Re: [Trisquel-users] New Trisquel 8 alpha images

2017-06-19 Thread mjmhogg5


the iso image is actually 2.1G.

You probably downloaded an incomplete image, as it had not been
completely uploaded by 2017-06-18.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-06-19 Thread mcz

So Libreboot most likely have something less than Coreboot (non-free).
Assuming this is the reason, yes Libreboot is a priority.
Are you sure that you ext. GPU is supported by free software?
For grub.cfg, try also your luck on #grub/#libreboot/#coreboot. Leah might  
know about it too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] a list of in fact gnulinux libre distributions?

2017-06-19 Thread fredo

Thinking about librepup using trisquel's packages

though it's probably not up to date  
(, one could use it to wake up an old  
computer and make it free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread info
That has been a reaction to the trolls' abuse of the voting system. As one of  
them admitted, "before, things looked quite the other way round." The  
discussion was back on track and more useful information about the T400s has  
been posted since, but they were hiding on-topic messages they didn't like  
and they were posting off-topic messages in their new attempt to have the  
whole discussion hidden (moved to the troll lounge - a subforum where they  
are top contributors, judging by the frequency their usernames show up  

We call on everyone to be on-topic when posting in this and other threads. A  
big thank you to the majority of the Trisquel community for helping keep the  
discussion on track and not feeding the trolls.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-06-19 Thread mcz

OK, some news:
the ASUS KFNSE4-DRE does run on one 6 cores CPU, contrarily to what ASUS's  
website states (I do have a rev 1.05G though but it's the standard version  
IIRC, stated as not being supported).

So make sure you have the exact same board as mine at least.

Plus the CPU fan (logically) makes much more noise, which makes me want to  
downgrade for desktop use. But at least I know I could give it a second life  
as a powerful enough server.

Last but not least, it seems Coreboot landed me in some "jittery text mode",  
going from SeaBIOS to GRUB was much faster, but the liveCD starts booting,  
it's a bit slower, and it doesn't go all the way.

So, back to 4 cores.
It seems it's still about missing modules regarding GRUB, so I'll try again.
But the difference between "coreboot without microcode updates" and Libreboot  
bothers me.
I've yet to make Libreboot really work (like booting the LiveCD, and not  
having an abnormally long boot time).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread david
There's a difference between some users using the voting system to express  
their individual opinions and several accounts (theoretically belonging to  
several employees of one company) mass-downvoting from the same IP address  
any dissenting view .

I'm growing tired of the name calling and other nonsense so please, to  
everyone involved, don't push things further.

[Trisquel-users] Re : SSD vs. HDD in Librebooted T400

2017-06-19 Thread lcerf
It is good to have swap: if a bug makes a program leak memory, the kernel  
will not kill a random process (well, there is a heuristic) once the RAM is  
full.  Instead, the computer will become unbearably slow (especially if the  
swap is on HDD) and the user has the time to identify and kill the faulty  
program.  Also, hibernating needs almost as much swap as the RAM that in use.  
 That is why you will often read to set as much swap as RAM.  I guess having  
the swap SSD makes hibernating faster.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread info
They work as a group and their track records in other threads prove this. As  
I mentioned before, this has been only a reaction. Also, it is completely  
false that we have downvoted "any dissenting view". We have used the voting  
system to restore valid posts that were intentionally hidden and to hide the  
off-topic messages posted after the discussion was back on track, which we  
assumed is the purpose of this voting system.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread david

I know exactly what everybody has done.
I don't want this to progress any further or happen again.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-06-19 Thread mcz
Some more progress: doing the old "unplug and hold the start button 30s" got  
me a nearly clean access to the liveCD (minus reloading some Mate apps like  
"show desktop").

Plus SeaBIOS chainloading GRUB was displayed on the external GPU!

But (the one and only but) launching the install starts for a bit, the the  
screen freezes. I reboot, and back to SeaBIOS/GRUB not being displayed, and  
no access to the LiveCD (like showing the desktop).

Trying again with that 30s trick, still the same display :_(

Any idea why? It seems unreliable/unstable.
But I'm on to something.

Also, it seems there's no kernel panic for now.
Maybe it has to do with this text-mode. I'm using a standard Debian LiveCD.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-06-19 Thread mcz
I've let it rest a bit, and managed to start the install with the LiveCD. I  
hope there's a way to get the text install from the LiveCD install (it didn't  
show the menu, but booted directly into the desktop).

Also it might be stuck during the install here (blank screen, only the mouse  
showing). Seems I'm not done yet.

And there's still Libreboot to try (if I can build it for a 6 cores CPU).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread greatgnu

>I don't want this to progress any further or happen again

Then remove the voting system, problem solved. It's useless bullshit in the  
first place. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread info

We are in agreement.


Re: [Trisquel-users] SSD vs. HDD in Librebooted T400

2017-06-19 Thread andre . buesgen

Thanks everyone for your input :-).
However one question just came to my mind:
What about full disk encryption?
I heard that SSDs don't like this because the whole drive appears as if it  
was full and that the SSD can't do wear leveling. Is there any substance to  

I will use the Laptop primarily on travels for work so i want the data to be  
I don't know much about hardware as I'm just a scientific software developer  
but i'd like to learn what you know :-D.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread shiretoko

I insist that you stop calling us trolls.
I expressed completely valid viewpoints, I did not elevate the discussion  
onto a personal level, I am not one of your competitors and have no reason  
whatsoever to be biased towards you.
However, I, as well as many long established members in this form (I just  
think of magicbanana, who gives excellent technical advice since years and  
years) expressed opinions that you did not like, and you just decided to  
abuse the voting system and hide those posts. This is a very shameful thing  
to do and not at all "ethical" - it's quite the opposite of what your name is  
actually promising. And it doesn't show a mindset that is oriented towards  
Calling us "trolls" is a personal attack and does not "keep the discussion on  
track", quite the opposite.
You're violating the community guidelines and should, in my view, apologize  
for your inappropriate behavior, at least you should stop.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread info
If only what you wrote was true. I won't go back to arguing with you, but  
I'll leave these notes:

> I did not elevate the discussion onto a personal level

You have: "Then he is constantly whining"

> I am not one of your competitors and have no reason whatsoever to be biased  
towards you.

You are biased: "like when he had this ridiculous avatar or was fighting with  
thinkpenguin". I care about ethics/freedom of *software* and I quoted Richard  
Stallman agreeing with me that EOMA68 computer boards are *not* libre  

> I just think of magicbanana

He is biased. He fights anyone who criticize ThinkPenguin (about LibreCMC,  
EOMA68, and even about labelling Ian Murdock).

> abuse the voting system

That has been a reaction to a previous abuse. "We have used the voting system  
to restore valid posts that were intentionally hidden and to hide the  
off-topic messages posted after the discussion was back on track, which we  
assumed is the purpose of this voting system."


Re: [Trisquel-users] a list of in fact gnulinux libre distributions?

2017-06-19 Thread eloi . igor
I like Debian, I really do. I don't like that thing about stability that  
makes you uninstal the whole DE when you wish to uninstal or replace an  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread calmstorm
Please, stop the madness.  I would like to support your company, but if you  
are in fact right, shouldn't you just let this go?

It takes more strength to let something go sometimes than to keep it stirred  
up trying to prove you are right.

Please do what I have asked for your reputation, the reputation of libreboot  
and the free software community which you love.

I really want to support a good ethical company. Don't get me wrong, I  
understand when people make mistakes, but this feels more like a rebellion.

By the way, You said richard stallman said eoma68 isn't libre hardware... I  
am just curious if I could see that information.

What you think you saw could be out of date...

Are you sure that it was after this date? if so, please show me proof I am  
very curious.

I will finish this however by saying, there is some blame to go around, but  
if you reject this message, I am going to sadly have to look elsewhere in the  
future.  I Wish you well though in other endeavours.

Re: [Trisquel-users] a list of in fact gnulinux libre distributions?

2017-06-19 Thread calmstorm
I don't like systemd, because it slows things down more than if you used an  
init such a runit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread info

I have posted this before:

On 28.08.2016 22:30, Richard Stallman wrote:
>   > But since FSF also encourages people to free the design of their
>   > hardware, wouldn't be important to tell them that if they promote their
>   > hardware as "libre hardware" they should distribute the free PCB design
>   > sources along with the hardware? Or to stop saying their computer is
>   > "libre hardware" until it actually is?
> Yes, and I am saying that to them.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread enduzzer
The day when he called Magic Banana "biased" was the eye opener for me. From  
then on, everything he said was baseless. I hear the chopper blades flapping  
against air on the roof top... His words hinge on air so to say -- the  
banality of detachment when he addresses himself as the royal "we".

[Trisquel-users] graphic intel

2017-06-19 Thread manhoso99
I have a doubt if trisquel have 3d acceleration support these processors with  
intel igpu

Intel i7-7500U Intel HD Graphics 620  I do not think ?
Intel i7-6500U Intel HD Graphics 520  I don't know ?
Intel i7-5500U Intel HD Graphics 5500 Maybe ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread shiretoko
> You are biased: "like when he had this ridiculous avatar or was fighting  
with thinkpenguin".

How does this quote prove me being biased? I observed your actions and drew  
my conclusions. "Biased" means already having concluded regardless of your  
actual actions.

Please learn this important difference.
Just because I (and many others) think that your avatar was ridiculous, it  
does not make me biased.
Just a side note: I never said that there are no freedom issues with EOMA68  
(i have no idea if there are), it was all about how you tried to convey this  

> That has been a reaction to a previous abuse.

Even if there had been previous abuse, it wouldn't have justified abusing the  
system again for your own sake.

But there wasn't any in the first place.
Unlike your well organized manipulation  using sockpuppets, the negative  
votes for your posts originated in a natural way without any organization.  
Individuals disliked your post independently from each other.

They were just unpopular.

> He (MagicBanana) is biased. He fights anyone who criticize ThinkPenguin
I won't dig into this any further since MB can speak for himself, but again,  
unless he actually receives money from or is good friends with TP, he is not  
biased just because he is in favor of them.

Your usage of the word "biased" makes no sense.

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphic intel

2017-06-19 Thread greatgnu


The last one is a Broadwell so it should work just fine.

The first one though is a Kaby Lake, it won't work AFAIK.

Re: [Trisquel-users] a list of in fact gnulinux libre distributions?

2017-06-19 Thread svhaab
It is an error to call only fsf approved systems libre. If you install debian  
and add no non libre software, it is libre.

Debian is the only non fsf approved distribution which provide
the option of a libre installation? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] SSD vs. HDD in Librebooted T400

2017-06-19 Thread svhaab
The internal ssd software may undo the effectiveness of the encryption. In  

Re: [Trisquel-users] SSD vs. HDD in Librebooted T400

2017-06-19 Thread info

In my experience, encryption on an SSD doesn't cause any performance issues.

I've been using full disk encryption (including /boot/) on my SSD for a year  
now with no problems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-19 Thread svhaab
The only exception to this rule to release everything in advance is the PCB  
CAD files for the Computer Card. We’re planning to release the PCB CAD  
files for the Computer card once sufficient units are hit

lkcl has made a reservation about the pcb cad files. The reservation could  
have gotten a more dominant place. Because of the reservation I do not think,  
lkcl claims something which is not correct.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread ariella
Minifree T400 Review! If pressed for time, scroll down to SUMMARY for bullet  

I've received the basic config model of Minifree's T400 laptop today and  
wanted to share some experience on the ordering, receipt, out of box, initial  
setup, and performance testing.

First some info on me so you know who had these experiences. :) I've used  
GNU/Linux off and on for work or home since about 2000. I'm no pro, but I  
know my way around and can install/config most things. My main build at home  
is a built-myself-for-the-first-time tower running an i5 quad core with Linux  
Mint 18.1 Cinnamon, and dual booting into Windows 10 to play Overwatch and  
ESO. I also have a 3 year old Lenovo G505s, one of those $400 intro models  
with an AMD A8 APU. It's literally falling apart lol. Entry level things are  
so plastic and creaky. It runs Mint 18.1 like a champ too, although  better  
with XFCE.

I'm new to Libreboot/Free software, having been one of the dullards who used  
to confuse OSS for FS. Not anymore. Having woken up and everything to  
liberty, security, privacy and wanting to get out from under corporation's  
feet, getting a free software machine was a great idea! I used Trisquel 7 in  
a VM for a while to make sure I could hit the ground running, and then  
ordered from Minifree.


The web store is easy to use. It's easy to choose a spec and get an order  


Minifree prefers bank transfers/wires, and mine only took 24h. On the  
downside, my bank charged a $30 transfer fee. Apparently there were other  
services I could have used like Transferwise that would have been cheaper.


Shipping time was within the policy document despite a big surge of new  
orders. Well done! Whenever I had questions about this, responses were quick  
and candid.


The laptop arrived very quickly. It was delivered over the weekend in like 3  
days. I'm amazed. I have an order from the UK for a game that is on its  
second week and hasn't arrived yet. Minifree sure knows how to pick the best  

Sadly, I got hit with a customs charge of $62 CAD. I don't know why given  
it's a used machine, but it might be because it came packaged with a document  
labeled "commercial invoice" and the box description was listed as "laptop".  
I have no idea how these things work. This T400 is from what, 2009? Would I  
have escaped the charge if it was listed, "used 2009 laptop" ? Dunno.

===Packaging and contents===

Perfect! Solid box, lots of big bubbles, new power cable. Spiffy.

Status of laptop upon receipt

You know, I didn't do enough homework. I thought the T400s were maybe 3-5  
years old, but they're about 8 years old, and the machine showed it. It's not  
bad though, just scuffs and scratches.

The cleanliness could have been better. There was dust and crumbs in all  
grooves around the touchpad and buttons. There were several short light to  
white coloured hairs on or sticking out of the keyboard (maybe a house pet?)  
and the surface of everything had a yellowish-brown film according to what  
came off onto the Lysol cloth I wiped the surfaces of the computer with. I  
got it all cleaned up in 3 minutes with a quick vacuming, some  
nails-in-grooves digging, and wiping, but shouldn't that have happened before  

===T400 build quality===

Fantastic. What a great design. They keyboard is much better than the later  
models I've used for work. The 4:3 screen shows the age of the technology in  
that you can sometimes catch the dottedness of the refresh rate but it  
doesn't bother me at all. Screen is bright and colours are great. No tint  


The CPU (dual core), HD (160gb 5400 rpm) and RAM (4gb) are perfectly fine for  
Trisquel. Everything is zippy. Boots really fast, apps are responsive, etc.  
I'm pleased.

The wifi card is troubled. I'm lucky to get 400 kbyte/s download speeds on my  
home wifi network. I don't know what's wrong with it. I plugged in my  
ThinkPenguin TPE-N150USB wifi usb dongle  
as something to compare to, and that little device gets 4 mbyte/s easy on the  
same wifi connection.

I turned off the wifi connection for each wlan device in turn and did wget  
tests. I did them a dozen times each just to make sure I wasn't happening  
upon load balancer antics, and nope, the laptop's wifi solution remains slow,  
and the USB dongle remained fast. The internal wifi has the specs listed on  
the Minifree store page according to command line hardware lists, so it's the  
right config. It doesn't make sense to me. I lack the knowhow to really  
troubleshoot it beyond bandwidth tests.

At any rate, I'll leave the ThinkPenguin dongle in and use that until I  
figure it out.


Do these ship with the original batteries of 2009? I can barely get an hour  
out of mine. Disa

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread info

Hi ariella,

Email me your order number and I'll ship you another battery. Regarding the  
wifi, I'm unsure; use your USB dongle for the time being, but if you'd like I  
can also send you a new wifi chip to install - with full installation  
instructions (installing it will not void your warranty).


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread ariella
Aw, that's very thoughtful. Let's not act on the wifi just yet. I want to try  
a few more things. As for the battery, there is a more urgent need for that  
and I appreciate the help. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] do you use tox?

2017-06-19 Thread d . a . capeletti


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread jabjabs
Thank you so much for doing this. Just ordered mine yesterday! Great to see  
these freedom loving machines getting some exposure. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread info

Thanks :)

I'll get your order shipped as quickly as possible.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread info
I was working on improvements to Libreboot's hosting infrastructure during  
the weekend, but my employee is working overtime at the moment so I should be  
able to ship out your battery soon.

I looked up my records, and I think I know who you are; I've added a note to  
my outgoing shipments list, telling me to ship you a battery ASAP.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread info
At the time of writing (20 June 2017, 2.40AM): we have 5 laptops packed, 7  
laptops configured (but not packed), and another 10 flashed. I'm working over  
the next few hours and my employee gets here at 6AM - if you haven't received  
shipment notification yet, you will soon.

We are indeed busy. I'll email you as soon as yours ships :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread ariella

That's great, thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread ariella
I've played with my router all that I know how to: changing to either B, G or  
N only modes, mixed modes, channel width frequency set to 20mhz instead of  
auto, tried different channels and the results are all the same with the  
internal wifi. Throughout those I gave the TP USB dongle speed tests as well,  
and it's holding steady at much higher speeds. So I can rule out the router  
as the culprit.

I've tried booting the T400 with a live disk of Mint 18 in case it had  
different drivers, but it loads the same wifi driver.

I'm next going to see if I can learn about configuration settings. Maybe  
there's something I can tweak. I've noticed others across the web lamenting  
about slowness for that particular chipset in different laptops, and for some  
a kernel update solved it, but those updates were for 2.6 updates, and this  
T400 with Trisquel 7 has 3.x versions.

Maybe it's just the nature of the thing, but can you do wifi speed tests on  
other T400s in stock to see if they behave the same way? I'm curious to see  
if they can beat 400 kilobytes/s download speeds. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread info
You should be getting speeds of about 20-30 Mbps or more, depending on your  
network, ISP etc

400Kbps definitely doesn't sound right