Re: [Trisquel-users] You might be using a google name server

2013-08-18 Thread punya

Thank you for your comment. When I now run grep /etc/resolv.conf
 nothing appears. Before that "nameserver" appeared. After installing  
unbound, your suggested command brings this result:

echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf && chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
bash: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied

The content of /etc/resolv.conf is only "nameserver".  
RESOLVCONF_FORWARDERS from /etc/default/unbound was successfully changed to  

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Substitute fonts

2013-11-05 Thread punya
On this page are various free and nice fonts, such as Linux Libertine and  
Linux Biolinum: (There is also  
an English version of the website available)

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6 on a SSD

2013-03-19 Thread punya

I have recently tested the Live-CD of Trisquel and was really impressed of  
the  beautiful appearance and how nearly everything looked well configured. I  
also share the ideas of the free software movement completely as I have  
experienced the benefits of free software by myself. That's why why I am  
planning to free all of my hardware of proprietary sofware step by step. For  
that reason the best idea is first of all to USE a completely free operating  
system. At the moment I have Lubuntu (and Windows 7...) installed on the SSD  
of my laptop which I want to move to a conventional HDD and install Trisquel  
6 instead on the SSD.
I would like to know if anyone has experiences with Trisquel on a SSD and if  
TRIM is supported by Trisquel 6? The Linux-kernel supports the TRIM-command  
through an ATA-command since version 2.6.33 but I am not sure if the libre  
kernel also supports it.

Thank you in advance for your help.

PS: This is my first post here :)

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Trisquel 6 on a SSD

2013-03-20 Thread punya

Thank you to both of you and thank you for the welcome greeting lembas!

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Trisquel 6 on a SSD

2013-03-23 Thread punya
Thank you for your information and for sharing your /etc/fstab-file. As far  
as I know a better way as the "discard" option (which is called "online  
discard") is "batched discard" because online discard "slows operation  
considerably; there's also been some claims that excessive trimming can,  
itself, shorten drive life." (

To use batched discard, you need to create a file  
/etc/cron.weekly/batched_discard (weekly) /etc/cron.daily/batched_discard  
(daily) respectively with this text:

echo "*** $(date -R) ***" >> $LOG
fstrim -v / >> $LOG
fstrim -v /home >> $LOG

(This example presumes that you have a root and home partition; you may need  
to modify it to your needs.)

Than you need to make it executable:

sudo chmod 755 /etc/cron.weekly/batched_discard

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-05 Thread punya
Thank you very much for sharing your fonts, Armworm! I also have a font to  
share which is called Gandhari Unicode. It is an improved version of Nimbus  
Roman No9 with additional support of diacritical marks, especially for the  
transliteration of Indic languages.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Please contribute to Trisquel 8!

2017-04-24 Thread punya

Totally agree!

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Lightdm doesn't start automatically

2016-02-07 Thread punya
I followed the instructions of the page you were referring too, but it still  
doesn't work. :(

[Trisquel-users] Grub password input necessary for other OSs at booting

2016-02-07 Thread punya

I just installed Trisquel 7 and I wonder why I needed to enter the GRUB user  
and password to boot other operating systems when installation was finished?

It was a bit annoying since I didn't know where the password was stored.  
Luckily I found it in /boot/grub/grub.cfg. However, uncommenting the password  
in this file didn't work, so I reinstalled GRUB.

Is this the way it should be or is it a bug?

Thank you!

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Grub password input necessary for other OSs at booting

2016-02-07 Thread punya

Thank you.

Sorry, I should have looked into the forum first. 

[Trisquel-users] Lightdm doesn't start automatically

2016-02-07 Thread punya


I am having problems with lightdm (Trisquel 7). The login screen does not  
appear so I always have to start it from text mode with  sudo start lightdm.

I already tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm.

Any suggestions to solve this issue?