Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat - The Force Awakens

2015-10-22 Thread jabjabs
Essentially it is a more security focused.  Tor available at any times, Libre  
JS as standard plus a few changes to the configuration. Very cool project. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-10-22 Thread umhcgs
With deference, I can comprehend your dissatisfaction yet the issue is with  
the portable PCs industry. This article was distributed precisely a month  
back, and soon thereafter you could get every one of the portable PCs at the  
cost cited. In any case, the nature of the business is such that portable  
workstations go back and forth rapidly. That is the reason we incorporate the  
video (with nice looking host) disclosing how to source a decent tablet.  
Search for specs and brand at the value you can bear. We'll be upgrading this  
article again soon, obviously.

pass4sure 640-554 braindumps

Re: [Trisquel-users] would anyone know of any online classes that i could learn more about linux?

2015-10-22 Thread lilos1
I can`t understand what is non free java script.Browser use javascript and  
execute it like php but it is text file and can`t be hiden or i`m wrong ?

And if i`m wrong how javascript can be hidden sorry if i`m asking noob  
question but i`m c c++ more guy not web in fact html looks me very difrent  
but javascript is like c.Let someone explain me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] would anyone know of any online classes that i could learn more about linux?

2015-10-22 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

Does this help?

Re: [Trisquel-users] would anyone know of any online classes that i could learn more about linux?

2015-10-22 Thread onpon4
PHP isn't executed by your Web browser. It's executed on the server to modify  
what is sent to you.

Also, for JavaScript (and any other software, for that matter), it's not a  
matter of whether it's "hidden". If a JavaScript program does not include  
source code, or if it is not under a libre license, then it is proprietary.  
Most JavaScript code is "minimized", and that's not source code. But even  
disregarding that, most JavaScript code doesn't carry a libre license.

The way JavaScript on Web pages is handled by Web browsers also makes it  
technically impossible to exercise freedom with such JavaScript code. For  
this reason, I highly recommend disabling all JavaScript execution on your  
Web browser, even if it's libre:

[Trisquel-users] Re : Another bug in Evolution 3.10.4

2015-10-22 Thread lcerf
That must be it. I use Evolution, the spam filter works great but I had  
installed the packages "spamc", "sa-compile" and  "spamassassin" first.

Re: [Trisquel-users] would anyone know of any online classes that i could learn more about linux?

2015-10-22 Thread lilos1
I understand that javascript is not like php.PHP have executible that execute  
php code.

Yes browsers are all different with different render engines and they execute  
javascript in different way.

But how java script program will not include source code ?

Code need to be loaded in browser to run it and is pure text file not  
compiled executible or i`m wrong ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternate proposal for FCC's (indirect) ban on free software : require the release of code

2015-10-22 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira

Now that book author made what we could call a very inaccurate claim! :D

The free software philosophy is neutral in regards to economical
systems, be it capitalism or not.

What the free software philosophy isn't neutral about is in regards to
protecting democracy, that is, the philosophy fosters protection of

That's why the use of computers for voting is the only case where the
philosophy will, contrary to our belief, fight against the dependent
usage of technology for voting[1]. That said, voting must be done in
written form, and counted manually. Optionally, the counting result can
be confronted against counting made by a machine, but this, repeating
myself again, must only be done for counting the votes, and not for the
whole voting process.

Now that I think of it... I'm not sure, but here in Brazil there seems
to be a currently-approved law that defines how the voting system should
work, and if I'm not mistaken, this very same law defines the use of
computers for voting. And this is a serious issue. I just can't
understand why the Brazilian free software supporters don't gather
together to propose a reform in this voting system. They seem to be
dormant or scattered.

To make things worse, since 2000, Brazilian free software supporters
discovered that most self-defined "free software supporters" are
actually supporters of the open source development model, and that this
guys have been making their own assumptions of "free software".

If you want to discuss this further, please create another topic for
this mater. I just won't do so myself because I don't know if there's
community interest to do so.



Re: [Trisquel-users] Don't want Dnsmasq services

2015-10-22 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Wow! An IPTables user!

That's somewhat interesting... How do you manage to use IPTables to
replace DNSMasq?

I'm a novice IPTables user. :D

Now, if you don't have time to, or don't want to, read why I was forced
to learn how to use IPTables, you can just stop reading now. :D

Otherwise, please read on.

I was forced to forget everything that I know about UFW, GUFW, and
FireStarter because a sick freak keeps sending pings of death (>= 65 KB
per packet!) to my home connection just because I and my mates from
around Brazil have a [true] public/multi-purpose Mumble server, and just
because he also has other Mumble server. And before you ask: No, I don't
want to compete against anyone. I feel guilty for competing against
people. But well, the general people don't really need to know my sad
story and how it'll end up, but if you (anyone who's reading this) do
want to know more, please send me an OpenPGP ENCRYPTED email, and make
sure to provide you public key first, or link to a place where I can
download it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu
Absolutely not true. Programs in "main" don't recommend any proprietary crap  
(you are referring probably to contrib which is off by default as it is  
non-free). Have you even used Debian?

>Iceweasel for instance uses Mozilla's extension site I believe.

So what?
He who wants to install a proprietary extension for the browser WILL install  
it on Debian just as on Triskel or whatever. Iceweasel doesn't recommend  

The few packages with the Artistic License 1.0 are all double or triple  
licensed with GPL or some others approved licenses.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Creating a "How to Remove Windows" article for dual-booted computer systems.

2015-10-22 Thread lap4fsf

All right. I have created a wiki page, finally!

You can sneak it over here;

I request more experienced hands over here, to revise the wiki page and let  
me know what else to do.

Thank you so much for the patience. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] would anyone know of any online classes that i could learn more about linux?

2015-10-22 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I know nothing about JavaScript, but in other programming languages,
there's something called "escaping", with which you can obfuscate source

That is, I could say "yes" (GNU Coreutils command that repeatedly prints
a message as fast as possible until you press Ctrl + C, until you send
SIGINT or SIGTERM to it) by different means, see (the text between
parenthesis is just my commentary):

\y\e\s (You can still read it, and then study it)

$'\171\145\163' (Now it'll be more difficult to read. Although the yes
command is still there. This source code can't be accepted as free
software anymore because it prevents others from learning from it.
Please note the use of dollar sign at the very beginning, and the use of
apostrophe immediately after the dollar sign and, followed by the
escaped string, followed by other apostrophe. This is how GNU Bash
understands complex escapes.)

There are also complex examples where the software developer has made
special print-out functions to put obfuscated code to a temporary file
and then execute that file, which although obfuscated when reading, can
be understood by interpreters or compilers of that programming language.

I'm not sure, but perhaps minified code could be also considered
obfuscation, but as I said just now: I'm not sure, so please don't take
this paragraph as sure affirmative.



Re: [Trisquel-users] Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu

try this mate ->
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Re: [Trisquel-users] would anyone know of any online classes that i could learn more about linux?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu
I read many things on js. As far as I understand  most browser exploits use  
javascript and can not do anything if js is disabled. If your installation  
ill get pwned it will be most probably through your Browser and specifically  
through some js attack. I keep it disabled all the time and allow it on just  
one site (I have had this "just one site js allowed policy" for a long time  
now). Javascript is just like Agobbo flash player in this regard: a huge  
attack vector.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I think that the reason for the existence of the separated add-ons
repository for, for example, GNU IceCat is exactly because of the issues
caused by the suggestions made by Mozilla's add-ons repository

As a somewhat unrelated issue, although still discussing the issues
about dependencies, recommendations and suggestions: As recall watching
a speech, whose video was shared here, in which they were discussing
whether packages which were removed from repositories due to not being
free software should also be removed from other packages'

The reasoning for the removal from meta-data/control seems to be that
the absence of such package and the presence of it in other packages'
meta-data/controls makes these packages "cite" the formers, and so
contribute indirectly to non-free software dependency, recommendation or
suggestion. So, for example, let's say that I'm a very novice free
software student, and I have problems with my GPU, and I know how to use
Aptitude, and I have heard from a "free software supporter", that's a
"friend of mine" that "Linux" can load "modules", and that these can
include GPU drivers. So in Aptitude I would find, FOR EXAMPLE:

- linux-modules-nonfree (NOT AVAILABLE)

So now "I" have a "hint" as to what I should look for. A non-free software.

But in the other side, the reasoning for NOT removing the associated
meta-data/control from other packages SEEMS TO BE that could create
quite complex situations where, although the package is know to work
with the "newly acquired non-free software", it doesn't change the fact
that the main package will still not use the "acquired non-free
software". Furthermore, if the user decides to uninstall the free
dependency/recommendation/suggestion in order to use the "acquired
non-free software" as a replacement, the main package's
meta-data/controls will be read by the system's package manager and the
system will complain that the main package must be uninstalled.

Personally speaking, I'm in favor of the removal of all references to
non-free software in repositories and packages' meta-data/controls.
Besides, to me, the complex situation used to describe the opposite
argument's viewpoint could be easily solved by telling the package
manager to hold the main package. Furthermore, to my understanding, the
user who chooses to install the non-free package will still need to
configure the main package to use the "acquired non-free package", and
to me that would be something interesting to watch.

Re: [Trisquel-users] laptop

2015-10-22 Thread moxalt
You know, spam doesn't even annoy me that much when it's actually

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Bootable Ubuntu USB using Trisquel?

2015-10-22 Thread moxalt
> The actual disk is about 100 times than volatile memory such as RAM.

100 times what than volatile memory?

> 'sync' simply forces the data in buffer to be written onto the disk.

So it is a good thing to do. Thanks for the info.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread covalski . cleiton
I think important that the graphical updater works well, sometimes we may  
forget to update the system and consequently stay vulnerable, and especially  
think it is important to facilitate the lives of the laity, not everyone is  
"expert". Accessibility is a very important point in the free software  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Don't want Dnsmasq services

2015-10-22 Thread nishihai


Lovely that you send your story to me :)

If my understanding is right, you would just set your Iptalbes to block the  
ping. There a bunch of tutorials for writing Iptables commands, whereas you  
need to have a little bit of well logic thinking (but that's amazing that I  
enjoy it).

I don't mean I use IPTables to replace DNSMasq. As I see it, Iptables can  
never function as what DNSMasq does. DNSmasq is just enable those local  
hostname if you want to have one for your local computer/server in your LAN.  
So if the DNSmasq is set up, other people can visit your inet server via your  
local hostname from WAN.

That's it, I don't need this function and I suppose many of you don't want as  
well. So why make this service running and make 3 ports open for it?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread moxalt
> its not libre to me, if it automatically will load non free modules,

What are you on about? The Debian kernel doesn't automatically load non-free
modules. By default, only free modules are installed, and only free modules are
available. If one wishes to install proprietary modules, one can enable the
'non-free' repo, but that's hardly 'automatic'. If it installed non-free
modules by default, then this would be an issue, but not only is the kernel
itself libre, so are the default and available selection of modules. I fail to
see your point.

> or inform you that they are "missing"

Example please?

> its not libre to me

It doesn't matter whether or not you consider it to be libre. There's a (more
or less) fine line separating free from non-free software- whether it affords
the user the four freedoms. The Debian kernel is free, as are all the default
installed and available modules. It is free software. 'nuff said.

I use Debian main. If it wasn't 100% free, I wouldn't use it.

Debian is an excellent distribution, and is just as free as Trisquel if you
know what you're doing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel+orca Tutorial/walk-through podcast, ep.4 is up

2015-10-22 Thread moxalt
The first official release just came out.

If actually implemented as part of a screen reading system, it could provide
truly awesome speech. Orca's currently at the Microsoft Sam stage of shittiness
when it comes to speech... as are basically all text-to-speech things right now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Executable script won't execute in panel

2015-10-22 Thread moxalt
> it's silly to have more lines in the license than the script itself...

So GNU Hello basically.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread moxalt
Unless you configure automatic updates, itself something of an 'advanced task',
you must still launch the update program regularly yourself.

[Trisquel-users] Time for Trisquel 7.1? Summary of various trisquel installations on different machines

2015-10-22 Thread schaldi

Dear Trisquel forum members,

I want to thank everybody for using and assembling such a great GNU/Linux  

I just joined the forum to ask whether it is time to make an updated version  
of trisquel 7 available for the average user and the benefit of free software  
on the trisquel website.

I tried to install trisquel 7.0 and trisquel mini 7.0 (each in both versions  
i686 and amd64) on various computers over the past weeks. I observed that the  
update via command line creates a huge amount of web traffic for the sudo  
apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get autoremove or the sudo  
apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade procedures. The update via the  
software updater was not possible in various cases. The sudo apt-get and then  
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade results in a question regarding grub2 and whether  
the user wants to keep a file or accepts the maintainer's file. Such  
questions and the fact that these updates take about 30 minutes are not good  
for the spread of Trisquel as the GNU/Linux distribution listed on the FSF  
page that respects the freedom of its users.

Besides that I observed that the trisquel 7.0 i686 iso create a strange  
shutdown behaviour on various machines (the computer needs more than two  
minutes to shutdown). This seems to be the case when the computer was a wifi  
card inside that would require a proprietary driver, but an external  
wifi-usb-stick running a free driver is used. The trisquel 7.0 i686 install  
on a Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 mk1 resulted in a very very slow system. This  
could also be the case because of the internal Intel wifi card not used.  
Trisquel 4.2 runs super fast on all those machines. If I knew how to do it I  
would opt for Trisquel 4.2 on all my machines and securing it but I am not  
able to.

When I joined the FSF a few years ago the membership card included Trisquel  
(probably Trisquel 4.2). That membership card distribution was amazing. I  
wish I could help you updating the various iso images on your website but I  
am not able to.

I just think that Trisquel deserves to be installable, updatable in a few  
minutes and not in 30 minutes via the graphical updater provided and not via  
the command line with a decent startup and shutdown time.

I tried the trisquelizer script as well as an alternative. I first installed  
ubuntu server and then ran the script. But afterwards the computer still used  
the only card provided as an option during the ubuntu install: the internal  
wifi card requiring proprietary drivers. The script did not check whether  
there was a proprietary wifi card running at let it still run afterwards.

Thanks to all of you! Keep up the great work.

[Trisquel-users] HPLIP Status Service box always pops up on startup

2015-10-22 Thread elkingrey
I'd like to get this box to stop popping up on every startup. Anybody know  
how to do that?

The little box reads:

HPLIP Status Service

No system tray detected on this system

Unable to start, exiting


Re: [Trisquel-users] Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread john_harvey

Everyone thank you for the timely help.

YES: novice users would benefit greatly from updates pre-configured to  

I want to use Trisquel for ethical reasons, and support the movement, but my  
good intentions do not mean I know code or have the familiarity or time to  
"go under the hood" with efficacy. I have luckily had some small personal  
time to familiarize myself with GNU/linux systems - but just the very basics.  
Yes: this we might consider the very least one should do, but in reality for  
others they just need an OS to start working for them. Anything that makes  
Trisquel work "out of the box" for the masses I think is a good thing -IF the  
goal is to widen its use amongst the polis.

On to the problem at hand:

I did also just finish the '- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'  
(ty GNUsrcn)  and then followed the prompt to 'remove' outdated bits.   All  
well and good.

But the graphical software installer STILL pops up, and STILL shows 'Security  
Updates' and 'Other Updates' (66.5MB worth) needing to be installed.

Q: Do I now activate the graphical updater and try to download the files  
indicated, or do I need to try some other line command?

Q: Or is the sudo commands working and I just ignore the graph updater ?

Thank you !


Re: [Trisquel-users] Don't want Dnsmasq services

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu

Hi GNUsercn!



and commenting the line (precede it with a #)


and then in terminal

sudo restart network-manager

should do it.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu

Adfeno: Hi mate!
I will repeat myself for the 600th time: he who wants to install a  
proprietary piece of software WILL install it no matter which distro he uses.  
Some distro make it more difficult to do so, but that is another matter and  
not even an important one.
All this work creating a special repo for addons it's good but it is nowhere  
essential. The one who absolutely and intimately decides not to install a  
proprietary whatever software will check 3 times the license of every and  
each package he downloads/installs outside of the libre repository.

I can guarantee you that.
The one who hasn't made that "absolute and intimate, strongly convinced  
decision" will install whatever proprietary crap on Trisquel as on Parabola  
as on Debian etc etc.
I see it this way: you can not force people into freedom. I'm not saying that  
implying that it is unethical (forcing people into anything could be viewed  
as unethical).
But I am not saying that. I'm just saying that it doesn't work. Sadly you can  
force people into slavery and dependence but you can not force them into  
freedom. It just doesn't work that way. It never did. It never will.
One does not become free because he installed gnewsense or Ututo. One becomes  
free when he unconditionally decides he will never ever and for no reason  
install/use/share proprietary software.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu
see what I'm talking about? Some "micropower douche-inside" (to cite from  
quantumgravity) just downvoted my post above. The post is correct. It is  
polite and correct. There is no false info or anything that offends anyone.  
Yet the microdouche just pressed - with his stupid finger and let out the  
idiot inside without even leaving a phrase explaining why my post is not  
good. Now it just takes another douche to do the same for my correct and  
polite post to go censored and disappear, marked as inappropriate, incorrect,  

See why this utter voting crap has to go?

Btw. Whoever downvoted it: fuck you!

P.S - please do feel free to downvote this one being that it is very very  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Time for Trisquel 7.1? Summary of various trisquel installations on different machines

2015-10-22 Thread tegskywalker
We've been begging Ruben to release a Trisquel 7.1 ISO with the vivid  
backport stack, but it has gone upon deaf ears. That is to be expected though  
and we may never see a much needed ISO refresh.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You can help save freedom by donating a small amount to the Save Wifi publicity effort. Will you help? (yes you Trisquel users!)

2015-10-22 Thread chris
:) I just pushed us over the $7000 figure we were trying to raise. Costs  
covered! Yea!

Thanks everybody!

[Trisquel-users] Cognitive ease and free software

2015-10-22 Thread andere
As someone happy to tinker, I don't let ease (or lack thereof) get in the way  
of my experiences of a product or service. Though there is definitely benefit  
in learning new things, it is often a barrier of entry for people. People are  
hesitant to learn things generally out of fear or more often; laziness. They  
just want things to do as they expect.

I bring this up because I just discovered that there was no option to delete  
an icon from the task bar upon right-clicking it. Searching through the  
Trisquel forums, I found that I had to do alt+right-click to find the delete  
option. I wasn't sure where else to look for this information and I find it  
hard to imagine I would've found it without an internet connection.

As someone migrating from windows, this is something that I just expected  
would be there, and was taken aback when it wasn't. Little things like this  
is enough to deter people from adopting new products or services, no matter  
how trivial it is.

I shouldn't have to hold down the Alt key! /s

Would it be possible to put something like this in the right-click menu?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread john_harvey
Yow: I found I had inputed the above suggestion wrong and was not including  
the 'dist' in:  "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Okay: did it, and now I have this prompt:

 A new version of configuration file /etc/default/grub is available, but
 │ the version installed currently has been locally modified.
 │ What do you want to do about modified configuration file grub?
 │install the package maintainer's version   
 │keep the local version currently installed 
 │show the differences between the versions  
 │show a side-by-side difference between the versions
 │show a 3-way difference between available versions 
 │do a 3-way merge between available versions (experimental) 

 │start a new shell to examine the situation

Yowch: what should I do? Choose:  "Keep the local version currently  
installed". ?

Thank you.

- J

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cognitive ease and free software

2015-10-22 Thread onpon4
This is something weird about GNOME Flashback. Though to be fair, I do recall  
the menus being really finnicky in GNOME 2, so I can see why they did it. (I  
remember having a lot of difficulty in GNOME 2 getting the menus for the  
right things, or something to that effect.)

Personally, I prefer GNOME Shell (the default GNOME interface), but Ruben has  
chosen GNOME Flashback for performance and I guess a bit of traditionalism.  
Though judging from your complaints, you might dislike GNOME Shell even more  
than GNOME Flashback. Perhaps KDE would be better for you. (It wouldn't be a  
great choice as a default for Trisquel, however, given how heavy it is.)

If you do want to try KDE, you could try the "triskel" package, or there's  
the "kde-plasma-desktop" package.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Don't want Dnsmasq services

2015-10-22 Thread arielgnu
Many times I find my self sharing my Internet connection through Ethernet or  
wireless. So I really find this NetworkManager function very useful for me.

I'm not an expert so having it so easily available through NetworkManager is  
very good for me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I personally have never used this voting system. Specially because I
like mailing lists. :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Simply ask yourself: "Did I change something in grub.cfg?"

If so, "start a new shell to examine the situation", and COPY the
grub.cfg to the same place where it is, as grub.cfg.1.

After you're done, "install the package maintainer's version".

[Trisquel-users] Re : would anyone know of any online classes that i could learn more about linux?

2015-10-22 Thread lcerf
JavaScript minification definitely obfuscates the code (in particular because  
the variables are renamed with as few letters as possible): try to read !

Now the source code (the minified JavaScript is no source code!):

[Trisquel-users] Re : Bootable Ubuntu USB using Trisquel?

2015-10-22 Thread lcerf
100 times *slower* (in terms of throughput). For HDD disks. For SDD, it is  
closer to 10 times slower than RAM.

You usually need not execute 'sync': when you unmount a filesystem, it is  
automatically called (well, the corresponding kernel directive, not the  
userland command).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread john_harvey
I don't mind saying I barely know what a grub config is, and I would not muck  
with it on purpose. Therefor I personally didn't execute any changes.

So based on that I presume that the "local modification" noted is something  
that happened as a result of the updader requests in Terminal.

I just want the system to be up to date so I can get to work. So I should  
choose: 'Install the package maintainer's version", yes?



[Trisquel-users] Re : HPLIP Status Service box always pops up on startup

2015-10-22 Thread lcerf

Anything related in your "Startup applications" (in the "System settings")?

Re: [Trisquel-users] would anyone know of any online classes that i could learn more about linux?

2015-10-22 Thread onpon4

^ This.

No one can read this kind of minified gibberish. What's more, it's not  
possible to convert it back into something readable. Indentation can be  
restored, but variable names are gone, and comments are gone. Not only that,  
even the structure of the program is sometimes tampered with, and that might  
be less clear than what is in the actual source code.

So yes, this is JavaScript code, but no, it's not source code. The definition  
of "source code" has nothing to do with the format and everything to do with  
whether it's actually suitable for studying and changing the program.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Time for Trisquel 7.1? Summary of various trisquel installations on different machines

2015-10-22 Thread lcerf
It is not like you cannot use your system during the thirty minutes of  

According to there is no Trisquel 4.2. There  
is Trisquel 4.0 and Trisquel 4.5.1. It really is not advisable to use those  
older releases: none of them is supported today! That means in particular  
that vulnerabilities are not corrected.

Use Trisquel 7 or (if for some reason you like older versions of the  
programs) Trisquel 6. Whatever the version of Trisquel you can update the  

The kernel is, alone, responsible for the hardware support you experience.

[Trisquel-users] Blocking traffic in port 53 prevents DNS leaks (or any kind of DNS traffic) ??

2015-10-22 Thread gnuser
Like I said, is blocking port 53 enough to prevent DNS requests on my local  
DNS? Or can somehow a DNS request be made through port 80/443 and lead to a  
DNS leak?

I have vlc set to use socks proxy in  which I do to use it  
through Tor Browser Bundle (using the Tor process that TBB starts). I am not  
certain if vlc will respect proxy settings for DNS requests, so I made a few  
tests closing port 53 on gufw. However I am unfamiliar with how Trisquel (any  
GNU/Linux distro actually) will handle DNS requests, and would like some  
insight from some more experienced users :)

Btw, I did the tests like this:

TBB running, vlc set to proxy, port 53 blocked, tried to access http live  
stream, and it worked.
TBB not running, vlc set to proxy, port 53 blocked, tried to access http live  
stream, it fails.
TBB not running, vlc not set to proxy, port 53 blocked, tried to access http  
live stream, it fails.
TBB not running, vlc not set to proxy, port 53 open, tried to access http  
live stream, it works.

lsof -i usually gave me the expected results too (vlc set to proxy vlc  
connects to 9150, vlc not set to proxy vlc connects directly to stream ip).  
That is a good sign right?

Sorry, I know this is related to general GNU/Linux firewall settings, but  
just Trisquel's, but since I am using Trisquel and some people here know more  
about this than me, thought I would ask :)

Thanks in advance!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread lcerf
My parents (for instance) do not want to install proprietary software. They  
want extensions for their Web browser though. They have no idea what license  
is free and what license is not. And I do not see why users who want to be  
free would have to know about licenses. With Debian, my parents would  
probably end up installing proprietary software (against their will!). That  
is one of the main reason why I installed Trisquel on their computers (not  
that I don't install Trisquel on mine!).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread lcerf

Go ahead.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP Status Service box always pops up on startup

2015-10-22 Thread gnuser
I have the same issue. I believe having a printer installed and properly  
configured will solve the issue, if you don't need it just unninstall it.  
Anyway, I think yes, we need a way to remove that warning :)

[Trisquel-users] Any of you get a Steam Controller?

2015-10-22 Thread tegskywalker
Any of you get a Steam Controller recently? For libre games of course, right?  

If you cannot get it to work, there's always  
without resorting to the non-free Steam program.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any of you get a Steam Controller?

2015-10-22 Thread nicolasmaia
Is there any libre game with support for a controller? Or do they all work  
with the controller by default? That'd be interesting.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any of you get a Steam Controller?

2015-10-22 Thread tegskywalker
The nice thing about the Steam Controller is that the left touchpad emulates  
the WASD movements and touchpad on the right will emulate mouse movement if  
you set the game to keyboard controls. Of course, you can use it as an Xbox  
(360/One) controller via xinput in the game options as well if the game  
supports it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updater Won't Update?

2015-10-22 Thread john_harvey


Thanks all. After I ran the sudo update command once more all seems fine and  
updated, and the graphical updater now shows no updates in queue.

Very MUCH appreciate the generous time you put in to help me through these  
small obstacles.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to GoogleBeast Calendar That Works with Evolution (or IceDove/ Lightening)

2015-10-22 Thread strypey
I have looked at ownCloud, but it seems to have been removed from the repos  
due to some serious security issue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another bug in Evolution 3.10.4

2015-10-22 Thread strypey
Are you telling me that Trisquel provides Evolution as the default desktop  
email application, but doesn't provide these dependencies with it? *facepalm*  
This was never a problem in Toutatis, and is one of a number of issues which  
need to be addressed in a 7.1 release ASAP.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cognitive ease and free software

2015-10-22 Thread strypey
I just want to +1 the issue that OP brings up. I'm now an experienced  
GNU/Linux user. I'm still far from being a UNIX greybeard, but I have made a  
commitment to using only free code if humanly possible. I'm willing to put up  
with a certain amount of broken software, confusion, and filing bug reports,  
as an investment in a future where everyone can use nothing but free code.

In my experience of arguing for adoption of free code software though, the  
"open source" people appear to be right about one important thing: most  
people's primary software concern is that it helps them get their work done,  
and doesn't sabotage and distract them. Even once they start to understand  
software freedom issues, they're just not willing to trade a computer that  
works ok for one that doesn't. I wrote this satirical blog post summing this  
up just before I first tried Trisquel:

There is still proprietary software in the world, not because proprietary is  
what people *want*, but because proprietary software companies at least give  
the appearance of *listening* to what people want, and offering it. If we  
seriously want people to shift to GNU/Linux - and particularly to an  
FSF-endorsed distribution like Trisquel - we *must* do everything we can to  
make the experience at least as user-friendly as Windows or OSX, and ideally  
more so. That applies to the quality and reliability of the software provided  
(in the core distro and in the repos), the user manuals and documentation  
provided, and the friendliness and helpfulness towards beginners on user  
forums like this one.

Obviously this is not just up to the Trisquel community. It's something the  
whole software freedom movement must take seriously if we actually want  
people to change their software use habits. Of course, if we just want to  
remain a marginalized minority, and feel superior to other people, we can  
just keep retreating to the claim that ethics are more important that  
software that works, and sneering down our noses at people who prefer a GUI  
to a terminal. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another bug in Evolution 3.10.4

2015-10-22 Thread strypey
On a related note, I have installed IceDove to see if it is more stable and  
reliable than Evolution. When I opened IceDove, it offered to set me up a new  
email address with "". Is this an email provider endorsed by the  
FSF, or was this mistakenly not removed from ThunderBird when creating  

[Trisquel-users] Are you in Europe? Save the Internet : Final Countdown to Save the Internet in the EU Begins

2015-10-22 Thread chris

Net neutrality in the EU is only a few amendments away!

Final Countdown to Save the Internet

More info:

[Trisquel-users] Re : Libre alternative to GoogleBeast Calendar That Works with Evolution (or IceDove/ Lightening)

2015-10-22 Thread mtlben
Nobody was maintaining the ownCloud packages in the universe repo, so the  
ownCloud team itself asked Ubuntu to remove them rather than letting people  
install packages with known security issues.  The correct way to install  
ownCloud on Ubuntu or Trisquel is to use the official ownCloud ppa (which by  
the way was just moved from opensuse's build service to a new place):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any of you get a Steam Controller?

2015-10-22 Thread jadedml
Off the top of my head, SuperTuxKart, Freedoom, and pretty much every  
emulator support controllers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cognitive ease and free software

2015-10-22 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

I also dislike having to use alt to get all the options.

I believe a major reason for choosing the flashback was that it doesn't need  
hardware 3D acceleration. (And certainly you can do it in software but then  
your poor CPU will get so hot and your fans will spin till your ears bleed.)

I think defaults matter alot and even all these little wrinkles should be  
smoothed out too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cognitive ease and free software

2015-10-22 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

I think this is a great article in this vein