[Trisquel-users] Antwort: trisquel grub is not working

2014-10-13 Thread toni . schultheis

I put Trisquel, Boot Repair and Windows with yumi on one usb stick.
I just can't access Trisquel with Windows.
Boot Repair doesn't show any option. It just analyses the system and finishes  
without having the possibility to do anything.

The only option i might see is to test Ubuntu and convert it to Trisquel...

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: trisquel grub is not working

2014-10-12 Thread toni . schultheis

thank you, but it didnt worked.
i installed windows 7 and then trisquel like you said, with grub...
but when i restarted with bootrepair, it doesnt showed the option to repair.  
did you install trisquel without bootloader? because it seems that bootrepair  
thinks everythingworks fine.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: trisquel grub is not working

2014-10-06 Thread toni . schultheis

first try 1. win7 then trisquel: not working
second try 1. win7 then debian and then trisquel without grub install. after  
updating grub in debian, i could select it in the grub loader, but with the  
same problem like before... it also crashed the debian installation, windows  
worked. trisquel always shows sth with busybox... and that it couldn't load  
the kernel.

Does this help?

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: trisquel grub is not working

2014-10-01 Thread toni . schultheis

grub does start and shows everything...
with debian everything worked fine but with the trisquel grub not.
sry i'm new to linux. if the other solutions wont work i will check what  
error messages are there.

thank you, hope it works