[Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread stone


How dangerous is javascript when browsing?

Does anyone in this forum browses the Internet with a javascript-disabled  

Or maybe you just disable it when you are visiting a website you don't trust?

What does the LibreJS add-on do?

Does it make web browsing safer?

Once I get some answers here I may understand Zeronet dangers [1].

Thank you.

[1] https://trisquel.info/en/forum/zeronet-and-javascript

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts about the impact and future direction of proprietary software and technologies of surveillance and control.

2017-11-24 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Here in the college where I study in Brazil I'm also doing some similar
effort, although I do this in college/university still.

Last year I made an edition of the Latin American Free Software
Installation Festival (in portuguese: Festival Latino-americano de
Instalação de Software Livre, FLISoL) in the city of Balneário Camboriú,
where I made a 40min introduction to free/libre software *philosophy*
and its members as important stakeholders for society and
sustainability. I'm not going to dwelve into how many people attended
the speech because what matters is the quality of the message, which as
far as I can tell was great. ;)

Next year I'll try to do the same, in the same college, if my time,
patience and money is found to be enough. Right now I'm struggling to
find a job or a way to receive money for the work I do as free/libre
software activist while still being compliant with local tributes/tax
laws. Donations and registering as an autonomous professional could be a
way, but I don't know how this works in case I receive donations and how
could I prove that these came thanks to my services. First I sought
advice from municipality's mayor/management office, but no single reply
yet, now I'm looking for other local organizations that might help (in
fact, I do have a list which I'll try to contact now, hoping that they
don't sell me "the next course that requires non-free software through
web browser in order to attend"). ;)

Finally, I'm also writing a Bachelor's degree final work on the subject
of university management, teaching-learning process and the
importance of free/libre software *philosophy* in these cases ([2]).

[1] .

[2] .

2017-11-24T01:45:53+0100 cont...@ikhider.com wrote:
> This is a good book on that topic:
> https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/fsfs/rms-essays.pdf
> People buy the things that fbit mentions because they do not know any
> better and/or conditioning. If part of the RMS' books can be distilled
> into some more digestable format to explain to people the importance
> of privacy and the four freedoms, things may change. This whole new
> technology is just that, new. It has not been legislated and regulated
> yet. Right now commercial enterprise does as they want with user data,
> this should not be so. Proprietary software is used for government and
> education. This should not be so. When you try to explain the
> importance of free software to others, their eyes glaze over or they
> ask, "can you install it on Windows?".  Even so-called sophisticated
> computer users and technicians who know better, buy these very things
> that violate privacy. Some do so automatically because everybody else
> buys it and advertising, others because there is money in it as a
> developer. The idea of FSF and Libre software usually enters people's
> minds when they reach university. By then, they have been
> indoctrinated into the proprietary stuff that it is tough to break out
> of the loop. Educate these ideas to youngsters, explain to them the
> importance of free software to a society that wants to be free. It is
> like educating the importance of taking care of the environment. Libre
> software and the environment should go hand-in-hand. Libre software
> ought be taught in schools and used as tools to teach
> with. Proprietary whatever has no place in government or educational
> spaces. Do we write to our senator to ask that Libre software be part
> of social fabric of our society? Perhaps now is the time.
> Time to take Free Software Free Society to primary schools, libraries,
> community centres and any other such civic engagment. RMS' book is
> still obscure and this should not be so. 

- https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
  instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato: https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno#vCard
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
  Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
  GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
  (apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread shiretoko
Proprietary Javascript is a way smaller problem than normal proprietary  
software for two reasons:
first, it is executed in your webbrowser, which puts it in a sandbox. That  
means that the webbrowser limits what javascript can actually do, and if your  
webbrowser is free software, everybody can check if it is really doing a  
proper job.
Second, most javascript code that you find on smaller websites is visible in  
your console, that means everybody can read what it's doing and in principle,  
every user can find harmful features and inform others about it.
However, it's true that bigger websites which rely more on javascript mostly  
minify and uglify their code, so you get a compressed and non-human-readable  

What you should be more concerned with is injected javascript from services  
like google analytics, since they can track you. I advice installing noscript  
and blocking those sites.

The functionality of the website you want to use will not suffer from this.

My personal opinion is that the fuss about non-free javascript is way, way  
too big and exaggerated.
Besides, javascript applications are most of the time deeply connected with  
the layout of the webpage and the server as a backend api.

Take both away and the code is basically useless because incomplete.
In general, it's way harder to apply the idea of free software on javascript  
(in websites) mainly due to those issues.
Writing a modified version of the  
javaschttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igDGkpTHuhkript of a website and  
sharing it with your friends? Maybe but difficult and mostly unneccesary.
Writing a modified version of the javascript code of a website and realising  
a modified version?
In most cases, that makes no sense since the website might change any day,  
making your code useless.
Again, big single-page-webapps which are running soley on the client are a  
different story.

Re: [Trisquel-users] raptor talos will make a lower priced mainboard, if you buy 10000

2017-11-24 Thread leestrobel
> It will be winded down such that it can work on a microatx mainboard which  
has lower priced electronic components on it.

I would be very interested to hear more specific details about how it would  
be 'winded down' and what that means. I.e. is it being clocked lower, or only  
2 cores are enabled?

> Raptor did not state an intel cpu, which would have an comparable  
performance. Only that the power cpu would match a x86 duo core cpu on  

As I said earlier in the thread, if this is truly the case then I think I'm  
going to have to decline to get involved any further myself. I don't really  
see the point of the project, as I believe there are already  
free-software-compatible mainboard options available that give that level of  
performance for much lower cost. I wish you the best of luck with the  
crowdfunding though, if you do pursue it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] raptor talos will make a lower priced mainboard, if you buy 10000

2017-11-24 Thread leestrobel
My 2 cents: I think you will have a lot of difficulty getting Raptor to do  
the crowdfunding on their website, seeing as they don't think the project is  
viable and they weren't willing to provide a firm quote. Although I guess  
there's no harm in asking.

Most crowdfunding sites that I've seen don't charge anything if the target  
isn't met, but that might depend on the terms of the site you choose.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advanced user/ beginner programmer wants to help trisquel to have an raspberry pi 3 release

2017-11-24 Thread leestrobel


I'm just a user, but the impression I get is that right now there are not  
many developers actively working on Trisquel. Those that are seem to be  
focusing quite heavily on Trisquel 8, which is being seen as a high priority.  
So, I think you will have difficulty finding a Trisquel developer that would  
be willing to work on a specific release for Raspberry Pi.

I haven't used Raspberry Pi myself, but I would think the main issues in  
getting Trisquel to run would be whether it is compatible with the  
Linux-libre kernel and/or the Libreboot firmware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-24 Thread leestrobel

I was being sarcastic about Bieber being cool, btw - lol! XD

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre (uncensored) DNS Providers ?

2017-11-24 Thread jodiendo


Yes, Opennic is all about public service and reliability not constraint and  
fiscal ionization. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-24 Thread leestrobel
That's a great video! Stephen Fry just put on a +2 Baseball Cap of Coolness,  
in my estimation :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre (uncensored) DNS Providers ?

2017-11-24 Thread jodiendo


 There is no available FREE openNic dNS service for your country, the closest  
is in Ecuador. You might want to star pinging  their DNS and try them out.


Re: [Trisquel-users] libre (uncensored) DNS Providers ?

2017-11-24 Thread jodiendo

I'm in the Philippines,  I use the Singapore opennic server for resolution.  
My isp locally is about 130 milliseconds, depends on the time of the day, but  
using the DNS for Singapore Opennic server my ping averages about 54  
millisecond it is superbly stable and encrypted, only the operators have that  
way for security purposes. (ns6.sg): 99.92% uptime

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre (uncensored) DNS Providers ?

2017-11-24 Thread jodiendo


If you need more help or questions about your DNS issues. Ill do my best to  
assist you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-24 Thread i_write_words

Good. I wasn't sure because I don't follow celebrity culture AT ALL. ;)

Beiber is sort of like Chuck Norris or Paul Bunyan in some circles--a  
hyperbolic urban myth to illustrate a concept and provide some much needed  
humour. I don't think I've ever actually heard his music.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advanced user/ beginner programmer wants to help trisquel to have an raspberry pi 3 release

2017-11-24 Thread i_write_words
I am also an in-between autodidact. This is mostly trying to remember what I  
read when I say that the Raspberry Pi has issues that we users aren't going  
to be able to deal with and this could end up as an exercise in frustration  
for you.

There are other single board computers that would be better for your project,  
but I don't think any of them are perfect. The laptop I am typing on had to  
have Libreboot flashed using a Beaglebone Black.

It's an eBay special so maybe it was really a Raspberry Pi, but the  
documentation recommends a different product and I've seen "consumer" type  
users complain about it in their blog.

It's a bit out of my own price range and technical abilities, but another  
exciting bit of hardware that is coming soon is the EOMA68:


The devs are very busy right now and all of us users miss their company, but  
there's a lot of good info in the archives, so enjoy the search feature and  
welcome here.

There's also some activism fatigue happening with old timers. Your writing  
style is very similar to another member who is needing to step back a bit. I  
hope you decide to stick around.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advanced user/ beginner programmer wants to help trisquel to have an raspberry pi 3 release

2017-11-24 Thread masonhock
In order for Trisquel to run on a Raspberry Pi it would have to include  
non-free firmware, infringing on user freedom and becoming ineligible for FSF  
endorsement. https://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/single-board-computers

The only libre replacement for the Raspberry Pi that I'm aware of is the  
Libre Tea Computer Card, which runs Parabola. Trisquel could run on an EOMA68  
computer card as well if it had support for ARM.

I don't know what all is required for Trisquel to support ARM. I assume it  
would be easier if the upstream Ubuntu version did, but as far as I know only  
Ubuntu Server does currently. The last Ubuntu Desktop release with ARM  
support appears to be 12.04

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fora few domains, my .htaccess file isn't effective at blocking them from access by my Abrowser

2017-11-24 Thread amenex

Continuing the saga ...

When I list an offending (hotlinking) domain in my .htaccess files as  
blocked, upon reload after updating the .htaccess file, the domain is about  
95% of the time promptly denied access, though I always have to reload the  
hotlinking domain's URL in order to see the effect.

Turns out that the [nonfree] domain management software on my ISP's server  
lists the domains that I have explicitly blocked in my .htaccess file as  
explicitly _allowed_ access, exactly the opposite to what I intend. That has  
been a known bug for a long time, dating back to 2010.

Therefore, the few domains who have been successfully bypassing hotlink  
protection when their domains' URLs are accessed from _only my computer_ (and  
no one else's !) are accessing my domain's images through my server's domain  
managment software and not through my domain's .htaccess file. When my ISP's  
support team looks at the hotlinking URL's they get a 403 error, just as I  
intend. When I look at the recent visitors access log for my domain, my own  
router's IP address shows a 403 error for every attempt to load those  
domains' URLs from whichever Trisquel installation I am running at the time.

Nevertheless, for these few hotlinking domains, mine appear to be on the only  
computer that cannot see the effect of denying access from those domains to  
my domain's image files. I have actually blocked _all_ access to my domain  
from those hotlinking sites by listing their servers' IP addresses in the  
"deny from" section of my .htaccess file.

On a first-order level, this shouldn't bother me, but if the hotlinking  
domains are loading malevolent script from the webpage that contains the  
hotlink to my computer when I look at my domain's hotlinked image, that could  
threaten the security of my computer.

George Langford

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-24 Thread contact
While many, including quite a few so-called celebrities use opensource  
software, they do not use free (as in freedom software) because they do not  
know such a thing exists. There is still the confusion between Libre and  
Opensource, which are not the same thing. We are still in the early stages of  
spreading the word, but Trisquel is helping make this easier. It is not easy  
to go Libre, lack of hardware (like if you are doing pro multimedia) makes  
this difficult, but perhaps we can pressure manufacturers to change. It used  
to be a big deal to even install Linux, now this is less so. We must Libre  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts about the impact and future direction of proprietary software and technologies of surveillance and control.

2017-11-24 Thread greatgnu

> Still I got this impression.

Yeah.. Old is who old does, remember!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread greatgnu
Judging exclusively from what I've read so far the situation is actually far  
worse than mate quantum describes. First of all, it appears that I would say  
99% of tracking techniques rely heavily on javascript, and by heavily I mean  
they will not work if js is disabled. If EFF's study on fingerprinting is  
correct we can safely conclude that javascript can give away so much  
information about your hardware as to, often, uniquely identify it.

This is privacy though, security is another thing. Well, it appears that  
again javascript is a quite large attack vector.
After all escaping the same origin policy or the sandbox is no science  
fiction and it has been done many times in the past. Fortunately your browser  
gets patched often against known vulnerabilities. Cross site vulnerabilities  
and forgeries can also be used. Noscript is an awesome addon for this. Buffer  
overflows combined with malicious scripts can pwn ur browsy. It doesn't  
happen often but it does happen.
Basically here it seems to me, and I might be wrong, you are trusting a  
sandbox with malicious software that can do a lot of harm to your browser and  
in some cases even more.

Besides, browsing the interwebs with js disabled is an awesome experience.  
And I mean it. I have been doing so for years (only few websites allowed),  
you would be surprised how much shit gets cut out and how clean and  
functional a website is (well, when it works :P), no crap, no ads, no  
slowdown, less fingerprinting. Why not?

Noscript is currently the only addon I have installed :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-24 Thread greatgnu
Well you beat me on that one, ur moar famous, I am just an amateur, I am  
wanted in only 2 states. I am persona non grata in 17 states though, I guess  
that makes up for something. :)

[Trisquel-users] Abrowser won't run Regexr

2017-11-24 Thread Caleb Herbert
I'm having issues running Regexr in Abrowser.


What could be going wrong?

Regexr is a free software web app for interactively exploring regular

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key: http://bluehome.net/csh/pubkey

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread Caleb Herbert

> How dangerous is javascript when browsing?

JavaScript is how a lot of people lose protection on Tor.

Personally, JavaScript programs have put me in the following situations:

  * unable to highlight text in article with cursor
  * unable to copy text in article with Ctrl+C
  * pop-ups
  * fan acceleration
  * kernel panic (I'm looking at you, Twitch!)

> Does anyone in this forum browses the Internet with a javascript-disabled  
> browser?

I do most the time.

> Or maybe you just disable it when you are visiting a website you don't trust?

Even if I can assume a JavaScript program is not malicious, I still
refuse to run it because it is proprietary software.  My only exceptions
are free JavaScript, job applications, and Reddit.

Also, if I just installed a new system and haven't bothered setting up
AVideo (youtube-dl without DRM or background JS execution) I will
temporarily use YouTube's proprietary embedded player if I'm certain the
video won't be blocked by DRM when I go to download it with AVideo.

More info about AVideo: https://notabug.org/GPast/avideo

> What does the LibreJS add-on do?

LibreJS is pretty neat.  It tries to automatically detect if the scripts
embedded in a page are under a free license.

Unfortunately, this only works on a tiny amount of sites, and even GNU
projects like GNU Taler have issues getting their site to pass LibreJS.

However, the practices required by LibreJS aren't just stupid
requirements of LibreJS.  They're actually probably the only way you
could legally distribute embedded JavaScript if it is under the GNU
General Public License.

In addition, it's really the only polite thing to do.  Everything else
on a website has copyright information at the bottom of the page, so why
do people just neglect the copyright information on embedded scripts?
It's only logical that there is a page on the site disclosing ALL
copyright info to readers, incl. copyright on scripts.

People may hate LibreJS because it does not work at all and probably
never will, but everyone should be telling site owners to be transparent
about the copyright information of the programs embedded in their pages.
Composing an email to ask about copyright is a lot more work than just
going to the bottom of the page to see copyright notices.

> Does it make web browsing safer?

Yes.  It prevents crashing from heavy web apps, and it limits what
Facebook and other malicious sites can do when you type stuff in their
forms.  (They can't use JS to log keystrokes you never publish.)

> Once I get some answers here I may understand Zeronet dangers [1].
> Thank you.
> [1] https://trisquel.info/en/forum/zeronet-and-javascript

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key: http://bluehome.net/csh/pubkey

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread Caleb Herbert

> first, it is executed in your webbrowser, which puts it in a sandbox. That  
> means that the webbrowser limits what javascript can actually do, and if your 
> webbrowser is free software, everybody can check if it is really doing a  
> proper job.

Security is not the same as user freedom.  They are both important, but
treating them as though they are the same will lead to incorrect

> Second, most javascript code that you find on smaller websites is visible in  
> your console, that means everybody can read what it's doing and in principle, 
> every user can find harmful features and inform others about it.

That's not source code.  Source code is the preferred form for modifying
the program, the same unmodified code that the author uses when they
write or edit the program.  Most JavaScript is minified and looks far
different from what the author has, and can require reverse engineering
skills to read.  

If that's source code, then a ready-to-run binary, assembled from
Assembly language, qualifies as source code, even though binaries lack
comments and variable names.

> However, it's true that bigger websites which rely more on javascript mostly  
> minify and uglify their code, so you get a compressed and non-human-readable  
> version.

When you process source code, it's no longer source code.

> My personal opinion is that the fuss about non-free javascript is way, way  
> too big and exaggerated.

It literally gave my machine a kernel panic.  You think that's not a big

JavaScript also prevents users from doing basic tings on their
computers, like highlighting text with their cursor while reading an
article.  A message popped up and told me "You can't do that!"  

We're not even talking about copying the text.  We're just talking about
selecting it with the cursor!  And if you turn JavaScript off, the whole
article is generated/pulled in with JavaScript and is not present in the
page source at all, so you can't read any of it.

That's not a world I want to live in, with DRM on simple web articles.

> Besides, javascript applications are most of the time deeply connected with  
> the layout of the webpage and the server as a backend api.

So?  That JavaScript is a client to their server software, and it should
be free software if it's going to run on my computer.

> Writing a modified version of the  
> javaschttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igDGkpTHuhkript of a website and  
> sharing it with your friends? Maybe but difficult and mostly unneccesary.

It is very necessary.  People modify JavaScript all the time to improve
user's lives.  Look at Reddit Enhancement Suite.

> Writing a modified version of the javascript code of a website and realising  
> a modified version?
> In most cases, that makes no sense since the website might change any day,  
> making your code useless.

What do you think youtube-dl does all the time?  And yet people still
benefit greatly from their work.  Do you think youtube-dl should be shut

> Again, big single-page-webapps which are running soley on the client are a  
> different story.

Those are even worse.  Those especially should be free software or
avoided at all costs.  Google Drive is the new Microsoft Office.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key: http://bluehome.net/csh/pubkey

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread masonhock

> They're actually probably the only way you
> could legally distribute embedded JavaScript if it is under > the GNU
> General Public License.

Onpon4 makes some good points on this here:  

> and it limits what
> Facebook and other malicious sites can do when you type stuff in their
> forms. (They can't use JS to log keystrokes you never > publish.)

I find this is the quickest way non-techie people that non-free JavaScript  
can be dangerous. It doesn't hurt to also mention that *what* you type isn't  
all a site can get from your keystrokes.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread Caleb Herbert

>  > They're actually probably the only way you
>  > could legally distribute embedded JavaScript if it is under > the GNU
>  > General Public License.
> Onpon4 makes some good points on this here:  
> https://onpon4.github.io/other/kill-js/

I agree with much of her article, but I think LibreJS still has a place.

Basically, people need to start working on extensions to operate
websites with the extension's JavaScript and not the site's JS, and
LibreJS can be used in emergencies when an extension hasn't been found.
The system's package manager (Guix) can manage extensions in the back

The LibreJS standard, as I mentioned before, is mostly important to
HUMANS: so regular people can look at the copyright info and go "oh, ok,
looks good.  I'll run those."

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key: http://bluehome.net/csh/pubkey

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread shiretoko

"That's not source code."
It's the code that gets executed in your browser, and again, for the  
average-joe website that just opens a dropdown menu or sends an ajax request  
to fetch, let's say, some posts from the database, this IS exactly what the  
author of the code wrote.

I talked about uglification later in my post.

"When you process source code, it's no longer source code."
Again, not every javascript code on websites is uglified or processed. Mostly  
the big common libraries are, like jquery, but they are all free software  

"JavaScript also prevents users from doing basic tings on their
computers, like highlighting text with their cursor while reading an
article. A message popped up and told me "You can't do that!" "
You could open the console and delete the event handler. Again, it's  
annoying, and I never claimed that website owners can't do annoying things  
with javascript. But why then even use their website?

The crucial thing to understand is that modern websites are not like normal  
programs. They consist of html/css markup, client side javascript and  
server-side api services.
All those things together form the experience of the website. Or you could  
say: it's composed of displaying/layout functionality, data processing  
functionality and the data itself.
We don't own the data, it's not ours. We can also not controll the server  
side processes nor own we the copyright for the layout/markup. Javascript is  
one way of how websites can annoy us or make the service a miserable  
Why was your website able to prevent you from marking the text? Because the  
browser is allowing this feature, and this may be indeed controversal.

"What do you think youtube-dl does all the time?"

Clearly not providing a modified version of youtubes javascript that I can  
run as a replacement. Otherwise I could load it in my browser and run youtube  
with the modified version. I can't.
Imagine all of youtubes javascript code - all the bits and pieces scattered  
throughout the dom - was free and you want to write a modification and share  
it with others. Good luck!
It's their right to change their DOM and Backend API every single day, it's  
not even unethical.
Then all you would go to waste (not that it was feasable to do in the first  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Abrowser won't run Regexr

2017-11-24 Thread lcerf
Probably an incompatibility with one of your add-ons (try to disable them  
half by half to find the culprit).  It works here.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread lcerf

See https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread Caleb Herbert
Hm, it seems we disagree on some basic points.  My work is done.

Re: [Trisquel-users] raptor talos will make a lower priced mainboard, if you buy 10000

2017-11-24 Thread onpon4

> I have a lenovo t400.

That's not a low-end computer. That's mid-range at least. Low-end, e.g.  
budget computers in 2008 would have used Celeron processors, which at that  
time likely would have been single-core. They would also only have 2-4 GiB of  
RAM, and around a 100 GiB hard drive.

The kinds of laptops you should be looking at are the $300-$400 budget  
laptops (sometimes as little as $200) found at Walmart and other similar  
stores. Those also include Chromebooks. I already told you that the SoC being  
used for the next computer card (yes, the Rockchip one) is actually used in a  
fairly recent Chromebook, the C201 (released sometime in 2015, afaict). In  
fact, this Chromebook is still easy to find new, so you could easily buy one,  
install Debian or Parabola on it, and see how well it works.

So, yes. EOMA68 will meet the speed needs of many people. That's what  
matters, not how they compare to the laptop you personally use. EOMA  
standards will cover this market. POWER will cover the higher-end markets you  
are clearly a fan of. They are separate and have almost no audience in common  
with each other, so they are not competing. This just doubles our chance of  
success at manufacturing libre software friendly computers.

> Because arm software is not libre software, lkcl can only get it by  
software error, reverse engineering or leaks.

No, this is not true. Please do not make claims about things you know nothing  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts about the impact and future direction of proprietary software and technologies of surveillance and control.

2017-11-24 Thread Cassandra of Troy
Certain words and phrases keep going through my head, like
"incarceration", and "cavity search", and "death by electrocution", and
you're asking me if I want to get out of this alive?? :/

> Still I got this impression.
> Yeah.. Old is who old does, remember!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advanced user/ beginner programmer wants to help trisquel to have an raspberry pi 3 release

2017-11-24 Thread sora
The raspberry pi sadly is not open hardware and it requires the proprietary  
bootcode to make it work. There are ongoing reverse engineering of the  
bootcode so let's just wait if it can be used as an alternative

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-24 Thread sora
anybody can Pocket be disabled completely it is annoying. also firefox 57  
addons are not compatible with the old firefox-es