All right, DavidM, I guess you didn't read the previous post.  Someone even commented on the Greek meaning.  Here is the Greek I previously posted.

You can't claim to believe in the Greek meaning and believe people who do not follow Christ, a la Hitler, are Christians.  You don't believe the Greek meaning of Christian when you claim Hitler was a Christian.  Hitler was not a follower of Christ.  Hence, Hitler, was not a Christian.    This doesn't take miles of words.  It is plain and simple.  It takes a lot of worldly philosophy to confuse this.

Strong's Number:  5546 Xristiano/v
Original Word Word Origin
from (5547)
Transliterated Word Phonetic Spelling
Christianos khris-tee-an-os'  
Parts of Speech TDNT
Noun Masculine 9:493,1322

Christian, a follower of Christ
Translated Words
KJV (3) - Christian, 3; NAS (3) - Christian, 2; Christians, 1;

© 2003,, Inc.

but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name. ei de wv Xristianov, mh aisxunesqw, (5744) docazetw de ton qeon en tw| onomati toutw|.

No you didn't.  I have never seen you write the word for Christian in
Greek even one time.  Not once.  If you know or anybody else know it to
be otherwise, please post it.

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