Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing KDE

2013-06-21 Thread john . wilkins21

You can download KDE version from here

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lost Bios

2013-06-15 Thread john . wilkins21
Having googled I'm hoping it is just a dead battery, going to replace it and  
give it a try.

[Trisquel-users] Lost Bios

2013-06-15 Thread john . wilkins21
Could not start My computer this morning, I think BIOS has died, is there a  
way to recover it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] VMware to Virtualbox - Help !

2013-06-02 Thread john . wilkins21
I run Trisquel alongside Debian (duel boot) I want to do away with Debian as  
an operating system and just use Trisquel.
 In order to do this I need to change to Virtualbox. At present I use Vmware  
to run Windows 7 ( Before people rise up and condem me for using Windows a  
brief explaintion - for the past 20 years or more my hobby has been yacht  
designing and I have two cad programs to do this )

Now to the problems with the changeover.
I copied all the files/folders in the vmware folder/windows folder ie the  
vmdk files into the virtualbox vms folder and followed these instructions

This worked and I can run windows 7 in Virtualbox BUT NOT my latest version.
In other words it runs the original version and not the latest auto protect  
version (if that makes sense!)

[Trisquel-users] VMware to Virtualbox - Help !

2013-06-01 Thread john . wilkins21
I'm desperatly trying to do away with VMware so that instead of dual booting  
I can just use Trisquel.

I have found how to do it BUT not in total.
Problem - In vmware if I go into Snapshot manager it shows Windows 7 then a  
circle saying 'you are here'
Now copying all the files/folders to Virtualbox Windows, runs OK but  
Virtualbox does NOT run the latest version of it is missing a  
couple of programs that I recently installed.

Anybody know how I can resolve this problem please.

[Trisquel-users] VMware to Virtualbox - Help !

2013-06-01 Thread john . wilkins21
I'm desperatly trying to do away with VMware so that instead of dual booting  
I can just use Trisquel.

I have found how to do it BUT not in total.
Problem - In vmware if I go into Snapshot manager it shows Windows 7 then a  
circle saying 'you are here'
Now copying all the files/folders to Virtualbox Windows, runs OK but  
Virtualbox does NOT run the latest version of it is missing a  
couple of programs that I recently installed.

Anybody know how I can resolve this problem please.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The rules

2013-05-22 Thread john . wilkins21
"a prevailing army (of criminals) dominates citizens, effectively becoming a  

 In My opinion that sounds like the Government of the UK,witness the recent  
expenses scandal.
I'm not a student of U.S.A. politics but it seems to me that they have a  
better system than the U.K. where we have no say in the selection of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 3.0 beta 1

2013-05-21 Thread john . wilkins21
Testing now - seems a serious competitor to Trisquel, The only downside I  
have found so far is that it doesn't have a 'software center' or forum. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 3.0 beta 1

2013-05-21 Thread john . wilkins21
For various reasons I need to duel boot. I have tried many distros but not  
happy with them, read up on debian and whilst everybody seems to agree it is  
a bit outdated they also say it is very robust. I have installed Ver 7 with  
XFCE desktop and it does every thing I want it to and lies happily alongside  
Trisquel on My HD

Re: [Trisquel-users] blasphemous question here

2013-05-20 Thread john . wilkins21
I wasn't making accusations -"Incidently I may be wrong *(if I am I  
apologise)* but it is surely against the rules to use IRC chat which does not  
appear to be free software. "
I agree My alternative forum wasn't very good but that wasn't the point , it  
was just to show that things could be done differently and this sort of  
disscusion could be kept in a different section.

Re: [Trisquel-users] blasphemous question here

2013-05-20 Thread john . wilkins21
 Well said stefano,particularly your remarks about a *technical* forum and ,  
if you like non-technical forum. I proposed this some time ago, I even  
offered to pay for hosting it (and I'm still prepared to do so) but was  
Incidently I may be wrong (if I am I apologise) but it is surely against the  
rules to use IRC chat which does not appear tp be free software.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] blasphemous question here

2013-05-19 Thread john . wilkins21


Re: [Trisquel-users] blasphemous question here

2013-05-18 Thread john . wilkins21
I find this whole post interesting, jxself asks everybody to follow the  
Community guidelines and yet this is a quote from them "We will always remain  
gentle and persistent in our efforts for a fair treatment of software users"
I said in another post that one mans freedom is another mans prison - As far  
as Im aware aware there is only one developer for Trisquel so someone like me  
with no programming ability is in fact a 'prisioner'of the developer (in the  
kindest way possible) It seems to me that many problems with Trisquel will  
persist untill there are more than one 'official' developers.   

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Format

2013-05-01 Thread john . wilkins21

Yup - that's the one

[Trisquel-users] Linux Format

2013-05-01 Thread john . wilkins21
Interesting, this morning whilst at a visit to Sainsbury's supermarket saw a  
magazine called Linux Format, it came with a dvd with an interview with  
Richard Stallman and on the dvd cover Trisquel, the word is spreading !

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel in press

2013-04-30 Thread john . wilkins21

A good read

[Trisquel-users] Re : Idea: Xfce as classic DE for Trisquel 7?

2013-04-02 Thread john . wilkins21

If your desktop conforms to the Trisquel philosphy and you can turn it into  
an .iso I would be happy to host it here and credit it  
to you.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Community Distro's

2013-04-02 Thread john . wilkins21
Have now updated the website and added Trisquel 6 with  
KDE desktop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually adding programs to Startup Processes.

2013-03-31 Thread john . wilkins21

The maximum persistemce on any usb is 4 GB

Re: [Trisquel-users] What packages to include in respin?

2013-03-31 Thread john . wilkins21

Yes , as I understand it the net installer provides all the base files.
You then go into whatever package manager you installed and add whatever you  
want. If you want any assistance send me a private message.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What packages to include in respin?

2013-03-31 Thread john . wilkins21

Yes , as I understand it the net installer provides all the base files.
You then go into whatever package manager you installed and add whatever you  
want. If you want any assistance send me a private message.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What packages to include in respin?

2013-03-31 Thread john . wilkins21

First of all you don't tell us what is on it ?
Once you have completed it, will be happy to host it for you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Introducing the Trisquel KDE Project!

2013-03-30 Thread john . wilkins21
Tedious , I offered help some time ago and have heard nothing which is why I  
set up My website which goes some way to promoting Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Introducing the Trisquel KDE Project!

2013-03-30 Thread john . wilkins21
He needs to be carefull, whilst 'trisquel' is a word anybody can use, the  
Trisquel 'brand' is protected by copyright and requires certain conditions to  
be met when using it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Idea: Xfce as classic DE for Trisquel 7?

2013-03-21 Thread john . wilkins21

Again the Cinnamon desktop is a personnel interpretation and of course you  
can set it up as you wish.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Idea: Xfce as classic DE for Trisquel 7?

2013-03-21 Thread john . wilkins21

Or you could try this one

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Community Distro's

2013-03-17 Thread john . wilkins21

Neil - understood

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Community Distro's

2013-03-17 Thread john . wilkins21

 The iso was created using remastersys

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Community Distro's

2013-03-17 Thread john . wilkins21

 The iso was created using remastersys

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Community Distro's

2013-03-16 Thread john . wilkins21
Have now added a cinnamon desktop which has some basic applications installed  
allowing you to install your favorite applications. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Community Distro's

2013-03-16 Thread john . wilkins21
Have now added a cinnamon desktop which has some basic applications installed  
allowing you to install your favorite applications. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Idea: Xfce as classic DE for Trisquel 7?

2013-03-16 Thread john . wilkins21
Mr. Boat - once you have got some screen shots will be happy to put them on  
the website.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Idea: Xfce as classic DE for Trisquel 7?

2013-03-16 Thread john . wilkins21
The website has only just been launched so any comments (including about the  
site) good or bad or suggested altrations will be welcome.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Idea: Xfce as classic DE for Trisquel 7?

2013-03-16 Thread john . wilkins21

The .iso was built using the net installer.
There has been a lot of talk in different post about desktops and it is  
obvious that there a quite a lot of people who would like an alternative.
I believe that the developer should concentrate on one or two distributions  
but that alternative desktops could be offered by members of the community  
for others to try.
The website was set up with this in mind and in no way is it intended to  
detract from the main distributions.
My XFCE desktop is a personnel interpretation and of course you can set it up  
as you wish.
I would add that if anybody has a desktop they would like added to the  
website I will be happy to add it.

I will be adding more as I get around to building them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 KDE

2013-03-14 Thread john . wilkins21

Chris - thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 KDE

2013-03-14 Thread john . wilkins21

Chris - thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 KDE

2013-03-14 Thread john . wilkins21
Chris, I'm not sure I get the gist of your argument. I'm using trisquel 6 net  
installer (bare bones) and using synaptic to install the  
programs/applications, surely this doesn't 'eat into resources'?.
Then of course there is the argument that this is 'free' and we can use it as  
we wish ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 KDE

2013-03-13 Thread john . wilkins21

Chris, not sure what you mean. Are you saying I shouldn't be doing this?

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 KDE

2013-03-05 Thread john . wilkins21
OK folks , I could never get the Net Install iso to install KDE so I thought  
I'd have ago myself.
I now have an iso for distribution but don't know how to host it or where,  
suggestions please.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unlock Photos ?

2013-03-03 Thread john . wilkins21
I'm not afraid of using a terminal but My ignorance is usualy finding and  
using the correct path.
However it is gratifying that such a simple problem should elicit such  
generous help from forum members.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unlock Photos ?

2013-03-03 Thread john . wilkins21
That doesn't work, selecting all the pictures and right clicking the  
permissions tab is 'greyed' out

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unlock Photos ?

2013-03-01 Thread john . wilkins21

Thanks, for an ignoramus like me that's  easier to understand

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unlock Photos ?

2013-03-01 Thread john . wilkins21

I entered this in terminal

chown -R 'john': 'john' /john/Photos/100NIKON

 and got the message  chown: cannot access `:': No such file or directory

[Trisquel-users] Unlock Photos ?

2013-03-01 Thread john . wilkins21

This may sound daft, I put over a thousand photos onto a non re-writable dvd.
I've just loaded them onto My computor and they come up locked.Whilst I can  
change the permissions for an idividual picture no problem this will take  

Is there a way of doing the whole lot in one go?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thought on Ver. 6

2013-02-25 Thread john . wilkins21

lembas - totally agree , you put it better than me

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thought on Ver. 6

2013-02-24 Thread john . wilkins21

The list is NOT the same as 5.5 (will it be??) no lxde, no net install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thought on Ver. 6

2013-02-24 Thread john . wilkins21

Some of the posts seem to inicate an AMD 64 is available

[Trisquel-users] Thought on Ver. 6

2013-02-24 Thread john . wilkins21

There has been a lot of posting about version 6 .
What happens if somebody 'googling' finds it by chance - as I did.
The OFFICIAL versions are 4.0 and 5.5 , logically this will remain so untill  
the 'home' page and 'download' page are updated /
Just a thought.   

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Wallpapers/images

2013-02-22 Thread john . wilkins21


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0

2013-02-22 Thread john . wilkins21
"The original poster does have a point in getting some type of update on 6.  
For those that contribute money to Ruben every month... are any of you  
worried in how your money is spent when he isn't giving you updates. He does  
owe you guys some faith that this project is still somewhat active."
 I have to agree - I contribute every month , not a lot but I'm an OAP so it  
would be nice if the developer did a "sticky" post occasionally (how much of  
his time does it take to post ?) to let us know what is happening.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel Wallpapers/images

2013-02-22 Thread john . wilkins21
May seem a silly question but which folder are all the wallpapers/images for  
Trisquel stored ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anybody else having problem installing Trisquel? Corrupt mirror?

2013-02-21 Thread john . wilkins21
I had this problem - simply go into synaptic /settings and change the mirror  
to france /http - close and reload synaptic -worked for me

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to allow 2nd user?

2013-02-20 Thread john . wilkins21

Magic Banana - you put me on the right track, thanks.
Went into group users , ticked both users, created a group called admin and  
it worked!  

[Trisquel-users] How to allow 2nd user?

2013-02-20 Thread john . wilkins21
I'm running Trisquel 6. I have added a second user with full administritve  
rights but when they try to add remove applications it asks for their  
password. They enter their password and get the message
"Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic '--hide-main-window' '--non-interactive'  
'-o' 'Synaptic::closeZvt=true' '--parent-window-id' '33554435'  
'--set-selections-file' '/tmp/tmpI7Bhwl' as user root.

The underlying authorisation mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this  
program. Contact the system administrator."

What do I do to overcome this problem please ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wallpapers

2013-02-17 Thread john . wilkins21
Armworm - if you have seen no 3 as a poster - they have pinched my work.  
Number 3 was made up of three paintings i did then combined using Gimp.
No1 ? could you please enlighten me as to what Trisquel's theme is  ? If i  
look to change my desktop there doesn't seem to be a common thread. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problrm with Netinstaller 6

2013-02-14 Thread john . wilkins21
Dave Hunt - I hadn't realized that the Trisquel 6.0 were only beta versions,  
will wait till it appears here 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problrm with Netinstaller 6

2013-02-14 Thread john . wilkins21
Dave Hunt - it doesn't work without the net I've given it a try, it is a  
shame really as the 5.5 version is excellent but wil have to go back to it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problrm with Netinstaller 6

2013-02-14 Thread john . wilkins21

Not tried that - how do I make sure no internet connection ?

[Trisquel-users] Problrm with Netinstaller 6

2013-02-14 Thread john . wilkins21
Having a problem with Net installer 6. I run through it and select Triskel as  
my desktop. Everything goes OK untill this

 ' Select and Install Software' gets to 85% the freezes at - ' running  
post-installation trigger libglib2.0-0 '

 Is this a bug ?
 If so how do I report it ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I will be using Trisquel 6 with Cinnamon

2013-02-09 Thread john . wilkins21
I installed JUST the Cinnamon desktop and  as far as I can tell that doesn't  
install any extra programs, for instance the default browser is still  
abrowser and there are no programs available other than the standard Trisquel  
6 ones in the menu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I will be using Trisquel 6 with Cinnamon

2013-02-08 Thread john . wilkins21

Just installed Cinnamon and rather like it BUT is it 'free' software ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-02-06 Thread john . wilkins21
Have just had a very bad visit to the dentist but once I've recovered will  
give it a go -thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-02-05 Thread john . wilkins21

I haven't disgarded Trisquel - I duel boot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-02-05 Thread john . wilkins21
Chris - I am NOT recommending KUbuntu , I'm just saying this is the only way  
I can run My printer ! Thanks for the link. The next problem - in the list of  
dependencies these 5 don't appear in synaptic.

All required.
One thought on this 'printer' saga , one man's freedom is another man's  
non-freedom. Whilst I support Trisquel's aims (I donate by direct debit every  
month) it does seem to me that it does limit My freedom of choice as to what  
hardware I purchase, (No freedom)
surely  having paid for the printer I have also purchased the right to use  
the software to run it ? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-02-05 Thread john . wilkins21
Sorry ,mis-read the page , see chis's post. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-02-04 Thread john . wilkins21
Chris - when you don't do a lot of printing and I can get a new printer for  
£30 it's a no brainer.
I've overcome the problem by installing Kubuntu alongside Trisquel unless or  
untill the driver problem can be sorted. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] What is the Point of Add/remove Applications

2013-01-31 Thread john . wilkins21

Woops meant to say Muon is in synaptic

Re: [Trisquel-users] What is the Point of Add/remove Applications

2013-01-31 Thread john . wilkins21

You could all-ways install Muon which is in add/remove applications.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-01-31 Thread john . wilkins21

Interestingly I went down this route only installed Fedora.
I added the printer without any problems !
It did install additional software of which I have mde a note, when I get  
time will give it a go.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-01-30 Thread john . wilkins21
When I go to /dev/usb/ all that is there is a file labelled hiddev0 with a x  
on it   

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-01-30 Thread john . wilkins21

OK , did that - result

root@john-Aspire-T180:/home/john# hp-setup -i

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.11.7)
Printer/Fax Setup Utility ver. 9.0

Copyright (c) 2001-9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

(Note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press  to accept the  


  Num   Connection  Description

  0*usb Universal Serial Bus (USB)
  1 net Network/Ethernet/Wireless (direct connection or  

  2 par Parallel Port (LPT:)

Enter number 0...2 for connection type (q=quit, enter=usb*) ?

Using connection type: usb

error: No device selected/specified or that supports this functionality.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-01-30 Thread john . wilkins21

OK went to that site - ran hp-check -r in terminal - got this result

john@john-Aspire-T180:~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for john:
root@john-Aspire-T180:/home/john# hp-check -r

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.11.7)
Dependency/Version Check Utility ver. 14.3

Copyright (c) 2001-9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

Note: hp-check can be run in three modes:
1. Compile-time check mode (-c or --compile): Use this mode before compiling  
HPLIP supplied tarball (.tar.gz or .run) to determine if the proper  

are installed to successfully compile HPLIP.
2. Run-time check mode (-r or --run): Use this mode to determine if a distro
supplied package (.deb, .rpm, etc) or an already built HPLIP supplied tarball
has the proper dependencies installed to successfully run.
3. Both compile- and run-time check mode (-b or --both) (Default): This mode
will check both of the above cases (both compile- and run-time dependencies).

Saving output in log file: hp-check.log

Initializing. Please wait...


Basic system information:
Linux john-Aspire-T180 3.0.0-30-generic #5trisquel1 SMP Thu Jan 24 01:37:58  
UTC 2013 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

unknown 0.0

Checking Python version...
OK, version 2.7.2 installed

Checking PyQt 4.x version...

Checking for CUPS...
Status: scheduler is running
warning: Version: (cups-config) Not available. Unable to determine installed  
version of CUPS.)

error_log is set to level: warn

Checking for dbus/python-dbus...
dbus daemon is running.
python-dbus version: 0.84.0


Checking for dependency: CUPS - Common Unix Printing System...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: CUPS DDK - CUPS driver development kit...
warning: NOT FOUND! This is an OPTIONAL/RUNTIME ONLY dependency. Some HPLIP  
functionality may not function properly.

Checking for dependency: GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language  
interpreter and previewer...

OK, found.

Checking for dependency: PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for  
commandline scanning with hp-scan)...

OK, found.

Checking for dependency: PolicyKit - Administrative policy framework...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4...
error: NOT FOUND! This is a REQUIRED/RUNTIME ONLY dependency. Please make  
sure that this dependency is installed before installing or running HPLIP.

Checking for dependency: Python DBus - Python bindings for DBus...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: Python libnotify - Python bindings for the libnotify  
Desktop notifications...

OK, found.

Checking for dependency: Python XML libraries...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: Python 2.3 or greater - Required for fax  

OK, found.

Checking for dependency: Reportlab - PDF library for Python...
warning: NOT FOUND! This is an OPTIONAL/RUNTIME ONLY dependency. Some HPLIP  
functionality may not function properly.

Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library...
OK, found.

Checking for dependency: scanimage - Shell scanning program...
warning: NOT FOUND! This is an OPTIONAL/RUNTIME ONLY dependency. Some HPLIP  
functionality may not function properly.

Checking for dependency: xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE...
warning: NOT FOUND! This is an OPTIONAL/RUNTIME ONLY dependency. Some HPLIP  
functionality may not function properly.


Currently installed HPLIP version...
HPLIP 3.11.7 currently installed in '/usr/share/hplip'.

Current contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf' file:
# hplip.conf.  Generated from by configure.



# Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed.

Current contents of '/var/lib/hp/hplip.state' file:
# hplip.state - HPLIP runtime persistent variables.


Current contents of '~/.hplip/hplip.conf' file:
error: Could not access file: No such file or directory


Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-01-30 Thread john . wilkins21
OK went to that site , Entered into terminal sudo hp-setup and get the  

  warning: Qt/PyQt 4 initialization failed.
error: hp-setup requires GUI support (try running with --qt3). Also, try  
using interactive (-i) mode.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-01-30 Thread john . wilkins21

I've tried that and get "Cups Error"
How do I launch hplip-gui ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-01-30 Thread john . wilkins21

That tells Me it is all ready installed

[Trisquel-users] Problem installing printer

2013-01-30 Thread john . wilkins21
I've had to buy a new printer and settled on an HP Deskjet 2510 All-IN-ONE as  
it claimed to be Linux supported.
When I open System-   Printing I get the message "there are no printers  
configured yet"
I've done a search and the only reference I can find refers to Dagda's HPLIP  

Can anybody help please (I'm running 5.5 Brigantia)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Delete Folder in Root

2013-01-28 Thread john . wilkins21
I meant I would like to use file manager as 'root' but I can't remember the  

[Trisquel-users] Delete Folder in Root File System

2013-01-28 Thread john . wilkins21

How do I delete an unwanted folder from the root file system ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 and e 17 enlightenment

2013-01-23 Thread john . wilkins21
That command simply launched synaptic. Perhaps I didn't word My original post  
Whilst using e 17 desktop synaptic does not appear on any of the menus , as  
far as I can tell at the moment everything else does.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 and e 17 enlightenment

2013-01-22 Thread john . wilkins21
Using the latest version. Not sure what you mean by executing Synaptic in  
terminal, please elaborate.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 and e 17 enlightenment

2013-01-22 Thread john . wilkins21
I have a problem with Synaptic  running in e 17, cannot launch it. Anybody  
got any ideas ? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 - problem

2013-01-21 Thread john . wilkins21
 Thanks, I thought of changing font sizes BUT on the version I have there are  
NO Advanced Settings (Mini Iso )

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 - problem

2013-01-20 Thread john . wilkins21

OK , downloaded the mini iso and put on usb stick.
I like it and would like to install as main os BUT I have a problem with  
monitor resolutions. It automatically detects My monitor as 1920 x 1080  
(which is correct) due to eyesight problems I need to set it to 1440 x 900.
Using the drop down menu I select 1440x900 and click apply but it remains at  

Anybody know a workround or answer ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Do I enable ?

2012-11-07 Thread john . wilkins21
Errrmm NO, I'm a bit of a simpleton - so how do I clear cache, temp files  
ect. ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Do I enable ?

2012-11-07 Thread john . wilkins21
That's enabled - so I have a peculiar problem. Up until a couple of hours ago  
My facebook page loaded no problem but now all I get is the top bar nothing  
else, however if I use abrowser the full page comes up no problem.

Any ideas ?

[Trisquel-users] How Do I enable ?

2012-11-07 Thread john . wilkins21

How do I enable java-script in Midori ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!

2012-11-04 Thread john . wilkins21
Hosting is GoDaddy Europe , I experienced a bit of slowness yesterday but OK  
today but do not usually experience problems and have been with them for more  
than five years.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!

2012-11-03 Thread john . wilkins21

@ jbar ,
Thanks, will look into 'quotes' and abuse.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!

2012-11-03 Thread john . wilkins21

@ Chris , all noted, will look into the registration settings.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!

2012-11-03 Thread john . wilkins21

Contacted Ruben more than a week ago, no reply as yet.
As far as I can see is for people to register on My site and do the poll ! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can Anybody ?

2012-11-03 Thread john . wilkins21

@ Magic Banana - thanks

[Trisquel-users] Can Anybody ?

2012-11-03 Thread john . wilkins21

Can anybody tell me of a program to find dupliciate photos ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!

2012-11-03 Thread john . wilkins21

@ Chris,
This is one of the deficiencies of this forum, there is no way to create a  
poll !!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!

2012-11-03 Thread john . wilkins21

@ aliasbody
See My site

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!

2012-11-03 Thread john . wilkins21

@ Chris,
The email functionality is  easily sorted, as far as spam is concerned - not  
a problem, using Drupal gives a very secure site.
There are quite a few options , for instance at the moment My site is set up  
as follows:-
it requires an email address to register (got around easily by spammers) BUT  
the site then automatically sends an email to that address for confirmation  
(which of course 'bounces' or is non-deliverable.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add sticky post to forums explaining RULES. Please please please please!!!!

2012-11-02 Thread john . wilkins21
Well I've tried to submit a style of forum ( ) but for  
all the people who complain nobody has yet commented on it 

Re: [Trisquel-users] 6.0 I18N Looks Good So Far!

2012-10-22 Thread john . wilkins21
At aliasbody, this normal, anybody who registers a domain name has to supply  
it (you could see My details by a whois for You can pay  
extra for these details to be 'private'

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many of you dual-boot ?

2012-10-21 Thread john . wilkins21
CAD Programs running on Windows, no linux equvalent  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stability

2012-10-21 Thread john . wilkins21

Midori is unstable ,crashes regularly

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many of you dual-boot ?

2012-10-21 Thread john . wilkins21
Well, all though VirtualBox claims to be able to run programs produced by  
VMware I have never been able to make it work 

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