Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-22 Thread arielxgbarton
The purpose of Abrowser was to replace Firefox, because Firefox had non-free  
bits. However, many distributions of GNU/Linux have their own modified  
firefox, including trisquel, and so the developer decided to stop developing  
Abrowser, because it is a waste of time for multiple people to do the same  
thing again and again, and also the developer of Trisquel has also became the  
person in charge of Icecat, the FSF's version of it, and so Trisquel will no  
longer have Abrowser, in about a year Abrowser will no longer be used.

So try installing Icecat.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-22 Thread jbar
Regarding to the xfce installation issue, look carefully the error message.  
If I remember correctly, the problem is a .desktop file. Just rename it and  
you will be able to install xfce.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-25 Thread gromobir
@axgb: Does that mean abrowser will still be in the final repos for Trisquel  

@jbar: Well... how would renaming a .desktop file help to fix this problem?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-25 Thread jbar

"@jbar: Well... how would renaming a .desktop file help to fix this problem?"

When installing xfce there's another version of the same .desktop file. The  
conflict comes to not overwrite the previous file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-29 Thread dhunt
The same accessibility regressions I've reported with previous Trisquel 7  
Alphas are still present in the one released aJune 27; There are two I forgot  
to mention:  When I launch synaptic, from the System Settings panel, and  
enter my password, orca is silent for the entire session, even when I restart  
it;Orca does not speak the top item in any desktop menu.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-30 Thread dhunt
And, here's one more:  When on the desktop, I accicentally hit 'f1' instead  
of 'alt+f1', and got GNOME Help.  A help file, reached by pressing 'f1' is a  
good thing to have, but the one in Trisquel 7 is for GNOME Shell, an  
interface we're not using.  This will likely confuse naive users who may open  
this file and see instructions and screen shots that look nothing like the  
Trisquel desktop.  Maybe we should point to the Trisquel manual pages,  
instead, or have some off-line version of them?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-30 Thread icarolongo

Trisquel 6.0 have the same problem. The Help is about GNOME Shell.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-30 Thread juliano

Hi Sorry my english I'm from Brazil.
I use trisquel 6 Any 2 months and am loving.
Use abrowser, how dumb to icecat?
In "apt-cache search" it points the abrowser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 alpha - Problems and observations

2014-06-30 Thread davesamcdxv

Icecat is not yet present in the repositories, Abrowser is.

You needn't move to Icecat as of yet, as far as I know.