Re: [Trisquel-users] Studing for a GNU/Linux certification.

2017-08-10 Thread albertoefg
How can they certificate you in something you don't even know what is about  

Anyway, I'll learn more about Red Hat, Fedora, Ubuntu, Shell Scripting, and  
the way a GNU/Linux system works.

What type of users can it have, what type of permissions
what is /bin/ /dev/ /boot/ /etc/ (I do mean etc)
what is ext4 F2fs btrfs ext3 ext2 and file systems in general
What is ssh and how to use it
What is scp and how to use it
What is a kernel
What is a shell and which types exist
What is a bootloader (grub, syslinux)
What is an init (openrc, sysv)
What is systemd
What is apparmor, SELinux, grsecurity
Maybe learn a little bit about telnet.

How the kernel works, how it treats memory, what is a system call, what is a  
process, (I don't know much, but you get the idea)

Also things related to LAMP servers.

You probably already know all this, but I am trying to be explicit as maybe  
there is something you don't and it will help you.
In general the arch wiki is great

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to be free

2017-08-09 Thread albertoefg
What a mistake, cellphones are tracking devices, they can be tracked even if  
they are not smartphones, companies and government can know where is your  
phone all the time.

Replicant is just a libre operating system but it won't stop government  

The same way a libre operating system with a libre browser won't stop  
government or your ISP from tracking you. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Enigmail won't install

2017-08-07 Thread albertoefg

Why not downloading enigmail directly?

[Trisquel-users] What service do you recommend to replace OpenMailBox

2017-08-05 Thread albertoefg
The new changes to openmailbox are bad. Real bad. Are you going to use a new  
service? How are you going to replace it?  What new service do you recommend?

Re: [Trisquel-users] PROBLEM: Tor, Firefox, and linux-libre 4.12?

2017-08-03 Thread albertoefg

Yes :) new kernels are the best :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] what is control + click in netbeans to emacs the same equivalent work?

2017-08-01 Thread albertoefg

Maybe if you describe what are you trying to do. I've novoc used netbeans.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Changing color of foreground text in Abrowser 54.0 pop-up windows.

2017-07-27 Thread albertoefg

Is the problem persistent after change the theme?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't compile libmesode :/

2017-07-27 Thread albertoefg

:/ this seems like a question I would ask here

I have no idea :) 

Re: [Trisquel-users] I noticed that trisquel beta is out.

2017-07-27 Thread albertoefg

I don't understand how systemd restricts freedom.

There is hardly a piece of software you can use without dependencies.

How is that bad?

Systemd is not an init is a set of tools. So most desktop environments are  
using those tools. Avoiding doing the same work twice or more times.

Also, by using systemd over a long period of time it is gonna be safer than  
having lots of fragmented distributions.

Bugs and security vulnerabilities are easily found when there are more people  
working towards improving the software.

As you said you don't trust systemd but I don't really see a reason not to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I noticed that trisquel beta is out.

2017-07-26 Thread albertoefg

I like systemd though :) there are many reasons.

1.- I like that GNU/Linux world is becoming more standardized. When I started  
using it 2 years ago, there where a lot of init systems. Lots of default  
desktops. Lots of way to distribute software. Now suddenly everything is  
becoming systemd/GNOME/Wayland/Flatpak

This is so good. The power of the community is going towards making a few  
things great. Instead of a lot of "good-enough"

And I don't use GNOME. I use i3.

The other options will swill exist but the defaults are gonna be really good  
for the majority. Specially the new ones :)

2.- systemd has lots of great options and tools. It is not a init. It is more  
than that.
It might not follow Unix philosophy. But Unix philosophy isn't a law. And it  
has some flaws.

3.- It is so much faster than when I started with Ubuntu. My parabola boot  
time is awesome.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I noticed that trisquel beta is out.

2017-07-26 Thread albertoefg

Systemd is gonna be really hard to be avoided.
GNOME and KDE are developing for it.

Even devuan took months to be released.

I don't think the amount of time and effort it requires is worth for a  
project like Trisquel.

With cares about easy of use for home and office.

Systemd works great for them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guide: How to add Firefox to Trisquel

2017-07-26 Thread albertoefg

Very good my friend.

I might add it also respects user's privacy.

As Firefox tracks the user by default.

So sad seeing this kind of posts here.

Perhaps OP might want to learn more about Free Software its meaning and what  
it stands for.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hash Sum mismatch

2017-07-26 Thread albertoefg

When was the last time you successfully upgraded?

Did you installed anything since then?

Did you try apt-get instead of aptitude??

Did you do something to /var/lib/apt/lists?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-22 Thread albertoefg


Re: [Trisquel-users] What system configurations do you change?

2017-07-22 Thread albertoefg


I forgot about those :) I use a Dvorak Latin american keyboard.

I use i3wm automatic configuration to set keys.

As I use Emacs I shift Ctrl and Mayus.

In my .bashrc I just change for "history" to be 10,000 entries and recently I  
posted about “ls” but I've had this for a couple days.

I don't know any more ways to improve bash I don't use the terminal that  
much. I do as much as I can from Emacs.


Re: [Trisquel-users] A better ls command

2017-07-22 Thread albertoefg

Emacs has one :)

Good 'ol M-x ranger

Re: [Trisquel-users] unable to mount microsoft lumia phone

2017-07-22 Thread albertoefg

I am not familiar with windows phones.

Is it using mtp?

Some people report the same problem, which was solved by rebooting the phone.

This is a hard question though, not many people uses windows phones and I  
doubt more people here having this phone.

This is more technical but might also help:

[Trisquel-users] A better ls command

2017-07-21 Thread albertoefg
I found this really useful to improve the "ls" command it adds colors to  
directories, and, if the list is too long, it uses "less" to show it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] unable to mount microsoft lumia phone

2017-07-21 Thread albertoefg

sudo apt-get install mtp-tools mtpfs

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flatpak on Trisquel 7

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg

 sudo apt-get install flatpak

Re: [Trisquel-users] What system configurations do you change?

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg

You really like Debian my friend :)

Your wallpaper is beautiful.

Is not necessarily about preload or swappiness, those are just the things I  
do :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] What system configurations do you change?

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg
>'we give you the bare system with no bloat or customization and you make it  
as you better like it' :)

I didn't know Debian was using Parabola as it's base :') :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flatpak on Trisquel 7

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg

That's weird. What did you do and what's the output?

Did you read your terminal when installing?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flatpak on Trisquel 7

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg
Flatpak is just a way to install software, the softphone application or any  
other software you might want to install via flatpak won't be there.

You gotta install flatpak with the PPA and then download the software you  
want and install it with Flatpak.

However, I don't know which package is the one you want to install and if it  
is free software, so I can't help you more than that.

You should check if what you are going to install is free software, as  
Trisquel can't do it for you. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Command execution problem

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg
Great :) 

[Trisquel-users] What system configurations do you change?

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg
Hi, I've tried to learn as much as I can to make my experience with GNU/Linux  
the best. So there are a few things I change in my system to make it go  

For example I always change swappiness to 1 in SSD and to 10 in HDD.

Swappiness value controls the Linux kernel’s tendency to swap – that is,  
move information out of RAM and onto the swap file on the disk. It accepts a  
value between 0 and 100.

0: The kernel will avoid swapping process out of physical memory and onto  
the swap partition for as long as possible.
100: The kernel will aggressively swap processes out of physical memory  
and onto the swap partition as soon as possible.

As RAM is much faster than drives I prefer to have the less so my experience  
is faster. This doesn't apply to servers or computers with little RAM.

But in general it makes my experience faster.

I also tweak Firefox (or libre version as Iceweasel, Icecat or Abrowser) to  
don't save cache.

I've always installed preload but I don't really know if I have a real boost.  
But I still think it works better than nothing.

On my laptop I always install TLP.

You can read a bit more about how to do those things here:

This are a few things I change in my system, what things do you do?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg

This is really good advice.

I hope you learned and enjoyed fixing your computer.

As you can see the main way to solve a problem is generally looking at the  
error and looking for it in the internet.

Sometimes the error has multiple lines and only one of them is the answer.

If you ever have a problem with a program you don't know what is wrong. Try  
to launch it from the terminal. You can launch any program from tho terminal  
just type "thunderbird" or "abrowser".

By the way there is a difference between your data and thinderb

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg
Did you try with the other machine, the one that did work to open the disk  
and change file permissions??

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-20 Thread albertoefg

That is exactly the direction.

Change directory to /etc/modprobe.d/

To do this in the terminal as root type this
 cd /etc/modprobe.d/

cd stands for Change Directory.

After that you can create the file

 nano iwl3945.conf

This will open the nano editor you should be able to type what you need.
And after that close it with ctrl-x it will ask you to save changes hit the  
proper key as nano will show it.

Nano has the advantage that at the bottom you will see most useful commands.  
But, if in doubt you can search internet for tutorials on how to use it.  
There are others like Vim or Vi but nano is really friendly for beginners.

Don't worry we are closer to a fix now :) follow jxself steps and you will be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

The hardest part is the installation.

But if I could do it I am sure you can.

I have encrypted drive with F2FS file  system. Most things work perfectly.

You can watch a few videos on how to install arch and if you want something  
special you can tell me maybe I can help you.

I've had less problems with parabola than Fedora, Ubuntu or Trisquel.

More software and easier management after installation.
And all the bugs I've filled are fixed within a day.
Debian ain't bad option though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

1.- turn off your computer

2.Unplug WiFi
and turn off the laptop's integrated WiFi (there is is supposed to be a  

3.- turn on (do not plug WiFi)

4.- Try to login

If you login please connect WiFi.

Tell me how did it go

If you are able to login connect WiFi

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

Does the "missing firmware" shows anything else?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

I don't have more time right now, but I am gonna leave this link here:

I don't know if it will help us. But I don't want to lose it. For now lets  
make sure you can start your user from the guest terminal.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg


Could you login as guest open a terminal (please tell me if you have trouble  
with this)

In the terminal type

 su -user "your-user"

It should ask for a password. If you are able to login in the terminal as  
your user please do this.


And paste the result here. You can paste it here as a text file for a better  

Also if you are able to login try to do a

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Is your message looking like this??

W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_01.bin for  
module i915

If so please share the exact, maybe taking a picture like the one you took of  
splash screen so we know what firmare is the one you are missing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

This is the reason why I use parabola now.

I read somewhere that "stable" is usually not, as many bugs are fixed  
constantly, and the quality of the GNU/Linux software is better everyday.

That convinced me and I am happy on parabola now :)

I would suggest you to try it. After all you use I3wm and it seems like  
Parabola and i3wm are perfect match. Thats what I use after all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

What's the output of

cat /etc/fstab

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

What printer is this and how did you install it?

I doubt this is the problem but better be safe.

Splash screen is not what I was expecting :/

When you go to a tty (Ctrl+alt+f2 or f3 or whatever..) Can you use it ? You  
must put your username and password.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg
Yeah they didn't help me much either. The answer was too technical and as you  
say you are new, I wasn't OK with it.

Now that I think about it is not related to kernel. Because you can login  
with guest but not your user. Did you try to install a new Desktop  
Environment or something especial?

Does WiFi works with guest? If it does is not related to WiFi. And must be  
something of your user configuration.

Don't worry we will fix it. Just in case boot your PC from a USB or a LiveDVD  
make a backup of your important data. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg
Could you post a picture of the splash screen with trisquel logo? Just to be  
sure is not kernel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

Don't forget to reboot, sometimes it helps. Or power PC off and turning it on

Re: [Trisquel-users] Syslog and Kern.log

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

How much space do you have for / and how much for /home

Is your disk encrypted?

What's the total space of your disk?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg
Try gksudo nautilus it will look different because root has its own themes.  
Don't worry. With Nautilus decrypt it and check permission.

You said you opened it as root before. Once I did that and after that my  
normal user didn't have the permissions to use the disk :/

It was weird.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

What happens when you decrypt and open with a terminal?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Random disconnects

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

That's great :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't open encrypted HDD

2017-07-19 Thread albertoefg

Open it with robot.

Change file and directory permissions to proper user or group

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-18 Thread albertoefg

Ok I se what you mean now.

The splash screen is already grub.

It seems that it lacks the option to select a different kernel or advanced  

Let me looking at the manual of grub and at libreboot.

You can also ask on IRC #libreboot how to boot a different kernel.

I'll try to answer as soon as possible.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-18 Thread albertoefg

 Isn't the splash screen grub??

If not this is:

When GRUB 2 is fully functional, the GRUB 2 terminal is accessed by pressing  
c. If the menu is not displayed during boot, hold down the SHIFT key until it  
appears. If it still does not appear, try pressing the ESC key repeatedly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-18 Thread albertoefg
Press Shift or ESC at boot and in GRUB select advanced options hit enter and  
select a different kernel.

Here you have a more detailed instruction with images:

The top one is normally the latest then there is probable a recovery with the  
sawe kernel. So the tird is probable the one you want.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors

2017-07-18 Thread albertoefg

Do you remember what más updated?

Try booting with a different kernel:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-18 Thread albertoefg
Maybe there is a bug related to the encryption method. It seems the problem  
is not that uncommon.

Is it working normally now?? That is great :)

I don't feel like I helped much but at least your machine is working now :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-18 Thread albertoefg

Also try upgrading to jxself kernel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-18 Thread albertoefg

Install nvdia drivers and blacklist nv as stated here:

troubleshooting X server. (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not  
exist, 0) - Ask Ubuntu -

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel not detecting ThinkPenguin wifi adapter after install

2017-07-17 Thread albertoefg

Could you try booting with a different kernel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-17 Thread albertoefg


New Idea... Could you create a new user and see if with a new user it works?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-17 Thread albertoefg
I am getting out of ideas :/ specially because you say it works on other  
computers and it worked before.

This is weird. I hope that a fresh install will solve it then :/

Or maybe someone else could join and suggest something else?? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-17 Thread albertoefg

What does ~./xinitrc says could yei share it?

Could you check if you have xorg-xinit and it is configured properly?

Thoug, it must be because root works.. :/

Maybe install a different Desktop Environment see if it works?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-17 Thread albertoefg
As you said, checking files and directories permissions is also a good thing  
to do. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-17 Thread albertoefg

If that doesn't... Then I would rename ~/.config/i3/config

And after that maybe .bash_profile or .bashrc or .bash

Rename them to something else, if the problem continues then you can change  
the name back to the original.

In an extreme case I would rename all ~./config to something like  

The only thing I can't think of is that something in bash or in config is  
executing something you don't want, that is why root works but user doesn't.

Of course this only if /home is decrypted

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-17 Thread albertoefg


So currently you have an install with only disk encryption apart from /boot  
but /home has not its own encryption?

Do you have any custom config files? I would delete them first

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU R IDE

2017-07-16 Thread albertoefg

Hello, I just want to say Emacs is awesome :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-16 Thread albertoefg

I3 requires to read config which is in /home

root user has a different config file that is not in /home but in /root

If you encrypted disk and /home when you unlock at boot you are only  
unblocking the disk but not /home

Probably i3 freezes because it can't read config file and also all the other  
important files like .bash .bashrc .bash_profile and everything else.

Make sure /home is decrypted before startx

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-13 Thread albertoefg
Try to describe more the current problem than your guesses or previous  

Describe the problem's symptoms, not your guesses

It's not useful to tell hackers what you think is causing your problem. (If  
your diagnostic theories were such hot stuff, would you be consulting others  
for help?) So, make sure you're telling them the raw symptoms of what goes  
wrong, rather than your interpretations and theories. Let them do the  
interpretation and diagnosis. If you feel it's important to state your guess,  
clearly label it as such and describe why that answer isn't working for you.

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way -

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard + mouse not responding after startx (/home & /swap encrypted)

2017-07-13 Thread albertoefg
Did you modify ~/.bash or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc or something like  

Maybe your ./config/i3/config is executing some program you have not  
installed or configured properly??

Re: [Trisquel-users] Issues with Guix retroarch on Trisquel

2017-07-12 Thread albertoefg

I am glad you solved your problem.

Even though is an emulator, it still is proprietary software.

The immoral problem of proprietary software is not that it has malevolent  
features, but that it doesn't respect your freedom, which is a malevolent  
feature from my point of view.

So even if the emulator doesn't hurt your system it does hurt your freedom.

Many of us here don't like that, that is why we will hardly help you, because  
we don't have  proprietary programs and that means we just have no idea of  
how to solve a problem of a program we don't use.

This is not a punishment for using proprietary software, instead, is just a  
lack of knowledge.

But if you ever have a problem with free software, I am sure many more will  
help you :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Support Lisa's fundraiser today

2017-07-06 Thread albertoefg

Of course.

However... You asked explicitly why should you help her, when you believe she  
lives in sin, I gave you an answer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Support Lisa's fundraiser today

2017-07-05 Thread albertoefg
If I remember correctly there is no such religion that advices against  
helping others, especially not by the way they look.

And if your religion teaches you to not help others, if you don't agree with  
them or you don't like the way they look, then maybe you should reconsider  

I will suggest atheism as a moral way of life...

But if you insisit in religion, there are many good options that teach you to  
ALWAYS help others, try to be a better person and NEVER judge others no  
matter what, as this is (in most religions) their deity's works.

A few good options are: Christianity, Buddhism, Islamism, Judaism,   
Pastafarianism, IPU, among others.

Just be careful, there is always people that try to teach religion to support  
they political agenda, forgetting their own believes. Try to learn the  
morality of the religion you choose and not the contaminated stuff. (Except  
for IPU and Pastafarianism this are outstanding examples of what religion  
should be).

Anyway I hope someday you can learn why you should help others even if you  
don't agree with them. A society can't run with justice if we only treat  
right those who we agree with.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Streaming a power point presentation in a video conference

2017-07-04 Thread albertoefg

Stream slides through audio??

Do you want to share your desktop with them?

Or just them to see the slides?

I don't understand :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions about determining what is free software

2017-07-03 Thread albertoefg
If you install software in Trisquel with apt-get is going to be really hard  
that you install proprietary software.

But if you use PPA's of Ubuntu this are not officialy supported by Trisquel  
and you have to check to make sure your freedom is not at risk.

If you are a programmer or you like to play with the system there is a chance  
you will be asked to install software from python with pip

pip install package

In that case or some other package manager I think npm on JavaScript, (I  
don't know much about this package managers) but you have to be careful about  
them. Most of them don't have a strong policy about free software. So even in  
Trisquel you could install non-free software.

Something similar happens to program's plugins. Just because a program is  
free doesn't mean the plugins are, so be careful if you  download a plugin  
from Internet.

This also is applied to Firefox and Thunderbird plugins, even if MPL 2.0 is  
compatible with GPL the plugins they recommended are not necessarily Free  

Also, if you use Emacs or you ever starhmusing Emacs you probably will be  
suggested to install MELPA (more pthatns). I don't know about Vim but it also  
has lots of plugin's.

Bottom line Trisquel will protect your freedom with apt-get.

Apart from that, you are responsible of making sure other software you  
install is also libre. Which will probably be though.

Except from Firefox and Thunderbird most of the cases I mentioned rarely have  
non-free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Kate has an intolerable flaw; read on, please.

2017-06-01 Thread albertoefg

This is a known bug that has an easy fix:

sudo apt-get install emacs

Then learn Emacs :)

Well... To be fair is probably not that fast but it is worth it :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] ¿How to obtain source code from closed company’s privative programs?

2017-05-21 Thread albertoefg
I think most answers here missed an important point. You said company  

So even if the software were no longer copyrighted, were would you get it?

If I remember correctly there are more than one free software programs that  
are no longer aviable because no one has the code anymore..

That is why I don't feel that the suggestion of Adfeno would have changed  

Some programs just die, whether they are free software or not. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a way to get a LUKS keyfile in initrd.img/initramfs, with jxself's kernel?

2017-05-11 Thread albertoefg

At what point do you get that message

Re: [Trisquel-users] microsoft against surveillance, they say

2017-05-10 Thread albertoefg

But.. They are still un the top of contributions on github.

And.. Is not that I am saying they are the good guys..
But if I remember correctly Snowdon also said PRISM was using law and a  
secret court to force companies to gave the data. Even if this was against  
their will.

Now you might think, "yeah they didn't opposed, they probably helped those  

But let's be honest. If the NSA is treating you in a secret court and not  
collaborating can put you in jail for more than one federal crime, or any  
other way the NSA can bully you.

What would you do? The NSA had the law and courts on their side...

Again I am not saying Microsoft is the best company ever. But they deserve a  
fair judgement, they have done wrong but they were also forced to do even  
more wrong.

We should not waste our time dealing with a company.

Instead, we should worry about having a law system that would make such  
practices as proprietary software and surveillance, impossible.

That is more of a problem than Microsoft.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Boot New Linux-Libre Kernel in Libreboot

2017-05-09 Thread albertoefg

Evento though it is meant for parabola, the GRUB part should help as a guide.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Syncthing, your own (and really easy to install) Cloud

2017-05-08 Thread albertoefg

Yes is really great :)

I found it easier to install and use than to use owncloud. I just need to  
sync files. Not all the things owncloud offers. Which are good. But not for  
my use :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Syncthing, your own (and really easy to install) Cloud

2017-05-08 Thread albertoefg
>How did you install SyncThing? I can't find it in the Trisquel 7 repos. This  
is the main reason I haven't tested it yet. I've learned the hard way to be  
hesistent about randomly adding software to a GNU-Linux desktop when updates  
are not supported by the distro's own repo.

I was about to tell you how to install it. Then I read you are not going to  
install it anyway lol

Re: [Trisquel-users] How I browse and watch youtube

2017-04-21 Thread albertoefg

Los of edits :) los

Let me try it

[Trisquel-users] How I browse and watch youtube

2017-04-20 Thread albertoefg

There are 2 options that I use to watch youtube

1.- Our friend JadedCtrl has a collection of (pretty POSIX) shell scripts to  
browse YouTube quickly, efficiently, and without the bloat most command-line  
clients require.

Also, shellTube doesn't use the YouTube API at all. This avoids the annoying  
red-tapey stuff that goes with it -- IDs, registration, quota.

(yeah I pretty much copypaste the description :P her words are better than  
mine though )

2.- I also use this GUI client called Kaku some videos  
some times not work though, but I think it is related to youtube limiting  
some videos (a couple months back a few applications like VLC, youtube-dl and  
new pipe broke because of changes on youtube)

So that is what I mostly use. Any comments and advice would be appreciated.  
In virtue of the recent problems with youtube-dl I thought this might help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-Libre Kernel Headers

2017-04-20 Thread albertoefg

Hello. I am not sure of what you mean.

You con install jxself kernel

Or if that is not what you need, perhaps look at this

Hope that helps :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a good free alternative to Mendeley?

2017-04-19 Thread albertoefg

I tener use them more than out of curiosity. I liked Kbibitex.

Not sure if it is what you want.

This list may help though


Re: [Trisquel-users] Has anyone ever flashed a replicant phone before?

2017-04-18 Thread albertoefg

No :( Only Cyanogenmod/LinegeOS this last two where really easy though.

I think it shouldn't be too hard.

You can do it :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Trisquel 8 alpha images

2017-04-17 Thread albertoefg

You can change the password!

That way you can recover your account.

As you can see, it is really simple to gain Root access to a PC if you have  
physical access to it. This is the reason why you should always encrypt your  
hard drive.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Contributing to Trisquel Tutorial

2017-04-17 Thread albertoefg

It is better to use Gitlab.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-12 Thread albertoefg

If you create an account tell me so i can add you :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-12 Thread albertoefg

Hey, thanks :)

Yes I wish more people were interested in this :)

It seems that neither Spanish or English forum had much interest.

Some even said is bad because comes from a company. Which personally I found  
sad. Because we should celebrate new companies are joining the free software  

Specially if the use strong Copyleft as in this case. Now that they changed  
most of their code to GPL.

But anyway I am glad that you liked. I didn't know about WebRTC to be honest.

I'll try to convince my sister to use it.

Lastly, you are right I think that Wire is a real opportunity to defeat  

It has a lot of great features and I hope more people start using it so  
people can ditch Skype.  :)

And yes, GNU Ring is great but has a long way to become as good as Wire.

Just because Wire is not GNU doesn't make it less Free Software and I am sure  
RMS wouldn't tell me to stop using it :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-11 Thread albertoefg
1.- If you click one of the many links i shared so far you can see it has  
support for desktop and mobile OS.

2.- They are intended for different purpose so I don't think one is better  
than the other.

3.- I don't think it makes a difference for how long the code is being free  
as long as it is free software.

There are a few good things about Wire, as I already said:

1.- People who is not tech savy can use it without my help.

2.- No need for cellphone number.

3.- End to end encryption by default.

4.- Syncs account between devices.

5.- Send voice messages, files, images, emojis, GIF's, and drawnings.

6.- Text, audio and videocalls.

7.- Nice and clean interface.

8.- People I know is actually willing to change to wire as opposed to other  

This is why I like it so much.

Not because I think is better. But because it had allowed me to use a free  
and secure way to communicate with family and friends before they get  
desperate and say "I don't understand this app" and uninstall.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-11 Thread albertoefg
1.- If you click one of the many links i shared so far you can see it has  
support for desktop and mobile OS.

2.- They are intended for different purpose so I don't think one is better  
than the other.

3.- I don't think it makes a difference for how long the code is being free  
as long as it is free software.

There are a few good things about Wire, as I already said:

1.- People who is not tech savy can use it without my help.

2.- No need for cellphone number.

3.- End to end encryption by default.

4.- Syncs account between devices.

5.- Send voice messages, files, images, emojis, GIF's, and drawnings.

6.- Text, audio and videocalls.

7.- Nice and clean interface.

8.- People I know is actually willing to change to wire as opposed to other  

This is why I like it so much.

Not because I think is better. But because it had allowed me to use a free  
and secure way to communicate with family and friends before they get  
desperate and say "I don't understand this app" and uninstall.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-11 Thread albertoefg
I just read the report, in 3 years they haven't get a single request from  
police :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-11 Thread albertoefg

Yes :) Sadly it is also kind of heavy so Trisquel won't ship it :(

[Trisquel-users] Do you use GIMP or Krita? Why?

2017-04-11 Thread albertoefg
Which do you prefer and why do you think is better? I heard krita is getting  
really good :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-11 Thread albertoefg

Well you can see the code in the same comment, it is under GPLv3.

It also has end to end encryption and was independently audited recently:

It is also based on Swiss and they do reports of every request they get

They have encryption on client side so there is not much they can share with  
the police though :)

As for when it was created, honestly I don't know. I only care about when it  
became Free Software :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-10 Thread albertoefg
But Wire is free software :) 

Re: [Trisquel-users] I have tried everything...

2017-04-09 Thread albertoefg

I do have DVD's. I buy them on a regular store one block away of my house.

You probably want to buy a few. Usually I find them to be better to try ISO's  
than regular USB.

They take longer to boot, but are faster to burn. They also tend to have less  
problems like the one you are facing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I have tried everything...

2017-04-09 Thread albertoefg

Did you try to boot with a Live DVD?
Sometimes is the best :) it takes a little longer but wy less than  
figuring out the problem. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-08 Thread albertoefg

GNU Ring lacks one really important thing is not simple to use.

 :/ my family and friends didn't understand it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-08 Thread albertoefg
GNU Ring is great. However my family and friends had lots of problems to use  

With Wire they have had none. And as the server is free under AGPL and it has  
encryption by default on client side, privacy and freedom are not issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-08 Thread albertoefg

Wire used to be proprietary software. That link is just outdated.

Now it is under GPL

And server is AGPL

So don't worry :) it is Free Software now :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-08 Thread albertoefg
Yes, but my family and friends wont. If you use IRC and want to play sometime  
join #LGN ;)

[Trisquel-users] Wire is Free Software now

2017-04-07 Thread albertoefg

I've wanted to tell you about wire for a couple months now. I am really happy  

Wire is software really similar to whatsapp or telegram. But is free now both  
client and server side.

It also has encryption by default on client side. For messages, calls and  

It also sync between devices, so you can sync it between smartphone and  
GNU/Linux. (Useful because you can send files, it works as a secure small  

It supports multiple OS so your friends and family can easily install on  
proprietary OS and is so intuitive they will use it quickly without your help  

You can send files, emojis and GIF's. You can also draw :)

It uses Google Play services on adroid BUT it works without them too :) so it  
should work on Replicant.

I must say I really like it.

P.S.If anyone wants to talk with me over wire just let me now and I'll send  
you my account :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-05 Thread albertoefg

Well I really like GNOME :)

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