[TROM1] Questions for Slim

2013-12-26 Thread David M. Pelly
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org


1. Suppose some deranged person is hell bent on attacking you, even destroying 

Are you effected by such?

Can you disable them?

Can you delete their postulates?

Or how do you deal with it, if you can and do?

1. a. Even in less extreme situations where there is really a lot of entheta, 
negativity, idiocy,  ignorance, backwardness  and stupidity, that are a menace 
to you, or an obstacle to you.

can you blow such people's cases?

Or handle them in such ways as to disempower them?

Or how do you handle them if you do?

2. Can you dematerialize your body and travel, and rematerialize at will?

3. Can you repair damage to the body, if it gets damaged?

Example;  a bullet hole. 

Or can you deflect a bullet?

I hope you duplicate. 


Trom mailing list

Re: [TROM1] Im slim and I am the 1

2013-12-26 Thread Aarre Peltomaa
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Hey Slim,
Start eating some green vegetables and fruits,  preferably not cooked.  I
don't like to admit that that means they are still alive,  but yes,  they
are still alive.  I think the ' I must eat and kill something so that my
body can live' is retardedly stupid,  but that's what we have to work with
right now.  Eventually,  I'd like to create all of my energy spiritually,
and not have to eat anything (breatharian).  Do avoid the meats,  as they
will acidify your system,  and proteins are also more dirty burning fuels,
as is diesel.   Feel free to email Colleen about nutrition matters,  as she
is very versed in it;  she is not purely a vegetarian,  as I have been
since the mid 1980's,  so she will have more 'R' (reality) on the meat

It's sad that this physical universe is a force universe;  I remember L.Ron
Hubbard's stating his sadness over this also.

I also wouldn't hurt a bug,  and even pick worms off of the sidewalk,  so
that they won't bake in the sun.  I can't do that with every one of them,
as I wouldn't get anything else done.  I don't feel like I have the
automatic right to injure them just because my body is bigger.

'This is to let the higher up's, or anyone else for that matter,   know,
not to fuck with me.

Although they try,  it just backfires on em.'

Can you elaborate upon this,  Slim?;  I find this statement extremely
interesting, and I'm sure that others on this list do too.  Also,  what
were the three times that they tried to knock you off?

Aarre Peltomaa


(647) 202-7267

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Slim . wrote:

> *
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> Hey Aarre :  )
> Just read your post this morning.
> Randy is my bodies name.
> Slim is my spiritual name in this universe.
> The 1 is my name outside of this universe. ( spelled the 1 not the one )
> Ive heard others call me asshole too .
> Usually while driving on the freeways.
> Hope this clears that up . !
> Ive been a poor eater my whole life, sorry to say.
> Mostly high protein meats and very little greens.
> Im learning the hard way.
> But now I know and thats gonna change. It has already. Thx for the tip.
> Way too many things to know in this universe.
> Im  Randy ( on this planet ) and i am slim ( in this universe ) and I am
> the 1 ( from another space time dimension universe ) aka my home universe.
> Ok ?
> I will only use force to the same degree that im being forced and I will
> only prevent to the degree that I am prevented.
> Fair is fair. Equality is equality.  Balance is balance.
> This is to let the higher up's, or anyone else for that matter,   know,
> not to fuck with me.
> Although they try,  it just backfires on em.
> If they dont push me I wont push them but if they do, it will get them
> nowhere. Like a human trying to push a parked car with the breaks on.
> Im bullet proof . Its a set of postulates I use as a shield so to speak.
> Any universe. Brought em with me into this one. It depends on the
> universe.  But this set is used in alot of the ones I travel through to get
> here.
> Others have tried to take me out three times now. Hahaha. Not gonna
> happen. Im too powerful and they know it. I'll leave when im ready and no
> sooner.
> I just get back up, dust myself off and carry on.
> I dont lie, I dont take whats not mine and im 50/50 all the way. Its a 50/
> 50 universe.
> But this hasnt always been the case. Ive killed, tortured, lied , ripped
> off stuff, to / from self and others. We all have. And had allot stuff like
> it done to us.
> I wont kill a bug . Life is life , no matter what form its taking or how
> small. In fact,  Ill save its life if I can.
> Reptiles,  fish, birds, mammals,  incects, plants, planets. All included.
> Our planet is a plant life form and she feeds off the energy generated by
> our sun and the water on her surface.  Shes an energarian life form. Plants
> are too. Many but not all need light energy. Some more than others.
> So ya ill eat em ( other life forms) but I dont do the killing. Lol. They
> gota be dead already.
> Thats just an example of how messed up life in this universe has become.
> Where survival of ones body , ( a life goal,) becomes killing another life
> form , ( non life goal.) As a means of survival. crazy.
> Like a fish that eats smaller fish. Or a tiger that eats a human. Etc.
> You know what I mean ?
> This planet is filled with land mines and im not talken just dog poop.
> Prevention and force are everywhere you turn.
> Im thinking about going fruitarian . Lol.
> This seems like the least conflict of interest. My bodys is not set up to
> survive off of the energy generated by the sun and water alone.  I wish it
> was.
> Ill resolve all that ( unavoidable land mines ) when I drop my body. Get

[TROM1] To Slim, about Cancer

2013-12-26 Thread Aarre Peltomaa
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Please look up Dr. David Brownstein and Cancer.  He is one of many who
exposes lies that the medicos have told us,  and gives solutions.
Aarre Peltomaa
Trom mailing list

Re: [TROM1] Im slim and I am the 1

2013-12-26 Thread David Pelly
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org


I have a lot of education in nutritional chemistry, supplement chemistry
and body chemistry analysis and balancing,   and in also a lot of other

And I have over come a lump in my liver the size of a small fist all
naturally and with  processing.

And a lot of other health problems.

To do so, I became my own doctor.  I consider myself a professional in this

I am also an agricultural engineer specializing soil management and  in
growing high nutrient density foods.

I did not go to mainstream universities to get this education. Mainstream
universities education is very poor quality education.

I went to private schools to get my education. Not of this world.

Much of what you read and hear in main stream channels (media),  by that I
mean is what is readily available on the net and in magazines and books is
mish mash and pulling at straws. ( or like the three blind men and the
elephant story) Mostly one aspect or opinions and beliefs, of which none
are necessarily  facts.  There is everything out there. Much of it is junk.

Non of it is an organized body of knowledge, like Hubbard said,  is what a
bonafide or true science is.

I have taken very good science on this subject.

I am also highly educated on the subject of the psychosomatic causes of

And any disease (including cancer) can be overcome with the right kind of
auditing,  nutrition and education.

I do not know of any scngist who knows how to properly audit person's with
any disease.

All of Hubbard's processing for diseases is garbage.

And the right kind of auditing is essential to properly deal with diseases.

And there is no incurable disease, there are only incurable people.

So  I don't think you are right in what you said about "not eating meat"
and "not killing".

Now this a extensive subject  and just like I can't give you a university
education   via   this email or in a conversation, I can't explain
everything to you or give you a meaningful education in nutrition via an

But after 40 yrs my conclusion is that we have "I" teeth for a reason and
that is  because we are omnivores and have to eat sensibly and balanced and
properly educatedly.

And we need a lot of B12. Which takes a lot work and education to get with
out eating meat.

(I tried being a vegan many yrs ago. I did not like it, and actually felt
worse than when I ate meat and fish. I have been full circle. But I do not
eat a lot of meat, maybe once or twice a week on average. )

There is no genuine evidence that eating good quality meat sparingly or
proportionately does any harm. In my experience I feel a lot better when I
eat some good quality meat properly and respectfully prepared.

( And I know and heard every argument and know there is a lot more to it
than that and the truth about this subject, like any other subject is not
determined by argument or by who wins an argument nor by opinions and
beliefs .  So I don't argue.)

My experience from observing vegans is that most of them are a bit looney
due to lack of sufficient B12.

And this idea of not killing anything is just appeasement ( to God (gods)
(or the universe) as Hubbard said. (he was right on that point, at least
in my professional opinion).

Because  their life is blocked on all flows and  they feel so guilty, so
they think that because their flows are all blocked they think that God is
punishing them for being bad.

So they want to appease God, suck and kiss His ass, to get relief, to look
pious in his eyes, and repenting, so God will have mercy on them and let
them off the hook, let them out of the trap, release them from bondage and
demons and open up their flows.

Now that does not mean you go a killing spree.  The NA Indians had the
right idea,  where they prayed and blessed their kills and treated
everything with respect. (At least that is what we are taught.)

The bible says we were given dominion over all things. And have to use
common sense and good judgment and respect and good intelligent management
of this planet and everything on it.

And it is more often what comes out a person's mouth that does the harm to
the body, than what goes into the mouth.

That also includes what goes on in the person's mind and what the person

But you are right on the point that we have to eat as much  good quality
raw vegetables as possible.

At least 20 to 30% of our diet should be raw fruit and veggies.

And lots of natural homemade probiotics.

That is the short story.




On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Aarre Peltomaa wrote:

> *
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> Hey Slim,
> Thanks.
> Start eating some green vegetables and fruits,  preferably not cooked.  I
> don't like to admit that that means they are still alive,  but yes,  they
> are still alive.  I think the ' I must eat 

[TROM1] Re RI to No Change

2013-12-26 Thread Дмит М
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

>Welcome aboard Dmitri.

>Also I wondered what means "change" for you?
I receive hundreds of different changes :
stresses in the body ,
recall various unpleasant cases
importances becomes unimportant ,
changing mood
insight occurs
and other benefits :)___
Trom mailing list