[Trisquel-users] Re : Automation, free software and moral duty

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf
Your examples are patents on software or processes. No doubt those patents  
(illegal in most jurisdictions: in the EU, in China, in India, in Brazil,  
etc.) work against innovation. However, I am not sure that statement can be  
generalized to any type of patent. In fact, patents were introduced as an  
alternative to industrial secret, so that knowledge is spread across the  
whole society after twenty years of monopoly. And patents on physical systems  
are to be specific and worded in precise terms (e.g., the "best mode" in US  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weather "applet" in Panel not working

2016-10-08 Thread dguthrie

why not just research yourself and try out different weather applets?
this is just some shitty forum off the internet

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread dguthrie
block nonfree websites? how do you plan to do this? if you mean librejs, you  
will be doing people a disservice because tor browser is designed to be  
anonymous - running arbitrary code (you can never check what the "free" sites  
are actually sending you) removes anonymity!
"Hint: if non-free software > free software, we should not use a software at  
all… because free software can be destroyed by a non-free worm." - what  
does this even mean? it is really unlikely you will get malware if you take  
sufficient precautions.
this seems like it will cause significatly more problems than it is designed  
to solve

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread dguthrie

duckduckgo can be used without javascript

Re: [Trisquel-users] Automation, free software and moral duty

2016-10-08 Thread bernardlprf
Wel has far has I understand patents, they can apply to anything, it  
unrealistic but it is how it works.

A few years ago someone wanted to show the absurdity of the system by  
patenting snowmen’s and he actually got the patents to it.

In some case you don't patent the product itself but the means of making it  
or using it.

For example someone patented in texas how to connect to wifi, not the  
technical aspect but how a normal users clicks on a certain window and then  
insert the password etc...

This shows how absurd patents are.
see this (sorry for youtube)

A other aspect of patents is for the future, the problem is that since  
patents and industrial secrets tends to monopolize knowledge, in the end it  
only crushes the little of free market that can exist and only amplifies  

We are losing knowledge in general instead of it expanding it.

Once I thought that patent problem could be resolved by using a special kind  
of patent that would legally enforce a company to share their advancements  
related to the use of the said patented object, but you can go easily around  
it, plus if you don't have a lot of money you can't do anything to protect  
the sharing perspectives introduced in it.

[Trisquel-users] Re : DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf

Ever heard of "freedom of expression"?

You clearly show us, over and over, that you do not know what free software  
is (Internet is a network: it cannot be free or non-free), that you know  
little about security and privacy, and, I guess, that you probably cannot  
even program (any reference?).

[Trisquel-users] Re : New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf

Can I distribute Uplink (open source but non-free computer game (...))

Uplink is neither (OSI) "open source" nor (FSF) free software.

The only situation when I can distribute open (non-free) software is ignoring  

You are wrong. The very first point of the "open source" definition actually  
is about "free distribution" (that the license "shall not restrict"):  

In practice, almost all programs under an "open source" license are "free  
software" (the FSF and the OSI disagree on a couple of unpopular licenses).  
The main difference between the terms "free software" and "open source" lies  
in the defended values:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Scratch discussion: delete or not?

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf
Do a background check on each and every developer behind the software you  
use, if you wish. I simply thank them for developing free software...

Why does the kernel enter this discussion?

[Trisquel-users] Re : DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Yes, my main language is Russian.
0. Block non-free websites
1. If the Internet is non-free (the non-free software installed to the  
largest Internet providers) and spying, we must to fight with the non-free  
software using my secret project.
I can tell info, but not now. I need to use very secure system over Tor, SSL,  
OTR/PGP and other security. My provider shouldn't receive more info. I talked  
with my friend using unencrypted chat, but I cannot publish my plans because  
provider can think "I'm just an idiot" now, but if i publish it and start  
After some months you can write me an PM. I will send info how to contact me  
using encrypted chat.

My project will be released into Internet for fighting non-free software.
But I think, I don't need to trust people. They can ruin my life.
Hint: if non-free software > free software, we should not use a software at  
all… because free software can be destroyed by a non-free worm.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread shiretoko
Sorry, but what you're saying is completely twisted and confusing - I can not  
make any sense out of it, and I doubt that it's just because of a language  
Releasing Tor Browser (which is already released), non-free internet,  
blocking some websites, mysterious secrets you cannot tell

it just blows my mind.
What do you actually want to say and why?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weather "applet" in Panel not working

2016-10-08 Thread tesseract

Anything? Anyone? Ferris? Ferris Bueller?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread legimet . calc
The NC licensed tracks and arenas are not included in SuperTuxKart; they are  
part of a separate gift package and are not included in Trisquel. The STK  
team is not violating any license because the copyright holder can do  
whatever they want.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread legimet . calc
I remembered this gem:  

Turns out it's the same user!

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

I will include GNU addons.
I will change default setting for maximal security.
I will modify SafeBrowsing & make FreeBrowsing mod (with database. First  
websites to block:

*github.com (but free mirror (readonly code access only) will be available)
*nsa.gov (you must know why)
*microsoft.com (too)
*dvdcca.org (or not to block?)
nonfree.example.com (just for test)
*introversion.co.uk (and other sites with Introversion Software)
*battle.net and *blizzard.com (too)
*.gov (or not?)
I maybe will develop a secret project for fighting non-free software. It is  
secret, do not ask info (I can tell info after connecting my VERY secure  
Hint: what will happens if Internet will be non-free? We will finish using  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Scratch discussion: delete or not?

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko
Ok, this versions are free. But can we trust people that created non-free  
version before?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Mistake. Yes, CC-BY-NC-SA.
SuperTuxKart team SELLING gift under license NC?
Can I distribute Uplink (open source but non-free game) without reading the  
license? NO

Can STK team sell NC licensed data? NO

[Trisquel-users] Re : Forum request: signatures

2016-10-08 Thread fredo
Ok, I checked what you did SuperTramp83 and there is nothing to add to your  
english version.
On the french side we have this page https://trisquel.info/fr/faq wich cannot  
be edited. Any idea about how to do it ? Must we contact a webmaster ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf
stas730 basically only comes here to pretend he discovers freedom issues in  
some program: https://trisquel.info/fr/users/stas730/track

He never gives any good explanation and his denunciations never turn out to  

By the way, it is not the first time he imagined issues with Ryzom:  

onpon4's reply is excellent (as always):
You're such an insane ideologue and zealot. Would it hurt to think about  
actual reasons to be opposed to things, and maybe choose not to oppose  
perfectly benign things from time to time?

Ryzom is entirely libre. Not only has the client code (the only code that  
would run on your computer) been released, even the server code has been  
released, and all of the game's media has been released, all under libre  
licenses. Ryzom is the pinnacle of perfection when it comes to ethics!


[Trisquel-users] Re : PayPal !!! ?

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf
You can donate bitcoins (what raises other issues such as tax evasion) or  
using a wire transfer. See "Alternative payment methods" on  

[Trisquel-users] Re : DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf
DRM always is proprietary software. Disabling JavaScript, sending an empty  
user agent, ... would make fingerprinting far easier, i.e., would work  
against the "anonymity" goal. "Safe Browsing" does not "block non-free  
content". It protects against malware, such as phishing thank to information  
from... Google:  

For anonymity, the Tor Browser is, today, the best. It is clear from what you  
write that you would not do better. To not execute proprietary JavaScript, an  
alternative to disabling JavaScript is the LibreJS extension. It is enabled  
by default in GNU IceCat, which also has its own 100% free add-on site.  
IceCat's default security and privacy are better than Firefox's too  
(HTTPS-Everywhere, SpyBlock, some fingerprinting countermeasures).

As for GCC, it can compile itself but other C++ compilers can compile it as  
well. That conceptually only pushes the problem further. However, the very  
first compiler for a language can be written in another language (including  
assembler) and there is the bootstrapping technique, which is very popular:  

Anyway, I do not understanding why compiling with GCC would be a relevant  
requirement (e.g., LLVM is free software too). Anyway, Firefox usually is  
compiled with GCC.

[Trisquel-users] Re : DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf
As far as I know, my browser does not run any proprietary software (e.g.,  
JavaScript) when searching the Web from https://duckduckgo.com/html

I do not execute the code to crawl the Web, order the results, etc. And I am  
not even sure that code is proprietary. If the company behind DuckDuckGo is  
the only user of that code, then it trivially is free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread legimet . calc
CC-BY-NC isn't used for anything included in the game; all of the assets are  
free. There is an extra gift pack under CC-BY-NC containing tracks/arenas  
that have not yet been included in the game. Once those tracks are included  
in the game, they will be released under a free license.


[Trisquel-users] Re : How can we contact the Trisquel Team ?

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf

Again: try the #trisquel-dev channel of irc.freenode.net.

[Trisquel-users] Re : New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf
STK's code is all under the GNU GPLv3. As far as I understand, CC BY-NC is  
only used for some of the textures, models, sounds, music, etc., i.e., purely  
artistic works. Many of us do not object to CC BY-NC when it applies to  
non-functional works.

What is wrong about Ryzom?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Scratch discussion: delete or not?

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf

In English, https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.en.html#Scratch reads:
Scratch 1.4 license: This is not a free software license because it does not  
allow commercial redistribution. In addition, condition 4 substantively  
restricts the functionality of modified versions. Newer versions Scratch  
software are distributed under the GNU GPL, but some of those newer version  
we do not recommend, because they depend on the proprietary software, Adobe  

Since "newer versions Scratch software are distributed under the GNU GPL",  
there is no "need to delete Scratch in Trisquel 8.0" like you ask for. Of  
course, Trisquel will never include one of the versions that "depend on the  
proprietary software, Adobe Air".

[Trisquel-users] Re : PayPal !!! ?

2016-10-08 Thread universlibre

Can you tell us more about that ? What's wrong with Paypal ?

[Trisquel-users] Mirror problems

2016-10-08 Thread jbahn
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but the download mirror  
for 'Germany (GNU Denmak)' doesn't work.

Abrowser can't finde the server...


[Trisquel-users] PayPal !!! ?

2016-10-08 Thread jbahn
Why on earth is the Trisquel community using PayPal? Aren't we working for a  
free and democratic world? I know I am!

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

I want to release TorFree Browser.
- No DRM (if it is closed source, otherwise warning user "There is a DRM  
- Maximal security by default (disabled JS, cookies, safebrowsing is enabled,  
but not Google, my own website). Images… disable or not? Fully disabling,  
not partially.
- Windows 7 user agent… or "HIDDEN" or just not sending user agent if  

- FREEDOM: blocking non-free content with safebrowsing
- Anonymity
- Based on Tor Browser Bundle
- Compiler: GCC… stop. How GCC compiled if written on C?
- TorFree CA. Or other gratis EV CA in Tor network.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How can we contact the Trisquel Team ?

2016-10-08 Thread universlibre
What can we do when we send a mail to whole the Trisquel team and we get any  
answer ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread greatgnu

> DuckDuckGo is non-free. YaCy is free

Yes. We know.

> I will release my own browser soon (or not?).


Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum request: signatures

2016-10-08 Thread greatgnu

Translation was submitted -> https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/new-user-q

Everyone is invited to add/remove/modify/suggest/
If there are any errors please correct them. I think we should add to the  
list of common new user questions. I plan to, in the next days. You are  
invited to do so as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] libreCMC Router

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

TP-LINK W8901G/N. Unsupported. :(

[Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko
DuckDuckGo is non-free. YaCy is free. Please, delete all bad functions from  
browsers and change it with free. I will release my own browser soon (or  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Scratch discussion: delete or not?

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Remove Scratch versions with this licenses (if exists).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Scratch discussion: delete or not?

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Wait for my new post.

[Trisquel-users] New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko
CC-BY-NC broken the SuperTuxKart game in new versions. The early access  
tracks license is CC-BY-NC. The STK is broken. DO NOT UPGRADE.
P. S. My laptop not supports those versions. Broken (black) texture near the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] New STK versions are broken with CC-BY-NC license.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Additional about games: NEVER add Ryzom to the repos.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can we contact the Trisquel Team ?

2016-10-08 Thread lcerf
The best way to chat with quidam (Trisquel's leader, who does most of the  
work by himself), aklis, david, etc. is through IRC on the #trisquel-dev  
channel of irc.freenode.net:  

Development happens on https://devel.trisquel.info/groups/trisquel

for contributing.

The technical work you would do would most likely deal with package helpers:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How can we contact the Trisquel Team ?

2016-10-08 Thread greatgnu



Re: [Trisquel-users] Hardware Parts

2016-10-08 Thread greatgnu

I really like Links 2.13. I's an excellent browser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How can we contact the Trisquel Team ?

2016-10-08 Thread universlibre

Who are people in Trisquel Team ?

[Trisquel-users] How can we contact the Trisquel Team ?

2016-10-08 Thread universlibre
How can we contact the Trisquel Team ? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] How can we contact the Trisquel Team ?

2016-10-08 Thread universlibre

How can we do for help them ?