Re: [Trisquel-users] Grep consumes all my RAM and swap ding a big job

2019-07-26 Thread amenex

Taking Magic Banana's cue, I applied the join command in round-robin fashion:

>  join -1 2 -2 2  join -1 2 -2 2  join -1 2  
-2 2  join -1 2 -2 2  join -1 2 -2 2  time cat `ls  

Produces 1.4 MB output, but without any filenames; this can be remedied by  
adding the filename to each file in turn
with a print statement or (shudder) in Leafpad, one file at a time, 44 times  
over ... but there's another way:

See this link:

>> awk '{print $0, FILENAME}' file1 file2 file3 ...

> awk '{print FILENAME,"\t",$0}' 01.txt 02.txt 03.txt ... which works because  
I renamed the files to fit this format.

I kept the roster list ...

Here's the whole awk script, which concatenates all 44 files and inserts the  
file name associated with the data as desired:
> time awk '{print FILENAME,"\t",$0}' 01.txt 02.txt 03.txt 04.txt 05.txt  
06.txt 07.txt 08.txt 09.txt 10.txt 11.txt 12.txt 13.txt 14.txt 15.txt 16.txt  
17.txt 18.txt 19.txt 20.txt 21.txt 22.txt 23.txt 24.txt 25.txt 26.txt 27.txt  
28.txt 29.txt 30.txt 31.txt 32.txt 33.txt 34.txt 35.txt 36.txt 37.txt 38.txt  
39.txt 40.txt 41.txt 42.txt 43.txt 44.txt >  

It's 1.8 MB and in a pretty format, not yet processed as mentioned elsewhere  
... a luncheon date beckons.

Timing ? The join commands took about an hour to set up, ca. 1 or 2 seconds  
real time for each one (after copy
and paste into the console, about 15 seconds for each of the 44 join commands  
==> 11-1/2 minutes, and this last
monstrocity took 0.05 second real time, not to mention all morning struggling  
with a prettier method of reading
what's been in the current directory all along. Repeating it for the other 43  
combinations should now be

a breeze, as I can switch the file names around with Leafpad.

All because I haven't yet spent those ten hours that've been mentioned every  
so often ...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 and Trisquel 8 Question

2019-07-26 Thread grns3
I use a dedi server to store / share my files in Nextcloud and run a separate  
dedi with Nextcloud fully federated, .i.e. back-upped :)
Really nothing much to add to all info above, other than wishing you all a  
very nice weekend :)

Best regards, GoRinNoSho

If backup fails i return to basic :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 and Trisquel 8 Question

2019-07-26 Thread info

I backup my files on servers and external drives.
projects -> git server
dotFiles -> also git server, with a readme to know where to put the files
music -> nextcloud
wallpaper/public images -> nextcloud
docs -> nextcloud
pictures -> external hdd 1
videos -> external hdd 2

mail -> mail server / localcopies -> hdd 3(which is also my local backup for  
git and nextcloud)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 and Trisquel 8 Question

2019-07-26 Thread enduzzer

In Control Center, there's a tool for that – Déjà Dup.

If your home folder is not big or you don't need incremental backups, do it  
manually. Sometimes I compress files and folders using tar and save them in a  
network drive. I give the tarballs names according to the date and content  
eg. 'photoarchive_2607_2019.tar'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 and Trisquel 8 Question

2019-07-26 Thread pieternobel

Hi. Thank you for your fast reply:), very great information.

My next action is to make a good backup plan. And then implement the plan. I  
will do this next week. (planned on Tuesday)

If anybody has some useful tips what the best backup methods are, then I  
would like to know them.

Some questions I have now:
Is it best to copy paste manually directories and files to an USB-stick? (And  
later put them back on my new Trisquel 8)

Or is better to search for a tool which can extract (all) data from my old  
Trisquel 7 Operating System and put it a format on a external drive/USB,  
which later can be imported again in my new Trisquel 8 Operating System?

Have a great day:)
