Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini is super nice !

2018-04-04 Thread mjmhogg5

Hmmm ... looks like good old lxde to me :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Japanese (anthy) under XFCE

2018-04-04 Thread onpon4


Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread calmstorm
When I saw this thread, I thought about mentioning this, but it seems it is  
irrelevant now that you did so... kudos!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Friday meeting

2018-04-04 Thread calmstorm
That is good news considering how long ago icedove has been behind the  

38.8 is extremely old.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Friday meeting

2018-04-04 Thread calmstorm
Ah okay, I am not experienced though with gimp or anything alternate *cough  
micro* cough* crap* cough* paint *cough

Sarcasm seemed warranted... :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread webmaster
Yeah, I was searching for "icotool" in Synaptic, which was the reason why I  
didn't find it - not sure what I was thinking. :P

Even wine installed fine this time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread Mason Hock
> Yeah I tried that method without luck also.

You need to be specific about what went wrong in order for us to help. When 
something doesn't work, specify what you expected to happen and what happened 

For now though, try the instructions from my last post, since I know that it 
works on Trisquel 8, will install PlayOnLinux natively, and will be a good 
learning experience for you.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread svenerik_vn

Yeah I tried that method without luck also.

I was able to install the trusty version, but the program would not let me  
install "non-listed programs".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread Mason Hock
> How do I do that?:)

Rather than only telling you how, I'm going to walk you through the problem 
solving process by which I figured out how. You'll notice that I don't really 
know what I'm doing. I just try things, figure out why they didn't work, fix 
the problem, and repeat until everything works. I suggest you learn to do this 
approach too. You can get pretty far with it.

-- begin walkthrough --

First we need a copy of the source code. We will use git to make a clone of the 
repository on our machine.

$ sudo apt install git
$ cd path/to/somewhere
$ git clone

This creates a directory called POL-POM-4. Let's see what's inside

$ cd POL-POM-4
$ ls

I notice there is a directory called bin.

$ ls bin
check_dd_amd64.bz2  check_dd_x86.bz2

After we build the program, binaries should appear here. I also see something 
called Makefile. A makefile tells GNU Make how to build the program. Let's try 
using make now.

$ make

We get an error:

./src/check_direct_rendering.c:33:19: fatal error: GL/gl.h: No such file or 

Looks like the development libraries for opengl are required and I don't have 
them installed. Let's fix that and try again.

$ sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
$ make

No errors. Let's see what's in bin now.

$ ls bin
check_dd_amd64.bz2  check_dd_x86.bz2  playonlinux  playonlinux-check_dd  

Looks good. Now we'll use 'make install' to install the program.

$ sudo make install
cp: cannot stat './bin/{playonlinux,playonlinux-pkg}': No such file or directory

Huh. What's './bin/{playonlinux,playonlinux-pkg}'? Let's find out:

$ echo ./bin/{playonlinux,playonlinux-pkg}
./bin/playonlinux ./bin/playonlinux-pkg

This is called brace expansion. './bin/{playonlinux,playonlinux-pkg}' is short 
for './bin/playonlinux ./bin/playonlinux-pkg', but somebody isn't figuring that 
out. The problem is that the makefile does not specify which shell to use, and 
we are defaulting to one that doesn't support brace expansion. To fix this, add 


at the top of Makefile and try again.

$ sudo make install

That worked! Now let's try to run the program.

$ playonlinux
No module named wxversion

Crap. Let's see if there's something we can install called wxversion. 

$ apt-cache search wxversion
python-wxversion - API for selecting the wxPython version to use

Cool. We'll take it.

$ sudo apt install python-wxversion
$ playonlinux

I get a bunch more messages about missing stuff related to Python and wx. I'm 
getting impatient at this point, so I install all packages that begin with 

$ sudo apt install python-wx*
$ playonlinux

I now get a popup saying "PlayOnLinux cannot find cabextract
You need to install it to continue"


$ sudo apt install cabextract
$ playonlinux

I get three similar popups, the first two telling me that I need things from 
icoutils and the third telling me I need wine. The program actually launches 
now, but it probably won't work without those dependencies.

$ sudo apt install icoutils wine
$ playonlinux

Finally, the program launches with no errors.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Friday meeting

2018-04-04 Thread ablocorrea

Actually icedove is actually pending the MR approval :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wi-Fi Adapter Requires Unplug and Replug to Allow Connection to Wi-Fi Networks

2018-04-04 Thread hartkemd

I've attached some screenshots to illustrate what is going on.
I also discovered that I can Disable Networking and then re-Enable it, and it  
will reconnect my wireless that way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Friday meeting

2018-04-04 Thread jason
"What I don't get is why programs, especially apps such as Icedove, that are  
already known to be libre aren't automatically updated in the Trisquel  
repositories. Why isn't that a "push" process?"

There is no Icedove package in Ubuntu to take and automatically update. Take  
a look:

The Icedove in Trisquel exists only as a result of cleaning up Ubuntu's  
Thunderbird which, as you've said for the other things, requires work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Japanese (anthy) under XFCE

2018-04-04 Thread msuzuqi


[Trisquel-users] Wi-Fi Adapter Requires Unplug and Replug to Allow Connection to Wi-Fi Networks

2018-04-04 Thread hartkemd
I'm using Trisquel 8.0 with a Penguin Wireless G USB Adapter for GNU / Linux  
(TPE-G54USB2) from ThinkPenguin.
It works great when it's first plugged in - I get the menu for "Wi-Fi  
Networks", allowing me to connect to my wireless network.

But, after rebooting my computer, nothing appears under "Wi-Fi Networks".
I have to unplug the adapter and plug it back in, for it to show me wireless  

Does anyone know of a fix for this?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas Artwork

2018-04-04 Thread leoo

No thank you to the rain / wet look.  I like the blue - green color scheme.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread webmaster
I haven't tried it myself in Trisquel, but PlayOnLinux is written in Python  
and doesn't need to be built.

On the PlayOnLinux download page, click "All distributions" and download the  
generic package and extract it. Then run ./playonlinux (the file is actually  
not an executable, it's a script)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Japanese (anthy) under XFCE

2018-04-04 Thread jbahn

Glad I could help!
Me too


Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread svenerik_vn

> you can always build it yourself

How do I do that?:)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread Mason Hock
> Here I am on PlayOnLinux' website trying to install PlayOnLinux and
> notice that there is noe xenial version, only trusty.
> Does this mean that PlayOnLinux is incompatible with Trisquel 8?

It means that the binary they provide was compiled for Ubuntu 14.04, on which 
Trisquel 7 is based. That does not necessarily mean that it won't work on 
Ubuntu 16.04/Trisquel 8. Try it, and if it doesn't work you can always build it 

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Friday meeting

2018-04-04 Thread leoo
"Also though, the updates are much more infrequent, especially icedove. which  
last I checked is still at 38.8 on trisquel 7."

This is what I don't get.  I get that processing Ubuntu to flush out unfree  
software is labor intensive.  I get that the transition from GNOME Fallback  
to MATE is an extra effort beyond the usual update.  So I get how Trisquel 8  
development has been throttled due to shortage of available man-hours, with  
Quidam having a full time job, and some but not enough other volunteer coders  
and testers.

What I don't get is why programs, especially apps such as Icedove, that are  
already known to be libre aren't automatically updated in the Trisquel  
repositories.  Why isn't that a "push" process?

[Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-04 Thread svenerik_vn
I noticed that on PlayOnLinux' download page:

There is noe "xenial" version of the Ubuntu package.

I remember when I was installing Wine through their own website people here  
on this forum told me (mason if I remember correctly) that I needed to add  
the "xenial" repository, and not trusty.

Here I am on PlayOnLinux' website trying to install PlayOnLinux and notice  
that there is noe xenial version, only trusty.

Does this mean that PlayOnLinux is incompatible with Trisquel 8?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Iridium installation

2018-04-04 Thread 7en

Please try to run
apt-get install libpam-gnome-keyring

This should install the piece of software you need and opening Iridium  
afterwards should present you with an option to unlock the keyring for you  
everytime you open the browser.

I don't know why the keyboard layout would change, however - unless the  
primary layout was set to US or UK, maybe.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ebook reader advice

2018-04-04 Thread 7en
Those actually look like good devices I could live with for a price I'd be  
willing to pay!
Thanks for mentioning it, I might actually get one. AOSP definitely isn't  
perfect, but better than the kind of stuff one can expect on a Amazon Fire  
shmablet out of the box...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Friday meeting

2018-04-04 Thread greatgnu

>But how did you add the shotgun to it?

No, but that's also very easy to do. GIMP is 100% libre and 190% fun. Tinker  
and profit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Documentation for Trisquel (or other libre GNU/Linux distros)

2018-04-04 Thread greatgnu

aka 'teh bible'

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 Flidas screenshots.

2018-04-04 Thread greatgnu
I have a bunch of old laptops, the most recent one dating 2007. I use mpv 90%  
of the time. I only use mplayer with a few flags in order to play smoothly  
very demanding fullhd vids. Mplayer is slightly faster than mpv.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

2018-04-04 Thread calmstorm
Didn't even think female supremacists existed...  Although that in hindsight  
might have been a silly thing for me to think.

Abandinus isn't a bad name, as long as people get the inside joke. heh..

But meh...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trouble with add-ons on ABrowser

2018-04-04 Thread greatgnu

>and it told me NoScript doesn't work with this version of the browser.

You are probably trying to install noscript for quantum ( You need  
the LTS FF version of it( ->

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trouble with add-ons on ABrowser

2018-04-04 Thread calmstorm

I thought abrowser was based off of regular firefox not firefox esr...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Friday meeting

2018-04-04 Thread greatgnu

>why the stallman with a shotgun picture

It's the best way to fight (proprietary power)
I find it funny.

>How did you make such an avatar anyways...

It's just very basic GIMP work. Took a picture, pasted and resized RMS's  
face, rotated a bit, cleaned the borders and finally resized the picture to a  
square shape in order to fit the avatar shape standards.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Friday meeting

2018-04-04 Thread calmstorm

But how did you add the shotgun to it?

That was my major point... ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

2018-04-04 Thread enduzzer

Agostinho Neto

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

2018-04-04 Thread trisquel

If we were to go with Neto, the pronounciation could be "neat-o" ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

2018-04-04 Thread lucaguidetti
This once I would like a name that ends with a vowel, such as Secuana or  
Habrena. Anyway, both are gods associated with rivers; this is suitable for  
the new version: if Ubuntu 18.04 is a beaver, we can give him a place to live  
in freedom. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Documentation for Trisquel (or other libre GNU/Linux distros)

2018-04-04 Thread 7en

I most definitely would be :)
Monthly might be a bit too often, depending on the scope.
But having a scheduled clean-up to "weed out" outdated articles, update  
information or add new pages sounds like a great idea.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Documentation for Trisquel (or other libre GNU/Linux distros)

2018-04-04 Thread mariah
I'm interested in doing some wiki gardening for trisquel. Would you be  
interested in helping with that? It'd be sweet to set-up a monthly wiki  