Re: [Trisquel-users] trying to install required software for MIT opencourseware

2018-10-11 Thread figosdev
it frequently takes me to that anyway. im quite certain duckduckgo is better  
than google, based on a sample of every single person ive ever talked to im  
never quite certain that i can say anything better about it than that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trying to install required software for MIT opencourseware

2018-10-11 Thread figosdev
i tend to use duckduckgo with javascript disabled. i find it irritating and  
bloated with js on.

searx isnt bad so far. it would be cool if our community stopped using search  
engines altogether, and built our own alternatives. though i cant help  
thinking sooner or later we would be filtering out non-free software from  
search results. and ive got very mixed feelings about that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does the "Deepness of the location of a file" matter when using Flidas?

2018-10-11 Thread figosdev

good to know.

a lot longer than would apply, but i actually found it difficult to believe  
that no client or program had a limit. one of the goals of the gnu project is  
to remove such arbitrary limits when possible.

i believe cpu architecture gives a limit too-- but greater than 4,096.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trying to install required software for MIT opencourseware

2018-10-11 Thread figosdev
i dont know if ixquick is better than duckduckgo in any way shape or form. or yacy are alternatives? i would be interested in this communitys  
opinion on

i disagree with nc for oer:

im not sure boycotting mit opencourseware is the answer, but i wanted to say  
its bad for oer that they do that. what you do in that regard is naturally up  
to you.

cpython is included in trisquel as "python." there are several  
implementations of python, cpython is the most popular one.

"because if you learn something you can't apply it to work that you sell?"

no, nc is just so vague as a license it barely offers anything concrete. this  
defeats the purpose of cc licenses, which are to enable sharing and make it  
less complicated. this makes it completely wrong for oer, which is also  
supposed to simplify sharing and collaboration-- and often does, but it does  
a lot better when proper oer licenses (cc by or by-sa among others) are used.

you already have cpython installed. so what do you want to do next?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does the "Deepness of the location of a file" matter when using Flidas?

2018-10-10 Thread figosdev
try going to file:/// and then clicking on media, then the next folder, until  
you get to the file you wanted to open.

that will save you the hassle of typos. you can probably drag the file onto  
the url bar (or browser window) as well.

you can probably drag the file to the bookmarks bar and then click on the  
bookmarks. good luck.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does the "Deepness of the location of a file" matter when using Flidas?

2018-10-10 Thread figosdev

this table says it doesnt have a path limit:

the filename limit is 255 bytes.

youll want to show the error you got.

even though the filesystem doesnt have a limit, its possible you found one in  
a program. this seems unlikely, but without more information...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why is Trisquel 8 so much bigger than Trisquel 7?

2018-10-10 Thread figosdev

"the larger the program size, the more ram used which means...

More battery life used."

im having a difficult time figuring out the likelihood that youre right about  
this. it would be an interesting way to stretch the battery usage:

if more ram = less swap = less hdd use and the hdd uses way more power than  
the ram, then installing more ram could save battery. im sceptical that only  
the ram "used" by the os gets refreshed as well. doubly so with the kind of  
caching and buffering of ram the kernel is known for.

but maybe, less ram used = less swap used = less hdd used, and still saves  
battery. but not because it uses less ram per se-- because it uses the hdd  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why is Trisquel 8 so much bigger than Trisquel 7?

2018-10-10 Thread figosdev
its incredible how much of the iso is just locales. ive watched icons reach  
absurd proportions too. to the point where im like: do we even need icons?

i get that some people want icons. i havent consider icons useful in ages.  
when the old expected size of a distro is 0.6gb (note: thats still my goal  
for live iso size. i got trisquel down from 2.5 to 1.3 so far) and the icons  
take up more than 10% of a cd, i think maybe we should be switching to 32x32  
max and scale the rest.

by all means, put the rest in an "icon upgrade" pack so you can have nicer  
icons. theyre bloating up the iso now. i also understand that people like you  
and me with concerns like this are in the minority. i dont expect trisquel to  
cater to this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trying to install required software for MIT opencourseware

2018-10-10 Thread figosdev
"You should develop under CPython, and only use PyPy if some weird issue  
arises. This document walks you through installing both flavors."

im a fan of pypy but it seems like you should be using cpython. do you have  
pip installed? i believe it is available in trisquel.

pypy is also available under trisquel. you can install both-- trisquel  
already includes python 7.

in fact im not sure you actually need to install anything that doesnt already  
come with trisquel by default.

id recommend skipping this step and moving past python installation since  
trisquel probably comes with what you need. but let me know how that works  

note that mit opencourseware isnt under a proper oer license (they use nc,  
oer really shouldnt do this) and may include non-free software as well. but  
so far, we have only spoken about python which is free.

let me know if you have trouble with the next part. i have not done what you  
are trying to do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Leaving Trisquel over systemd Concerns, Fantastic Project Otherwise, Thanks

2018-10-09 Thread figosdev
i really doubt your freezes are due to the libre kernel. its possible a video  
driver is messing you up, so i wont say dont check this, but i doubt thats  
what it is. i am just going to guess it is your gpu acting up. ive looked  
around for information on your hardware though i keep mixing that up with  
calms hardware-- not yours.

i have managed to run trisquel (today) without systemd, i thought i would  
mention that. not only without systemd, but without systemd in the live  
version. i have produced a live version that uses upstart. it does lose a few  
things in the process, such as gnome-bluetooth and mate. i use icewm.

im not saying any of this will help your particular situation; we are not  
working on a lot of information about your setup here. (the more information  
we have, the more useful it is to us, though i realise you didnt come for  
tech support.) why tell you this? just to say "yes, trisquel does work  
without systemd." mostly-- i thought that the gui wouldnt load, but im about  
to make an update about that too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Leaving Trisquel over systemd Concerns, Fantastic Project Otherwise, Thanks

2018-10-05 Thread figosdev
It seems like people are always replacing old software that worked with new  
software that doesn't.

not always, but i know the feeling. feel free send me an email if you want to  
talk about ways to address all of this, unless you want to stay on the forum,  
that works too. theres a contact link next to my name-- if you want to avoid  
the captcha, just tell me to contact you instead. then i will do the captcha  
work for you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Leaving Trisquel over systemd Concerns, Fantastic Project Otherwise, Thanks

2018-10-05 Thread figosdev
fair enough. also yes, i did have you mixed up with one of the guys in charge  
of servers at fsf. not sure how that happened, there it is.

for what its worth, i agree the original post would be a lot better if it had  
gone in a more constructive direction. its almost like one bug was  
encountered and they were like "okthxbye!" which i would just chalk up to,  
you go to the trouble of installing a distro, you encounter a bug that you  
think is because of something you already dislike-- frustration gets the  
better of you and this is what happens.

not a high-quality post, but im glad it has triggered some high-quality  
responses regardless of that. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Leaving Trisquel over systemd Concerns, Fantastic Project Otherwise, Thanks

2018-10-05 Thread figosdev
"absolutely no troubleshooting has been mentioned having been performed in  
this thread."

there isnt enough information from the original poster to troubleshoot  
anything, and they expressed no interest in doing anything except migrating,  
so the odds of troubleshooting are going to be low.

i find the arguments youre trying to start in your post to be condescending  
and one-sided and far beneath what i would expect of anyone working directly  
for the free software foundation. if i hadnt stopped funding the fsf already,  
i would consider doing so based on the arrogance of your post. at least stop  
talking down to entire classes of people you dont know (or dont agree with)  
like someone from the open source side, jxself. what the heck?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Leaving Trisquel over systemd Concerns, Fantastic Project Otherwise, Thanks

2018-10-05 Thread figosdev
making hyperbola more newbie friendly should be trivial to do without  
bothering any of the hyperbola devs. what init does it use? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Leaving Trisquel over systemd Concerns, Fantastic Project Otherwise, Thanks

2018-10-05 Thread figosdev

how hard do you
think it would be to maintain Trisquel 7, without systemd?

I don't really care about new packages but I do care about security.

What do you think would be involved?


i was working on this (tonight) before i came to the forum. ive done a number  
of things with automated distro modification, usually around  
already-systemd-free distros.

if its possible to install another init once trisquel is installed, then it  
should be possible to modify the live image before trisquel is installed,  
using chroot and unsquashfs and mksquashfs and genisoimage.

this approach requires no cooperation from the maintainers, and can be worked  
on solo and distributed as a single script.

however, it depends entirely on what you mean by "without systemd."

i started this adventure by remixing refracta (devuan-based) after migrating  
from debian to devuan in early 2015. and the last i checked devuan, they had  
relaxed their definition of what it means to run "without systemd." it was  
possible to change init, it was possible to get away from libsystemd, and now  
"without systemd" means less than a guaranteed avoidance of libsystemd-- even  
in a distro that exists specifically to get away from it!

everyone working on this seems to have a complicated or secret way of doing  
this-- there is no workshop on getting rid of systemd where everyone can  
benefit from the knowledge.

i refuse to use systemd, i wouldnt touch trisquel either (i used it between  
2007 and 2009) unless it was an opportunity to try to remove systemd from the  
live iso, and then from the installation.

systemd uses .service files, but even on a "systemd-free" system, removing  
the .service files can cause problems. so systemd is a lot of fun to remove,  
because everything (it seems) is being rebuilt/recompiled to require it.  
except the many things that arent.

there is no definitive or authoritative answer on what it would take to  
remove systemd from a distro. most people arent both talking about and  
researching it with data. if they know, they dont really say. the systemd  
devs of course are completely uninterested in people using alternatives. to  
me, thats a principal reason to avoid it. developers who are so openly  
antagonistic to freedom shouldnt be trusted to create infrastructure for free  
software-- unless their work is obvious enough for enough users to  

theres a false equivocation between systemd and other inits-- that other  
inits arent interested in your ability to use alternatives either. no other  
init system was created by combining several existing discrete software  
components into one so that to use one part you more or less needed the  
others. no other init system was ever half as antagonistic towards  

devuan works by automating package rebuilding. last i checked, devuan 1.0  
(which i used) was closer to being systemd-free than devuan 2.0, i dont have  
an update on that. the only devuan-based distro i would bother with is  
refracta, but i think the developer of gnuinos is also a very good guy.

im not sure that my efforts to remove systemd from trisquel will lead to  
something useful. remove systemd, and stuff that depends on it (but shouldnt)  
will stop working. true of any software, but more true of systemd.

you fix that by racing against people who seem rather bent on removing your  
choice-- if thats not true, then devuan serves no actual purpose.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel GNU/Linux ----> Trisquel GNU/Linux-Libre

2018-09-20 Thread figosdev
you shouldnt need both "gnu" and "libre." just call it "gnu," or just call it  
"linux-libre." either of these names serve the purpose of talking about  
freedom in the name. (linux-libre explicitly, or gnu implicitly, which is the  
whole purpose of keeping gnu in the name in the first place.)