Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-04-04 Thread 1850d1a5

It will so awesome to have Trisquel 7 so fast

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-04-02 Thread tegskywalker
What I feel was/is missing right now is ISO updates with newer kernels,  
backported xserver, and backported hplip mainly. Components needed for  
maintaining modern hardware support.

Most of us wanted the Saucy backports in the 6.01 ISO and in typical Ruben  
fashion, he didn't listen and did what he wanted even though supporters of  
his project and hardware providers (like ThinkPenguin) have requested the  
Sauncy stack for the new ISO to streamline the releases and cut down on  
unneeded work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-04-01 Thread chris
I'm a big advocate for sticking to the LTS releases. While it's been slow  
going Rubén should have more time to work on 7 then has for 6. Hopefully  
we'll see support, stability, and functionality return to what it was (and  
more) in the days of the 4-5.5 releases. What I feel was/is missing right now  
is ISO updates with newer kernels, backported xserver, and backported hplip  
mainly. Components needed for maintaining modern hardware support. There may  
also be a need of backporting other software like abrowser and libeoffice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-04-01 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Adding Orca to the pile, per Dave.

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-31 Thread glyn
For me, Trisquel 6 runs like lightening and error free. Not that I doubt V7  
will be any worse but if it takes a year to get it there so be it. I install  
so many other distros onto machines for testing that break with updates or  
for other reasons, why should I risk this on my main PC just because I'm in a  
hurry to replace a number 6 with 7? :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-31 Thread davesamcdxv

Because I want to yuse all those new GTK+ themes.

And with all the madness that's showing in the different toolkits that is  
somehow grouped under the GTK+3 umbrella that's actually a pretty legitamate  

Not as legitimite as the reasons behind the wait 'till the bl**dy thing is  
ready approach, but still somewhat important.

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-31 Thread tegskywalker
I want to run Trisquel on a server, but in the past I was worried about the  
stability of the project and releases. Technically, since Trisquel uses LTS  
releases of Ubuntu, I have around 5 years of support and longer deadlines for  
Trisquel releases don't hurt as much.

I'm sure most of you have heard that the Linux Mint team is going to be using  
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS as their base for their next 3 releases. They will still  
have a 6 month release cycle, but each release will have that stable LTS core  
and they can focus on making each release more stable and not worry about the  
toolkits changing every 6 months past.

Honestly, I think that Trisquel moving to LTS releases is probably one of the  
smarter things to come out of the project in the last few years. It allows  
more time for the team to perfect the OS with a stable base. The 6 month  
release cycles of the past added too much pressure with minimal benefits.

So with the community backports project for Trisquel 7. Trisquel 6 didn't  
follow through with this, but I can see some real potential for 7. Does the  
team plan on running their own repository or should it be as a PPA on  
launchpad like Elementary OS? That means that someone else can handle the  
bandwidth and it makes Trisquel more accessible to Ubuntu users that may want  
to grab something Trisquel has (or liberated) that they cannot get with  
standard Ubuntu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-31 Thread legimet . calc
I agree. Especially since the STS versions of Ubuntu are now supported only  
for a year.

[Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-28 Thread 1850d1a5
when Trisquel 7 will release ?? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-28 Thread Heather
When it is ready.


Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-28 Thread legimet . calc

I don't know, but it will be after Ubuntu 14.04 is released (Apr 17)

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-28 Thread franparpe
Patience. I know you are impatient for the next release to come out but you  
must wait, at least, to the release of Ubuntu 14.04. Then, Ruben, will do his  
work as best as he can.
In order to keep the good quality, he will not launch the next verion until  
it's ready.

For some reason, I think the next version is going to be awesome.

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-28 Thread LDrumbler

Someone said this exact thing when Trisquel 6 was being prepared.

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-28 Thread tegskywalker
Trisquel 6 came out almost a year after Ubuntu 12.04 which pissed off a lot  
of people. Thankfully, there was some news recently that Ruben will be able  
to spend more time on Trisquel and work on 7 has started already and should  
be out sooner.

Re: [Trisquel-users] when Trisquel 7 will release ??

2014-03-28 Thread jason

Someone said this exact thing when Trisquel 6 was being prepared.

And it's just as true then as it is now: Trisquel 7 will be released when it  
is ready. Face it: Trisquel doesn't have fixed release dates like Ubuntu  
does. In this area it is more like the Debian Project, who also have the  
when it's ready and not a moment earlier policy.