Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-21 Thread Caleb Herbert
Don't use the proprietary software on your computer.  Use THEIR software
on THEIR computers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-18 Thread bob
It doesn't work in all cases unfortunately. I know for example that my  
employer and their clients are going to insist on non-free tools and  
technologies because of corporate IT policies they established two decades  
ago, and nothing I say or do is going to fix that!

Sadly, in the real world we have to make sacrifices to put food on the table.  
But my career choice (i.e. writing Java middleware that runs on Linux boxes  
in the cloud) has taken some of the sting out of having to use Windows or OSX  
to host my dev tools. Virtualization also helps. At home at least I have a  
choice :)

(As for college and university work, I remember getting through a BTEC ND and  
a Computer Science degree by doing Windows-specific work on the  
school-supplied machines and doing everything else on whichever flavour of  
GNU/Linux I was running on my laptop)

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-17 Thread Caleb Herbert
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.  They are very honest and

> I'm a poor college student who is forced to use nonfree  
> software by my work and college. I have a windows laptop that I use for these 
> occasions. 

Yeah, this makes sense, although I would not go as far as owning a
Windows machine or bringing it into my private space.  If a job
application is only online, for example, I insist that the company
provide the computer to run their crappy job application software on.

I'm a poor college dropout who occasionally has to use the computer
terminals at work.  However, just like operating a cash register
computer terminal for work, it's not my computing.  

In fact, company policy dictates that an employee must never do their
computing anywhere in the building under any circumstances.  User
freedom is therefore not affected by proprietary software at my job.

> I also carry a cellphone, despite my general agreement with  
> Stallman's criticisms of them (I am not an important enough person for people 
> to agree to make any special accommodations for).

I'm too poor to afford a cellphone.  The break room at work has a
landline I can use, and I carry a list of phone numbers in my pocket in
case I want to call someone.  There are also payphones available in case
the break room telephone is in use, and I keep quarters on hand, but I
never need to use them: When I go to the break room, everyone is glued
to the computing devices in their pockets.

> Anyways, enough rambling (I had some good tea!). 

What kind of tea?  It's cold here, and I have been drinking lots of red

Caleb Herbert
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Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-17 Thread masonhock
I've been using Trisquel 8 for weeks. It's basically ready with just a few  
things to wrap up. However, if you are unwilling to use it until the official  
release and want to use a similarly accessible distro in the meantime, Ubuntu  
would be a better temporary compromise than Mint.

Ubuntu quarantines much of its proprietary software in its "multiverse" and  
"restricted" repositories. It should not have these repositories at all, and  
disabling them still does not make it a fully freedom-respecting distro, but  
it is better than Mint which makes no effort to clarify whether software is  

Also, you would be able to migrate from Ubuntu 16.04 to Trisquel 8 once it's  
released without reinstalling.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-17 Thread foxmean

I'm curious why you use "Mint"?
I've been thinking around what GNU/Linux distribution should use instead of  
GNU/Linux-libre because of firmware problem and I was found that "Fedora" is  
the best choice. According to FSF: , Fedora "Unfortunately, the  
decision to allow that firmware in the policy keeps Fedora from meeting the  
free system distribution guidelines.".

Except these firmwares, Fedora is Free software distribution.

Debian was not so good enough for me because of Emacs's documents excluded in  
the main repository. And if you included non-free repository for sake of  
using non-free firmware, you will face an awkward situation that non-free  
software is around you with ready to install. Anyway, if you want to use  
Debian in minimal non-free firmware as need only, you might be do it manually  
which was described in the Debian documentation/wiki and you can install  
Emacs form source in order to get Emacs documentation.

For me, I've use non-free Laptop that was HPG32 with Fedora and Fully free  
Lenovo Laptop X200 with Libreboot and Trisquel 8 alpha and happy with both.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-17 Thread jamesbythesea
I can't speak for anyone besides myself, but I'd like to share my thoughts.  
Since internalizing Stallman's essays, I've experienced a lot of conflicting  
feelings about what course one should take.

Please, don't let this project contribute to your anxiety! I think on some  
level, we're all here because we want to see the world be a better place. I  
think that if you don't have your health and well-being, you can't help  
anyone else!

I understand how it feels to experience pressure regarding one's choices in  
software. A project like this is both technical and philosophical in nature;  
on the philosophical side, we spend a lot of time discussing and thinking  
about what it is to use software ethically. I think most people here have  
concluded that it is unethical to propagate the unjustified developer-user  
hierarchy, and so it's perfectly natural to feel some form of guilt or  
anxiety about doing computing that doesn't reflect that conclusion.

But, I want to say, don't let it consume you! I want to be just like  
Stallman, living a principled, uncompromising life doing what I think is  
right. But, like you, I have things going on in my life that prevent that  
from happening. I'm a poor college student who is forced to use nonfree  
software by my work and college. I have a windows laptop that I use for these  
occasions. I also carry a cellphone, despite my general agreement with  
Stallman's criticisms of them (I am not an important enough person for people  
to agree to make any special accommodations for).

I'm a big believer in doing the best that one can with the hand they've been  
dealt. And, without getting too political, I believe that there are problems  
existing in society that cannot be solved by consumers making different  
choices. You are not a bad person for not setting yourself on fire to keep  
the world warm.

Anyways, enough rambling (I had some good tea!). I'm curious about what's  
prompted you to switch to mint. Are you concerned that this is a dead distro,  
or do you have any software packages that you need updating for? Perhaps you  
have new hardware that isn't compatible with the Belenos kernel? If you need  
some particular software updated, let me know - I may be able to help you get  
the version you need working on Trisquel.

Take care!

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-16 Thread yuval . levental

Yes, that's what I meant.  My deepest apologies.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-16 Thread aggeliszotis

What do you mean with (open-source) 0_o ?
Maybe Free Software? 

[Trisquel-users] I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-16 Thread yuval . levental
I decided to take a break because everyone would make threads about how  
Trisquel 8 might never come out, and that made me really nervous.  I decided  
that it was affecting me too much.

However, I have several other things going on in my life.  I really want all  
software to be open-source in the future, but I have to work on myself first.  
 I hope you can understand.  I have defaulted to Linux Mint for now.

Regardless, I will be occasionally looking at this forum, to see what the  
Trisquel community is up to.  I will rejoin someday and contribute again when  
it is possible for me.