Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Alpha Images

2014-06-20 Thread abhijithb21
Try resizing the panel instead of system settings window. Right-click on the  
panel and slect properties. I also find that we can now add applets from  
there which I would have never found that out otherwise. Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Alpha Images

2014-06-20 Thread abhijithb21

Small observation - Update manager shows Ubuntu 7.0 instead of Trisquel 7.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser - DuckduckgoSSL

2014-06-23 Thread abhijithb21

Thank you! Thabks a lot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser - DuckduckgoSSL

2014-06-24 Thread abhijithb21

I like the way they name the button 'Quack' instead of 'Go' or 'Search'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser - DuckduckgoSSL

2014-06-27 Thread abhijithb21
Why is it so? And I find many websites of free softwares listed in their list  
of affected websites like Does it cause any major performance issue?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser - DuckduckgoSSL

2014-06-28 Thread abhijithb21
I installed the add-on and it works well but when I clicked the link to FSF  
India's link from it loaded as normal http page intead of https. I  
could not get to the page directly by typing

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser - DuckduckgoSSL

2014-06-29 Thread abhijithb21
Sorry for that mistake. Anyway, the point is that it appears with the globe  
sign on the address bar instead of the lock that is seen with https pages.

[Trisquel-users] Blag Gnu and Linux

2014-06-29 Thread abhijithb21
I installed Blag Gnu and Linux on a new partition but can't see grub on boot.  
Blag boots directly. I checked and found all my files were safe and could see  
my home folder of Trisquel. Please help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Blag Gnu and Linux

2014-06-29 Thread abhijithb21

There is only this line in the file.. 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet rhgb"'

Re: [Trisquel-users] Blag Gnu and Linux

2014-06-29 Thread abhijithb21

Yes, but it shows Blag only.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Blag Gnu and Linux

2014-06-29 Thread abhijithb21
Thank you friends for the support. I had some ISO files of GNU\Linux  
operating systems that I had downloaded to see how they work. Made a live USB  
of one of them boot into it and now everything's fine. I installed it in the  
smalll partition I had created for Blag.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser for KDE Users

2014-06-29 Thread abhijithb21
I learn that Abrowser is about to be replaced by GNU IceCat. Will this patch  
work with IceCat? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser for KDE Users

2014-06-30 Thread abhijithb21
Thats good. I am typing this from IceCat on Blag running on Qemu. Its pretty  
good and has FSF's free add-ons page instead of Mozilla's Get Addons page  
like we have the similar page for Abrowser.

[Trisquel-users] GDM Background

2014-07-07 Thread abhijithb21
I changed GDM background by replacing the /usr/share/backgrounds/toutatis.jpg  
file with an image of my choice renamed as toutatis.jpg. Is it okay?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-07-07 Thread abhijithb21
I have problems with Abrowser 30 too. I cannot log into ''  
directly. And like alucardx's banking site, they worked fine with its  
previous version. I thought it was a problem with the website since it does  
not run properly on all web browsers but now even I agree to alucardx's  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser secure page problems

2014-07-07 Thread abhijithb21

I tired after enabling them but didn't work for me.

[Trisquel-users] Feels better to be in this forum than on Facebook

2014-07-11 Thread abhijithb21
Joining this forum is what encouraged me to quit Fb. Fb is now full of  
rubbish and people are abusing anf fighting with each other over silly  
topics. This forum on the other hand involves mature users discussing  
relevant topics very courteosly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG Linux and GNU

2014-07-25 Thread abhijithb21
I installed 140K recently but had a mall problem - the grub menu won't sho up  
on boot. I hope it will be fixed this time. I really liked it despite giving  
me almost a heart attack. 

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Wallpapers

2014-07-25 Thread abhijithb21
On this discussion...

I noticed a comment that said the default theme looks prettier with a nice  
wallpaper. So wallpapers are not just to fill the background but does make  
desktop look better. Why don't we share some wallpapers here. If Ruben likes  
them, who knows they may be made default wallpapers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Wallpapers

2014-07-26 Thread abhijithb21

where can I find them?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Wallpapers

2014-07-26 Thread abhijithb21

Even I used a Mint wallpaper for Trisquel 6.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Wallpapers

2014-07-29 Thread abhijithb21

Thank tou!

[Trisquel-users] BIOS settings not found

2014-08-01 Thread abhijithb21
Here is my new question on askbuntu. "My friend installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on  
his Samsung NP 300 G5X laptop that had 4GB RAM and a 700GB HDD. He encrypted  
the Ubuntu installation and used LVM. After reboot he was taken directly to  
grub. He was successful in booting into Ubuntu a couple of times but then on  
entering passphrase he started getting this reply - 'fs type not found'. Now,  
he is stuck with this and cannot even boot from any live media for his BIOS  
settings is not appearing." Anybody out here to help???

Re: [Trisquel-users] BIOS settings not found

2014-08-01 Thread abhijithb21

He tried that too but failed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BIOS settings not found

2014-08-02 Thread abhijithb21
He took it to a Samsung service center. They said they shall change something  
in the BIOS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BIOS settings not found

2014-08-02 Thread abhijithb21
Thank you for being so concerned. Though I'm a newbie I have a suggestion. I  
heard that small distros like Puppy Linux can be installed on pen drives. Can  
we make Puppy Linux run on our system withouth accessing BIOS settings menu?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I've seen the apple conference of 2014 and I feel outraged.

2014-08-03 Thread abhijithb21
If you turn a few pages of history you'll find out that their glorified MAC  
OS X is actually based on GNU\Linux(or Linux as they refer to). Search for  
Darwin  and MKLinux projects. So, I'm not surprised a bit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BIOS settings not found

2014-08-03 Thread abhijithb21
The BIOS works correctly. The problem is that he encrypted the whole  
installation but his passphrase is not accepted. Even I would have suggested  
Trisquel but without accessing BIOS settings menu how can he change boot  
device priority? I thought one could get away with that while using these  
small distros for they install into the USB flash drive but I was wrong. I  
had to configure BIOS to boot from USB even though it was not a live one but  
one that had the OS installed into.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BIOS settings not found

2014-08-03 Thread abhijithb21

He did try that but they seem to work only in the past as you mentioned.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I've seen the apple conference of 2014 and I feel outraged.

2014-08-03 Thread abhijithb21

Yes, but they started these projects to make improvements in the OS.

MkLinux was the first attempt by Apple to support a free and open source  
software project. The work done with the Mach 3.0 kernel in MkLinux was  
extremely helpful in bringing up NeXTSTEP on the Mac platform, which would  
later become OS X.

OS X is based on the Mach 3.0 microkernel, designed by Carnegie Mellon  
University, and later adapted to the Power Macintosh by Apple and the Open  
Software Foundation Research Institute (now part of Silicomp). This was known  
as osfmk, and was part of MkLinux ( Later, this and  
code from OSF’s commercial development efforts were incorporated into  
Darwin’s kernel. Throughout this evolutionary process, the Mach APIs used  
in OS X diverged in many ways from the original CMU Mach 3 APIs.

You may find older versions of the Mach source code interesting, both to  
satisfy historical curiosity and to avoid remaking mistakes made in earlier  

— Apple, Inc., Kernel Programming Guide: Mach API Reference

Source :-

Re: [Trisquel-users] I've seen the apple conference of 2014 and I feel outraged.

2014-08-03 Thread abhijithb21
The best thing is that they understand that people may not accept these  
innovations readily no matter how good they are. So, free desktop environment  
makers always give users an option to kepp using the older versions while  
they get familiarised with the new interface. They don't just leave us with  
little option.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sound problems with Trisquel 7

2014-08-04 Thread abhijithb21
A few months ago, while I was using Ubuntu, I found that no sound came out of  
my speakers. I re-installed Pulse Audio and everything worked fine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I've seen the apple conference of 2014 and I feel outraged.

2014-08-04 Thread abhijithb21
That day has unfortunately come. I don't have much programming knowledge so I  
spend a lot of time checking out artworks and themes. In the websites that  
host these works I have noticed people commenting - "The Apple design team is  
so perfect that most of the themes for Gnome and KDE are inspired from OS X."  
That is some OS X fan speaking but what worries me more is the number of  
"OPEN SOURCE" distros coming up that have customised DEs based on Gnome and  
KDE to prove they are close to OSX and Windows.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I've seen the apple conference of 2014 and I feel outraged.

2014-08-04 Thread abhijithb21
It is better that people don't use Free software at all than choosing it  
because it is free of cost. I chose Trisquel not because it is free. I coul  
have easily got a pirated Windows on my PC so easily. They are out in plenty  
in countries like mine. I chose it because of the philosophy.

*I once read RMS said in an interview - "There are several meanings for the  
word FREE in a dictionary and only one of them means of no cost".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Seven!!!

2014-08-04 Thread abhijithb21
It looks good, doesn't it? I like the dark theme for the application menu.  
Wallpaper is also very good.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreTrend - My Vision of Free Software

2014-08-05 Thread abhijithb21

All the best Luiz.

[Trisquel-users] GDM

2014-08-13 Thread abhijithb21
Why GDM is not in the repos of Trisquel 7? Also, I saw gnome shell 3.8 and  
3.10. Why is it so?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GDM

2014-08-13 Thread abhijithb21
I installed using this ISO trisquel_7.0-20140709_i686.iso. Is it  outdated? I  
am sure I didn't find gdm. When I tried to install gnome-shell 3.10 I got a  
list of many packages that where not going to be installed. I manually  
installed many but gdm coz it was not to be found anywhere. I finally used  
ppa to install it. Also, I found a meta-package for gnome 3.8. Trying to  
install it gave me a notice for dependency problems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where do I start looking so I can customize my desktop environment?

2014-09-08 Thread abhijithb21
If you are using any DE based on gnome you'll find everythig on

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ClamTk a good package? Should I even bother with anti-viruses?

2014-09-08 Thread abhijithb21

I found a link some months back. I took a snapshot of the page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ClamTk a good package? Should I even bother with anti-viruses?

2014-09-08 Thread abhijithb21
Hey, I just forgot to tell you that some people say that if you use Wine(to  
run windows programs) ten windows viruses may affect your computer. You may  
install CalmTk or Debian package of BitDefender then.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNOME 3 Installation How to

2014-09-08 Thread abhijithb21

I did an upgrade before installing gnome 3.10 in Trisquel 7 as you had said. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] My computer knows I've plugged my stick but I can't see it in Nautilus.

2014-09-09 Thread abhijithb21
There is a package called 'Disk' utility. Go to system settings and launch  
Disk utility. Check if your device is listed there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNOME 3 Installation How to

2014-09-09 Thread abhijithb21

I ran this :-

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

That's it.

If you check synaptic you will find a meta package 'gnome-shell'. This  
command installs it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ClamTk a good package? Should I even bother with anti-viruses?

2014-09-09 Thread abhijithb21

I get you. Apologies. I'll remove the term.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Diaspora*

2014-09-10 Thread abhijithb21

I'm in diaspora. abhi1tb.

Re: [Trisquel-users] is email a communication protocol?

2014-09-23 Thread abhijithb21

Well said leny2010.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sharing a secured computer

2014-09-23 Thread abhijithb21
Add a new user for the time being untill someone comes up with a very  
plausible solution..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cant play videos on Facebook

2014-10-01 Thread abhijithb21
ഫേസ്ബുക്കിന്  പകരം മറ്റു  
സോഷ്യൽ നെറ്റ്വർകിങ്ങ്   
സൈറ്റുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കാം.  
ഉദാഹരണത്തിന്  Diaspora. ,  
Gnu Social 

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel grub is not working

2014-10-01 Thread abhijithb21

Try sudo update-grub.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cant play videos on Facebook

2014-10-01 Thread abhijithb21

Yeah. Sorry! And thanks :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel grub is not working

2014-10-02 Thread abhijithb21
If Debian grub works perfectly you can use it. Can you reinstall Debian? Or  
if someone can advice you how to change grub it will be better. Sadly, I have  
no idea.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Voted Best of Breed

2014-10-21 Thread abhijithb21

Cheers to freedom!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 and new homepage - gratz!!

2014-11-06 Thread abhijithb21
Just when I screwed up with my beta version the official version is released.  
Thank you so much!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Strange grub behaviour - Trisquel 7

2014-11-09 Thread abhijithb21

Thank you Steve. I did the same and got rid of passwords.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v7 - where is my unity?

2014-11-11 Thread abhijithb21
I'm using gnome-shell but I am installing unity just to see if I can. I find  
no reason not to be able to do so. I believe we can even install unity- 8  
with mir.

[Trisquel-users] HTML5 login screens for mdm

2014-11-29 Thread abhijithb21
I am loving these on Linux Mint. Made some myself too. Hope we get them in  
Trisquel too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTML5 login screens for mdm

2014-12-01 Thread abhijithb21
You simply need to change the bg.jpg file. It has got an animation that makes  
the background keep rotating at a comfortable speed. I will soon give a demo  

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTML5 login screens for mdm

2014-12-01 Thread abhijithb21
I am strangely addicted to Trisquel with Gnome Shell. Only thing I dislike is  
the grey GDM3 theme. It would be nice if GDM will include HTML5 themes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTML5 login screens for mdm

2014-12-03 Thread abhijithb21

Yes indeed. It is an HTML theme named Mint-X.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.

2015-01-04 Thread abhijithb21
Blag won't be outdated anymore. Alpha images of 20K are great. Worked like a  
charm for me. It comes with Gnome 3.10 and some minimal set of applications  
but the repository is satisfying. Most of the gnome appliations and batteries  
are there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBin - Share any text securely

2015-01-04 Thread abhijithb21
I have sent a url generated from LibreBin to my friend and suggested using  
it. For small jobs we do LibreBin is the perfect tool. Hopefully you will  
implement the suggestions. All the best.

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-10 Thread abhijithb21
you need not do a fresh install of min straight away. Try installing LXDE  
desktop. It is a light weight GUI used in Trisquel Mini, Lubuntu etc. You can  
install it from Add/Remove Applications. After installing, log out and click  
on the icon beside your name in the login window and choose LXDE.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop equivalent of macbook pro for Trisquel in 2015 ?

2015-01-11 Thread abhijithb21
What about wood instead of Aluminium? Accidently found a link to this open  
hardware project offering a high end laptop with handcrafted wood casing   
while checking on Ben Nanonote.

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!

2015-01-11 Thread abhijithb21

Wow, thats awsum tawsum! Free but eyecandy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!

2015-01-13 Thread abhijithb21

I have Blag alongside Trisquel. You don't have much problem using it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop equivalent of macbook pro for Trisquel in 2015 ?

2015-01-13 Thread abhijithb21
People pay nonesense sum for a piece of stone in a ring or a necklace. Hype  
can do wonders. But yeah, at the end of the day, its their personal choice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-13 Thread abhijithb21
I agree with you. That is the best thing to do. My sister needs adobe flash  
to play games on Facebook but I don't use either. I installed Antergos on  
another partition and let her use it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I did it! I finally have wireless networking working on my laptop!

2015-01-13 Thread abhijithb21

Any The Doors fan here?

[Trisquel-users] Does anyone use freenet?

2015-01-14 Thread abhijithb21
When I searched for freenet in this forum I found that the discussions are  
very old. So I am posting this new topic to see if there are any freenet  
users here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does anyone use freenet?

2015-01-15 Thread abhijithb21
How is the content in it? Freenet has some good content but it is overloaded  
with nsfw, cp and stuff like that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread abhijithb21

I got it from the FSF mirror like Heather.

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-19 Thread abhijithb21
No freeme. GdNewHat people are working on an independent distribution. They  
have halted their devolopment of GdNewHat ans suggested BLAG repos as an  
alternative to their users. See the link to their new distro under  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread abhijithb21
People who wanted Ubuntu phones already have a Firefox phone. Asian markets  
are going crazy over a Chinese startup selling what some people call cheap  
iPhones. Entry of Ubuntu phones will be difficult. Eventually Cannonical may  
let go of its ambitions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread abhijithb21
A question we need to ask before giving all the dredit to Ubuntu is - did we  
wanted a Gnu\Linux system or particularly Ubuntu. Were we attracted by Gnu  
philosophy or the unity desktop? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-21 Thread abhijithb21

Lets hope so :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread abhijithb21

You can use firefox hello from Abrowser for video chat.

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread abhijithb21
I have not tried it because I don't video chat. I mentioned it because I saw  
a few people recommended it. Isn't the video quality adjustable?

Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread abhijithb21

now that needs a little appreciation :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please support the campaign for Net Neutrality in India.

2015-04-15 Thread abhijithb21
I had to get back to the damn Fb to spread the word. I hate it but the good  
news is I am getting good response.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Plasma 5

2015-04-30 Thread abhijithb21
For the time being you may install some themes to make Plasma 4 look like  
Plasma 5. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Plank docky

2015-05-09 Thread abhijithb21
The most light weight dock I have ever used is certainly the one that comes  
with Xfce. It is actually a custom panel. Another is the Gnome Shell  
Favorites launcher modified to a bottom dock using an extension Simple Dock.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How inconvenient freedom can be?

2015-05-25 Thread abhijithb21
There is a list of free software applications in the FSF website. It will be  
of great use to you in future. The list is well categorized.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini on a netbook with 700MHz CPU and 512MB RAM

2015-06-18 Thread abhijithb21
I am looking forward to buy this very affordable  
netbook( which is a bit low on  
specs. It cums with a custom distro based on Ubuntu Mavericks that obviously  
does not suit me and is certainly outdated. I am playing with Trisquel Mini  
on my PC and I noticed I can make it run using about 150MB RAM if I switch  
from LightDM to LxDM. CPU usage was also minimal. Then it dawned on me that I  
did not check them during the installation process. So I booted again from a  
Live USB. Sadly RAM and CPU usage increases by a large margin when the  
installer configures the system. Any workaround?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini on a netbook with 700MHz CPU and 512MB RAM

2015-06-19 Thread abhijithb21
Sadly, it is true that I can't run Trisquel on it. I was stupid not to look  
into the architecture. Thanky you everyone ,though. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini on a netbook with 700MHz CPU and 512MB RAM

2015-06-19 Thread abhijithb21
You are right. Debian can run on ARM machines. This page has everything I  
need to know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini on a netbook with 700MHz CPU and 512MB RAM

2015-06-19 Thread abhijithb21
I think so. It was originally developed by genesi under the name Efika MX.  
Genesi has discontinued the product. Now, IDA Systems are selling it under  
the name IDA Smartbook.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome Online Accounts (GOA) - privacy issues?

2015-06-19 Thread abhijithb21

I never found GOA useful.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I find out which "mixed" licenses DuckDuckGo is running under in GNUIceCat?

2015-06-19 Thread abhijithb21
May be you are looking for something like this -

Find more "Open"source search engines in a list by Wikipedia here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Mini on a netbook with 700MHz CPU and 512MB RAM

2015-06-20 Thread abhijithb21
I don't have the knowledge to answer the first question. As far as the second  
question is considered, see this link.

It is a similar device. Not using ARM, though but certainly is released under  
same licenses.

[Trisquel-users] Choice of DE in Graphical Install

2015-06-29 Thread abhijithb21
Wouldn't it be nice if users can make a choice of DE in Graphical Install  
like the installer for Antergos?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on Trisquel 7.1 based off of Ubuntu 14.04.3 with release in July or August

2015-07-06 Thread abhijithb21

We had a 6.1 release. Probably, there will be a 7.1.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-06 Thread abhijithb21
I remember him saying that he simply don't know how to switch from BIOS to  
Libreboot. (Even I don't!) If some of us can help him, we will get it to run  

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreBox small computer

2015-07-07 Thread abhijithb21

LibreTrend website mentions that it uses BIOS so they are not lying to us.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnewsense and Blag

2015-07-07 Thread abhijithb21
Blag is active and I tried their 20K alpha release a few months back. It was  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnewsense and Blag

2015-07-07 Thread abhijithb21

Try the FSF link.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnewsense and Blag

2015-07-07 Thread abhijithb21
No it is not. Dragora 3 is  coming out...

Re: [Trisquel-users] What kind of email services are you using and recommend and why?

2015-07-08 Thread abhijithb21
I use I liked the interface and the fact that it is  
recommended by FSF.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-07-09 Thread abhijithb21
My desktop along with a text file with the contents of the .conkyrc file. The  
conky is an edited version of Conky Vision from

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-07-09 Thread abhijithb21

Going Minimal! Nice and clean, buddy.

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