Re: [Trisquel-users] Purism working on libre phone

2017-09-04 Thread sendplease
That response implies she was talking to TodD (whoever the hell is). She was  
talking to me. I stopped talking to you lot years ago over a different issue  
but I just thought I'd mention the truth untwisted because I'm still very  
offended at someone telling me where I can spend my very hard earned money.  
It's very offensive. Are ya..are ya...nope you're not going to consider that  
are ya?... Right, on second thought, please excuse my interruption of the  
circle jerk. Plastics.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Arrested for filming : CEO of ThinkPenguin, Inc arrested for filming police : faces up to year in prison

2017-04-24 Thread sendplease

Something said in your comment stood out to me:

> labelling me a "free stater", which apparently is my "gang affiliation"),  

For that to be said to you most likely means you've had a federal designation  
applied. This would mean that you would may be subject to enhancements added  
to any actions/ charges/ sentencings. This changes much and you should  
exercise extreme caution as 'the rules' are likely different for you than an  
everyday American. The deal you believe you have in your hand may not be the  
cards you're actually playing with. I'd strongly advise you contact the ACLU  
or a local civil liberties legal clinic (many universities have them) who  
specialise in matters such as yours immediately. There is no margin for "wait  
and see". This is from a similar case:

(sorry about the youtube)

Yup, it's a glib and bubble gum music vlog but I hope it drives home what  
you're most likely about to face just by having a designation applied (you  
really need to find out if you actually have). Do your research and take care  
of you :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu now the official OS for China

2013-05-23 Thread sendplease
When you co-operate with a regime (Canonicals deal is with the government,  
not a company in a free trade zone of china or an organization) known for  
gross human rights violations, censorship, and subjugation of it's people I  
do believe it is called unethical collusion (y'know, like IBM furnishing the  
punchcards to the nazis during world war II, only now Canonical will help  
co-architect UbuntuKylin to continue censoring, surveilling, organizing  
harvested organs from Falun Gong practitioners, oppressing Tibet, etc. etc.)  
and profiteering from human misery. It took me a long time to decide to write  
this here because I always liked this community; But to be quite honest,  
after reading your glib excuses (to the tune of Tammy Wynette stand by your  
man running through my head) I don't care if I get along with you either. I  
may be "poison" but at least I'm not a coward willing to turn a blind eye to  
atrocities just to get along.

Re: [Trisquel-users] StatusNet,, and another blow to the AGPL

2013-01-01 Thread sendplease
The statusnet software is still going to be kept under the same licence  
(which, beyond the obvious reasons, is good because OStatus lets you interact  
with, friendica, etc. etc.) I federated (set up my own statusnet  
instance that can talk to other OStatus networks like : a while ago because I felt bad  
for 'freeloading' off Just do that and you won't have to worry  
about what others are doing.

Trust me, speaking as an idiot, it's idiot proof to set up. It took me about  
a day but that's only because I have zero computer training and a crappy  
webhost who won't give me root for less than a gadzillion dollars. Y'all  
could probably do it in an hour while hammered drunk.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Having trouble buying a shirt from the gift shop :(

2012-12-26 Thread sendplease
I don't think we're talking about the same thing. You just buy them for cash  
at the pharmacy, grocery store or whatever (you pay like 6.00 on top of the  
value of the card to get them activated by the cashier and then a monthly fee  
if you don't use it). They're not linked to anything unless you voluntarily  
register them and there's no trace (well, I expect the store #, cameras, pii  
you offer along with your purchase, if you sign it with your real name at a  
store, etc. etc.). You just use them and throw them out when you're done. I'm  
not a big fan of paypal, but it did come in handy today cause they did allow  
my disposable credit card as a guest account so that's good :)

[Trisquel-users] Having trouble buying a shirt from the gift shop :(

2012-12-26 Thread sendplease
I tried both suppliers; On spreadshirt I simply couldn't add anything to my  
cart and on zazzle I kept getting a 'processing error" alert. I called zazzle  
customer service and they said it must be a problem with the shop/technical  
issue with the page itself. I guess I'm reporting it as a technical issue.