Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem With Folder Permissions

2012-09-23 Thread mikko . viinamaki

The chown command allows you to change ownership. Start with the folder.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compatibility with T430 ThinkPad laptop

2012-09-23 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Intel wireless will not probably work. Basically everything is quite similar  
to ubuntu. Welcome and good luck!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compatibility with T430 ThinkPad laptop

2012-09-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>Sorry, my previous post per e-mail ended up in the wrong place and empty.  
Don't know why.

That's a silly forum bug, along with duplicate posts sometimes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] H-node

2012-09-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki
You Chris are probably one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to  
hardware free software compatibility. I think you might want to talk to the  
h-node guys to improve the site further. I've found them nice to deal with  
and open to new ideas. It would benefit us all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem With Folder Permissions

2012-09-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki

If the path contains a space, e.g. New Folder it must be escaped

New\ Folder

Re: [Trisquel-users] H-node

2012-09-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I think we have to forget statistical methods while our sample is still  
relatively small and opt for a general description (and ratings for easy  
access to h-node users) of the vendors. Many vendors will get a bad score but  
that unfortunately only reflects reality. This is something we should not be  
too scared of.

I'm a big believer in open wiki constructs. This is the kind of web 2.0 I can  
believe in!

One more thing I think could help is getting the h-client included into  
Trisquel 6.0 by default. That would help increase the participation in and  
awareness of h-node. Ditto every other free distro!

Some time ago when I was younger and (even) less well informed I helped a  
friend install Trisquel on his HP laptop. I too have a HP, inherited, not  
selected. Turned out his wifi wouldn't work and for some strange reason we  
couldn't get the native resolution of his screen... He remarked that I had  
gotten lucky with my hardware because my wifi and my screen worked. Indeed.  
But we shouldn't have to rely on luck. That's why there's h-node!

Re: [Trisquel-users] H-node

2012-09-26 Thread mikko . viinamaki
So perhaps what we should start doing with hardware is getting it labeled  
properly, chipsets and all. Sounds like your average "consumer protection"  
thing. And since this is not GMO food we're talking here about it might  
actually happen.

>How long ago was that? Because those issues don't occur for me on newer  
operating systems like Trisquel 5.0+. Thankfully a lot of work has been done  
and some of those issues are disappearing.

This silliness happened on 5.0 which was then upgraded to 5.5 with the issue  
remaining. However I had "only" a few hours time poking at the thing... That  
was on some about 5 years old nvidia card.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to install to USB ?

2012-09-26 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Perhaps try here or on #lxde at

Re: [Trisquel-users] Percentage of the Linux Kernel libre

2012-09-26 Thread mikko . viinamaki
It would be interesting to see when these binary blobs were introduced to  
Linux and how their size (and proportion?) has grown.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Percentage of the Linux Kernel libre

2012-09-26 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Wow, thanks guys! You fulfilled all my wishes! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to find out your laptop's name with bash

2012-09-27 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Worked for me.

However looks like the manual page for dmidecode says the information is  
"possibly unreliable". And even "more often than not, information contained  
in the DMI tables is inaccurate, incomplete or simply wrong."

So it might not be the philosopher's stone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to find out your laptop's name with bash

2012-09-28 Thread mikko . viinamaki

That's the same dmi tables as the original command. So no it isn't.

Re: [Trisquel-users] software updates repos vs build myself

2012-09-30 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>software provided in the distro's repos sometimes seem a bit outdated? this  
seems (to me) not being a trisquel specific issue, but rather any linux  

A GNU/Linux distribution is a collection of packages. The outdatedness  
happens partly because different software packages releases occur at  
different times and then there's the distro release date, these all seldomly  
(never) coincide.

Also, certain legacy operating systems handle library dependencies  
differently, shipping and depending upon static packages instead of dynamic,  
leading to dozens of versions of a library, most of them outdated with all  
related vulnerabilities and instabilities and quirks.

Think of it as extra testing in real life environments. Or jump over to a  
rolling release if that's your cup of tea.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to find out your laptop's name with bash

2012-10-02 Thread mikko . viinamaki

It's hilarious but apparently there is no way to do this. I'd say go with

cat /sys/class/dmi/id/{sys_vendor,product_name}

which is equal to the original command AFAIK sans sudo. And then throw in a  
disclaimer it might be bogus.

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphic card troubles

2012-10-02 Thread mikko . viinamaki

And if you do like tinkering, you could try a newer kernel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] grub set to wrong resolution

2012-10-02 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Trisquel is the only OS you'll ever need! :)

But to answer your question, in /etc/default/grub uncomment the GRUB_GFXMODE=  
and run update-grub. You need super user privileges to do these things.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis. The next Trisquel version.

2012-10-07 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>every time that I install the libre-kernel over the "official" kernel from  

Trisquel uses Linux-libre. The configuration can differ slightly. You can  
check that by comparing the config files in /boot for both kernels. And you  
can make your own choises and then compile it, it's not very difficult.

Re: [Trisquel-users] WiFi Adaptor

2012-10-08 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>I have found plenty of mini PCI express wifi cards that work with free  
firmware but the bios won't recognize them.

Here are some suggestions how to get around such a problem

Apparently quite a bit of monkeying around is required and you can destroy  
your hardware in the process...

Re: [Trisquel-users] I am a gamer can you plaease let me knw if these games are ok to install.

2012-10-08 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Libregamewiki is up again, on a new host.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I am a gamer can you plaease let me knw if these games are ok to install.

2012-10-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Libregamewiki takes a very strict approach to licensing of game media as well  
as code.

flare would seem to fit in nicely!

As far as I understand it looks like unvanquished is not fully free since the  
shaderlabs textures are not commercially usable or redistributable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I'd say go talk to the (wo)man in person. Explain briefly what free software  
is all about and your position. tell her/him you're facing an ethical issue  
and ask for help.

Kudos to you for seizing the opportunity to explain to the professor what  
free software is. If only more people did it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum Layout

2012-10-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I agree a free distros forum would be nice.

When I came to these forums, I was used to phpBB and found this forum a  
little bare. Since then I've come to value and like the simplicity.

One thing I've been thinking about is could the separate languages be somehow  
automatically translated to every other language. There is a wealth of  
interesting material dangling just outside my grasp. I realize machine  
translation is still fairly shoddy and nobody is going to do it by hand.

Re: [Trisquel-users] some boot errors

2012-10-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki
1) These are errors produced by the boot loader GRUB2. Here it is suggested  
the first error is thanks to a buggy bios, and a possible workaround is  
suggested. Another fix could be to update BIOS if available, but this is a  
potentially dangerous operation.

The other 2 error could probably be eliminated by uncommenting (removing the  
preceding #) this line #GRUB_TERMINAL=console in /etc/default/grub to specify  
a resolution. And then of course running update-grub and rebooting.

2) With some cards a /etc/X11/xorg.conf is needed. What goes into one is  
anybody's guess. Here are a few template to play around with


Note that the first xorg suggest using the generic vesa driver and the latter  
the sis driver. You might want to try both to see which one is better with  
your hw. You can read the respective manual pages e.g. here


Good luck!

Re: [Trisquel-users] some boot errors

2012-10-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>Thanks. It's my first time Linux installed. Before that, in win7 there were  
none errors.

One thing you'll learn is GNU/Linux won't hide any errors, unlike some legacy  
OSes. The MBR scheme works and is I believe what most people use.

[Trisquel-users] Autologin -> keyboard & mouse problems

2012-10-14 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Hello there! I've got a problem with autologin on two computers.

On my laptop if autologin is set, the keyboard will partly not work in X. I  
cannot type. However, certain hotkeys do work and I can change into VT1.  
(Touchpad works fine.)

On my desktop if autologin is set, the USB mouse will not work unless I  
detach and replug it. (Keyboard works fine here...)

This started quite some time ago. Both boxes run Trisquel 5.5. Any words of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are These 'Free' Software ?

2012-10-15 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>As long as they are in the Trisquel repositories they're free software.

This is what Trisquel aims for. However sometimes non-free software is found  
in and then removed from the Trisquel repos.

All those pieces of software would seem to be free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Midori makes internet think you run Safari and Mac

2012-10-17 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I filed a bug

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cool hack for netbook users

2012-10-17 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>This hack is great, but video tearing is evident when watching videos. Is  
there any way to remove it?

Try reading the manual page for your video driver and try the different  

Use lspci|grep VGA to see which card you have




And then put any parameter you want to into xorg.conf.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Midori makes internet think you run Safari and Mac

2012-10-18 Thread mikko . viinamaki
This addon might prove useful with Midori, it allows one to set the user  
agent per domain, so you can only masquerade for the stupid web sites.  
(MPL/GPL/LGPL trilicensed)

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU and Linux

2012-10-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Here's one answer and to me the canonical one

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stability

2012-10-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Quite stable on my hw. I've seen maybe 1 or 2 kernel panics, no drm issues. I  
use my box 12+ hours daily. Suspend and hibernate work after tinkering maybe  
95% of time but sometimes it hangs in hibernation. Haven't tried properly  
debugging it since it's so rare.

Very happy with it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stability

2012-10-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>But when I shutdown the computer it occasionaly hangs with radeon DRM errors  
scrolling on the screen, and I have to use the button to shutdown.

Try this, can't remember where I found this from but I have a radeon card and  
I had something radeon related wildly scrolling on screen at reboot or  
shutdown but doing this fixed it:

sudo mv /etc/rc6.d/S35networking /etc/rc6.d/S15networking
sudo mv /etc/rc0.d/S35networking /etc/rc0.d/S15networking
sudo mv /etc/rc6.d/ /etc/rc6.d/
sudo mv /etc/rc0.d/ /etc/rc0.d/

If memory serves correctly it was about some race condition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help to remove Ubuntu, so I can put trisquel

2012-10-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Hello forest, great idea! If you open a terminal window and input


what is the output? To see if there is a separate home partition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU and Linux

2012-10-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
A similar and related discussion is whether to talk about free software or  
open source. Many people use the two as synonyms but that's not accurate. If  
one knows his software history, he will know that open source was but a  
marketing campaign for free software, started by Eric Raymond and Bruce  
Perens. In a few years Perens realized the campaign was not a great idea and  
left it behind and returned to the original terminology.

The difference between free software vs. open source is the same as with  
GNU/Linux vs. Linux, the former spreads knowledge about and emphasizes  
freedom. Which is kinda the point.

Here are a few articles on this subject:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stability

2012-10-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki

For me it shows nothing, just the usual reboot/restart messages.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser and Search Engines

2012-10-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki

The Trisquel JS does have a free software license:

 * jQuery 1.2.6 - New Wave Javascript
 * Copyright (c) 2008 John Resig (
 * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
 * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
 * Date: 2008-05-24 14:22:17 -0400 (Sat, 24 May 2008)
 * Rev: 5685

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help to remove Ubuntu, so I can put trisquel

2012-10-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Looks like there is no separate home partition, so you need to first backup  
anything you wish to save off the hard disk and then go ahead with the  
install. I too suggest when installing, do make a separate home.

You can have as many OSes as you wish on one computer but you cannot have  
more than 4 primary partitions (if using the popular MBR scheme). If you've  
already have 4 primarys, you need to remove one and make an extended  
partition. Then on the extended partition you can make as many logical  
partitions as you wish. I've never seen on OS you cannot remove.

Here's more info on that

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help to remove Ubuntu, so I can put trisquel

2012-10-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Hehe, I was a caveman too once. Live and learn they say. And I agree you're  
way ahead of the curve.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best Web/Software Application for VideoConference

2012-10-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Some of these could be useful

Re: [Trisquel-users] novice questions about installation troubleshooting

2012-10-23 Thread mikko . viinamaki

And if you feel like tinkering, there are other parameters to try including


and (alone or in addition to one of above)


Re: [Trisquel-users] usb PAM login

2012-10-23 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I believe that should work all right. Also on mini.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Toutatis for server now?

2012-10-24 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Nice job mate! I fixed a few typos.

I didn't know there was a netinstall, I'd been hoping for one! :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] swap

2012-10-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I have it on my 5.5.

Perhaps you could define a higher priority in fstab for the regular swap (see  
man swapon).

Re: [Trisquel-users] swap

2012-10-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Good! If you wish to get rid of zram for good, put these commands into some  
late startup script (run as root)

swapoff /dev/zram0
modprobe -r zram

The first command stops using it as swap and the second removes the module.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Epiphany 3.7 removes option to disable JS

2012-10-28 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>My opinion is that web browsers should do the reverse: make JS disabled by  

Now this would be wonderful! So many pages misuse JS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Converting *buntu-12.10 to Free Software

2012-10-28 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>This there an easy way to convert any of the *Ubuntu* version of 12.10 to  
free software.

No. Wait and it will be done for you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't send E-mails from Gmail using E-mail clients on our network

2012-10-28 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Google is a privacy problem, suggest you use something else.

Besides that, perhaps this could help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Additional Drivers

2012-10-28 Thread mikko . viinamaki
A driver might not yet be included in Trisquel if it's new. Perhaps also not  
if it supports very rare hardware or if the driver is technically of  
extremely poor quality. So I don't think that's so simple. One has to dive  
into the licensing details and watch out because it could be a mess.

I can understand why people would think that just one little proprietary blob  
doesn't matter but it's a slippery slope.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF giving away Trisquel GNU/Linux installers at Win 8 launch

2012-10-29 Thread mikko . viinamaki



Re: [Trisquel-users] You might be using a google name server

2013-09-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I don't know what they mean but they don't sound dangerous.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fluxbox problem

2013-09-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>Do I need to mark this solved, somehow?
We don't have such a feature here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another problem with Abroswer update

2013-09-10 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I can confirm RequestPolicy leads to this behavior. (Tried a new profile with  
and without RP.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] just told my facebook friends that I'm leaving

2013-09-10 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Just wanted to say thanks for pointing out that Moglen talk, it was  

If somebody hasn't seen it, drop what you're doing and go watch it now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DASH Desktop and Mobile Architecture for System Hardware

2013-09-10 Thread mikko . viinamaki

These efforts probably could use a hand


Re: [Trisquel-users] 2 problems with video playback

2013-09-10 Thread mikko . viinamaki


Re: [Trisquel-users] Have we to protect ourselves against keyloggers ?

2013-09-10 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Hey shokin!

The risk of getting a keylogger is small if you stick to programs in the  
official Trisquel repositories.

You don't need an antivirus. There are no GNU/Linux viruses.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another problem with Abroswer update

2013-09-10 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Heh, true, actually just like any other web page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Many unmet dependencies on a new installation

2013-09-10 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Strange. Try removing any i386 (32-bit) packages. No idea how they ended  

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2 problems with video playback

2013-09-11 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Generally speaking you compile from source. And hope you've got new enough  
libraries on your system to support the newer version. (It's probably  
possible to have different versions of libraries on your system too but  
that's beyond my abilities.)

There might be a precompiled version somewhere. And it might or might not  
contain non-free software. So go to the home page and see what they say about  
the subject.

Hardware often needs firmware and a driver to work. Many pieces of hardware  
don't work on Trisquel at all because either is missing. Performance and  
features are entirely dependent on the firmware+driver.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble opening a pdf

2013-09-11 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Here's an earlier discussion on the subject. Unfortunately no solution was  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sticking To It

2013-09-11 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>My question is, how have you kept yourselves on the right track this entire  
time, and is there any way that I can easily convince my friends to atleast  
try to not use Micro$oft Windows and proprietary software?

Whenever I had strange urges in the past I thought about the great beauty of  
the free software movement, what it was all about, its lofty goals. The  
massive scale of people's donation of time and skill towards the common good.  
It always helped me shun any silly ideas. Besides that it only gets easier  
with time.

I doubt there's an easy way to persuade people. Everybody will have their own  
path. And some will never see the light. You can only lead the horse to the  
water but you cannot make it drink. And people only really care about things  
they have internal motivation for anyways. I always point people to the GNU  
philosophy pages.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GRUB not accepting password

2013-09-11 Thread mikko . viinamaki

It's (implied) in that 01_PASSWORD file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install 'mplayer-gui', got error messages instead

2013-09-11 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>What are the broken packages and how can I fix them?
Synaptic > custom filters > broken, uninstall those.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many people are working on Trisquel? Which libre Linux distro has the most developers?

2013-09-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Here's the FSF stance

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is RdRand in Linux-Libre?

2013-09-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I believe it is but not as the sole source but added to the mix. This way  
apparently it doesn't matter if isn't perfectly random.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open source hardware? Free hardware foundation?

2013-09-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki
The schematics for hardware however can be copied, if made public and  
released under a proper license. Those and other design documents are kind of  
the "source code for hardware".

There nothing about "documented hardware" or "free-software-friendly  
hardware" that says please go ahead and take the design and do whatever you  
wish to do with it, even sell it (as long as you give everybody after you the  
same rights you were given).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is RdRand in Linux-Libre?

2013-09-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>Maybe there should be (if there isn't already) a piece of code that disables  
RdRand when no other source of entropy is available, to ensure that it's  
never used as the sole source of entropy.
There already is. It's the nordrand parameter to the kernel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] dist-upgrade error

2013-09-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Are you sure root (/) is not full? This command should tell you (assuming you  
have the default filesystems)

df -h -t ext4 -t xfs

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many people are working on Trisquel? Which libre Linux distro has the most developers?

2013-09-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Also this prompt

(installer prompting for non-free firmware)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fundraising campaign: Privacy Friendly Mail (TLS/OpenGPG/etc) Software

2013-09-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>PayPal put a hold on the funds.

Paypay is a criminal organization, they do this all the time to countless  
people, just because they can.

Here's but the tip of the iceberg

Re: [Trisquel-users] Intel processor microcode security update for Trisquel

2013-09-12 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>Please install the "iucode-tool" package (from contrib) and the  
"intel-microcode" package (from non-free).

>Intel doesn't publish to the general public much data about microcode  
updates, therefore we only have very spotty information

Wow, I wouldn't touch that with a 20 foot barge pole.

Re: [Trisquel-users] dist-upgrade error

2013-09-13 Thread mikko . viinamaki
You also probably have several kernels, by default new ones get installed but  
old versions aren't removed. And the default kernels are quite hefty because  
they contain so many drivers. You can remove all but the latest version. Open  
Synaptic and search for linux-image.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How-to video

2013-09-15 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Besides that, there are some (non-video) instructions here

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-15 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>Or because Trisquel is more up to date and thus has better drivers?
This is plausible.

Have you tried asking for help on the gNewSense forums?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with qemu

2013-09-15 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Does your hardware support virtualization, i.e. does the following command  
give you output?grep -E 'svm|vmx' /proc/cpuinfo
If yes, you might get better results with

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-15 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>The dream distro for me would be 100% kosher Slackware.

Dragora probably gets closest

Re: [Trisquel-users] The BBC

2013-09-17 Thread mikko . viinamaki
2) It seems to me people are interested, as they should be since it's their  
dime. Here's a few related findings

Re: [Trisquel-users] fsck question

2013-09-17 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Looks like the automatic fsck has been disabled. You can set it using  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with qemu

2013-09-17 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Check your BIOS setup, perhaps the virtualization support is turned off?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Some current free software friendly hardware

2013-09-17 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Re: [Trisquel-users] Some current free software friendly hardware

2013-09-18 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Wikis range from wide open for everybody to strictly restricted. Libreplanet  
is open but you do need to register. Wikis are wonderful collaborative tools.

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS Talk From LibrePlanet

2013-09-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Here's more videos from Libreplanet

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS Talk From LibrePlanet

2013-09-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
And when you go to see RMS, hand him some money. I did that and it felt  
great, the best 100 euros I ever spent.

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS Talk From LibrePlanet

2013-09-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
He didn't ask for a donation, don't remember seeing him doing that on the  
videos either. When I gave him the bill he asked if it was for a FSF  
membership. I said it was his to use as he sees fit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Install Trisquel 6.0

2013-09-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki

First, make a backup of anything you don't want to lose, just in case.

Then try updating using the update manager. It should allow you to update to  

What version are you now on?

lsb_release -a

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Install Trisquel 6.0

2013-09-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki

What sources do you use?

If you have the 6.0 on a USB stick, you could of course just install it. Just  
make sure you choose manual partitioning and choose to NOT format your  
existing home partition. (Then again, even this won't be a problem since by  
now you surely have a backup! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where to find and start certain applications

2013-09-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki
After you've installed package PACKAGENAME, you can use the following command  
to find the binaries (executables) it contains dpkg -L PACKAGENAME|grep /bin/

Those might be GUI apps or not. If you omit the grep part (|grep /bin/),  
you'll see all files in the package. Looks like that python gpg package  
doesn't contain binaries but comes with a README. Point your favorite text  
editor to it, or try pointing the less command there.

Usually commands (executables) come with a manual page which you can access  
withman COMMAND

(replace PACKAGENAME and COMMAND with actual names)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Install Trisquel 6.0

2013-09-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki
That's right. And at partitioning choose the old root (/) for root and select  
to format it and choose the old home for home and DON'T format it and the old  
swap for swap.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Youtube trying xss attacks?

2013-09-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Giorgio's aware of this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Qsampler has no use

2013-09-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I filed a bug for you

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many people are working on Trisquel? Which libre Linux distro has the most developers?

2013-09-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>This is such an important issue! I keep wondering what else I can do.

Here are some ways to participate

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Million dollar" question concerning the hardware we use

2013-09-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki

"backdooring of hardware is practical"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recording from the sound card output

2013-09-22 Thread mikko . viinamaki
You might want to try the recordmydesktop package. It supposedly grabs video  
and audio. It's got a GTK frontend in gtk-recordmydesktop package.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bluetooth and other minor bugs

2013-09-23 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Hi there!

Trisquel GNU/Linux consists entirely of free software. Perhaps your adapter  
doesn't have a free stack?

Can you can find the relevant entry from lspci? If not, paste the all of it.

If you can't make your adapter work, you can buy a working USB bluetooth from

I don't quite understand what button exactly don't work?

Rhythmbox is one of the apps I uninstall right away... :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install ath9k-htc-firmware for Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271

2013-09-24 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Perhaps the terminal is not your forte. Try
gksudo nautilus

Re: [Trisquel-users] New to Trisquel

2013-09-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Hi and welcome!

Here's a few ways to participate

Re: [Trisquel-users] NVIDIA release documentation to help Nouveau Project

2013-09-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Unfortunately looks like jxself is only too right

"While I know open firmware would be preferred over binary-only firmware  
images, hopefully we can find a reasonable compromise there."

--Andy Ritger @

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does Trisquel Mini work?

2013-09-26 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Try this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Brain implants are still voluntary, unlike pacemakers thereby I take the  
liberty to hijack this thread to implantable medical devices.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Download Parted magic

2013-09-27 Thread mikko . viinamaki
>In my point of view, we should encourage whenever developers dare to charge  
money for their free software.

I agree. Just wish they'd provide more payment options.

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