Re: [Trisquel-users] unable to login following software update - encrypted drive

2020-02-17 Thread fenderbassist
I have this same problem on one specific computer lately ... an HP P2-1334  
which is an AMD-based system with an AMD Fusion E1-1200 processor and Radeon  
HD 7310 onboard graphics.  I boot it up, get the ecryption GUI password panel  
but cannot enter anything  So I have to ctrl+alt+del to restart it, see the  
Grub menu appear and vanish and get to an ecryption black screen prompt  
instead to enter the sd5 password.

The only other PC I've had this issue on was also an AMD-based system.  I no  
longer have it and forget the model but it had an Athlon XP processor and  
some form of Radeon onboard graphics.  Same exact procedure.

None of my other systems (all 7 of them being Intel-based) ever had this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Free Software Force is calling for support

2019-11-16 Thread fenderbassist

Glad to see the support.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird text display distortions in ABrowser on Trisquel 8

2019-11-02 Thread fenderbassist
I have same issue on old desktop PC, a Compaq SR5410F.  Intel Core2Duo  
"Wolfdale" 3.06 E7600, Intel 82G33/G31 Express integrated graphics, 4GB  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sudo update to address flaw, will it be available soon on Trisquel 8?

2019-10-14 Thread fenderbassist
I see, thank you for letting me know.  I didn't realize this was the case.   
My other distributions updated to patch, but if it's not necessary on  
Trisquel then I am relieved.  Much obliged, aloniv.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Free Software Force is calling for support

2019-10-14 Thread fenderbassist
Some posts I've been pointed to via the ##rms group on Freenode, supporting  

[Trisquel-users] Sudo update to address flaw, will it be available soon on Trisquel 8?

2019-10-14 Thread fenderbassist

Was made aware of this on IRC and just pasted the first URL describing it  
that I could find, above.

"The vulnerability affects all Sudo versions prior to the latest released  
version 1.8.28, which has been released today, a few hours ago and would soon  
be rolled out as an update by various Linux distributions to their users."

I believe the version we currently have is 1.18.16 ?


Re: [Trisquel-users] New member

2019-10-03 Thread fenderbassist

Greetings and welcome, hope you are enjoying the experience.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't access external usb drive

2017-06-11 Thread fenderbassist
Very glad I could help, I'm not that technically inclined, but have had this  
situation arise a lot of times myself.

Happy hacking :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't access external usb drive

2017-06-09 Thread fenderbassist

I'm just curious, did you run

sudo chown -R user /media/user/usbdrivename

to change ownership of the usb drive?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Happy GNU Year!

2017-01-01 Thread fenderbassist
Happy GNU Year!  May 2017 be a ground breaking year for free software  
promotion and use.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Just a friendly reminder that Trisquel 7.0 is not outdated

2016-12-13 Thread fenderbassist
Personally, I'm very grateful for having Trisquel 7 GNU/Linux available to  
use (I use it on multiple machines) and for the Trisquel community, as well  
as the FSF and all their efforts.

I'm just a home PC multimedia hobbyist, and have to be a little selective  
when using the Webs (HTML5/WebM), but the operating system and related  
programs allow me to do all I want to.  Having to fix my sister's Windows PC  
or an Android phone now and then, I am reminded of how intrusive and pushy  
the experience on some other systems can be.

In my humble opinion, Trisquel 7 on a well configured machine with updated  
TLS and good browser add-ons (HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, Self  
Destructing Cookies, uBlock Origin) works very well for general PC use.

Unfortunately I don't have any programming skills, but I hope that there are  
some users out there that do and decide to make Trisquel GNU/Linux their  
passion.  I'd also like to see a GoFundMe or similar crowd funding page be  
put up to pay said skilled programmers to assist in development.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel netbook (mini) version

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist

I wonder if this might help you?

Read carefully though before implementing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Not booting properly (messages not displaying correctly)

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist

Oh I see, you have a modern laptop, not old desktops like I have.

Have you considered just reformatting and doing a fresh install again?  That  
also has "fixed" weird issues for me when an install stopped working  

I wonder if using the mini desktop environment would be better for you, if  
for some reason the graphic subsystem doesn't like the GNOME 3 derivative the  
"standard" version uses?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist
Donated again, I wonder if someone should start some kind of crowd funding  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How about we send a mail to the fsf, Trisquel could use some help.

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist
Donated again, I wonder if someone should start some kind of crowd funding  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Not booting properly (messages not displaying correctly)

2016-11-22 Thread fenderbassist
My apologies in advance, I'm just a hobbyist and not a professional.  I  
tinker with systems.  I wonder if any of these things might help you:

In the past, when I've gotten similar strange issues I opened up the  
computer, removed the RAM / data cables / power connectors, used a leaf  
blower to blow out all the dust, replaced the processor-heat sink thermal  

If there aren't any leaking capacitors

  I then re-inserted the RAM, reconnected the cables / connectors, changed  
the CMOS battery if old (just for its own sake), and rebooted to see if there  
were still any disk controller or graphic subsystem issues.  If so, I deal  
with them accordingly.

How old is your system?  Is it possible your HDD has issues / requires  

On one system (that I call Frankenstein) that my brother-in-law gave me, the  
hard / floppy / dual optical drives were all bad.  I wasn't sure about the  
controller, and I didn't feel like looking for compatible  
after doing all the above, I just put the OS on 1 USB flash drive and loaded  
7 other flash drives with media.  I use it as a stand-alone media player,  
given that I have 5 other machines that are networked.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread fenderbassist
I have been using Riseup for about a year now.  So far I'm very pleased,  
rock-solid service.  Be aware, they are a donation-based service and there's  
been a few times they had no choice but to ask everyone to donate something  
to help out (which I felt was quite reasonable).  Someone has to pay somehow  
for bandwidth, servers and such.

ProtonMail is a free alternative (as far as I remember).

Another alternative might be Startpage's StartMail, though it appears that it is fee-based.

An additional fee-based service is VFEmail.

Between the suggestions already made and these, I'm sure you can choose  
something that will suit you, best of luck :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Your battery status is being used to track you online

2016-11-05 Thread fenderbassist
Thank you for all the information, made adjustments to about:config and  
installed Privacy Settings / Policy Control add-ons, much appreciated!

Re: [Trisquel-users] New security addons

2016-11-05 Thread fenderbassist

Thank you for mentioning Privacy Badger!  Added it to my web browsers.

May I also suggest Disconnect?

Released under GNU GPL 3.0 even though it's listed as "open source".

[Trisquel-users] Just wanted to take a moment...

2016-10-10 Thread fenderbassist express my appreciation for Trisquel GNU/Linux.  It's worked flawlessly  
on my various machines for general purpose computing, and I've really enjoyed  
the freedom.

I realize the workload this represents for one person, thank you for taking  
the time in your busy life.

Seeing the "control issues" others face with their Windows OS or their  
Google-infested phones, it's nice to have software that doesn't try to run  
your life for you, insisting on your personal/financial info (ex. Play Store)  
to even use it, requiring you to trust them with that info (and whatever  
security procedures they take/omit).

Personally, I think focusing on the browser and networking security updates  
whenever possible has been very helpful.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New in Trisquel

2016-07-04 Thread fenderbassist
Welcome! Your English is very good.  I hope you enjoy using Trisquel, it is  
all I use now on my 4 networked PCs.