Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-12-10 Thread simonafreeman

And now they've hit their target:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-12-10 Thread tegskywalker
If you are that paranoid, you might as well not trust Python either since  
they have backing from Canonical, Google and Microsoft:

Of course the Linux Foundation, which governs the Linux kernel that ALL of  
you use, has its fair share of corporations:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-12-01 Thread Andresmp
i am getting subscription as a christmas present. linux format magazine  
introduced me to trisquel.

at least they use the freesoftware term.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-30 Thread erikthorsen

Okay, so you don't trust the EFF because they get money from shady places.
But by that standard, don't think you should trust the FSF either, 'cause  
they get money from Google, Oracle and IBM (, and  
I think we all know who these companies are in bed with, so why would you  
consider the FSF any more trustworthy? I doubt Google is doing it for the  
free t-shirts.
Let's be honest, that Stallman character running around now might just be a  
lookalike planted and controlled by the establishment. =o 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-30 Thread fernando . negro
I was expecting someone to bring that up, in here, again...  

The Free Software Foundation is financed by big corporations because they,  
too, use Free Software. And are, therefore - by the logic on which Free  
Software is developed - morally obliged to contribute something back to the  
community - or, otherwise, they would be left with a (very) bad public image  
(which could have a significant effect on their profits).

While, organizations like EFF and EPIC are financed by foundations run by  
people who make it appear as if they are giving their money out of pure  
altruism, just because of how nice people they are, and worried about our  
society they are - while, everyone who is well informed about them knows  
that, they are not nice people, at all, and have hidden agendas, that they  
don't want the public to know about  
+ And, these  
are foundations known for, among other things, trying to instigate people to  
overthrow democratically elected governments, not under the control of  
Western interests.

And, speaking of Stallman...

One other stratagem that this same big economic interests have, besides  
creating fake movements and organizations, in order to mislead people, is to  
infiltrate and sabotage real and legitimate ones.

So... Let me take the opportunity to seriously warn you (all) that: you can  
be sure that the Free Software Movement has people inside of it, who are  
waiting for Stallman, and others, to no longer be among us, in order to take  
their place and start misrepresenting and sabotaging the Free Software  
Movement, itself (in the same way that some fake Free Software advocating  
groups and companies, like Ubuntu, are already doing -

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-30 Thread adel . afzal
[Companies like Oracle, Google, etc., are] morally obliged to contribute  
something back to the [free software] community - or, otherwise, they would  
be left with a (very) bad public image (which could have a significant effect  
on their profits). - Fernando.  [Square brackets are mine]

I don't think enough people think about free software, to hurt those  
companies' income.  I don't think that they feel pressure to contribute to  
this social cause for the reason that you said.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-30 Thread fernando . negro
I think that the number of people who use, and value, Free Software is enough  
for it to be a bad idea not to worry about their public image before such  
people - and, not only those. Since, other people would notice such indecency  
and might start questioning such corporations' values.

Not only that, but, these corporations must always try to create a good  
impression among the public, with some philanthropic actions and such, in  
order to try to supplant and counter-balance the bad public image, that  
they have, that comes from their known misdeeds.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-29 Thread mattij . lammi
Linux Voice is planning on having their readers vote on who receives 50% of  
their profits several times a year. This means that when there is an article  
on LV about Trisquel, for example, it has a good chance to get some profits  
from them.

The voting system is still under constraction so we don't know how often the  
readers can vote per year, how many candidates can win and will there be  
separate categories (like distros, applications, LUGs and small projects  
which have just started) of which each one or more candidates can win and get  
the profits.

At the moment, FSF, EFF and GIMP seem to be very strong candidates.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-29 Thread fernando . negro
The EFF is a /fake/ organization, mounted by the establishment, in order to  
control the critiques that are made to the ongoing loss of our (electronic)  
civil liberties.

Take a look at who's funding them: (Check its  
Annual Reports.)

It's foundations like the former nazi George Soros' Open Society  

And, try to look, for example, for information relating to the P*OMIS  
software (R instead of the *) that is surveilling us all. You will hardly  
find any information about it...

(It's the same story as with another organization, called EPIC...)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-29 Thread danieldelahoyde
That's interesting. I've come across this idea before. I've heard these  
organisations and indivduals refered to as gatekeepers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-29 Thread fernando . negro
Yes, that's one of the terms. Usually, more used for the fake (controlled)  
alternative media.  

One other term, is controlled oposition. And, it's a very much used  
stratagem, already publicly admitted, a long time ago, by another well-known  
puppet of this same interests.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.
--- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

I guess this type of organizations, of the sort of EFF and EPIC, are, due to  
its nature, somewhere in between this two type of refered groups.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-27 Thread arielxgbarton
What would Trisquel do with all that money? I would say EFF is best, followed  
by FSF.

[Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-11-26 Thread mattij . lammi

They are asking for suggestions on their website:

Over the first 12 months of the magazine, we’ll give coverage to  
communities, projects, charities and events suggested by you, Linux Voice  
readers. Then, at the end of the year, readers will be able to vote on which  
groups we support, and where the 50% of our first-year profits go to.

FSF and EFF seem to be the most popular choises among the comments right now.  
If we suggest Trisquel enough times now we might be able to vote for it when  
the time comes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-20 Thread mikko . viinamaki
From a marketing perspective, the word 'restrictive' probably isn't going to  
sway developers to use the GPL.

Which is exactly why its opponents use the term. Copyleft would be a better  
way to describe it.

The only additional freedom the permissive licenses give one is the freedom  
to make proprietary software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-19 Thread erikthorsen
Sure, the premise sounds simple enough, but really, when you have a long  
document riddled with lawyer speak, at times with questionable  
interpretation, I think it's at least a little troublesome. But so far it's  
seemed to work just fine, so I'm probably just paranoid. =x

Restrictive is the right word to use, the GPL is highly restrictive, as is  
all copyleft me-or-nothing licenses. In v3 it goes even further, trying to  
prevent the so-called tivoization for instance.
Not really sure what else one could call it when contrasting to the  
permissive, anything-goes BSD or MIT style licenes. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-19 Thread em9002
The issue is that 'restrictive' is such a negative word.  For that reason, I  
think we should avoid using it when referring to the GPL.  From a marketing  
perspective, the word 'restrictive' probably isn't going to sway developers  
to use the GPL.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-19 Thread jason

GPL is highly restrictive

Indeed but only the context of public safety, like laws which take away your  
ability to drive on any road you want, in any direction you want, at any  
speed you want, at any time you want. While those may be restrictions we've  
decided that society is generally better off with such rules than without  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread mikko . viinamaki

BSD is not free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Pascal Diogo Antunes
On Mon, 18 Nov 2013 09:48:48 +0100 (CET) wrote:

 BSD is not free.

Even FreeBSD?

Pascal Diogo Antunes.
L'ennui dans ce monde, c'est que les idiots sont sûrs d'eux et les
gens sensés pleins de doutes.- Bertrand Russell.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Michał Masłowski
Yes, they have firmware blobs like [0] or [1].  When looking for blobs
in OpenBSD [2] I found one bad thing that Linux does and OpenBSD
doesn't: none of the sourceless blobs are GPL-licensed which would make
distributing them a GPL violation.


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Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread onpon4
The BSD projects are no less free than most operating system projects that  
use GNU as the core and Linux as the kernel, so what's your point?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Pascal Diogo Antunes
On Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:21:25 +0100 (CET) wrote:

 The BSD projects are no less free than most operating system projects that  
 use GNU as the core and Linux as the kernel, so what's your point?
I read more and less the story of FreeBSD, and I thought (what I
memorized) it was free(=libre). Yes of course in the beginning...
No it's just I didn't realize what most of free (libre) project become
'open source' (so sometimes/often with blop non free).
I'm naive. :)

So, do a libre FreeBSD exists? (like libre-linux)

Pascal Diogo Antunes.
Plus faible sera l'opposition, plus étroit sera le despotisme.-
Orwell, 1984.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Sachin Dey
I used to be a fan of such an another magazine when I used to think 
GNU/Linux was only Linux,
I have realised how these magazines try to a hide the social movement 
beneath the open-source and save money methodology.

They don't even try to tell the readers about free software.
While in India the free software community was against the unique 
identification of people, that magazine was writing articles likes 
Open-source wins, government uses open-source software on the most 
costly project.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread icarolongo
I agree. I don't know why they will use InDesign (probably with OS X).  
Scribus is amazing and easy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread icarolongo
Yes. Free software is better. With focus in GNU and Linux we forgot Mozilla  
and many others good projects.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread erikthorsen
Shan't speak for the other *BSD's, but at least in OpenBSD everything that  
runs on an actual CPU as opposed to some microcontroller is perfectly free.

And suppose if anyone really think there's a practical difference between  
loading firmware and having it burned on a ROM chip, which most people 'round  
here at least do, recompiling the kernel without them shouldn't be too big a  

As for the licenses, hey, least I can actually read and understand the BSD  
licenses without a friggin' law degree. And permissive always have had a  
somewhat nicer ring in my ears than restrictive.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread em9002
It is true that the actual wording of the GPL is rather difficult to  
understand (as a matter of fact, I've skimmed through it in the past, but  
never actually read it properly), but the general premise is simple enough:  
code licensed under the GPL cannot be used in proprietary software.

And permissive always have had a somewhat nicer ring in my ears than  

Perhaps 'restrictive' isn't the right word to use, then.  The focus should be  
on the freedoms guaranteed to end-users, not the restrictions placed on the  
use of the code.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread simonafreeman
Sachin, the magazine that these guys used to write for did a 6 page spread on  
Trisquel and the free software foundation. It was that article which  
encouraged me to use Trisquel.  More people need to wake up to true free  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Andresmp
smiley same here, thanks to them I learnt a great deal about free software.  
and thanks to a previous news on trisquel 5 I heard of trisquel.

also previous magazine donates to fsf and all their tutorial code is gpl.  
their podcast is creative commons.

they have looked into scribus.

in the previous magazine they said they where sorry but that due to wordcount  
and other issues they could not use gnu/linux.

their interviews with karen sanders (gnome foundation president) and stallman  
arer eally good.
their tutorials on using free software like gramps and others did help me not  
only to use them but also to discover it.

ok, there are problably some shortfalls. but credit where credit is due.
we can always join and request changes as they are still in the beginning.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Andresmp

plus they use the term 'free software' and not 'open source'.

i feel they post it as it is and then readers such as smiley and myself take  
an informed decision. we chose trisquel others might want mint, but they will  
be aware they are not running a purely free software.

[Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-17 Thread simonafreeman
The majority of Linux Format staff have walked out and are trying to start  
their own magazine through funding:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-17 Thread jason

If only they renamed it to GNU/Linux Voice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-17 Thread mattij . lammi
Other that the naming issue, it seems to be better that Linux Format. They  
say they will give 50% of their profits back to the community and that the  
community chooses where the money goes. So the community can direct at least  
some of the money to supporting free software.

They also promise to TRY to release their code and other content under CC  
license after 9 months. If they do that, it's far better that the  
subscription based access to the content which Linux Format had.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-17 Thread lloyd
Produced using non-free software (Adobe InDesign), articles about non-free  
games (Minecraft), likes Ubuntu, calls self Linux Voice not GNU Voice or  
GNU/Linux Voice.

This has potential, but there are big weaknesses.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-17 Thread onpon4
Any community centered around Linux is destined to go astray. Not because  
of using the name Linux instead of GNU/Linux, but because it only loosely  
ties the community to what actually matters: free software. Inevitably, not  
only systems like Ubuntu and Mint, but even systems like SteamOS will get  
praised, because that's how religious followings of specific programs work.

A magazine focused on free software, or even open source, would be much  
better than a magazine focused on Linux or even GNU/Linux. And it  
wouldn't gratuitously exclude the BSD projects, to boot.