[Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko
DuckDuckGo is non-free. YaCy is free. Please, delete all bad functions from  
browsers and change it with free. I will release my own browser soon (or  

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread greatgnu

> DuckDuckGo is non-free. YaCy is free

Yes. We know.

> I will release my own browser soon (or not?).


Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

I want to release TorFree Browser.
- No DRM (if it is closed source, otherwise warning user "There is a DRM  
- Maximal security by default (disabled JS, cookies, safebrowsing is enabled,  
but not Google, my own website). Images… disable or not? Fully disabling,  
not partially.
- Windows 7 user agent… or "HIDDEN" or just not sending user agent if  

- FREEDOM: blocking non-free content with safebrowsing
- Anonymity
- Based on Tor Browser Bundle
- Compiler: GCC… stop. How GCC compiled if written on C?
- TorFree CA. Or other gratis EV CA in Tor network.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread stas . mihaylenko

I will include GNU addons.
I will change default setting for maximal security.
I will modify SafeBrowsing & make FreeBrowsing mod (with database. First  
websites to block:

*github.com (but free mirror (readonly code access only) will be available)
*nsa.gov (you must know why)
*microsoft.com (too)
*dvdcca.org (or not to block?)
nonfree.example.com (just for test)
*introversion.co.uk (and other sites with Introversion Software)
*battle.net and *blizzard.com (too)
*.gov (or not?)
I maybe will develop a secret project for fighting non-free software. It is  
secret, do not ask info (I can tell info after connecting my VERY secure  
Hint: what will happens if Internet will be non-free? We will finish using  

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread dguthrie

duckduckgo can be used without javascript

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-08 Thread dguthrie
block nonfree websites? how do you plan to do this? if you mean librejs, you  
will be doing people a disservice because tor browser is designed to be  
anonymous - running arbitrary code (you can never check what the "free" sites  
are actually sending you) removes anonymity!
"Hint: if non-free software > free software, we should not use a software at  
all… because free software can be destroyed by a non-free worm." - what  
does this even mean? it is really unlikely you will get malware if you take  
sufficient precautions.
this seems like it will cause significatly more problems than it is designed  
to solve

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread stas . mihaylenko
We can block non-free websites using databases. Using "Report non-free  
website" button and just blocking popular non-free websites.

What is gnu.org license? CC-BY-ND? Free software or not?

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread stas . mihaylenko
I want to delete my email address (on proprietary hosting). You cannot send  
PM for me now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread taknamay
> Hint: what will happens if Internet will be non-free? We will finish using  

Maybe we will use GNUnet? https://gnunet.org/ :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread taknamay

gnu.org is not free software, not least of all because it is not software.

(you are correct, it is CC BY-ND)

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread taknamay

This is sort of off-topic (I agree with you completely), but:

I am not sure whether Mangos contains proprietary code, but if not, it could  
still be a good piece of software. The Mana World server was originally based  
on such a kind of software used to host private MMO servers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread stas . mihaylenko

This account is old. I'm not using this account now.
I will not support all freeing projects anymore. The computers are evil*  
because many people using non-free software. I think, I will finish using  
latest non-free software after learning programming. I must learn C, C++ and  
Assembler. Maybe, Qt. Then I will start developing my secret project.
You cannot send PM now. I cannot trust people, so I will not publish any more  
information about secret project.

I can publish info about freeing project. Just ask me.
*computers with non-free software

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread universlibre

I want to know if you are a serious people.
Because you must be very good if you want do all this stuff.
Try to solve this and give me the number hiding inside.

♥♥▼♥▼♥▼ ♥♥▼▼♥▼ ♥♥♥▼▼♥  
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♥♥♥▼♥♥♥ ♥♥♥▼♥▼♥ ♥♥▼  

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread greatgnu

> Disabling JavaScript, sending an empty user agent

Sending an empty user agent would definitely make the fingerprinting easier.  
Disabling javascript on the contrary will make it much more difficult as your  
browser (provided it is a decent browser with decent settings) will suddenly  
send only the HTTP_ACCEPT Headers and the User Agent, along with your  
internal window screen resolution, if you accept cookies (which you should,  
for the session only) and if the donottrack header is enabled (leave it off,  
it will make you more trackable and it is a useless feature no ad-head is  
going to comply with)

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread stas . mihaylenko

It is binary code, yes? I will try later because it's too late now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread jadedml
> I must learn C, C++ and Assembler. Maybe, Qt. Then I will start developing  
my secret project.

Jesus, assembly? Are you a masochist or what?

> You cannot send PM now. I cannot trust people, so I will not publish any  
more information about secret project.

It sounds like you have a sense of self-importance that probably isn't  
Your secret project isn't special, and your grasp of the technology required  
to realize such a project isn't very strong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread tegskywalker

Don't forget about Go and Python!

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread tegskywalker

da fuq?

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-09 Thread legimet . calc
Assembly isn't that bad. However, I doubt stas730 would need it for his/her  
"secret project."

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-10 Thread radiowavers
The number is 512 ! :) If yours is different, it is possible to solve this  
riddle in almost infinite number of ways, receiving the different results ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-10 Thread radiowavers
Security through obscurity sucks, hopefully your "VERY secure system" will be  
fully transparent in the end

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-10 Thread radiowavers
If you trust only the certain websites, wouldn't it be easier to use a whitte  
list rather than black? You would be expanding your allowed sites list  
gradually. Less convenient, but much more secure because you can't just block  
everything bad - it is impossible! so block by default, and add "allow" as  

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-10 Thread radiowavers

> The computers are evil* because many people using non-free software

I hope you already installed a coreboot/libreboot open/free software BIOS to  
your computer? You know, the default UEFI has plenty of security  
vulnerabilities, which could undermine your "VERY secret project" :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-10 Thread onpon4
Of course a whitelist would be more effective. Or you could take North  
Korea's approach: don't allow access to the Internet at all.

No one is going to choose to use a browser designed to restrict what websites  
you are allowed to visit, though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread alejandrohp

Thank you 'stas730',

Don't worry about ussual trisquel forum admins. I recommend you to use  
another free distro: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html

See these for mor info about how they act:  


"Ruben Rodriguez - system administrator - leaked private emails to John  
Sullivan, which lead to the employee being fired."


Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Not enough security, lamers!

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Who is my new enemy? FSF or Libreboot… or Internet?

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Crack my own computer?

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread jason
I'm not sure how much can be trusted. I already know that some of the events  
have been mischaracterized which already made me wonder what else might be  
but now I see that the story itself of who did what is also changing.  
Example: Originally Leah accused Rubén of supposedly taking sides with the  
alleged bully and Leah called for him to be removed from the FSF for that  
reason; see  
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-09/msg00053.html. Now she  
accuses him of "leaking" emails to the Executive Director. The story about  
who did what seems to be changing, which makes me question the storyteller  
even further.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread stas . mihaylenko

What company are bad for now? FSF or Libreboot?

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread stas . mihaylenko

English version needed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread stas . mihaylenko

The Trisquel project is attacked by Libreboot, yes?
Which side is more right?
0. Libreboot. Attack FSF server. Lots of damage for free software.
1. FSF. Attack Libreboot server.
2. Do nothing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread legimet . calc
Libreboot did not attack Trisquel. Why would you want to crack the FSF or  
Libreboot servers? How will that help free software?

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread stas . mihaylenko
Libreboot attack FSF. Not crack. Some people are (might be) fired from FSF.  
It is because Libreboot.

I cannot now trust Libreboot. I need another free BIOS firmware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-11 Thread infinityfallen
It is your decision not to trust the FSF, but please note that 'Libreboot'  
did not attack the FSF. The project's leader (Leah Rowe) made accusations  
against the FSF, which have thus far not been supported either way.

Furthermore, please note that the firings from the FSF had *absolutely  
nothing* to do with any part of Libreboot. Leah Rowe's friend was fired due  
to unknown events happening within the FSF, which almost certainly had  
anything to do with any GNU project.

In addition, the Libreboot software, being free, will remain just as  
trustworthy as before (if not, then I'm sure we'll all know quickly- just  
like the Ubuntu/Amazon saga). It appears it may separate into two strains  
(Libreboot and GNU Libreboot), but this just means you can pick a side if  
that should so satisfy you.

Otherwise, I suspect you may have trouble finding other free BIOS/UEFI  
implementations- especially if you're on x86.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-12 Thread greatgnu


Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-12 Thread stas . mihaylenko

Wikipedia? This site using non-free files. Fair use? DO NOT USE!

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-12 Thread dguthrie

Uh Banane? I think we should stop feeding the troll

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-12 Thread infinityfallen
And that your storage medium is encrypted. Who knows what back-doors can be  
found in HDD/SSD firmware?

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-12 Thread stas . mihaylenko

The best idea is using offline computer. No network — no problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-12 Thread infinityfallen
Being offline doesn't protect you from exploitation of back-doors. If you've  
got any mission critical data, the only way to be safe is to ensure your no  
non-free software EVER handles it unencrypted.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DuckDuckGo? Change to YaCy.

2016-10-12 Thread legimet . calc

The safest thing is to not use a computer at all.