
I recently installed lmms on Trisquel 6.0.1 and I found out that this program recommends and supports nonfree VST(i) plugins. So I decided to install the newest version[1] from source without a dependency on wine. Having VST support in lmms is as bad as ndiswrapper.

Cadencii is a piano roll editor originally written for MacOS and Windows. It was recently ported to GNU/Linux by a Debian maintainer, who decided to keep VOCALOID support. But VOCALOID is nonfree and there is a free replacement called vConnect-STAND that can run on free GNU/Linux distributions. However I had patch both programs to run on GNU/Linux. I uploaded the packages to my own server [2].

Many other audio programs in Trisquel are outdated, so I plan to set up my own repository which contains up to date liberated "Linux Audio" packages. I might even start my own distribution based on Trisquel, KXStudio and Ubuntu Studio. It will include a realtime kernel and many other programs not present in Trisquel.

[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/lmms/files/lmms/1.0.0/lmms-1.0.0-src.tar.bz2/download

[2] http://platen-software.de/cadencii/

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