[Trisquel-users] Re : The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread merwancherif
Maybe I could have expressed myself more clearly, because we're on the same  

[Trisquel-users] Re : The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread mcz
I have to admit that i'm naïvely assuming that a malicious company would be  
out of business because of their actions being public. Recent history tells  
me otherwise.
My reasoning was that if they have a malicious product, they're out of  
business because of the justified bad press. Yeah right.
That's me underestimating the mental laziness or good old idiocy of many  
people (added to the power of good and large scale marketing). Plus the  
probable holes in the legal system.
In this context, I have to agree with the 4 freedoms (yet still following my  
initial reason).

[Trisquel-users] Re : The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread calinou
All my attempts to use proprietary software so far resulted in issues, unlike  
free/libre software.

People claim all the time proprietary software is more convenient, but I  
highly doubt it from a reliability point of view. In my experience, it breaks  
more often than free/libre software.

[Trisquel-users] Re : The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-09 Thread lcerf
Here is the extension for the applications menu:  

And the one for the places menu:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-10 Thread lcerf
I just wanted to add that the apparent limited flexibility ("apparent"  
because of the extensions and because a lot can be configured through dconf)  
does not mean using GNOME Shell is inefficient. See  
https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell/CheatSheet for useful features, in  
particular for the list of keybindings at the end of the page.