Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-11 Thread fernando . negro

You're welcome.

And, just to be clear...

The "Arab Spring" phenomenon, as I said, was started by the West. But, that  
doesn't necessarily mean that the West had its hands behind *every one* of  
the different uprisings.

Being the best example of one that was not planned by Western interests the  
one in Bahrain - about which there was (and still is) a huge Western media  
silence ( +, in big contrast with the huge  
media covers that were made of the uprisings in Libya and Egypt, for example.

(Since that, the monarchy in Bahrain has always been under control. So,  
there's no need for any revolution there - and, therefore, and unlike in  
other countries, there will never be any Western support for the people  
fighting there.)

And, all of this doesn't (necessarily) mean that there were/are not  
legitimate reasons for this uprisings. But, only that - with all the World  
economies on the verge of Collapse - the West could see this inevitable huge  
discontent, in underdeveloped countries, coming, and decided to use it in its  

Concerning what I said,

I know that part of it sounds hard to believe.

What happens is that, having, for a long time, been part of the most  
developed culture in the World, the Western elites are nowadays very much  
sophisticated in the way they operate.

And, besides the information that comes from former intelligence officers  
that have, through the years, proven to be credible persons, a good part of  
what I say is the result of crossing information from several different  
sources. And, I would have to bombard this thread with links, in order to  
backup everything that I say.

But, if you take a peek at the blog that I have listed in my "Personal  
information", in my user account, you'll find a list of links to the media  
outlets that I use as sources. And, if you search for the keywords of what  
I'm saying, on those sites, I should be able to find confirmations of what  
I'm saying.

Take care.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-11 Thread Bader Zaidan
Indeed, the US tends to fight for the same group they are trying to
stop. Another to example is Syria, which erupted a religious war
between the Sunni groups (including AlQaeda), and the shii'a groups
(Hezbollah) and the government.

I find some of the points you make interesting while, to be honest, I
find the rest difficult to believe. (I would call them conspiracy
theories, but I do not want that to sound rude)

Claiming that every single uprising in the Arab Spring was started by
the west is, well, disagreeable. I do believe that western countries
got involved for oil (or other reasons), and this is probably one of
the few reasons they got involved ("fighting for
freedom/democracy/people" is an excuse they use to get supporters).

The remaining points you have noted are extremely interesting, and I
would like to thank you for shedding some light and providing your
point of view in the situation.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-11 Thread shiretoko

You can't be serious on your last link.
This woman is probably the most annoying interiewer I encountered so far  
during the last year.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-10 Thread fernando . negro
That's what I'm talking about, when I say that it's a bad interview... :)  

I guess the problem is that, both this more recent interviewer and the one  
that I said that made one the worst interviews I've seen being made to  
Stallman (, are people who  
specialize in political issues... And that, this are probably not the best  
type of persons to interview someone like Richard Stallman, and to ask him  
questions about software-related issues...

(This female interviewer must even have some degree in politics,  
"international relations", or something of the sort... Since that, she often  
turns her interviews into almost conversations, by speaking a lot about the  
subjects in question, and presenting her much informed point-of-views...)

And, for example, in contrast,

I remember another interview made to him, by what appears to be a more  
"generic subjects" type of journalist, that must have only a degree in  
journalism, or something close to it, and that interview was much better than  
the others ones that I saw:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-10 Thread fernando . negro

Got it.

It's true that RT often tries to denounce/expose some of the real reasons  
behind what appear to be spontaneous revolutions. But, that's not because  
they are against this or that particular intervention.

From what I've (much) seen from them, the perspective/point-of-view that they  
seem to have is one of respect for International Law.

So, yes. That makes them "anti-imperialist" and against military  
interventions in foreign countries. But, this are positions that come from  
the adherence to this principle of respect for International Law, as it is  
mentioned in the UN Charter -  
( + and that also every  
country, including the ones in the West, should respect - and to which this  
media crew seems to be coherent with. And, not being this something that they  
change, according to some interests.

(Being, on the other hand, the practice of the Orwellian "double standards",  
a favourite of the West - like in the case of Libya, where the West supported  
the same al-Qaeda that they claim to be fighting against:

The thing is that, being Russia on the list of countries to be also attacked  
by the West, obviously its government has an interest in funding a channel  
that cultivates this principle of anti-illegal wars and respect for sovereign  

(Which I think is a very good principle, to be followed by every country.  
And, one that is not incompatible with people wanting to help others to free  
their countries. Since that, everyone can always volunteer to fight abroad,  
regardless of his/her country's positions.)

Concerning this "Arab Spring" phenomenon, that has also affected Libya,

It's US/Western large-scale operation, aimed at gaining absolute control of  
the Great Middle East. (

And, yes. The uprising in Libya had Western hands behind it. Not being a  
coincidence that it started exactly in the area of Libya that is most rich in  
oil (i.e. Benghazi:  
and that, right after the rebels took over that area, its oil fields were  
already exporting to the West.

There are a lot of exposures, of the Western hands behind this Arab  
uprisings, in the alternative media  
( And, I  
can even leave here one that's not even from an alternative outlet:

And, concerning the Muslim Brotherhood and puppet politicians, there's an  
important thing I should warn you about...

The Muslim Brotherhood is a creation of the British Empire. (And, my sources  
for that are two former intelligence officers, one of which has been  
repeatedly asked to talk in the EU Parliament -

The purposes of this group are (1) to prevent the rise of any Arab  
nationalisms (that can lead to the formation of independent and developed  
nation-states, like in Europe) and (2) to keep the Muslim countries in a  
situation of cultural underdevelopment - in which any yearn for Freedom is  
squashed, due to being contrary to fundamentalist Islamic principles.

With the end goal of this last purpose being that, by not allowing a country  
to develop culturally, one is, subsequently, also preventing it from  
developing economically. And, by not allowing a country to develop  
economically, one is preventing its population from consuming too much of the  
precious natural resources that it has under its soil (which are to be  
safeguarded for the Western elites.)

(And, being this second pretended role of the Muslim Brotherhood one close to  
that played by the Inquisition, that existed in Europe, and that for  
centuries prevented the continent from culturally developing.)

But, it's not only the Muslim Brotherhood that you should worry about.

Since that, the West often plays with both the movements in power and their  
opposition. (So that, if one gets out of control, or is ousted in a coup,  
they can use the other...)

For example, in neighbouring Egypt, Mubarak was somewhat controlled by the  
West. But, because he was not under enough control, and leaning towards the  
Iranians, the West instigated the uprising. Subsequently, they were able to  
help the Muslim Brotherhood get into power. But, once the people in Egypt  
were against the use of its army in helping the Western-backed uprising in  
Syria, and a military coup took the Muslim Brotherhood out of power, the  
Western governments and their media have, ever since, now remain silent (in  
contrast to what they did, when Mubarak did far less than what is now  
happening there) in relation to all the following atrocit

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-10 Thread rova
But why they compare him to be like Don Quijote de la mancha ? thats very  
stupid, i think its a very rude way to tell him his activism is stupid! or a  
waste of time. WTF!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-10 Thread Bader Zaidan
> The origin of the video posted on the (well-known and respected) 
> "Voltaire Network" web site is unknown. But, all the other
> information that I've presented was produced by independent
> journalists and even a former(?) MI5 officer.
> So, with all due respect, it is your claim that "all of that
> information was provided by a fascist government" that is
> incorrect.
> But, if you can tell us, then, which was the African country that
> had the greatest quality of life, and why, and present us 
> credible/well-known/respected sources that provide arguments to
> back it up, then, please do so...

Honestly, I will not be able to state which country in Africa has a
better quality of life, since I have not been to every African country
to compare their standards. I was providing an insight from the
people's perspective, hoping that you will respect it.

> As for the Libyan politicians,
> I wouldn't put much faith on them. And, I strongly suspect that
> they will just keep ignoring much of the Libyan people's will, and
> also deceiving such people, by claiming that they're acting on
> everyone's best interest, like most Western politicians do.
> Being the new Libyan parliament a result of the Western
> intervention in Libya, it's most probably a Parliament made up
> primarily of people who obey the same interests responsible for the
> creation of such a Parliament.
> The West as a long history of intervening in Arab countries, by
> claiming to be "freeing" them, to then just turn them into
> puppet-states, run by puppet-governors, afterwards.
> Look at what happened in Saudi Arabia, for example. With all those
> Arabs fighting the Turks, lead by the MI6 agent "el-Aurens". They
> thought they were going to get their "freedom", and they had their
> territory turned into a Western oil colony 
> (,
and are now living under what is perhaps the worst dictatorship that has
> ever existed in the Middle East.

I may not know the true interests of our politicians, or at least may
not have the ability to prove it, but I honestly do not believe that
the "West" is controlling it. They may have control over some
politicians, but the main issue is, starting quite recently, the
Muslim Brotherhood.

They have formed militias and parties under their control. Also, I may
note that the extension I talked about in my previous letter is
supported by them, and only by them. (This is true since about half of
parliament is made up of the MB).

I have had multiple conversations with friends and colleagues over the
West's reason for getting involved with foreign wars. Some say it is
to assist democracy, and other say it is to form allies or, as you
said, puppets. I believe that they join foreign wars for their
economical/financial advantage, such as gaining oil. That is indeed
correct, and I agree with you on this.

Also, I have to state that RT is *heavily* against the intervention in
Libya, and have created several documentaries(?) and reports trying to
explain the revolution, to the level that I will call it propaganda.
Also, I recall a report by RT stating that the revolution was started
by US Agents in Benghazi. (This is the report, although I do not
support it: The last time
this currency was planned or talked about was in the early 21st
century. No one has ever heard of any actual plans by any Arab or
African government.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-10 Thread fernando . negro
The origin of the video posted on the (well-known and respected) "Voltaire  
Network" web site is unknown. But, all the other information that I've  
presented was produced by independent journalists and even a former(?) MI5  

So, with all due respect, it is your claim that "all of that information was  
provided by a fascist government" that is incorrect.

But, if you can tell us, then, which was the African country that had the  
greatest quality of life, and why, and present us  
credible/well-known/respected sources that provide arguments to back it up,  
then, please do so...

(And, please, don't get me wrong... I have no doubts that Qaddafi can be  
described as a fascist leader. And, I'm an anti-fascist, myself... I'm just  
looking at the situation objectively, and concentrating myself on the  
economic aspect of it alone.)

As for the Libyan politicians,

I wouldn't put much faith on them. And, I strongly suspect that they will  
just keep ignoring much of the Libyan people's will, and also deceiving such  
people, by claiming that they're acting on everyone's best interest, like  
most Western politicians do.

Being the new Libyan parliament a result of the Western intervention in  
Libya, it's most probably a Parliament made up primarily of people who obey  
the same interests responsible for the creation of such a Parliament.

The West as a long history of intervening in Arab countries, by claiming to  
be "freeing" them, to then just turn them into puppet-states, run by  
puppet-governors, afterwards.

Look at what happened in Saudi Arabia, for example. With all those Arabs  
fighting the Turks, lead by the MI6 agent "el-Aurens". They thought they were  
going to get their "freedom", and they had their territory turned into a  
Western oil colony  
and are now living under what is perhaps the worst dictatorship that has ever  
existed in the Middle East.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-10 Thread fernando . negro

(By the way, for those of you who don't know it...)

RT is the international (English language) TV news channel that has more  
viewers on YouTube. (

(Which means that, at least on the Internet, this kind of interviews - good  
or bad, and there were those who were not that bad, on that same channel: - will be viewed by many more  
people than if they had been done on CNN, or BBC...)

Also, Russia is one of the countries in the world were Free Software is  
making the biggest progresses. Since that,

- The government has started to implement its use in schools and official  
bureaus ( through a  
government-sponsored GNU/Linux distribution  
- there's another native GNU/Linux distribution which is also used by various  
government entities and private businesses  
- and there's even a free version of Windows, being developed  
(, that will allow people to be able to  
run free programs, made for Windows, on top of a free version also of this  

(An extra:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-10 Thread Bader Zaidan
On 02/10/2014 02:07 PM, wrote:> I agree with
Stallman, that more Freedom is always a good thing.
> Yet, the interviewer is right, when she says that Libya is worst
> off now, than it was before, with Qaddafi.
> For those of you who don't know it, Libya had the greatest quality
> of life in the whole continent. 
> (

> And its government was trying to improve also the quality of life
> for everyone else on that same continent. 
> ( +

To be honest, all of that information was provided by a fascist
government that will try to make itself look better. As a Libyan, I
can guarantee that this information is incorrect.

> And, the problem with its situation now, is that people (and, in 
> special, people who have very limited access to culture) are very
> easy to manipulate. And, therefore, with the state that Libya was
> left in ( this freedom
> in it should be just temporary.

We have to note that the main reason that Libya is in its current
state is because of the elected members of parliament. As of this
moment, they are ignoring an ongoing protest and trying to extend the
length time they'll remain in power.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-10 Thread fernando . negro

I agree with Stallman, that more Freedom is always a good thing.

Yet, the interviewer is right, when she says that Libya is worst off now,  
than it was before, with Qaddafi.

For those of you who don't know it, Libya had the greatest quality of life in  
the whole continent. (

And its government was trying to improve also the quality of life for  
everyone else on that same continent.  
( +

And, the problem with its situation now, is that people (and, in special,  
people who have very limited access to culture) are very easy to manipulate.  
And, therefore, with the state that Libya was left in  
( this freedom in it should be  
just temporary.

Since that, the people responsible for taking Qaddafi out (i.e. the Western  
powers that double crossed him) want, in the long run, to just install  
several smaller tribal dictators in charge of the same territory, and for  
Libya to go back to something closer to the Stone Age (as it is close to,  
already - while the West finishes  
destroying the country and plundering its (most valuable) natural resources.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-09 Thread info

12 minutes in.
"Muamarr Gadafi is the lesser of two evils"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-09 Thread retro
I think it's the job of the interviewer to ask all the questions that other  
people might ask him. RMS was ready for everything.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I think that was a good read despite I had to do so reading the source code  
since rt doesn't seem to work without JavaS***t.

I do agree rms and rt are bit like water and oil sometimes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Interview on RT Television

2014-02-09 Thread fernando . negro

Another bad interview made by this channel, unfortunately...

RT is great. And, so is Stallman.

And, I'm a big fan of both.

But, for some reason, when the two are mixed, the results are not very  
good... :|

If anyone wants to check out also one of the worst interviews that were made  
to Stallman, check out this one:

And then look for the comments saying that Stallman should have punched that  
interviewer in the face... :)