RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread David Miller
Terry wrote:
> Jesus and His disciples were Jews, still under 
> the law at the time.  To break the law would be 
> sin, yet Jesus never sinned.  The only explanation, 
> therefore is that the Jewish leaders did not understand 
> what keeping the sabbath entailed.  Jesus knew the law.  
> They did not.

Hi Terry.

Previously you said that not to obey authorities would be a sin.  Then
you said that the only exception would be if we had to obey God rather
than man.  This is what led to me bringing up this passage in Matthew
12.  Do you now see that "obeying God rather than man" is not the only
exception to the teaching of the law to be subject to those in
authority? Do you now see that one might disobey the law of authorities
and yet not sin, even if it was for something as carnal as eating?

I agree with you that Jesus knew the law, but more importantly, Jesus
followed the spirit of the law and not the letter.  May we who believe
in him follow his example and inherit his wisdom.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread David Miller
Slade wrote:
> There is one fact I would like to point out 
> to you. I have no idea what is in your heart. 
> I have no idea the inflection in the "voice" 
> of your writings. I could very well be 
> misunderstanding you.

Who is the "you" that you would like to point something out to?  Is your
post something directed toward me or toward someone else?  I find a lot
of agreement with your posts, so I'm not sure if you are
misunderstanding me, or just sharing something that is on your heart, or
maybe even cross posting from another list.

I see you countering those who are lawless, those who use grace to
excuse sin.  I'm in agreement with you concerning this.  Nevertheless,
the handwriting of ordinances is not the answer.  I do have some concern
that you don't understand the letter to the Galatians, but I'm not sure
because you write into the air so-to-speak, rather than directing it
toward what you are hearing.  If you think that you and I might differ a
little in how we understand things, let's try to find out where it is.
Maybe one of us would grow in knowledge if we focus upon where our
thoughts intersect.
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Slade's Understanding

2003-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

In other words, Deny self, take up your cross, follow 
Him.  I got no problem with that.  Sounds like you got your head on 
Keep up the good work, brother.

  - Original Message - 
  Slade Henson 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 12:17 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Slade's 
  Ok, Terry, here's the Email I 
  I believe I am saved 
  by grace through faith and not of myself for it is the gift of God. This 
  gift is not given to me as a result of my works so I have no room to boast. 
  However, I cannot stop there for the very next verse says that I am His 
  workmanship created in Messiah Yeshua for good works which God prepared 
  beforehand so that I would walk in them.
  What am I to walk in? Whatever 
  it was, it was prepared beforehand JUST FOR ME! I am to walk in them. The 
  Psalms uses the same language saying that I am to walk in the Torah of YHVH. 
  To me that makes sense, especially when I remember that I am a member of a 
  peculiar people. Peculiar people stand out and they seem a little odd at 
  times. I look odd compared to the average 39 year old, and that's OK. I was 
  designed by my YHVH to be odd (and He is mine!!).
  As we grow in grace and 
  knowledge, we will be reading His word and learning, applying the truths as we 
  see and understand them. As we read, we will discover that we're to love Him 
  with all our hearts. We learn we're to love our neighbor. We discover that 
  we're not to take His Name in vain, that we should keep the seventh day 
  Shabbat, that we should shoo the mother hen away from her eggs or young before 
  we take them, that we should wear a cord of blue on the borders (or corners) 
  of our garments, that we should open our hands and pockets to anyone in need, 
  etc. Are we supposed to follow every single command when we become bon again? 
  No. We grow in grace and knowledge. We apply it as we learn and understand how 
  (if we can). If we decide not to obey something we read and understand, we 
  fall into rebellion. This is iniquity and we run into spiritual problems. 
  (If you'd like one way YHVH 
  deals with rebellion, read about the man who purposely gathered sticks on 
  Shabbat in the sight of all Yisrael [Numbers 15]. Mr. Stick Gatherer 
  was only a symptom of a greater problem because Korach and his lackeys 
  show up in the next chapter and the rebellion is in full swing. With Korach's 
  death, there's one more instance where a groups of the Sons of Yisrael 
  approach the Altar and Moshe contemptuously and they are smitten by plague 
  that is stopped by Aharon's incense.)
  As we apply the truths and the 
  commandments as we understand them, we are granted blessings in this life 
  as prescribed in Torah. That's a wonderful benefit, considering 
  disobedience brings curse in this life.
  The world is to look at me and 
  know that I belong to YHVH because of my fruit. What is that fruit? We all 
  know the fruit of the Spirit, and that fruit is manifested as I learn to Love 
  YHVH will all my heart by keeping Him Number One in my life as I learn to be 
  more obedient to Him.
  If this is a burden, I 
  have yet to learn to love Him with all my heart, and my selfish desires are 
  still on the pedestal in my heart. I am still an idolater, and my lusts are 
  the idol. I want to be one who is able to stand at the coming of Messiah. I 
  want to be one who endures to the end by keeping the commandments of God and 
  holding fast to the testimony of Yeshua (quoted from Revelation).
  Is that clear as 

Re: **Possible_Spam** Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

What a great way to put it!  Simple 

  in Romans, ALL who follow JC biblically, 
  by faith, have died to sin; and, dead to sin, they ALL realize that 
  the Law is dead; it simply can't do for them what faith 

RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

    Slade, Your messages go right to my heart! This
one brought tears to my eyes. Izzy


-Original Message-

What is the foundation of your faith built on? Is it
the Messiah? Is it the rock that watered the Sons of Yisrael in the Desert? Is
it the voice that bellowed from Har Sinai? Is it the “Hayah Asher
Hayah” who spoke from the thorn bush that was aflame yet didn’t
burn? Is it the Ancient of Days who is destined to come (be it) soon and in our
days on the clouds of Heaven with Power and Great Glory? If so, our foundation
is one and the same. The One who created the Universe and whose very Shekhinah
entered our Universe and burst forth as light in Genesis 1:2 is the same One
who perished on a tree outside Yerushalayim for our sins. 

RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

I’m glad to see that you no longer sin. J Izzy


-Original Message-

also, in Romans, ALL
who follow JC biblically, by faith, have died to sin

RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

    AMEN! (And a big “Duh!”) Izzy



  And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's
  descendants, heirs according to promise.



Original Message-




Perhaps you need to read
Romans 11 again. Those who were formerly far off have been brought close. THEY


If you are in covenant
with the Almighty, you are not a Gentile. You need to start getting your
semantics straight. If you want to continue calling yourself a Gentile, perhaps
you really need to take a close look at your relationship with the God of



Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread GJTabor
What you posted below is truth from God.  Maybe God is trying to tell you something.  People give you Bible but you have previously built into your mind a rejection and new invention of meaning of the truth you posted and rejected from God.  

This reminds me of quoting Bible to homosexuals.  You can quote many of them all the Bible verses you want, but they have already heard those same Bible verses AND have previously built into their minds a rejection and new invention of meaning of those verses against homosexuality.  

Your mind is made up so there is no need to discuss this with you.

"... shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid" (Romans 6:15).

I got tore into by someone on my Torah Commentary LISTSERV. The same old stuff... 


The Law's been done away with, it's been nailed to the cross! 
All I have to do is love God and love my neighbor! 
Haven't you read in Galatians “You foolish Galatians... because they again went into bondage to the hard taskmaster?” 
Jesus fulfilled the law and Jesus lives in me... so I am perfect in His Sight! 
Wish you would know the freedom of just loving Jesus and not to have to deal with all the old laws! 
They [the commandments] were to prove that we needed Jesus because if we could become perfect without Jesus then He came and died in vain! 
I am free from the law, why are you sending these messages! 
What do you do with a son or daughter who does not mind You take them to the elders and they take him outside of the city and stone him, right? According to the Old Testament! You think you go to prison today if you do that, and get the death penalty? You betcha! 
Are you saying you don't care, but you obey the Old Testament and do it anyway? 
I am free from the curse of the law! 
Jesus paid the price for all my transgressions! 
Whom the Son has set free is free indeed! 
If the Holy Spirit tells you to live in a home with naked walls and dull looking furniture whatever, by all means do it. Noah built a boat and the prophets did weird things, so I would never say don't do what God or the Holy Spirit tells you to do. But do not lay it on the shoulders of the people! 
That is not Gospel! 
There is all the talk and "revelation " about Christmas... everything is a sin. Hanukkah is not in the bible either ***Slade adds: which it is*** but do people make a big deal over it, betcha! 
What about the law being nailed to the tree? 
Let no man judge me what I eat, what I drink, what feasts I keep! 
Where is the grace? 
Are you making offerings and sacrifices because that is all in the Old Testament also? 
Can we put color in our clothes, like rainbow? There were anointed spirit-led carpenters and seamstresses, God choose them to make the tabernacle in the wilderness... He loves beauty. 
I am saddened that we have to waste time with all this nonsense, could be out there blessing people with the LOVE!

Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ttxpress

are you an American? 

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 00:37:48 -0600 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  If you are in covenant with the Almighty, you are not a Gentile.

Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ttxpress

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 07:13:56 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  g, I’m glad to see that you no longer sin. J Izzy
  also, in 
  Romans, ALL who follow JC biblically, by faith, have died to 

Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ttxpress

yes i've died to sin, Iz--but I confess: 
i ain't dead yet 
'dead to sin' in romans is the 
eschatological prerequisite to 'confessing'--two parts to that (eternal) life:  1)confessing JC 
himself as in his teaching: 'if you confess Me.."  2)in Christ, confessing 
our sin/s which is possible only if you/we are 'dead to 
'what's better than an apple a day', 
see Jms 5:16:-) (and) "..confess 
y/our sins to each other and pray for each other so that [we] may be 
(more on 'eschatological prerequisite', 
above, later,if necessary--gotta 
 gary ottoson *

RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

Oh, so you have Eschatologically given up sin! Huh???   Iz


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 3:10
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone
Has Sinned Inadvertently


yes i've died
to sin, Iz--but I confess: i ain't dead yet 


'dead to
sin' in romans is the eschatological prerequisite to 'confessing'--two parts to
that (eternal) life:  1)confessing JC himself as in his teaching: 'if you
confess Me.."  2)in Christ, confessing our sin/s which is possible
only if you/we are 'dead to sin'


'what's better
than an apple a day', m'am?


see Jms
5:16:-) (and) "..confess y/our sins to each other and pray for each other
so that [we] may be healed.." 


(more on 'eschatological
prerequisite', above, later,if necessary--gotta run:-)


gary ottoson *

Re: **Possible_Spam** Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

>If I were working for Mr. Franks, I would obey Mr. Franks .  Mr. Hussein is not my leader, and as near as I can tell, that is unlikely to change soon.
so, if you teo were working for Tommy Franks, would either of you follow Sadam's posted speed limit on the road/s to Baghdad? 

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RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread David Miller
Gary wrote:
> ... confessing our sin/s which is possible 
> only if you/we are 'dead to sin'

I don't understand this statement.  Dead men don't confess anything.
They are dead.  Being dead to sin means you no longer sin.  Being alive
to sin means you continue to sin. 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
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RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread David Miller
David Miller wrote:
> They don't care that God's Word says 
> that those who are born of God cannot 
> sin.

Glenn wrote:
> This verse says "continue in sin".  
> You know it but you explain it away.

I was talking about 1 John 5:18.  You know very well that it does NOT
say "continue in sin," but you explain it away by pointing out how
another verse in the third chapter does say "continue in sin."  

Nevertheless, I don't have a problem with you saying that Christians do
not continue in sin or do not continue to sin.  I don't see the
difference between saying that and saying that those born of God do not
sin.  I don't think the apostle John saw much difference either because
he said it both ways in the same book.  

So why do you pick on me and not pick on the apostle John for being
imperfect?  What good does it do for you or for me to keep berating me
for being imperfect?
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
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RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread Charles Perry Locke

  Lets suppose that one is a Christian and does not sin because Christians 
do not sin.

  Then, lets suppose that this same Christian lusts for a woman in his 
heart, or commits some other act that the scripture identifies as sin.

  Does that mean that this person was/is not really a Christian?

  If he really was/is a Christian, is he not a Christian after sinning?

  What happens if this Christian, after realizing his sin, kneels down to 
confess his sin and ask for forgiveness, and he falls, hits his head, and 
dies prior to confessing it?

  Is his eternal fate after he sinned, but before he confessed, different 
than his eternal fate had he died before he sinned?

  Again, lets suppose that we have one who has been a Christian for only 3 
weeks, and commits a similar sin. Is this any different than a one who has 
been a Christian for 30 years and commits the same sin?


From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 20:54:42 -0500
David Miller wrote:
> They don't care that God's Word says
> that those who are born of God cannot
> sin.
Glenn wrote:
> This verse says "continue in sin".
> You know it but you explain it away.
I was talking about 1 John 5:18.  You know very well that it does NOT
say "continue in sin," but you explain it away by pointing out how
another verse in the third chapter does say "continue in sin."
Nevertheless, I don't have a problem with you saying that Christians do
not continue in sin or do not continue to sin.  I don't see the
difference between saying that and saying that those born of God do not
sin.  I don't think the apostle John saw much difference either because
he said it both ways in the same book.
So why do you pick on me and not pick on the apostle John for being
imperfect?  What good does it do for you or for me to keep berating me
for being imperfect?
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may 
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a 
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread GJTabor
I "pick on you" because you claim perfection without actually claiming perfection.  I don't see where the Apostle John claimed to be perfect, you do so claim.  There is a vast difference in my mind in "continuing in sin" and committing a single sin in a moment of weakness.  The Greek makes a difference.  Sometimes we unintentionally proof text the verses we want to use to make a point and ignore the others.  It's like one person said, no matter what verse they give, one can explain what it doesn't mean or explain away the plain common sense meaning.

I also think you have lowered the sin standard in order to be perfect.  When in actuality you hate sin and are trying to fight hypocrites and wordiness in the church.  God knows we need to fight hypocrites and worldliness in the church.  I understand that.  God knows we need to fight the doctrine that it is OK to sin.  It is never OK to sin.  Sin breaks God's heart.  God hates sin so much He sent His only Son to die on the cross to save us from our sin.  God also knows we need to fight the doctrine of easy believism.  If there are no works, there is no assurance of salvation. The Bible says that God would that we were hot or cold.  So then because we are neither hot or cold, He will spit us out of His mouth.  Our churches are full of lukewarm people who cause God to vomit.  God knows you are not lukewarm.  Praise the Lord. 

I'm sorry you feel I am picking on you.  But it does seem to me you are not coming clean.  For example, you don't have to admit you have exceeded the speed limit.  All drivers have exceeded the speed limit.  To me this was a mind game.  Your IQ is much higher than most people and it seems to me you use your IQ to argue your perfection doctrine instead of coming clean.  It seems to me you are playing "intelligent" games with words.  I think you are an outstanding Christian, but I don't see perfection.  Now, I don't think any less of you for it.  I think you are a man of God.  You say you are a prophet, I have no reason to doubt it.  I respect you and my disagreement over the perfection doctrine is not intended to be a personal attack, but I am trying to point out imperfection.

If I am wrong, and you are as holy and perfect as God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, then forget what I say.  Just write me off as not intelligent enough or spiritual enough to understand.   :-)   I see myself as a sinner (not currently continuing in sin) saved by faith through grace.  I don't think there is any sin on earth that has ever been committed that I could also commit if given certain circumstances and timing.  In my flesh dwelleth no good thing.  The only good in me, is the Holy Spirit dwelling in me.  As the Bible says there is a constant war between the flesh and the spirit.  I'm sure you remember the Bible that says, what I don't want to do I do.  What I want to do I don't do.  Oh wretched man that I am.

My apologies to you for offending you.  

David Miller wrote:
> They don't care that God's Word says 
> that those who are born of God cannot 
> sin.

Glenn wrote:
> This verse says "continue in sin".  
> You know it but you explain it away.

I was talking about 1 John 5:18.  You know very well that it does NOT
say "continue in sin," but you explain it away by pointing out how
another verse in the third chapter does say "continue in sin."  

Glenn - I don't explain it away.  I explain it by letting the Bible explain it.  The Bible is the best interpretation of itself.

Nevertheless, I don't have a problem with you saying that Christians do
not continue in sin or do not continue to sin.  I don't see the
difference between saying that and saying that those born of God do not
sin.  I don't think the apostle John saw much difference either because
he said it both ways in the same book.  

So why do you pick on me and not pick on the apostle John for being
imperfect?  What good does it do for you or for me to keep berating me
for being imperfect?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Re: **Possible_Spam** Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ttxpress

then some 
kinda disconnect arises in your posted view/s between 'law' and 
'leadership'--note, though, i'm not terming this a contradiction now; (e.g.) 
how/why does your relationship to an outsider, Gen Franks, alter your 
relationship to Iraqi 'law'(?) (law which, given your view as i understand 
it, you would otherwise obey, i.e., as a regular Iraqi citizen, you, 
as a Christian, would generally abide by the letter of Sadam's 'laws' inc his 
posted speed limits--no?) (also, pls keep in mind this is a question for readers 
like me to try to process aspects your view--but just ignore it if you 
think it is not relevant--regards, g) 

gary ottoson *
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 17:36:11 -0600 (Central Standard Time) "Terry Clifton" 


>If I were working for Mr. 
Franks, I would obey Mr. Franks .  Mr. 
Hussein is not my leader, and as near as I can tell, that is unlikely to 
change soon.
so, if you teo 
were working for Tommy Franks, would either of you 
follow Sadam's posted speed limit on the road/s to Baghdad? 



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  Email has finally evolved - Click 
   gary ottoson *

Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ttxpress

good questions; 
gary ottoson *
On Wed, 02 Apr 2003 02:59:33 + "Charles 
Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> David,> >    Lets 
suppose that one is a Christian and does not sin because > Christians 
> do not sin.> >    Then, lets suppose that 
this same Christian lusts for a woman in > his > heart, or commits 
some other act that the scripture identifies as > sin.> 
>    Does that mean that this person was/is not really a 
Christian?> >    If he really was/is a Christian, 
is he not a Christian after > sinning?> >    
What happens if this Christian, after realizing his sin, kneels > down to 
> confess his sin and ask for forgiveness, and he falls, hits his 
> head, and > dies prior to confessing it?> 
>    Is his eternal fate after he sinned, but before he 
confessed, > different > than his eternal fate had he died before 
he sinned?> >    Again, lets suppose that we have 
one who has been a Christian for > only 3 > weeks, and commits a 
similar sin. Is this any different than a one > who has > been a 
Christian for 30 years and commits the same sin?> > Perry> 

Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ttxpress

no wonder we get along so perfectly
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 22:19:44 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> I see myself as a sinner (not currently continuing in 
sin) saved by faith through grace.  

Re: **Possible_Spam** Re: **Possible_Spam** Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread Terry Clifton

This is a no brainer.  We are to obey those in authorrity 
over us, unless to obey them would mean disobeying God.  The only way 
I would be in that country would be as a soldier, under authority. Since 
Saddam hates the true God, any order he gave would be in conflict with the 
Lord's will.
If I were a Christian Iraq citizen, I would try, as far as was 
possible, to live peacably with all men.  This would include obeying 
traffic laws.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 9:28 
  Subject: **Possible_Spam** Re: 
  **Possible_Spam** Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently
  then some 
  kinda disconnect arises in your posted view/s between 'law' and 
  'leadership'--note, though, i'm not terming this a contradiction now; (e.g.) 
  how/why does your relationship to an outsider, Gen Franks, alter your 
  relationship to Iraqi 'law'(?) (law which, given your view as i understand 
  it, you would otherwise obey, i.e., as a regular Iraqi citizen, you, 
  as a Christian, would generally abide by the letter of Sadam's 'laws' inc his 
  posted speed limits--no?) (also, pls keep in mind this is a question for 
  readers like me to try to process aspects your view--but just ignore it 
  if you think it is not relevant--regards, g) 
  gary ottoson *
  On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 17:36:11 -0600 (Central Standard Time) "Terry Clifton" 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>If I were 
  working for Mr. Franks, I would obey Mr. 
  Franks .  Mr. Hussein is not my 
  leader, and as near as I can tell, that is unlikely to change 
  so, if you teo 
  were working for Tommy Franks, would either of you 
  follow Sadam's posted speed limit on the road/s to Baghdad? 


    IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - 
 gary ottoson *

[TruthTalk] Speeding is not sin?

2003-04-01 Thread Slade Henson

For those of you who think you can speed 
and not be committing sin, read the following. Remember, just because an 
enforcer of the law does not tag you when you just barely break a law, doesn’t 
mean it's not breaking the law. You still break the law and you offend the Most 
High God in the process. 

  Every person is to be in subjection to the governing 
  authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and God establishes 
  those who exist. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance 
  of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. 
  For rulers are not causes of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want 
  to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from 
  the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is 
  evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a 
  minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. 
  Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but 
  also for conscience' sake. (Romans 

Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ttxpress

if i tell you that the following 
activity Iz* an eschatological event, what would you say(?) 

* :-)  l, g
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 14:10:05 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  "..confess y/our sins to each 
  other and pray for each other so that [we] may be healed.." 

Re: **Possible_Spam** Re: **Possible_Spam** Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread ttxpress

here's the source 
of the 'disconnect': 'those' (below) is plural; so 1) it is not a 'no brainer' 
partic while/when Gen Franks assumes temporary command of Iraq [a) Gen Franks 
can alter/control Iraqi law inc Sadams speed limits for both US soldiers 
and citizens at will (and is doing so now); b) but Sadam is at least equal to or 
greater in authority from God than Gen Franks--and these 'Godly' authorites 
conflict--keep in mind, neither of these men are Christians and you (as a 
Christian soldier OR Iraqi citizen in this example) are obligated (by your 
posted mindset/views) to obey both 'authorities'
ftr, i think DavidM 
is in approx the same 'intellectual boat' goin' roughly the same direction as 
yours (splittin' hairs) (from what I've read)--nevertheless it's just food for 
thought; i'm no expert or attorney; just hoping to be 
wise/serve God wisely--we'll see:-)
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 22:14:30 -0600 "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  This is a no brainer.  We are to obey those in 
  authorrity over us, unless to obey them would mean disobeying 
  God.  The only way I would be in that country would be as a 
  soldier, under authority. Since Saddam hates the true God, any order he gave 
  would be in conflict with the Lord's will.
  If I were a Christian Iraq citizen, I would try, as far as 
  was possible, to live peacably with all men.  This would include obeying 
  traffic laws.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 9:28 
Subject: **Possible_Spam** Re: 
**Possible_Spam** Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

then some 
kinda disconnect arises in your posted view/s between 'law' and 
'leadership'--note, though, i'm not terming this a contradiction now; (e.g.) 
how/why does your relationship to an outsider, Gen Franks, alter your 
relationship to Iraqi 'law'(?) (law which, given your view as i understand 
it, you would otherwise obey, i.e., as a regular Iraqi citizen, 
you, as a Christian, would generally abide by the letter of Sadam's 'laws' 
inc his posted speed limits--no?) (also, pls keep in mind this is a question 
for readers like me to try to process aspects your view--but just 
ignore it if you think it is not relevant--regards, g) 
gary ottoson *
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 17:36:11 -0600 (Central Standard Time) "Terry 


>If I were working for Mr. 
Franks, I would obey Mr. Franks .  
Mr. Hussein is not my leader, and as near as I can tell, 
that is unlikely to change soon.
so, if you teo 
were working for Tommy Franks, would either of you 
follow Sadam's posted speed limit on the road/s to Baghdad? 



  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click 
   gary ottoson *
   gary ottoson *

Re: [TruthTalk] Speeding is not sin?

2003-04-01 Thread Slade Henson

Oops, I forgot about this part...

  Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every 
  human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to 
  governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of 
  those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing right you may 
  silence the ignorance of foolish men. Act as free men, and do not use your 
  freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God. Honor all 
  people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the King (1 Kefa/Peter 
-- slade

  - Original Message - 
  Slade Henson 
  Sent: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 22:12
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Speeding is not 
  For those of you who think you can speed 
  and not be committing sin, read the following. Remember, just because an 
  enforcer of the law does not tag you when you just barely break a law, doesn’t 
  mean it's not breaking the law. You still break the law and you offend the 
  Most High God in the process. 
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing 
authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and God establishes 
those who exist. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the 
ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon 
themselves. For rulers are not causes of fear for good behavior, but for 
evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will 
have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But 
if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for 
nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one 
who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only 
because of wrath, but also for conscience' sake. (Romans 

Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently

2003-04-01 Thread Dave

DAVEH:  Is it legal for an Iraqi citizen to be a Christian???
Terry Clifton wrote:

is a no brainer.  We are to obey those in authorrity over us, unless
to obey them would mean disobeying God.  The only way I would be in
that country would be as a soldier, under authority. Since Saddam hates
the true God, any order he gave would be in conflict with the Lord's will. If
I were a Christian Iraq citizen, I would try, as far as was possible, to
live peacably with all men.  This would include obeying traffic laws.Terry--
Dave Hansen
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Re: [TruthTalk] Speeding is not sin?

2003-04-01 Thread little children of Jesus Christ

\o/ !HALALUYah! 

Greetings Slade in the Matchless 
Name of YahShua !!
I dug this one out of my archives that 
someone submitted on another list about four years ago ...
(1st)Going over the posted speed limit is not necessarily breaking any 
'law'. 'Speeding' is simply an 'infraction' of the code of the state. That is, 
if one makes the decision to go over the posted limit that person makes a choice 
willingly, if caught by the police, to pay dues or fines for the infraction of a 
contract. The infraction of the contract, is the one when he takes a state 
issued drivers license he agrees to abid by the code of said state, and by 
extension the code of another state in which he wishes to travel. So speeding is 
the breaking of a contract and getting caught, the penality is a fine. 

(2nd)A speed limit in and of itself is an unjust tax. That is a tax upon 
ones time. In effect it is an act of theft. 
(3rd)In order for there to be a 'law' against something there needs to be 
an injured party or should be at least. The state can not be an injured party in 
such an act, only as it is breaking the aforementioned contract. Same way as 
when one comes to a red light in the middle of the night out on the open road 
and no other vehicles in sight for as far as one can see. Please find me the 
victim or injured party for stoping and then proceeding through the light. The 
only victim is the one that sits and waits for the green light (a slave or one 
in servitude if you will) it is an undue tax upon their time, another act of 
(4th)There is no reason to enter into the contract mentioned above, as 
freedom of travel is a right not a privilage. Only in a police state would one 
be denied the freedom of travel. This idea that driving is a privilage can only 
come from people being dumbed down in our public education system. Ya see the 
legal definition of a license grants permision to one to do that which would 
otherwise be unlawful. Traveling the last time I knew was not something that is 
unlawful. Neither is the owning of property to do so and than using it for said 

Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 


  - Original Message - 
  Slade Henson 
  Sent: 04/01/2003 10:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Speeding is not 
  Oops, I forgot about this part...
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake 
to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, 
or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and 
the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing 
right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. Act as free men, and do 
not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of 
God. Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the King (1 
Kefa/Peter 2:13-17)
  -- slade
- Original Message - 
Slade Henson 

Sent: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Speeding is not 

For those of you who think you can 
speed and not be committing sin, read the following. Remember, just because 
an enforcer of the law does not tag you when you just barely break a law, 
doesn’t mean it's not breaking the law. You still break the law and you 
offend the Most High God in the process. 

  Every person is to be in subjection to the governing 
  authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and God 
  establishes those who exist. Therefore whoever resists authority has 
  opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive 
  condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not causes of fear for good 
  behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what 
  is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of 
  God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does 
  not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger 
  who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary 
  to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience' 
  sake. (Romans 

[TruthTalk] The Handwriting of Ordinances and Other Stuff

2003-04-01 Thread Slade Henson

see you countering those who are lawless, those who use grace to excuse 
sin.  I'm in agreement with you concerning this.
Good. I am also trying to 
refute those who believe that the will of God outlined in the Old 
Testament is somehow beneath them... that they don't have to do any of that 
because they are somehow higher or spiritually superior.
David said:
Nevertheless, the handwriting of ordinances is not the 
answer. I do have some concern that you don't understand the letter to the 
Galatians, but I'm not sure because you write into the air so-to-speak, rather 
than directing it toward what you are hearing.
Fair enough, Dave. Maybe I am being a bit 
too matter-of-fact with this thing. Please forgive me. I appreciate what you've 
said about Galatians, but I've studied that book more than any other book of the 
New Testament (with the possible exception to Revelation) because I get it 
shoved in my face all the time. However, since you’ve mentioned Colossians, I 
guess we’ll start there. I would like to give you my understanding of the 
Handwriting of Ordinances you mentioned and see if it jives with your 
When you were dead in your 
transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He [Abba] made you 
alive together with Him [Yeshua], having forgiven us all our 
transgressions, having canceled out the  (KJV: handwriting of ordinances) against us, which 
was hostile to us; and He [Abba] has taken it [the certificate of 
debt] out of the way, having nailed it [the certificate of debt] to 
the cross. When He [Abba] had disarmed the rulers and authorities; He 
[Abba] made a public display of them [the rulers and authorities], 
having triumphed over them [the rulers and authorities] through Him 
[Yeshua]. (Col 2:13-15)
What was nailed to the 
tree? Whatever it was, it is an IT not a THEM. Do you see that? It is a singular 
entity: the certificate of debt — not the commandments (plural) of YHVH. The 
certificate of debt is the “proof” (so to speak) that you deserve torment in the 
Lake of Fire and that gets nailed to the tree. That’s my understanding of the 
Therefore no one is to act as your 
judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a 
Sabbath day -- things which are a shadow of what is to come, the body of 
Christ. (Colossians 2:16-17)
How should we be not be judging? Most 
people say that they can choose whatever day for Shabbat they want and we cannot 
judge. That’s not how I receive this passage. I would like to give you an 
example of how I apply this passage.
   A woman who went to our 
congregation in Williams Bay, Wisconsin thinks the Mishnah is as authoritative 
as the whole of Scripture. As such, she started joyfully taking on all the oral 
traditions passed down through the ages. This included lighting the Shabbat 
candles 24 minutes before sundown, always having two loaves of Challah, never 
mixing dairy and meat in the same meal, saying all the traditional prayers (in 
what I call hillbilly Hebrew… quite painful to listen to). She believes with all 
her heart this needs to be done in order to be fully obedient to YHVH… whom she 
calls Hashem, Adonai, or G-d.
   Were she to come to me and say 
that I have to do all the prescribed Rabbinical Shabbat traditions in order to 
properly separate the Shabbat from every other day, I would throw Colossians 
2:16-17 in her face because she is not to judge me in how I keep Shabbat because 
I DO keep Shabbat, but I do it my way. I still obey the six Biblical rules for 
Shabbat and if I do anything else its because I have adopted my own traditions 
and I know they are simply traditions and not Scripture (i.e., the Shabbat 
   Likewise, I will not tell a person 
who wants to be a vegetarian that they must eat meat. The vegetarian and I both 
must realize that all food considered clean are good to be eaten or we could 
choose not to eat them.
Meanwhile, Paul was writing to a group of 
converts who were being told by a bunch on unbelievers that they didn’t have to 
do the feasts days as outlined in the Tanakh. It’s just like here on TruthTalk 
where we have people like Glenn claiming that the feasts and the Shabbat are 
done away with — JUST LIKE IN COLOSSAE. The parallel is almost eerie.
   As a side note, all the festivals 
of YHVH are “things which are a shadow of what is to come,” but a better 
way to translate that passage in Modern English is: “which are a shadow of 
things coming and the Body of Messiah.” This phrase parallels the shadow and 
the body of Messiah as one and the same. Do away with one and you do away with 
the other. Look to the Greek and verify using Strong’s and B.A.G. (page 170, 
column 2) and see it for yourself.
If you have died with Christ to 
the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, 
do you submit yourself to decrees, s

[TruthTalk] The Sunshine In My Cheerios

2003-04-01 Thread Slade Henson

You are only partially right. The woman, a 
pastor, is an agent of YHVH in my life, just like you are. You both serve the 
same purpose. She does it in a gentle way while you attempt to get under my 
skin like a chigger. The position you serve is as delineated by 
¶ "Whatever I command you, you 
shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it. If a prophet 
or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and 
the sign or the wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, saying, 
'Let us go after other gods (whom you have not known) and let us serve them,' 
you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of 
dreams; for the Lord your God 
is testing you to find out if you love the Lord your God with all your heart and 
with all your soul. You shall follow the Lord your God and fear Him; and you 
shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him. 
But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, 
because he has counseled rebellion against the Lord your God who brought you 
from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, to seduce you 
from the way in which the Lord your God commanded you to walk. So you shall 
purge the evil from among you. (Deuteronomy 12:32-13:5)
You and she must heed the warnings of the 
Prophet Jeremiah before you both are destroyed. Your testimony is one of an 
antinomian (someone against the Law of Moses), therefore you have forsaken the 
covenant. Read 11:9-11, 13:10-15, 22:8-10, and 44:4-5.
In spite of your persistent barbs, 
I will chose to be obedient to YHVH and I will continue to cling to Him. I will 
keep His Festival days, I will raise my tribe of children in like 
manner, and I will banish all pagan holidays and observances (like 
Halloween, Christmas, SUN-day, St. Patty's Day, Easter, St. Valentine's Day, 
Lent, Mardi Gras, Communion, April Fool's Day).
I thank YHVH for giving me thick 
I love you, Glenn. Can you feel the 
love? Biigg Huugg! (Did I hear Po's voice...?)
-- slade
Oh, by the way Glenn, I hope you 
have a wonderful Rosh Chodesh (That's "New Moon" in English). It's also the head 
of the year as well, so Shannah Tova to you!! I hope YHVH blesses you with a 
worthy year.
Did you know Passover is 14 days 
away? I am very excited! We get to eat lamb, bitter herbs, unleavened bread, and 
spend the next seven days in Scripture purging the leaven from our doctrine. Do 
you want to come over? I have a tent you can borrow so you can emulate the 
Wilderness experience. It'll be great! We have a lot of ticks and everything 
here in Arkansas!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 10:06
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has 
  Sinned Inadvertently
  What you posted below is 
  truth from God.  Maybe God is trying to tell you something.  People 
  give you Bible but you have previously built into your mind a rejection and 
  new invention of meaning of the truth you posted and rejected from God.  
  This reminds me of quoting Bible to homosexuals.  You can quote 
  many of them all the Bible verses you want, but they have already heard those 
  same Bible verses AND have previously built into their minds a rejection and 
  new invention of meaning of those verses against homosexuality.  
  Your mind is made up so there is no need to discuss this with 
  you."... shall we sin, because 
  we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid" (Romans 