[Trisquel-users] Re : OpenVPN configuration problems (with NordVPN)

2017-07-26 Thread pinmaritim


Gnome System Log will give you realtime information as to why and how your  
VPN connection is failing.

Personnaly i have never had any issues with OpenVPN Network Manager on all  
editions of Trisquel 7, it simply works out of the box and ask's for your  
root password the first time you "import a saved OpenVPN configuration" wich  
is : ca.crt, ta.key, user.cert, user.key and the config file(OpenVPN Client  

I found this

[Trisquel-users] Guide: How to add Firefox to Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread william . lauritzen90

Hello everybody

If you don't like the default abrowser and wish to install Firefox. You can  
do it by adding the Ubuntuzilla PPA.

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com C1289A29

echo -e "\ndeb  
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main" \

| sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install firefox-mozilla-build

Optional: sudo apt-get remove abrowser

Firefox is free software how ever be aware that it may recommend installing  
non-free software.

Source: UbuntuUpdates https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/ubuntuzilla

[Trisquel-users] Re : Guide: How to add Firefox to Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread pinmaritim
I see no reason in installing Firefox in Trisquel and that for several  

Abrowser is a Trisquelized (by Trisquel's main developper) version of  
Firefox, + Trisquel does not recommend non-free addons.

Trisquel respects users freedom, please read this thread

Questions about determining what is free software

+ You can add IceCat (Another hardened Libre version of Firefox).

Re: [Trisquel-users] deb packages (software sources) for old versions of Trisquel?

2017-07-26 Thread jason

"how can I filter it by version of trisquel they were initially meant for?"

Use that aptmirror program I was talking of.

Or, if you really do insist on doing everything the hard and manual way look  
into http://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel/dists/ and pick a thing like  
dagda-update or dagda-security or whatever. Go into that directory, then into  
Main, then into binary-amd64 (or binary-i386 depending on what system you're  
using) and the click on Packages. In there you'll find package names,  
dependencies, file names (like Filename:  
pool/main/a/apache2/apache2-doc_2.2.17-1ubuntu1.2_all.deb) and so from this  
you can known to go back to the pool directory and find that file.)

If you want the source packages you'll instead need to go into the source  
directory instead of binary-amd64 (or binary-i386). Those are compressed  
(sources.gz and source.bz2) do you won't be able to view them in your  
browser. Instead, download the sources file and decompress it. An example: If  
you download sources.gz do gunzip Sources.gz and you'll have a file called  
Sources. Open it with your favorite text editor and you can review it similar  
to the stuff for binary packages although it's a little different in that it  
only refers to a directory within the pool directory and lists files  
separately like a .dsc, .orig.tar.gz, .diff, etc. You'd need all of these to  
compile the package.

This is the all of same stuff that your package manager would read and do, so  
doing through the package manager will be much faster so as to automate all  
of these things.

"now my question is: what apt string should I use in Software Sources utility  
to use http://mirrors.ukfast.co.uk/sites/trisquel.info as my source of  
packages in synaptic and other package managers?"

Use that very URL. You can use your existing /etc/apt/sources.list as an  

The things that come after it like belenos or belenos-updates or  
belenos-security or whatever correspond to the directories that you see here  

Then, things like "main" (or any other components) are named after the  
Release file after opening the belenos or belenos-updates or belenos-security  
or whatever directory.

[Trisquel-users] Hash Sum mismatch

2017-07-26 Thread admin

Dear Senior,

I am newbie. I have a problem like in this attachment. Can you help me to  
solve it? Thank you before.

[Trisquel-users] Installer trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread maska
Salve a tutti nonostante manchi da parecchio noto con dispiacere che  
Tirsquel8 non è ancora uscito. Ho testato in questi giorni la Devuan (ormai  
stabile) e mi è piaciuto molto il suo installer molto versatile. Sarebbe  
fantastico se si riuscisse ad inserirne uno simile sulla Trisquel. Mi ha  
fatto installare Devuan senza problemi con root criptata e /boot su su  
pendrive usb in maniera molto semplice e senza impazzire.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installer trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread maska

Scusate se ho postato sul forum in inglese è un mio errore.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hash Sum mismatch

2017-07-26 Thread albertoefg

When was the last time you successfully upgraded?

Did you installed anything since then?

Did you try apt-get instead of aptitude??

Did you do something to /var/lib/apt/lists?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Monitoring desktop temperature with Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread mcz
Necroing a bit, as I want to monitor my CPU temp and fan speeds, and control  
all that:
* I have 2 case fans, 2 CPU fans, and a GPU connected directly on the  
motherboard (+adapters on CPU fans for lower RPM/noise)

* I installed lm-sensors
* I configured it (defaults, and accepted the config to be written on file,  
then rebooted)

* I also installed xsensors (though I'll delete it later), and I have:
 + one tab named nouveau, called PCI/GPU in sensors on the CLI: around 66  
RPM, 1 temp (there's 2 fans, though it's most likely 1 plug).
 + one tab named called isa adapter in sensors on the CLI (a bunch of  
alphanumeric chars in xsensors) wchich has 3 temps at -48°C, and 0 RPM.

1. Which is which? I can identify the GPU, but I get only 3 fans for 2 case  
fans and 2 CPU fans.
2. the RPM numbers seem wrong (0 as all of them are running, and 66 seems  

So the first goal is to just get proper temp/rpm monitoring monitoring.

Once I have visibility, I want to install fancontrol, if I have to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Alpha)

2017-07-26 Thread noordinaryspider
It has Guix installed by default, for one thing, and all sorts of handy dandy  
tools for newbies who have never used Gnu/Linux before but are intelligent  
enough to learn with a bit of hand holding and learn more on their own once  
they get a peek at what all they fuss was about and why their mommies are so  
stubborn about joining the 21st century and refusing to buy a smartphone like  
everybody else's mommy has.

My live DVD is already in a box on it's way to my child, so this is just what  
I remember and why the first thing I wanted to do was post my review from it  
before even trying it any of my other hardware.

It just wasn't at all what I expected. It was perfect for my target audience  
of a well educated intelligent person who has taken a lot of crap IT classes  
and thinks she knows more than she actually does. I know one of the Uruk  
developers from way back and he speaks my kid's language better than I do.  
They're roughly the same age so that's hardly surprising, in spite of their  
cultural differences.

I expected the target audience to be a native Arabic speaker who didn't have  
much bandwidth and was getting a bit annoyed with the entire concept of the  
English language.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Uruk is still in Alpha, but I feel that Uruk's target user might be slightly  
different than Trisquel's target user, but language and politics have nothing  
to do with those differences at all. I've been wrong before, lol, but this  
fork benefits us all, imnsho.

I don't have a spare hard drive atm; I'll come back when I do and be able to  
go into more depth then. I'd love to see my (preteen) minor child take this  
one for a test drive and see what happens, but I, being poor, have only my  
dreams as William Butler Yeats would say.

Just a not exactly unbiased review. Short version is: I like it. Keep up the  
good work, Uruk peeps!

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU R IDE

2017-07-26 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I would also go for using it with GNU Emacs.

I recently installed GNU Emacs, Org mode, GNU Emacs ESS mode, and GNU R,
all through the GNU Guix package manager, and I'm really liking it. :)

Works amazingly well. :)

- [[https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno]]
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre, por isso não uso. Iguais a ele prefiro
  GNU Ring, ou Tox. Quer outras formas de contato? Adicione o vCard
  que está no endereço acima aos teus contatos.
- Pretende me enviar arquivos .doc, .ppt, .cdr, ou .mp3? OK, eu
  aceito, mas não repasso. Entrego apenas em formatos favoráveis ao
  /software/ livre. Favor entrar em contato em caso de dúvida.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guide: How to add Firefox to Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread albertoefg

Very good my friend.

I might add it also respects user's privacy.

As Firefox tracks the user by default.

So sad seeing this kind of posts here.

Perhaps OP might want to learn more about Free Software its meaning and what  
it stands for.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Guide: How to add Firefox to Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread pinmaritim

As Firefox tracks the user by default.
Spot on, albertoerg  ;-)

One can add that IceCat is maintained by Ruben Rodriguez (Trisquel's main  

[Trisquel-users] GNU Ring on Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread andre

Dear Trisquel users,

GNU Ring [1] launched. It's possible to download and install for Debian 9  
[2], but not for Trisquel 7. Any comments, please.

[1] https://ring.cx/en
[2] https://ring.cx/en/download/gnu-linux

Re: [Trisquel-users] My older X200 was unusable due to cigarette odor; no response on inquiry about the odor

2017-07-26 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
On the cigar odor removal: Let it under warm day with fresh air.

There are some cleaners that can clear the odor, but they do more harm
than good.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hash Sum mismatch

2017-07-26 Thread greatgnu
I think the easiest way to fix this would be to use the GUI to switch to  
another mirror (and then back if you so wish).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guide: How to add Firefox to Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread greatgnu
Each time I read 'PPA' my heart breaks and I get so sad I can not do  
anything, I just want to go to sleep. OP, you made me very sad :(

[Trisquel-users] The End of Flash

2017-07-26 Thread gpast_panama
It's only one small leap for computer freedom, but it's a long-awaited one-  
the end of Adobe Flash:  
To quote Adobe (in corporatese):

"Today, most browser vendors are integrating capabilities once provided by  
plugins directly into browsers and deprecating plugins. Given this progress,  
and in collaboration with several of our technology partners -- including  
Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla -- Adobe is planning to  
end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the  
Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any  
existing Flash content to these new open formats."

Re: [Trisquel-users] OpenVPN configuration problems (with NordVPN)

2017-07-26 Thread diego_public
Thanks for the info, I'll look at the system log and report back. I did  
follow the NordVPN tutorial, as well as a few others I scraped up from  
Googling around.
Something "ain't quite right" because I had it running on stock Ubuntu  
(albeit on a different machine).
I'll post back with what I find. Who knows, maybe the troubleshooting info  
will help someone else. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guide: How to add Firefox to Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread mappack
Firefox contains a proprietary DRM-playing component that is enabled by  
default. What is wrong with Abrowser? It's on the same version as Firefox.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU Ring on Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread mappack
It has been around for a while, I even managed to install it on Trisquel when  
it still supported Ubuntu 14.04. Unfortunately they removed that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] OpenVPN configuration problems (with NordVPN)

2017-07-26 Thread diego_public

Got it fixed, kinda.

It was my ROUTER. Yes, my home router between me and the internet was  
blocking the port or something. Not really sure, because I tried both TCP and  
UDP connections. I had made some changes a bit ago due to address some  
security issues, and I seem to have screwed something up.

Out of pure serendipity, I had to reset the default config just now. After  
router reset, vpn works again.

At any rate, the gnome-network manager still does NOT work but I can start  
the vpn with "sudo openvpn --config my.vpn.config.ovpn". I'll keep tinkering  
with the gnome tool.

Mangy Dog, when you "import the saved configuration", are you manually  
parsing out the CA, pasting/saving into a new file, and then pointing the  
network-manager to that CA file? Or is yours working by just directing it to  
the config.ovpn file?


[Trisquel-users] I noticed that trisquel beta is out.

2017-07-26 Thread calmstorm
I wonder if runit can be used instead of systemd. or if removing systemd  
removes everything,

anyone know?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I noticed that trisquel beta is out.

2017-07-26 Thread albertoefg

Systemd is gonna be really hard to be avoided.
GNOME and KDE are developing for it.

Even devuan took months to be released.

I don't think the amount of time and effort it requires is worth for a  
project like Trisquel.

With cares about easy of use for home and office.

Systemd works great for them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I noticed that trisquel beta is out.

2017-07-26 Thread calmstorm
I didn't understand the last two sentences, but to be honest, I don't use  
gnome or kde. They both are too much when it comes to how much battery life  
they drain.
Also, I use lightweight desktops. I am not sure what mark shuttleworth plans,  
but he doesn't seem to like systemd much either.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I noticed that trisquel beta is out.

2017-07-26 Thread noordinaryspider
My understanding is that systemd is so far upstream and gets its claws into  
so much that posts like this are just going to depress and distract Ruben and  
really should go in the troll lounge.

But what do I know.

It is also still extremely controversial and people can get stuck with the  
debating and things that can be done just don't get done.

Belenos uses Upstart. Flidas uses systemd because that is what is upstream.  
There are other distros that don't use systemd and other developers who care  
about freedom and are working as hard as they can as fast as they can.

Free Slack would be an option as would Parabola as would limping along with  
less-than-perfect. I don't like it either.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Alpha)

2017-07-26 Thread handala
I looked at the website but I didn't find much info.  I'm sort of getting the  
vibe that Uruk is a light weight (less resources)  version of Trisquel, with  
a Mate desktop environment and a couple of tools that simplify adding  
applications, etc for the new user.

Is that about right?

Also, when you say "political" Heather, what do  you mean?  Libre politics,  
or political politics? 

[Trisquel-users] Re : OpenVPN configuration problems (with NordVPN)

2017-07-26 Thread pinmaritim

when you "import the saved configuration", are you manually parsing out the  
CA, pasting/saving into a new file, and then pointing the network-manager to  
that CA file? Or is yours working by just directing it to the config.ovpn  

I import a folder containing : ca.crt, ta.key, user.cert, user.key and the  
config file(OpenVPN Client Configuration)

the authentification is by certificates (not by password as NordVPN).

Making a test from the https://nordvpn.com/tutorials/linux/openvpn/ ,one has  
to create the CA.cert file and point Network Manager to it (see screenshot  

Re: [Trisquel-users] The End of Flash

2017-07-26 Thread J.B. Nicholson

gpast_pan...@protonmail.com wrote:
It's only one small leap for computer freedom, but it's a long-awaited one- 
the end of Adobe Flash: 

I wouldn't get your hopes up about this.

Years ago Adobe said they had stopped working on their Flash player for 
GNU/Linux. Years passed and then recently they issued an update for the 
GNU/Linux Flash player.

We don't yet have a cross-platform media player that can do the major 
functions the Adobe Flash player could do. Some of the functionality we 
still need include:

- handling hoverable/selectable regions in an animation. In Flash one could 
make an animation such that the hover/click regions are not defined in some 
frames but exist in other frames. HomestarRunner.com, a cartoon animated 
entirely in Macromedia/Adobe Flash, used this.

- joystick and alternate device input handling. Some people made videogames 
with Flash.

I'm not saying anyone should promote or use Adobe's Flash player at all, 
regardless of how capable it was. Adobe's Flash player was non-free, only 
really worked on 2 OSes in its heyday, always highly insecure, and an 
annoyance for updating.

I'm saying one should acknowledge what functions Flash players had, and 
expect to scale back their expectations when porting a Flash site into a 
standards-compliant website that depends on HTML5, CSS, WebM, and perhaps 

Re: [Trisquel-users] I noticed that trisquel beta is out.

2017-07-26 Thread albertoefg

I like systemd though :) there are many reasons.

1.- I like that GNU/Linux world is becoming more standardized. When I started  
using it 2 years ago, there where a lot of init systems. Lots of default  
desktops. Lots of way to distribute software. Now suddenly everything is  
becoming systemd/GNOME/Wayland/Flatpak

This is so good. The power of the community is going towards making a few  
things great. Instead of a lot of "good-enough"

And I don't use GNOME. I use i3.

The other options will swill exist but the defaults are gonna be really good  
for the majority. Specially the new ones :)

2.- systemd has lots of great options and tools. It is not a init. It is more  
than that.
It might not follow Unix philosophy. But Unix philosophy isn't a law. And it  
has some flaws.

3.- It is so much faster than when I started with Ubuntu. My parabola boot  
time is awesome.