Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing R from source

2016-11-22 Thread asn


Thank you for the help! I already saw this link but I wrote badly the  
instruction to make the soft link. The correct one is:

# ln -s /home/asn/R/lib/R/lib/ /usr/local/lib/R/lib/

Now it works.

Thank you!


Re: [Trisquel-users] What other forums so you use and recommend?

2016-11-22 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

M$ has obviously understood that free software is a force to contend with.

"First they ignore you, then they fight you, then you win."
(--attributed to Gandhi)

And they've picked up their weapon of choice, FUD, like so often before.,_uncertainty_and_doubt#Microsoft

So they indeed do get much better along with "Linux" and "open source" than  
GNU/Linux and free software and spread disinformation to keep the more potent  
stuff hidden away from the masses. This is why it is so important that we who  
know use the proper language and try to educate others.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing R from source

2016-11-22 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
I think it's that home prefix that means the file is elsewhere. How to fix  
that smoothly I don't know. Maybe you can specify somewhere in rstudio that  
you used such a home prefix for R. Or a dirty and dangerous solution could be  
copying the file over. Note that this could lead to problems because now this  
file would never get updated for one thing...

Does this help?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Not booting properly (messages not displaying correctly)

2016-11-22 Thread lcerf
Do you now if you get stuck at GRUB or after it (when the Linux kernel  
boots)?  In the latter case, reinstalling GRUB is useless.

Once "stuck", can you log into a text session after typing Ctrl+Alt+F2 (what  
would indicate a sole graphical issue)?

If you cannot, have you tested your RAM with "memtest86+"?

[Trisquel-users] Re : External HDD preparation best practices

2016-11-22 Thread lcerf

We are not talking about a disk that will contain a operating system, right?

To organize the files there is something called directories (aka folders),  
which do not bring any partitioning issue.  File searches can be restricted  
to a directory.

One directory can be for the backups, e.g., with Trisquel's "Backups" tool in  
the "System Settings".  However the backups may end up occupying the whole  
disk.  "Backups" does that (and automatically removes the older versions of  
the files when there is a shortage of space).  That said, since it backups in  
an incremental way, it may take quite some time to fill up the whole disk.   
Well, it depends on how much data you back up and how often those files are  

Anyway, backups may end up filling the whole partition (it is "normal"), it  
makes sense to have a separate (and large enough) partition for files you  
want to carry, besides the partition (the rest of the disk) for the backups.   
And I am talking of backing up files from another disk (and the external can  
be backup on the other disk: "cross backups").  Indeed, although you can  
backup on the same disk, it is not particularly safe: the disk (the hardware)  
can fail, suffer from an accident (it falls), it can be stolen, etc.  In such  
eventualities, the data on all partitions are lost at once.

Modern filesystems do not suffer from fragmentation problems until they are  
almost full.  You can choose any filesystem and they will be readable from  
any operating system with a kernel that supports the type of the filesystems.  
 XFS is often said to more efficiently deal with large files (megabytes  
already is considered large).  However XFS cannot be shrunk.  That would be a  
problem is you choose to have several partitions but oversize a partition  
with an XFS filesystem and need more space for another partition.  Btrfs is  
efficient but it still is rather new: the probability to lose data, although  
very small, is higher than with a more mature filesystem type such as ext4.   
That said, it is users people do not adopt Btrfs that it keeps on suffering  
from this novelty issue (it actually is not that new anymore).

So, if I were you, I think I would go with two partitions: one for files to  
carry (I do not know how much you want to carry but you had better  
over-dimension than under-dimension that partition) and the other partition  
(the rest of the disk) dedicated to the backups.  Both can be formated in  
ext4 but you may prefer NTFS for the first partition (so that you can share  
files with Windows users).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel netbook (mini) version

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist

I wonder if this might help you?

Read carefully though before implementing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Not booting properly (messages not displaying correctly)

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist

Oh I see, you have a modern laptop, not old desktops like I have.

Have you considered just reformatting and doing a fresh install again?  That  
also has "fixed" weird issues for me when an install stopped working  

I wonder if using the mini desktop environment would be better for you, if  
for some reason the graphic subsystem doesn't like the GNOME 3 derivative the  
"standard" version uses?

[Trisquel-users] Installing R from source

2016-11-22 Thread asn

Hi all,

Has anyone tried to install R ( from source?

I've followed the following:
# tar -xzvf R-3.3.2.tar.gz
# ./configure --prefix=/home/asn/R --enable-R-shlib=yes --with-readline=no  

# make
# make install

Everything ok. However, when I install and run rstudio  
(, it says that:
"R shared library (/usr/local/lib/R/lib/ not found. If this is a  
custom build of R, was it built with the --enable-R-shlib option?"

I've tried to make some soft link to the path from above with a path with the file and it does not work.

Has anyone experienced anything similar?

thank you!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread megver83

Sent from 2 of my emails!

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel netbook (mini) version

2016-11-22 Thread vanarieleyen
I discovered this version is very suitable for my Asus eeepc netbook. It is  
running smoothly without hick-ups.

There is one issue that I want to have solved however and I am not sure how  
to do it.

I noticed that applications like for instance the update manager and synaptic  
are not granted SU rights and there is also not a password box popping up to  
ask for a password. As a result these apps start and die silently.

How can I make sure a login popup is shown when started? (the same behavior  
as synaptic and the update manager in Ubuntu)

Thank you

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread agullo
"All this to say maybe we need to donate more, they are not dumb, if they  
feel that people are donating from the Trisquel project oubviously they'll  
give more time to it in direct proportionality!"

It's not the money.  People sending the letter are not demanding any money  
from FSF.  Trisquel has its own bank account, and it accumulates about  
20,000$ in donations.  Trisquel can pay a developer... but that developer has  
got to be Rubén, and he has no time for Trisquel.  That is that needs to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Not booting properly (messages not displaying correctly)

2016-11-22 Thread rolandcoeurjoly
The machine is a Dell Inspiron 14-3452. I bought it September 2015. I would  
be very surprised if the problem consisted of something hardware, but I will  
try it. Thanks Fenderbassist!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist
Donated again, I wonder if someone should start some kind of crowd funding  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist
Donated again, I wonder if someone should start some kind of crowd funding  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread agullo
Sent one minute ago my own message. I had to entirely rewrite the text  
because it keeps speaking for many, which is something I cannot do - I can  
only speak for myself.  Also, less adjectives and adverbs (hooray!).

 Dear Free Software Foundation,

 I, as a member of the Trisquel community, am very worried with the  
current state of my favourite libre GNU/Linux distribution. There are no new  
releases and all ISO images date from 2014, resulting in an outdated  
distribution which lacks security fixes and up-to-date hardware support. Many  
important programs, i.e. Icecat, are outdated and missing security fixes,  
which generates distrust. In the last months I read about people shifting to  
Parabola, Debian or other distributions, for reasons related with the climate  
of uncertainty and the continued absence of the main developer, Rubén  
Rodríguez, whose job is system administrator at the Free Software  

 What worries me the most is the increasing uncertainty surrounding the  
next stable version of Trisquel.

 I think that you could and should help the community of Trisquel to  
strengthen and speed up the state of Trisquels development. I am convinced  
that such an user-friendly Ubuntu-based libre distribution like Trisquel is  
an important project, one that the FSF should prioritize. If we are objective  
and honest we note that unfortunately we can count with our fingers the  
distributions of GNU that are completely free, and the situation seems to be  
slowing down. Trisquel is needed to stand tall and keep delivering to new  
users an easy way to do their computing in freedom, while making sure at the  
same time that the relationship between OS and community, both developers and  
users, is solid, up-to-date, and the software is updated and secure.

 I hope you understand and share my concerns. Trisquel needs help. This  
is a request shared by members of Trisquels community, a collective instance  
from a community that loves free software and wants to make sure its future  
is as bright as we can make it.

 Ignacio Agulló from the community of Trisquel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Not booting properly (messages not displaying correctly)

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist
My apologies in advance, I'm just a hobbyist and not a professional.  I  
tinker with systems.  I wonder if any of these things might help you:

In the past, when I've gotten similar strange issues I opened up the  
computer, removed the RAM / data cables / power connectors, used a leaf  
blower to blow out all the dust, replaced the processor-heat sink thermal  

If there aren't any leaking capacitors

  I then re-inserted the RAM, reconnected the cables / connectors, changed  
the CMOS battery if old (just for its own sake), and rebooted to see if there  
were still any disk controller or graphic subsystem issues.  If so, I deal  
with them accordingly.

How old is your system?  Is it possible your HDD has issues / requires  

On one system (that I call Frankenstein) that my brother-in-law gave me, the  
hard / floppy / dual optical drives were all bad.  I wasn't sure about the  
controller, and I didn't feel like looking for compatible  
after doing all the above, I just put the OS on 1 USB flash drive and loaded  
7 other flash drives with media.  I use it as a stand-alone media player,  
given that I have 5 other machines that are networked.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tehnoetic X200 Tablet and T500 now available

2016-11-22 Thread tct
I forgot to mention that the stylus and touchscreen of the Tehnoetic X200  
Tablet with libreboot work out of the box in Trisquel (including pressure).  
It's a great laptop/tablet for designers, teachers, and team members. I've  
replaced my X200 with a X200 Tablet myself. :-)

And today we've also uploaded a first batch of pictures for our laptops,  
including for the newly added X200 Tablet and T500 ;-)

Happy hacking everyone!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread mappack

I sent mine as well, now.

Keep it up!

Re: [Trisquel-users] We are looking for SBC with following requirement.

2016-11-22 Thread shengshidianzi

We don't need following components:

mobile network (2G/3G/LTE)
rear camera
external SD card connector

Re: [Trisquel-users] We are looking for SBC with following requirement.

2016-11-22 Thread shengshidianzi
And We are looking after electronics company in China that could help us to  
develop specific CUSTOMIZED Android tablet. It should be tablet with  
following specifications:

• Custom casing (plastic housing adapted for our Fitness Product)
• WiFi
• Bluetooth 4.0 (4.1 or 5.0 which is coming soon)
• Front camera
• NFC (ISO 14443 protocol), the same protocol used in mobile phones and  
• USB interface – one host and device USB port. Android OS should support  
USB Host functionality and HID device functionality

• ROM memory – 1GB or above
• Internal storage – 4GB or above
• Screen size and resolution – preferably IPS 7'' and optionally 10''  
with at least 1024x768 (higher resolutions preferred)

• OS – 5.0 or newer

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread julian


To: info (at)
