Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread onpon4
Actually something of note: you can get "regular" Trisquel without  
reinstalling by installing the "trisquel" and "trisquel-recommended"  
packages. Do note, though, that doing this will cause both GNOME and LXDE  
stuff to be in your menus, which might be slightly confusing before you get  
used to it and remember which ones go where.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread onpon4
Hm... it looks like xbindkeys is more complicated than I thought. Probably  
not a good choice, then. Apparently it requires manually editing a config  
file, which isn't helpful since you can just do that for Openbox anyway.

Here's what you really want:

There's no Trisquel package, but it seems to be libre, and it's just Python  
so source code installation shouldn't be a problem. So download this:

Extract to your Downloads folder. Then open a LXTerminal, and enter the  
following commands:

cd ~/Downloads/obkey-1.0
sudo python install

After you do this, you should be able to run obkey by typing the "obkey"  
command either in a terminal or in the Run prompt. That should give you a  
reasonable graphical interface to adjust Openbox's keyboard shortcuts in.

Let me know how it goes and if you run into any difficulties! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Upgrading to Trisquel 8

2017-12-24 Thread leestrobel
I'm using it right now and it works. So, I am not sure what definition you  
are using for 'doesn't exist' .. ;-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel development questions

2017-12-24 Thread leestrobel
Ditto. I don't have any choice at work but to use the laptop they give me,  
unfortunately ... :-(

They have to fill it with all their corporate spyware, to make sure I am  
being a 'good boy'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Upgrading to Trisquel 8

2017-12-24 Thread calmstorm
Just gonna say something, its out of nowhere... but  

gnome 3 IS TRASH!

systemd is a dependency, number 1 and number 2 GNOME3 it is ugly and breaks  

aka not much stability. And besides that it requires 3d.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-24 Thread calmstorm

Lovely trolling. Jodiendo would be pleased!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-24 Thread masonhock
The Midori issue is probably unrelated. Is the only site you're  
having trouble with?

After changing 'video_player_selected' to mpv, (re)installing mpv, running  
gtk-youtube-viewer from a terminal, and trying to play a video, what appears  
in the terminal? Is it still 'sh: mpv: not found' or do you get something  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn


So I did that (twice actually) and it didn't work.
After I had run the upgrade my pc had to restart, and after the restart the  
Midori browser won't even open the Trisquel website (and videos won't be  
played in GTK). When I open Midori on the Trisquel website it says:

"Trisquel info/

Error granting trust: Couldn't find a place to store the pinned certificate

So now I am replying from the "Web" aplication instead of Midori.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to switch users without logging out

2017-12-24 Thread jason
I suppose it depends on the desktop environment. In GNOME you can Alt +  
Right-click -> Add to panel and find "Indicator Applet Complete." The little  
gear symbol on it has options for switching users.

But then again maybe you're not using GNOME. You don't really say...

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books? 2

2017-12-24 Thread funkymarxist
I use XDCC service on IRC to download ebooks. Also and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-24 Thread masonhock
Let's change it back to mpv. (In general I prefer vlc, but mpv is more  
reliable for streaming.) and make sure that mpv is definitely installed$ sudo  
apt install mpvand try again.

If it still doesn't work, run $ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade 'apt update' will update the Trisquel repository and any  
PPAs you have installed to reflect available upgrades. 'apt upgrade' will  
upgrade any upgradable packages you have installed. I should have had you run  
'apt update' after adding the PPA but it slipped my mind.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread masonhock
Okay, LXDE doesn't have a GUI for editing keybindings. You have to edit a  
config file.

(Lubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu with LXDE as its default desktop environment,  
similarly to how Trisquel Mini is a flavor of Trisquel with LXDE as its  
desktop environment.)

Your choices:

(1) Edit the config file. The Lubuntu instructions say that the config file  
is '~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml', but yours might be called  
'~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml' or something else with 'lxde' in the name.  
Note that '~' is your home folder, equivalent to '/home/[your username]'.  
Also note that files and directories that begin with a '.' are hidden by  
default. You can display hidden files in your file manager with 'Ctrl+H'. If  
you go this route, here's an explanation of the syntax.

(2) Use xbindkeys. The reason you couldn't launch xbindkeys from the menu or  
Synapse is that it has a command-line interface (cli) and has to be used in a  
terminal. I've never used it, but you can access some documentation with$ man  
xbindkeysand$ xbindkeys --helpWhen you aren't sure how to use a cli, 'man  
[program]' and '[program] --help' often can give you useful information. You  
can also search online.

(3) Switch to a different desktop environment. It seems that you don't find  
LXDE very intuitive. Most Trisquel users use GNOME, since that's the default  
in vanilla Trisquel, so if you switch to GNOME it will be easier for people  
to help you. It isn't that much heavier than LXDE, so it should still run  
okay on an older machine. It should also be easier to edit keybindings in  

If you want to try out a different desktop environment, first install it. For  
example,$ sudo apt install gnomeThen logout. At the login screen there will  
be a small icon near the login field. If you click on this you can choose  
from the desktop environments you have installed. You might see both GNOME  
and 'GNOME Classic' or something similar. 'GNOME Classic' is what you want.  
Then login.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn
Oh! Yeah! Thanks, pardon me, I was posting three-four questions at the same  
time and was not able to keep up. Excuse me for that, I have learned to post  
smarter from now on.

Anyway, thanks! :) much appreciated!

[Trisquel-users] How to switch users without logging out

2017-12-24 Thread elkingrey


I share a laptop and it was previously using Debian.

With Debian, I could switch users without having to log out of the current  
user. Multiple users could be logged in simultaneously.

Also, if a user locked their screen, but didn't log out, and then the other  
user hopped on the computer, they could switch to their own account. As it  
stands now, with Trisquel, if the last user didn't log out, but merely locked  
the screen, it's impossible for the other user to use the computer, until the  
previous user logs out.

Is there any way around this in trisquel?

Hope I was clear enough.

Thank you in advance for the help!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do you get your books? 2

2017-12-24 Thread nuevodesorden

hahahaha damn i should know by now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread enduzzer
The "black screen" has a prompt. Type your user name and password to log in.  
Once logged in, you have all the tools at your disposal.

'killall' -- kill all processes

'sudo shutdown -P now' -- shut down the computer

'sudo shutdown -r now' -- restart the computer (same as 'sudo reboot')

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn

Cool! Task Manager worked :)

Although I was able to install xbindkeys, it seems I am not able to run it  
either from the "run" in the main menu nor from the synapse.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-24 Thread eloi . igor
Well I don't think those laptops are these expansive... I mean, as she well  
stated "If you're looking for a laptop that respects your freedom, privacy  
and security, then this is for you."
I live in Brazil, so is quite costly due the Real-Eur change... But we have  
to account that this is a product for a very specific public. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn
Yes, that was the case :) But what am I supposed to do in the black screen  
that appears when I press fn+ctrl+alt+f1 ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn


Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread onpon4
Since you're actually on LXDE (not on GNOME as everyone, myself included, has  
assumed), it's actually called "Task Manager" (more properly LXTask), not  
"System Monitor". It's not included with Trisquel Mini by default; get it by  
installing the "lxtask" package from Synaptic.

A quick search shows that keys can be configured with the program  
"xbindkeys". I haven't tried it, but I've verified that it can be installed  
with Synaptic.

Lucky I happen to have a virtual machine with Trisquel Mini on it. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread davidpgil
I find it concerning that you need to shut down freezing programs so much ...  
I'll just say that Trisquel is not Windows. So, they work completely  
differently. That being said, you have way may more control over your  
computer than in Windows. Pretty much if there is something you want your  
Trisquel to be able to do, there is probably a way to do it. It likely wont  
be convenient or easy, but through clear and measured questioning, you will  
be able to figure it out with other peoples help.

I see others have helped you with this already. I like the suggestion of  
mapping "xkill" to a keyboard shortcut the most. How to map a keyboard  
shortcut is another question :) So, questions lead to questions until you get  
to the solution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-24 Thread davidpgil
So, back on the topic of DIY Water Cooling ... I think a good place to start  
that seems pretty user friendly is a website where regular people show you  
how to Do It Yourself, such as Instructables  

If you keep searching on there, you will find amazing things, like people  
making their own circuit boards and stuff. I wish I had the time to just  
delve deep into these things - Goals.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread enduzzer
You'll have to press fn+Ctrl+Option (Alt). On a Mac laptop keyboard, the  
upper row F1, F2... is by default dedicated to brightness, sound (see the  
caps & symbols on them). F1, F2 is only activated after pressing the 'fn'  
button. At least, that is the case with my Macbook Air (currently running  
Ubuntu 17.10). I think this behaviour can be changed somewhere if you're  
running Mac OS but on GNU/Linux I'm not sure.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn

Allright! :) cheers m8

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn

Thanks! I'll check it out :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn

Thanks! :)

When I type "key" in Synapse the ondly option I get is "Keyboard and Mouse"  
where the only things I can set are "Character repeat".

Also: In my preferences in the main menu I have the "Input Method", but that  
doesn't seem to be it either.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Custom building and water cooling in the free world?

2017-12-24 Thread svenerik_vn
When I checked it said "mplayer", and then I changed it to mpv, and it still  
didn't work.

After that I ran it from terminal and I got this message "sh: mpv: not  

And then I changed it to GNOME MPlayer and got: "Use of uninitialized value  
in join or string at /usr/bin/gtk-youtube-viewer line 2675" followed by a lot  
of random numbers, letters and symbols before the whole text ended with  
"=1297500: not found"

Then I changed it to VLC and I got this message "VLC media player 2.1.6  
Rincewind (revision 2.1.6-0-gea01d28)