official repos.It works on most  
websites for me.  All I do is type, from the command line,  youtube-dl  and presto.  puts it on the desktop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif
That's a very, very good point, thanks. I was so focused on "libre browsing"  
that I missed this simple fact somehow.

I'm starting to get used to Noscript and RequestPolicy.
I'll try to find a way to let the latter allow images and css by default  
though (or a good alternative). Thanks for the whitelist cleaning tip.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
Well its best to only use ppa that are well known and used by many,  and are  
by reputable maintainers.

I would never recommend some obscure software from a ppa noone has ever heard  
of it,   imo its best if he just uses youtube-dl from the offical trisquel  
repos.  Its also very easy to use.

[Trisquel-users] Abrowser and Cert Patrol (AddOn)

2015-07-29 Thread michael

i have installed T7.0 whit default Abrowser. I can install Adblock and
NoScript. A other "must have" (for me) is Certificate Patrol

But, Abrowser (39.0) (looks like) start Download the Addon - but no
installtion. I have the AddOn download (*.xpi) and test it from local,
same issue: no installation

> user@trisquel:~$ abrowser 
> (process:5223): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 
> 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
> (abrowser:5223): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property 
> GnomeProgram::sm-connect after class was initialised
> (abrowser:5223): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property 
> GnomeProgram::show-crash-dialog after class was initialised
> (abrowser:5223): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property 
> GnomeProgram::display after class was initialised
> (abrowser:5223): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property 
> GnomeProgram::default-icon after class was initialised
> console.error: 
>   [CustomizableUI]
>   Custom widget with id loop-button does not return a valid node
> console.error: 
>   [CustomizableUI]
>   Custom widget with id loop-button does not return a valid node
> 1438185317801 addons.repository   WARNSearch failed when adding 
> add-ons to cache
> *
> A coding exception was thrown and uncaught in a Task.
> Full message: TypeError: aAddon._repositoryAddon is null
> Full stack: 
> loadManifest_getCachedAddonByID@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:5274:13
> getAddon@resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonRepository.jsm:580:7
> this.AddonRepository.getCachedAddonByID<@resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonRepository.jsm:592:5
> TaskImpl_run@resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm:314:40
> TaskImpl@resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm:275:3
> createAsyncFunction/asyncFunction@resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm:249:14
> loadManifest_cacheAddons@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:5272:11
> cacheAddons_searchFailed@resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonRepository.jsm:705:13
> AddonRepo_reportFailure@resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonRepository.jsm:979:5
> this.AddonRepository._beginSearch/<@resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonRepository.jsm:1477:9
> *

What can i do to install cert patrol?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Conky weather, RSS etc.

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
I would think that just connecting for weather data for certain location  
would help to de-anonymize you, no?  Im' no expert though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat question

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
ublock is what everyone is switching to now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif

youtube-dl doesn't work for me yet, I probably did something wrong.
I'll try again, but first I'll delete my ppas and start to learn how to  
compile if I can't get it from the repo.

My quick experience with smtube seems great for youtube (at least I don't  
have to allow any js). But not so much for other websites. Well if youtube-dl  
works (I mean with any website or so), that should do it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
ya its in the official repos,  I haven't had problems with it yet.   Only  
time it didn't work for me was on,  but thats understandable.  You  
have to sing in with your cable company account to view it and its probably  
drm or something.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif

For example: (not working with https).
It doesn't seem to work with smtube. And it seems I didn't install youtube-dl  
properly, so I can't try yet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-29 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

I believe it is real, just sharing my anecdote.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Conky weather, RSS etc.

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif
Yes, but since it's yahoo, and since I won't be using the weather of a place  
I don't visit frequently (that's data in their server), it's safe to assume  
that it will use that data anyway.
At least openweathermap seems to operate with the user in mind (even though  
they use facebook sharebuttons and google fonts).
Of course it's not THAT important, but it's interesting to know how things  
work. Plus that way I won't feed a-holes.

About the anonymity, the only challenge would be maybe to make the  
openweathermap believe that it's not my computer that's making the request.  
Maybe through Tor, I don't really know. Not vitally important, but  
interesting nonetheless.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat question

2015-07-29 Thread no-email

After the last actualization SpyBlock stop working I don't know what
is the problem but I assume we can wait for the next IceCat update...for
the moment I replace it with ABEdge including only the first SpyBlock
list ( the third-party list
doesn't work automatically when starts a private browsing session but you can  
use it manually.

SpyBlock is a simple fork of the last ADBLOCK version with GNU block lists.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A mail provider based in Bulgaria, using 100% open source software, Tor-friendly and no javascript friendly.

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu

>Let me add one that you may not be using or have heard of... >

CalmStorm: posteo is the first in the list on the website we are talking  
about! :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat question

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
ye i can't find the actual url to the videos in the page source to use from  
that site. just some embedded ones that won't work.It sure is pretty  
sketchy too you're right lol.  lots of ads and popups and scripts everywhere.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Conky weather, RSS etc.

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu
Yes.. The idea of having in my conky something pinging to a server and  
revealing my approximate position doesn't make me feel good..
That is why my conky contains only date, time, ram, cpu and network usage and  
the top processes. It's all I need. If I want to know what's the weather like  
I open the window..

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu
Yes. We are talking about Icecat and its tor implementation. Abrowser doesn't  
have it. The tor package gets installed when you install Icecat. You can  
remove it if you don't want it though, and keep Icecat. Tor browser bundle is  
much better anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu
I was not talking about youtube-dl. I know that package is in the repos. I  
was referring to smtube. The version of smtube in the repos doesn't work. He  
will have to compile it or trust the deb.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread greatgnu

 sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

to download a vid from any of the sites supported  
(, you just need the url  
of the vid and in terminal:

youtube-dl url

This is how you compile smtube ->

being that the package "smtube" is in the repos you can take advantage of the  

sudo apt-get build-dep smtube

On Debian 8 a further pdependency was needed:
sudo apt-get install libqtwebkit-dev

Now you have everything you need in order to compile it. You cd to the folder  
of the source code and:


that will build the application and you'll find the executable in the folder.
If you want to install it system wide:
sudo make install

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac
I see interesting.  is there a button for tor in icecat?  to toggle it on or  
off?   and also i'm curious is there an apparmor profile for it anywhere?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif
I never thought about locking the database access if some script(s) isn't  
enabled. Most likely ads.

I guess I'll try to find an alternative.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif

Thanks a lot SuperTramp83!

So the build-dep is supposed to get the dependencies, ok.
Then I'm supposed to get the package to compile from sourceforge.
And extract it.

But I found other commands in other tutorials, like ./configure and not  

About the install system wide: that means for all users?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac

i'm not sure what you mean by locking the database access?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Conky weather, RSS etc.

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif

Isn't there a way to prevent that?
Like checking the weather from Tor browser?
Or even torrefying that ping process, or spoofing it?

But yeah, I can probably live without it, though that would suck.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread merwancherif

Like, preventing the access to the data (video in that case).
I mean when js is on, I must click on the ad to access to the video reader  
(to be able to press play).

Since the URL is locked until some js is enabled (and some ad is clicked),  
there must be some "if" condition to complete

in order to display the video player/URL.

I wonder if it's possible to bypass that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread tomlukeywood

the pirate-bay is a good site for downloading cartoons

btw i notice a while ago somone removed the pirate bay .onion link from its  
Wikipedia page:



the history of the Wikipedia page:

if anyone has a wikipeida account that can correc t this please do so(you  
have to of made 10 edits)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread tomlukeywood

youtube-dl-gui is much easier to use than youtube-dl:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Data protection vs useability

2015-07-29 Thread cooloutac

nice tks.

[Trisquel-users] Icecat and Gnome Shell

2015-07-29 Thread jbh . tech
Is there a way to make IceCat notifications use the Gnome Shell notification  
system instead of it's own notification system?

I'm using Trisquel 7, 32-bit, IceCat 31.8.0.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advertising Trisquel & FLOSS

2015-07-29 Thread jason
"And this is why AFAIC there is only the gluglug's X200 out there and all the  
rest is just standard hardware you can NOT absolutely trust"

And the X60, which also has libreboot and never had those other anti-features  
things to begin with.

[Trisquel-users] Gnu privacy guard question

2015-07-29 Thread calmstorm
Does anyone know why I cannot decrypt glug uk shop's messages when they  
encrypt it?

I couldn't do it no matter what I tried for some reason.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnu privacy guard question

2015-07-29 Thread calmstorm

it says first openpgp block not public key block

what does that mean?

Re: [Trisquel-users] FCC Rules might force Wifi router vendors to lockdown their firmware!

2015-07-29 Thread davidvargas1
Apparently some people ACT PARANOIAC AND draw conclusions, without BOTHERING  
The FCC is only wanting to control VERY SPECIFIC items, like transmission  
power and frequency.

The FCC has zero interest in any other aspect of the devices. The FCC ONLY  
cares about the settings that have any (direct) impact on the RF  
transmissions. Too Simple, read the FCC article.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FCC Rules might force Wifi router vendors to lockdown their firmware!

2015-07-29 Thread onpon4
To be honest, I'm inclined to expect this to be the case... I mean, the "new"  
rule in question is actually a year old (even though devices can still be  
sold under the old rules for another year, if I read the page correctly), so  
if freedom-respecting firmware is forbidden because of it, why hasn't the FSF  
or EFF said anything about it?

I think it's ridiculous that the FCC would require certain hardware to be  
defective by design; if some modifications can cause a problem, those  
behaviors themselves should be made illegal, and the only thing vendors  
should be required to do, maybe, is inform consumers that those behaviors are  
illegal. Still, it looks to me like the fear of alternative operating systems  
being forbidden might be unjustified.