Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-17 Thread dudeski
I'm well aware what glibc is, and what gnu packages exist on my system, thank  
you very much.. xD

Now then, in no particular order.

Nonsense, glibc is surely the standard, but it's not somehow magically  
essential. There are many other C libraries, like libc from BSD, uClibc, even  
Microsoft has one for crying out loud.  It could be replaced, and yes, your  
binaries would probably need some recompiling and essentially everything  
would break. ...Well, yeah? So would any Qt apps if you suddenly changed that  
library, or GTK2 apps, or whatever apps. What's your point? All these things  
are userland stuff that's perfectly replaceable.

Same argument for bash, coreutils, etc. Obviously there's no need or desire  
to change the current standards, but that doesn't mean you couldn't. As such  
they're not ESSENTIAL, as you say, just a standard that would be highly  
convenient for everyone involved to keep.

So far as I'm concerned Android is technically a Linux distro, but I don't go  
around calling it a Bionic/Linux distro, or a Google/Linux distro. That'd be  

And sure, the GNU userland is used in a very large subset of Linux distros,  
and if you wanna call those GNU/Linux, go ahead, I'll still consider it in  
the broader sense of a Linux system.

Hey, hey, hey! Nobody's saying the gnu packages aren't important, obviously.  
But then X11 is also important, for most people things like a browser, a java  
runtime environment, drivers, assorted productivity software, even games, all  
kinds of software really, is also very important. Have you seen the rather  
staggering amount of packages needed for all these things?
At the end of the day it makes sense to me to call a system by it's principal  
component, which is and will always be the kernel.

I'm not trying to dictate what anyone else calls it, that's their choice, but  
frankly I'm annoyed with people going "Call it GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux" or  
whatever else along those lines.
The world too seems to have decided on Linux as a name, that's the standard  
nomenclature, might as well go with it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Concern about GNU/Linux becoming more proprietary

2013-12-17 Thread dudeski
Well, if you wanna redefine words in the english langauge, go ahead. I  
frankly couldn't care less what they mean in your particular alternate  
The point is OEMs should have the freedom to bundle whatever they want. And  
the last thing anyone needs is bullshit government legislation about  
software. Get a grip on reality, that line of thinking never ends well.

That's a purely theoretical control, nobody inspects all their source code,  
and very few compile their systems from source. Not to mention there's no  
control over the hardware layer anyway, so this is already moot.

No, that's the GPL requirement, if you're dealing with GPL code you have to  
abide by it's restrictions, obviously. Copyleft is perfectly fine if that's  
what you wanna do, but pretending that a restrictive license is somehow more  
"free" or has more "freedom" for anyone than a permissive one is just silly.

Restrictions are restrictions. That's all there is to that. Obviously they're  
not all equal, nor did I ever claim they were.

What the OEM thing above is essentially saying is that people are too damn  
stupid to know what they want or what's good for them, and as such we must  
make all things that doesn't conform with one entirely subjective view of the  
world illegal and abolished. This amounts to taking away freedom of choice.
And I think we all know that if the FSF had their way it'd be illegal to  
write propriatary software or sell non-open hardware. That's no different  
from any other tyranny, what you're advocating does indeed amount to forcing  
"freedom" on people.

"the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action"
Indeed, that does sound like freedom, and even someone as horrid as a  
hardware store or a programmer should have it.
If they wanna write propriatary software, that's their right. If you don't  
wanna use it, that's yours.

In regards to your post, yes, of course the GPL doesn't force anything on  
anyone, as it's up to them whether or not to use GPL code in the first place.
Very much like it's up to us whether we buy a computer from Lenovo or use a  
system with propriatary components. Nobody's forcing you to use a computer at  
all, certainly nobody's forcing you to use Windowns.

My objection is simply to the general notion that software should be somehow  
regulated or that OEMs shouldn't be able to put whatever they want on the  
hardware they sell.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-17 Thread dudeski
..Wow, I thought the DSM V was full of bullshit conditions, but this thread  
really takes the cake.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-17 Thread dudeski
You mean a few years later someone developed his own operating system to  
replace Minix, and then eventually a bunch of useful gnu packages got added  
to it. And it was called Linux.
Regardless of history, considering the gnu tools are just a small part of the  
userland today, it makes sense to name the system after it's central and most  
important component, which is after all the Linux kernel. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome shell privacy issue : Auto answering voice and video calls

2013-12-17 Thread dudeski
We DO have Gnome2, it's just called MATE now. What's wrong with getting it  
via a ppa? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome shell privacy issue : Auto answering voice and video calls

2013-12-17 Thread dudeski
I meant if they wanted to make Gnome Shell the default desktop in the future.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Concern about GNU/Linux becoming more proprietary

2013-12-17 Thread dudeski

Right, so let me just check if I got your logic right.

1) OEMs should somehow be restricted in what they can and cannot bundle, I  
would assume by government. Government legislation and restrictions for  
everybody = freedom. Sure, that makes plenty sense, I'm sure nine out of ten  
tyrants would agree. So far as I'm concerned that'd just be one more nasty  
overreach, much like the GPLv3 is overreaching into things it should have no  
business with.

2) So what you have against them is that compared to the GPL they have  
substantially less restrictions and give substantially more freedom. At least  
in the traditional sense of the word. Of course, if we're operating under the  
redefining of words from part 1, namely that restriction = freedom, this  
might be different.

Replacing one nonsensical example with another one then. It wouldn't make a  
lick of difference, case and point, numerous propriatary drivers already  
exist, and companies like Nvidia doesn't seem to have any problems churning  
them out.
Let's also not forget that distros doesn't seem to have any trouble including  
these drivers. How exactly would a permissive license make any of this  
easier? Hell, if anything there are more propriatary drivers under Linux  
than, say, the BSD's, although that is at least partly due to most of them  
not being compatible anyway.

I'm unsure what "glue" you're talking about.

Neither does the GPL. It just encourages more badly written, less secure and  
generally more troublesome propriatary software. Whether you consider that a  
good thing is of course another topic. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Concern about GNU/Linux becoming more proprietary

2013-12-16 Thread dudeski
Steam existed before SteamOS, nobody's died yet, I don't see this being a  
problem. As for drivers, yeah, of course they use the official Nvidia  
drivers, performance is substantially better and newer cards aren't supported  
by nouveau yet.
Well, if an OEM wanna add crapware that's their right. Much like it's your  
right to blast that crapware to hell and install another OS or just not buy  
that computer to begin with.

What do you have against the BSD-style licences? So far as I'm concerned  
they're far more "free" than the restrictive and copyleft GPL, not to mention  
a helluvalot easier to read and less open to legalese and interpretation. And  
they don't attempt any nonsense like the anti-"tivoization" thing.

And absolutely, yes, some project are running away from GPL software. FreeBSD  
has replaced GCC with clang, OpenBSD has a policy of avoiding GPL code if at  
all possible and never relying on it, GhostBSD is going Apache OpenOffice,  
Android doesn't have a GNU userland at all, etc.
But so far as I can see that has nothing to do with wanting to bundle  
propriatary software, but rather just that a) the alternatives are better as  
in the case with Android, or b) because they'd rather use the permissive  
style license and obviously keep their code under those licenses and not fall  
victim to any GPL violations, as in the case of OpenBSD and FreeBSD.

I'm unsure what you mean, how would replacing glibc make it easier to run  
propriatary software?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread dudeski
Quit clickin', people constantly trying to dictate nomenclature is just so  
damn annoying.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread dudeski
Credit schmedit. If that's what it's about, how about  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread dudeski

That's a matter of opinion u'know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread dudeski

Trisquel 6 is based on Ubuntu 12.04, so you can't do that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome shell privacy issue : Auto answering voice and video calls

2013-12-16 Thread dudeski
Based on what I knew at the time of writing that comment I'll stand by it  
being a feature that a user would has to implicitly ask for by installing  
Gnome Shell and Epiphany, and explicitly by setting them with an IM account.
Much like asking for a bullet by pointing a gun at your head and pulling the  
trigger. An analogy I find highly relevant to the subject at hand, which is  
after all Gnome Shell. =x

1) Well yes, it's obviously not a particularly sane default, I agree. And  
yeah, if the Trisquel devs wanna shoot people in the foot with the bullshit  
that is Gnome Shell, that's their right of course. At least in later versions  
it's not quite as ridiciously hungry for RAM as, say, KDE's silly widget  
desktop monstrosity was last I tried it.. xD

2) You don't have to let gnome / epiphany / whatever handle your IM accounts.  
It's an opt-in by definition. It's not like Gnome Shell goes into your pidgin  
settings, takes the information, and then sets up it's own system with them.

3) Yeah, not a sane default, but that doesn't mean it's a bug.

I see no reason to, as I have no desire to use Gnome Shell, nor would it run  
particularly well on a netbook, which is currently the only place I still run  

This is not a "serious privacy issue", it's a poorly implemented feature,  
nothing more. Even if there's no option to disable this behaviour, that's not  
a bug either, just a missing feature.
So call the subject of this thread what it is, a feature request, not a  
critical bug.
For the record, I completely agree with adding a toggle for this behaviour  
and disabling it by default.

Re: [Trisquel-users] malware

2013-12-15 Thread dudeski
Oh avoiding malware is easy, no need for any AV stuff.. Just follow the three  
step mantra.
Don't own a computer, don't turn it on, and whatever you do, don't connect it  
to the internet. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Software that interactively lies to people

2013-12-15 Thread dudeski
Oooh.. That is rather clever. =o Man, I'm so looking forward to sexually  
harassing my customer service representa-I mean robot.

Remember, it's all perfectly legal if it doesn't pass the turing test. =o

Re: [Trisquel-users] SteamOS based on Debian a good thing for Ubuntu/Trisquel?

2013-12-15 Thread dudeski
Hmm. I seem to recall Value making some contributions to the Intel drivers  
during L4D2 development, so who knows. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome shell privacy issue : Auto answering voice and video calls

2013-12-15 Thread dudeski

It's just a ppa, I see no problem with that.
But if you're worried about such things, there are other good DE's too, XFCE,  
LXDE, or even just a simple WM like openbox or ratpoison. So far as I'm  
concerned they're all better than Gnome Shell.

..Although in fairness, the new Gnome 3.8 classic mode is kinda neat. =x

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free Trisquel Wallpepers

2013-12-15 Thread dudeski
And how sad that must be for you, 'cause they're nice wallpapers, with a  
color for every occation. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome shell privacy issue : Auto answering voice and video calls

2013-12-15 Thread dudeski
That's your opinion. I'm sure there are plenty of people who wants  
auto-reply, what right have you to dictate what is and isn't a feature?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome shell privacy issue : Auto answering voice and video calls

2013-12-15 Thread dudeski
..How is that a bug? It's a feature, which I presume you asked for by  
installing gnome shell and empathy and not setting them up properly.

I got a solution for ye. Use a proper desktop and a proper IM client. Like  
MATE and Pidgin. It'll be good. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to choose server hardware?

2013-12-15 Thread dudeski
Well, just a mailserver should be able to run on basically everything. Now  
making it keep up with spam is of course another matter entirely. =p
GPU doesn't matter at all for a server, normally you'd want it headless and  
just manage via SSH or something.
(Unless there was some kind of server application that could utilize OpenCL  
or whatever.. But somehow I doubt that's relevant for an email server.)

I use an older laptop to do SSH and a Minecraft server, it seems to work just  
fine really. In terms of power consumption I'd recommend enabling the CPU  
frequency scaling and whatever other power saving you can. 90% of the time a  
home server isn't doing much, might as well keep it cool. =p

Re: [Trisquel-users] freedom friendly netbook

2013-12-14 Thread dudeski

Shame they don't make them like the 1000H anymore..
So easy, one big panel with two screws that got you straight to WiFi card,  
harddisk and RAM. Even got a modded bios on it to enable AHCI for the SSD.

Just in general though, if you want a bit more snappiness, should look into  
an Arch-based distro, like Parabola or whatever.
As I understand it the 3.2 kernels that Trisquel uses by default doesn't even  
support the Cederview chips used in the X101CH.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Indian and Telugu libre gnu/linux distribution?

2013-12-14 Thread dudeski
And what's the difference? It's probably just a shell script deleting files  
The kernel doesn't suggest anything, the installer does. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] freedom friendly netbook

2013-12-13 Thread dudeski
Let's all remember that by the time Debian hits stable it's already severely  
out of date.
Lack of acceleration is still the case, Xorg dropped support for the  
releveant type of extensions ages ago I believe. It's just a basic  
unaccelerated driver. For a truly ancient SM712 chip with 4MB of video  
memory. Yeah 4MB.
I believe Parabola actually had some semi-unstable partially accelerated  
driver but.. Yeah. Good luck.

Yeah, lack of power is a problem, especially if (like in OpenBSD) many  
packages needs to be compiled from the ports tree. Then again, a minimalistic  
install with cwm, dillo and other lightweight stuff works pretty well.

gNewSense also runs pretty zippy on it.. Not that you'd wanna use it for,  
say, internet browsing or anything.
If nothing else because the firefox 3.5 codebase isn't exactly getting  
bugfixes anymore...

Re: [Trisquel-users] freedom friendly netbook

2013-12-13 Thread dudeski

This might also be of interest.

Re: [Trisquel-users] freedom friendly netbook

2013-12-13 Thread dudeski
Certainly not a scam, although at this stage the only two OS's actually  
running on the thing is gNewSense, which has packages older than either of  
us, and OpenBSD, which has a fairly sparse selection of at least recent  

As I understand it Parabola has more or less dropped support and it's halfway  
impossible to install it now because the base is so old, and you just get  
nasty dependency locks. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Indian and Telugu libre gnu/linux distribution?

2013-12-11 Thread dudeski
In other words a libre kernel. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-10 Thread dudeski
Oh of course not, such a holier-than-thou,you-no-freedom-suckers attitude  
would never occur anywhere near that man..

Cause it's not like he refers to anyone not fully onboard his particular  
freedom train as "worse than suckers" or anything.

Slightly more OT though.
This thread sounds scarily like a setup for debating the proper  
intepretations of scripture or something.
Is it that important to anyone what Stallman does or doesn't do, or in what  
semi-douchy way he may or may not do it? xD

And anyway, everybody likes the freedom to have a double standard here and  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Simple guide to make happy a GNU user

2013-12-06 Thread dudeski
"You are only free if you follow what we, the FSF, write in our website. If  
you attempt anything against our writings and opinions, you are not free. Now  
rejoice in the freedom we thrust upon you."

Well. Yeah? The FSF tends to equate freedom of choice with convenience, what  
else is new?
Which in fairness is totally reasonable, it is pretty damn convenient when  
grandma doesn't complain because her WiFi card doesn't work or whatever..

Point is, that's always been their thing, so doubt it needs sabotage. Don't  
get me wrong, they do a lot of important work, but then so does the salvation  
army, and I'd advise taking their philosophical underpinnings with a fair  
chunk of salt too. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Simple guide to make happy a GNU user

2013-12-05 Thread dudeski
OpenOffice, Apache OpenOffice as it's called now, is being actively  
developed, with version 4 now out and stuff.

And more to the point. LibreOffice has a crap logo and a greenish theme.  
OpenOffice is all pretty blue. Obviously that's what matters. =o Also should  
also root for the underdog. And so on. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Simple guide to make happy a GNU user

2013-12-05 Thread dudeski
Well of course it doesn't help, but that all or nothing, holier than thou is  
kind of a theme with the FSF, so what can you do?

And what's wrong with OpenOffice? It's still around and under active  
development, under a nice permissive license no less. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Simple guide to make happy a GNU user

2013-12-05 Thread dudeski
Oh, well that's okay, I'm not the "free software movement". Just a guy  
stating his personal opinion about Debian being a perfectly fine OS to use.
..Possibly excepting how damn slow apt-get seems to be on it.. I'll take  
pacman any day... xD

Yes, if you have some WiFi chip that needs firmware microcode or whatever. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Simple guide to make happy a GNU user

2013-12-04 Thread dudeski
Nothing wrong with letting people decide for themselves. Debian simply gives  
you the choice. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Simple guide to make happy a GNU user

2013-12-03 Thread dudeski
Hmm.. Cool, this must be one of them little forum bots I keep hearing about..  
Just scanning through threads, looking for certain keywords, and then  
providing irrelevant links everybody's already seen a million times..

Well, that's the only explanation I can think of, seeing as the nonissue of  
FSF endorsement was already explicitly mentioned. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Big Brother has a name, and his name is P*OMIS (R instead of the *) software

2013-12-02 Thread dudeski
You should never attribute to planning or malice what can readily be  
explained by chance and incompetense. And likewise there's no need to  
attribute to organized effort what can easily be explained by a bunch of  
douchebags all doing their own little thing.

And in keeping with the theme of vague analogies, much like there's no need  
for a heavenly father to direct the process of life, there's no for some  
shadowy overlords to direct the economy or fuck up stuff. That happens just  
fine on it's own, and when it gets overly screwy it's usually mere plain old  
fashioned corruption. Mixed with a hearty dose of incompetence.

And now I'm just gonna ramble on about some cases in no particular order, if  
only because that's still more fun than preparing for my exams.
It's not like them three letter agencies give a shit about what any of us are  
up to, plain fact is that 99% of people are rather uninteresting, at least  
for most profitable purposes. The only point of these draconian spying  
programs that are running is for the blackmail and stock tips.
Which is nice combo, 'cause that way your appointed officials will do as  
they're told, and there'll even be plenty of spare money to pay for it. It's  
win - win, assuming you're a crooked asshole.

As for the economy, that's a cyclical thing. It goes up and it goes down.  
Only reason it gets really bad at the end of the cycles is that sentral banks  
and governments, more or less the same thing nowadays, keep propping it up to  
hold off collapse. By doing stuff like printing more money and lying their  
asses off about things like unemployment numbers. The higher they go, the  
harder they fall and all that jazz.

As for the FEMA thing.. Pt, as if, there's no realistic need for any of  
that stuff. We have the DSM-V and plenty of groovy antipsychic drugs now.  
Putting people in FEMA camps costs money, while just giving them a cool  
diagnosis and shooting them up with even cooler drugs is a pure profit deal.

Economics dictates my conspiracy theory is better. =x
And regardless, it's not like the US has democracy now. Let's also not forget  
that they've been in a defacto state of emergency for the last 12 years or  

But now that I've wasted my hands banging on a tiny keyboard for a few  
paragraphs, let's just get one thing straight here. Really now. You're gonna  
bring fucking Alex Jones and infowars up as a source of information?
Geez. Just get a memo of talking points from the state department why dontcha  
like everybody else.. You do know that guy is just a shill running around  
yelling and screaming to make all conspiracy theorists look like batshit  
crazy assholes, right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU Guix: important free software project you've never heard of

2013-12-02 Thread dudeski

So a package manager, huh.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Big Brother has a name, and his name is P*OMIS (R instead of the *) software

2013-12-02 Thread dudeski
Heh. If such a thing actually existed, and wasn't a complete piece of shit,  
I'd say we need some more competent shadowy overlords.
Bad enough how poorly they're managing the world, but more to the point, why  
hasn't everyone reading this been droned and replaced by clever python  
scripts? This is no good. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Your Android Phone Is Secretly Recording Everything You Do

2013-12-02 Thread dudeski
This is a two year old overhyped story. So the carriers know slightly more  
about your phone than they already did. That's what you get for buying a  
phone from them instead of just getting one unlocked. *Shrug*
Just run a custom rom, which I'd assume most people here are doing anyway.  
Problem solved.