Re: [Trisquel-users] Unsubscribe, please.

2018-02-01 Thread γραφω λογον
I am so sorry and so stupid! That was not supposed to go to the list.
Everything's fine and I'd love to keep in touch with ALL of you, I've
just outgrown ubuntu respins and am no longer an asset to the community!

Can we please move this to a more appropriate venue? I'm (trying to be)
generic person on Diaspora and should be easy enough to find. It's the
same avatar and if that doesn't work, try #sociallyawkward and/or
#lighthearted-acquaintance which can't possibly be very popular tags.

Dave, please delete this accidental flounce thread first if it doesn't
automatically disappear with some sort of automatic ban feature in the
forum softwarebelieve me, I'd write one for you on the spot if I
knew how.

[Trisquel-users] Unsubscribe, please.

2018-02-01 Thread γραφω λογον
David, if you're reading this I think I need you to "ban" me from the
forums too and there's a thread in the Troll Lounge that needs to be

Take care and happy trails; it's not you, it's me and I hope we can
still be friends someday. :)

~the artistno, that's not rightI mean troll formerly known as
(yuck!) Heather

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-30 Thread γραφω λογον
Guilty as charged, lol, and THAT, my dear complete random stranger
and/or sheep in wolf's clothing, is the only reason why you know so much
about which bruises to kick to make me dance and say funny things
instead of getting my fool self banned from yet another forum. ;)

Off to autodidacticize myself about tcpdump instead of trolling this
nice forum and annoying Joe. Y'all take care, now.

On 01/30/2018 12:21 PM, wrote:

 Have you tested the Tramp with tcpdump? No, you
> haven't!
> Shame.png

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-30 Thread γραφω λογον

On 01/30/2018 01:45 AM, Heyjoe wrote a post that was apparently directed
towards myself, the owner of the "Heather" account on the Trisquel
Community peer-support forums, but I'm probably going to answer very
imperfectly and over time so here goes:

You said:

I don't know how you will filter GSuite email addresses with custom
 domain names

So I probably shouldn't say that I don't either, but will you tell me
how when you figure it out?

Unfortunately, I have a problem with saying things like that. I'll work
on it.

You said: Landline phones are also eavesdropped, regular mail can
 also be unsafe, your pigeon can be caught etc.

So I said: Yeppers. I think they call that "history". Obviously you
don't need a condescending tutorial from a random stranger on the
internet, which is a huge relief because there's a zillion things I'd
rather do today than THAT again.

 I said: why feed the mafia if you don't have to?

So you said: The right question is:

But I don't want to derail akito's thread by saying what I think of
(expletive deleted) suits and ties who want to "volunteer somewhere they
can help the poor" and don't even know that Horatio Alger wrote fiction
and think they have the right to tell me what I'm supposed to think and
feel just because I cared more about the fate of the human race than
wearing a suit and tie to work when I was in college.

You can thank my mates, Supertramp and Mason, for that, not our
moderator, David, who has better things to do with his time than issue
me "warning points" and temporary three day bans, capiche? This isn't
facebook, dude, it's a peer support forum for the Trisquel operating

You said: how do you communicate with people who like to do
it. Will you isolate yourself[2] or will you give in? Or something else?

So I said: Oh, something else, but I'm sure ymmv and other folks here
who make up the collective "we" of the Trisquel boards will be along
shortly with more helpful and relevant answers to your rhetorical question.

I already said: If you have already explained why friends don't let
friends use gmail
and the person isn't listening, is that really someone you want in your

So you said: Are you suggesting that one should remove people from one's
life because
 they use Gmail or Facebook? What if those people are your family? Do you
want them out of your life because they don't conform to your *idea*
 about *serious* life?

So I laughed so hard at myself you wouldn't believe it even if it wasn't
true and felt so grateful for my mates here on the Trisquel community
peer support forums, because this is EXACTLY what Supertramp and Mason
meant when they refused to accept my well-intentioned apology for being
such an idiot sheeple with all the tmi that's still in the Troll Lounge
and expressed their own fears that the owner of the "Heather" account
might actually be more like a canary in a coal mine.

Did you read the old thread that inspired akito to make the original
post on this thread? I'm just curious, because I sure did leave a lot of
bruises to kick on it, didn't I?

Seriously, Joe, no hard feelings about any of this and I'm not even
angry at you, just trying to answer your questions honestly and publicly.

You said:  Such computer simply doesn't exist. Nobody can give you that

So I said: But you are speaking to me in front of people who wish that
they could. I am very protective of them right now and some of them are
very tired from coding an emergency patch for the Spectre/Meltdown
vulnerabilities. Please try to remember that when you address me
specifically or other experienced users on tech forums who do not
actively write software, documentation, or have other normal(ish)
volunteer(ish) part-time job(ish)s.

Nobody can fire me, personally, from the desk job I don't have, take
away property I don't have, or hurt the wife I don't have if I get rid
of my computer and spend that time trying to grow petunias instead.
Please remember that this is not true for people who I, the owner of the
"Heather" account, care about.

 You said: So what will you do?

So I said: The same thing people have always done in similar
circumstances. Most likely no better or no worse than anybody else.

If my family and country abandon me and everybody in my afk world tells
me that I'm less than a cockroach, I am going to love and protect my
developers and fellow free software users because they would be all I
had left. This is not something a Windows user should reasonably be
expected to understand.

I'm putting the footnotes in The Troll Lounge, Joe, since that's where
they belong. I'll edit on the forum when this posts so I can link you.

How are we doing so far?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-30 Thread γραφω λογον

On 01/30/2018 11:38 AM, Supertramp wrote:

 I guess that was referred more to Heather

So I, the owner of the account "Heather" on the Trisquel community
discussion forums, am publicly apologizing for initially mistaking you
for a troll and then trying, unsuccessfully, to help you when I do not
have the time or emotional energy to do so effectively right now.

I will try harder to answer your most recent questions politely and
respectfully as soon as I am able. I trust Supertramp's judgement and
when he tells me, "It's not a troll, it's just the postman, Cerberus.
Good doggie! Here's a dog biscuit." then I believe him and am capable of
acting like at least a reasonable facsimile of a civilized human being.

He earned that respect and trust. You haven't yet. Neither have I, so no
hard feelings.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-29 Thread γραφω λογον
Joe, I feel comfortable now mentioning that just because Palemoon is
Open Source doesn't mean that it is free software.

Maybe someone has already linked you to this?

You take care now and keep asking those hard questions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-29 Thread γραφω λογον
Much appreciated, mate, and apologies, Joe.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-29 Thread γραφω λογον
I liked Dillo a lot back in the day and wish I had learned it well
enough to know if it was still safe to use.

Netsurf sounds like the best option for me and mine in an ideal world
where I had time to play "family sysadmin", and I do appreciate that
info, Senor Supertramp.

Joe, I'm not sure if you're trolling or not with this thread because I
simply don't have any (expletive denoting copulation deleted) left to
give at the present time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] add apps to uruk repo

2018-01-29 Thread γραφω λογον
I have the exact same automatic disgust for that word/lazy noise that
people who don't have enough attention span to actually use words make.

English is weird and you (alimiracle) deserve to never, ever have to
speak it or write it again unless you want to. Hayder's got your back as
far as talking to the anglos and there's tons of writing talent here if
he ever burns out or needs a break.

As far as missing anything, other than "my grandmother's victrola"
programmes that simply aren't practical to adapt to the modern world, I
don't see anything missing that you have the power to code for me and mine.

One peek at the "education" section of the simplest package manager had
me oohing and aaahing. You also have my deepest respect for the newly
patched 32-bit kernel, which will work just fine on my pre-Intel ME
laptops. These are affordable for low income folks in my country as well
as your own.

Your priorities shine through and your sense of optimism inspires us old
and tired and worn out people. :)

The upstream issues are the only reason why I haven't already taken up
permanent residence in a beta release with dependencies on an alpha
release. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-29 Thread γραφω λογον
Of course, but we all did it anyway. I had to rat out one of my own kids
with the facial recognition software because mine had been "temporarily
disabled" for so long that I didn't have a clue who any of the other
"friends" they wanted me to identify even were.

Mason, you write from a deeper place than what can be exploited for
money. Keep up the good work--you are so much more than a "suit and tie".

Re: [Trisquel-users] I finally managed to install Trisquel 8. But it was quite hard to install and run. Any solutions?

2017-10-27 Thread γραφω λογον
I've had to use boot repair on absolutely every UEFI machine I've ever
installed anything on, so I'm no help there. I am wondering whether you
are using Abrowser or Icecat, neither of which are on my own  newborn
baby Flidas install yet. I prefer Icecat, but sometimes there are
security certificate issues that Abrowser doesn't have.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-10-25 Thread γραφω λογον
Just a public "Welcome home" to the Trisquel boards and a mention of the
fact that I didn't think my opinion of rms could improve but it did

Please don't underestimate yourself. St. iGNUcious agrees with me on
this one. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-23 Thread γραφω λογον
That's more or less what I wound up deciding for now. Belenos fits and
is comfy for most of my everyday work.

There's also no reason in the world why you can't dual boot or switch
out hard drives just for tasks that actually require the latest and the
greatest if those aren't "everyday" for you either, but you still need
new software to learn new things.

GuixSD and Funtoo are on my "next project" bucket list too; hard drives
are cheap and so are screwdrivers. Virtualization is even less trouble
if that's how you and your hardware roll.

When you stop growing, you start dying. There's room in most lives for
both "everyday" and "curious about the next thing".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello everyone I'm new Member

2017-10-11 Thread γραφω λογον
Welcome here! This is a wonderful, vibrant community where you should be
comfortable asking any question you may have no matter what your
existing level of skill with Gnu/Linux may be.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : I can't access my bank account

2017-09-28 Thread γραφω λογον
That's about what I do too. Some banks (used to?) have a phone number
you can call to check your balance, see if your checks have cleared, etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-09-28 Thread γραφω λογον
Me, ex-husband, ex-husband's new squeeze, and minor kid use Trisquel daily.

Re: [Trisquel-users] customizing trisquel.

2017-08-28 Thread γραφω λογον
Trisquel serves a different purpose than TAILS. If you are looking for a
libre privacy-focused distro, this might be of interest to you:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] What service do you recommend to replace OpenMailBox

2017-08-06 Thread γραφω λογον
I am in the process of switching to posteo as well.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature