[TruthTalk] Saving Faith -- what is it?

2005-12-12 Thread Andrew C. Bain
Question : "Who can declare what are the essential doctrines of 
soteriology?? All the doctrines are 
interconnected.   The Scripture cannot be broken. So, anyone denying one doctrine, denies them all."
My response: 
There are TWO issues here. 1st -- as you said, anyone who 
repudiates any of the essential doctrines of the Scripture is actually 
repudiating God. This is my whole point about ASSURANCE of salvation. 
The Scripture says over and over again that ALL believers "ARE justified", "will 
NOT come into judgment", "ARE born of God", etc. Anyone praying to be 
justified/regenerated is admitting that they are NOT a believer. In fact, to say 
that you believe in the Resurrection of Christ, but to question your own 
salvation is to try to SEPARATE what God has joined together. God says, "if you 
believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that God raised Him from the 
dead, YOU SHALL BE SAVED." How could anyone possibly believe in the Resurrection 
and not be perfectly assured of their own salvation by Christ's finished work? 
Can someone believe God when He speaks about the Resurrection, but call Him a 
liar when He speaks about salvation for all who believe? The 2nd issue 
-- Clearly, there are some doctrines which believers can be confused about. For 
instance, the Corinthian believers for a while had a complete misunderstanding 
about the Lord's Supper. The rich were feasting and neglecting the poorer 
believers. Yet Paul calls these Corinthians "brothers" in Christ. Why? 
The Corinthians behaviour was sinful, but it did not prove that they were 
believing a false gospel. Contrast this, however, with those denying the 
Resurrection of the Dead. To deny this, is to deny Christ's Resurrection. 

12 Now if Christ 
is being heralded that He has been roused from among the dead, how are some 
among you saying that there is no resurrection of the 
dead?13 Now if there is no resurrection of 
the dead, neither has Christ been roused.14 
Now if Christ has not been roused, for naught, consequently, is our heralding, 
and for naught is your faith.

But someone will be protesting, "How are the dead being roused? Now with what 
body are they coming?"36 Imprudent one! 
What you are sowing is not being vivified if it should not be 
This is not a major point of controversy with most 
Calvinists.The REAL debate surrounds the nature of saving faith. Most 
Calvinists are COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY IGNORANT about the simplicity of faith. 
They make faith emotional, mystical and into a work. It's impossible for them to 
have assurance of salvation. After all, how can they ever know they possess 
saving faith, if it is such an obscure, un-definable "act of the soul"??? If 
faith is intellectually un-definable and un-knowable, we cannot identify it in 
ourselves, and subsequently NEVER know whether or not we are justified. 
Then there are those who have not fallen into this snare of the devil. 
The know that faith is simply belief. And belief is to credit/assent/ be 
convicted / know a proposition. Therefore, saving faith is simply to 
believe the bare truth of the gospel, i.e. Christ has fulfilled the Law and been 
sacrificed for the Sheep. Faith
is simple and definable. The gospel is simply and definable. This means
that both can be IDENTIFIED in the mind easily. This is why Paul could
say that ANYONE who cannot identify the doctrine of Christ in
themselves, is lost. "Know not Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are
disapproved?" Likewise, Christ said that believers will "NEVER thirst",
but they have "a well of living water springing up to everlasting
life." He says that not only does He know the Sheep, but He is "KNOWN
OF MINE." For, even the faith of a mustard seed moves mountains, i.e.,
is without doubt. He that doubts is damned. For let not him that
wavers/doubts expect anything from God !!! (James 1). Doubters are
unbelievers.And this is why when Paul wrote to the Ephesians he 
addressed his epistle to "the saints and faithful" at Ephesus. The believers at 
Ephesus MUST have had a full assurance that they were saints. Otherwise, how 
would they have known the epistle was addressed to them?? Full assurance 
is the privilege of every believer.Andrew Bain
Sydney, Australia

[TruthTalk] Imputed Righteousness is Essential Doctrine

2005-11-26 Thread Andrew C. Bain
Today, I came across a quote that I would like to bring up for discussion:

can be saved in varying degrees of theological error. There are
regenerated people who do not understand predestination, don't accept
election, don't understand federal headship, are clueless about
imputation, Christ's eternal priesthood, covenant, etc., yet they are
regenerated. They simply haven't learned those doctrinal truths yet.
Are they condemned for not rightly understanding these very important
biblical teachings? No, because the ones I just listed in this
paragraph are not declared to be essential doctrines by the Bible."

reason I want to bring this quote up for discussion is because I DO
think that IMPUTATION is the gospel. By "imputation", I mean the
doctrine that 1) the sins of the Elect were transferred into Christ's
account on the cross, and He suffered the due penalty for them. Then
there is 2) the fact that God credits the righteousness of Christ (His
obedience to the Law) into the accounts of the Sheep at their
justification. Now, the onus is on me to prove that these two
imputations are the gospel. The "church fathers" didn't believe it was
the gospel. The "creeds of Christendom" don't teach that it is gospel
either. But I think the Scripture does. And the Scripture is the sole
way God reveals Himself to men. Let's see what it teaches.To
begin with, Romans 1:16-17 states that the righteousness of God is
revealed in the gospel. Now, what is the "righteousness of God" ??
Answer: "Christ is the end of Law for righteousness to everyone that
believes." (Rom 10:4). The heart of the gospel is the teaching that
Christ was "made under the Law" "to redeem those under the Law". The
Law which Christ obeyed demands PERFECT PERPETUAL obedience from ALL men,
and pronounces a CURSE of damnation on all who fail to keep it
flawlessly. Indeed, "the soul that sins shall die." Anyone who worships
the Just God and Saviour of the Scriptures will HAVE to know about
imputed righteousness. It's OBVIOUS from the Scripture that man must be
PERFECT to worship God, and since all men everywhere are sinners, it
MUST be the work of SOMEONE ELSE (Christ) that constitutes the elect
sinner right before God. You would have to be completely IGNORANT of
God's UTTER DISGUST with the smallest disobedience, to deny imputed
righteousness. God says, "cursed is everyone who does not obey all
these statues," and "not the hearer of the Law, but the doer of the Law
shall live,". Clearly, if you are not perfect in the sight of God you
will NOT enter heaven -- you are under the wrath of God. You need
Christ's righteousness. Because Only His obedience to the Law can met
the demands of the Law. In fact Romans 3 says that the FAITHFULNESS of
Christ to the Law is the way God DEMONSTRATES His righteousness. "God
set forth  a propitiation through faith in His blood, as a
demonstration of His righteousness through the passing over of the sins
that had taken place before, in the forbearance of God, (26) for a
demonstration of His righteousness in the present time, for His being
just and justifying the one that is of the faith of Jesus." Anyone
ignorant of IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS does NOT understand God's
righteousness. They do not believe the gospel.It's now time to
look at the other half of the gospel: IMPUTED SIN. "He who knew no sin
was made sin," and "the chastisement of our peace was upon Him." Now,
you would have to be a hardened heretic to deny that The Atonement is
PLAINLY LIMITED in the Scriptures to believers. "I lay down my life for
the sheep", Christ said, not the goats who will perish. "I pray not for
the world," He said, and Ephesians 5:25 says that husbands are to love
their wives like Christ loves the Church. Obviously, LOVE is ALWAYS
limited to SOMEONE (e.g. your wife, if you are a married man), or a
GROUP of people in the case of Christ. To say that Christ died for some
people who will perish is to deny His work was 100% sufficient to save
from hell. I'll stop here. Andrew BainSydney, Australiahttp://www.Godnoliar.com


[TruthTalk] Unbelievers CANNOT Pray

2005-10-13 Thread Andrew C. Bain

I hold to the view that unbelievers cannot pray to God. I'd like 
to start a thread on this. My first pointer will be to a question from 
the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:14. “How then may they call on One into whom they 
have not believed?” 
Here's my take on it
Let’s consider how the gospel was presented by the Apostles 
and Christ in the NT:
Then let it be KNOWN to you, men, brothers, that through this 
One remission of sin is ANNOUNCED to you. And everyone BELIEVING in this One is 
justified, (Acts 13:38-39).
For if you do not BELIEVE that I AM, you will die in your sins. 
(John 8:24).
## Here men dead in sins are COMMANDED to believe the facts of 
the gospel. Those who believe the facts know they are justified by the 
righteousness of Christ. Those who do not believe, are unregenerate. 
Read Peter again. He does not “offer” them salvation. He does 
not “invite” them to pray a-little-prayer. Peter demonstrates TRUE EVANGELISM — 
the SIMPLE command to repent (have a change of mind) and believe the gospel. 
Peter simply ANNOUNCES the bare facts of what Christ ACCOMPLISHED, i.e. 
remissions of all the sins of past, present and future believers. Peter also 
mentions the fact that all believers are “not guilty”, and if you read elsewhere 
(e.g. Romans 10:4), you’ll see that believers have FULFILLED the Law, because 
they have Christ’s righteousness in their account. 
So believers can and do pray to God out of thanks, for being 
given a PERFECT righteousness. Unbelievers, on the other hand, don’t even know 
God exists (Psa 14:1). But does that mean that unbelievers don’t have to obey 
the Law? May it NEVER be! They are commanded to obey EVERY letter of it, WITH 
FAITH. “Those who forsake the law praise the wicked.” (Pro 28:4), i.e., NO ONE 
may “get-out-of” obeying the Law, despite their inability. In fact, the Apostle 
Paul, for instance, says that “the men” are “to pray in every place”. But he 
doesn’t leave it there, they are to pray “lifting up holy hands WITHOUT wrath 
and DOUBTING.” (2 Tim2:8).
“He that comes to God”—worships, prays, obeys God—“MUST BELIEVE 
that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”(Heb11) 
Unbelievers are always commanded to pray (and obey the whole Law) WITH FAITH. 
Why? “Because without faith it is impossible to please Him.” (Hebrews 6) and 
“Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” (Romans 14:23). Men are commanded to pray 
with faith, period. There has not, nor ever will be, a command for unbelievers 
to pray FOR faith. To pray FOR faith, is to ADMIT being WITHOUT faith. And 
everyone without faith, is “without Christ, and without hope in the world.” If 
an unbeliever “prays” FOR faith, their prayer is NOT to God, but to the devil 
himself, “the spirit now working in the sons of disobedience,” (Eph 2:2). To 
pray FOR faith is to admit being a DOWNRIGHT Atheist and HYPOCRITE, and a Hater 
of Jesus Christ. And only Satan takes pleasure in such prayers.
Stephen Pribble (Head of the OPC website) and John Piper are 
READING THE NEW TESTAMENT BACKWARDS, when they tell people to pray IN ORDER to 
be saved. Here are Pribble’s words — “Would you like to receive Jesus Christ 
right now? Pray: “Lord, I know I am a sinner….Be merciful to me and save me now 
for Jesus’ sake.” (Pribble, Do you know how to get to heaven?). PRIBBLE 
IS READING THE NEW TESTAMENT BACK-TO-FRONT. He is commanding unbelievers to sin 
!! To Pray without faith is WICKED, an ABOMINATION and SATANIC. And Pribble’s 
telling men to do it. Woe to him !! 
Pribble is not of the apostolic faith. The Apostles – the ONLY 
Ambassadors of Christ – commanded men to TURN AWAY from sin, NOT to practice it. 
In fact, there is NO DIFFERENCE between “Bishop” Spong and Stephen Pribble. Both 
exhort men to approach the Father OUTSIDE of Christ. Spong says that Hindus, 
Muslims etc. came come before God without Christ. And is Pribble any different? 
He says, “Would you like to receive Jesus Christ right now? Pray: “Lord. I know 
Pribble is telling men to pray to the Father, even though they do not have the 
knowledge and imputed righteousness of the Son. But “NO man comes to the Father 
but by Me.”, says Christ (Jn 6:44)
The Biblical order of prayer is to #1) Believe and be saved and, 
then #2) Pray out of thanks for salvation, “Abba, Father” (Romans 8.) – 
something a child of Satan CANNOT do.
I leave you with the words of the Apostle Peter in Acts 8, 
telling the unbeliever Simon Magnus to REPENT (believe the gospel), then PRAY 
(with faith).
20 But Peter said to him, May your silver be with you into 
perdition, because you thought to get the gift of God through money.21 There 
is neither part nor lot to you in this matter, for your heart is not upright 
before the face of God.22 Repent, then, from this wickedness of yours, and 
petition God if perhaps you will be forgiven the thought of your heart. 

Andrew BainSydney, Austral

[TruthTalk] Unbelievers CANNOT Pray

2005-10-13 Thread Andrew C. Bain

I hold to the view the unbelievers cannot pray to God. I'd like 
to start a thread on this, and question from the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:14. 
“How then may they call on One into whom they have not believed?” 
Here's my take on it
Let’s consider how the gospel was presented by the Apostles 
and Christ in the NT:
Then let it be KNOWN to you, men, brothers, that through this 
One remission of sin is ANNOUNCED to you. And everyone BELIEVING in this One is 
justified, (Acts 13:38-39).
For if you do not BELIEVE that I AM, you will die in your sins. 
(John 8:24).
## Here men dead in sins are COMMANDED to believe the facts of 
the gospel. Those who believe the facts know they are justified by the 
righteousness of Christ. Those who do not believe, are unregenerate. 
Read Peter again. He does not “offer” them salvation. He does 
not “invite” them to pray a-little-prayer. Peter demonstrates TRUE EVANGELISM — 
the SIMPLE command to repent (have a change of mind) and believe the gospel. 
Peter simply ANNOUNCES the bare facts of what Christ ACCOMPLISHED, i.e. 
remissions of all the sins of past, present and future believers. Peter also 
mentions the fact that all believers are “not guilty”, and if you read elsewhere 
(e.g. Romans 10:4), you’ll see that believers have FULFILLED the Law, because 
they have Christ’s righteousness in their account. 
So believers can and do pray to God out of thanks, for being 
given a PERFECT righteousness. Unbelievers, on the other hand, don’t even know 
God exists (Psa 14:1). But does that mean that unbelievers don’t have to obey 
the Law? May it NEVER be! They are commanded to obey EVERY letter of it, WITH 
FAITH. “Those who forsake the law praise the wicked.” (Pro 28:4), i.e., NO ONE 
may “get-out-of” obeying the Law, despite their inability. In fact, the Apostle 
Paul, for instance, says that “the men” are “to pray in every place”. But he 
doesn’t leave it there, they are to pray “lifting up holy hands WITHOUT wrath 
and DOUBTING.” (2 Tim2:8).
“He that comes to God”—worships, prays, obeys God—“MUST BELIEVE 
that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”(Heb11) 
Unbelievers are always commanded to pray (and obey the whole Law) WITH FAITH. 
Why? “Because without faith it is impossible to please Him.” (Hebrews 6) and 
“Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” (Romans 14:23). Men are commanded to pray 
with faith, period. There has not, nor ever will be, a command for unbelievers 
to pray FOR faith. To pray FOR faith, is to ADMIT being WITHOUT faith. And 
everyone without faith, is “without Christ, and without hope in the world.” If 
an unbeliever “prays” FOR faith, their prayer is NOT to God, but to the devil 
himself, “the spirit now working in the sons of disobedience,” (Eph 2:2). To 
pray FOR faith is to admit being a DOWNRIGHT Atheist and HYPOCRITE, and a Hater 
of Jesus Christ. And only Satan takes pleasure in such prayers.
Stephen Pribble (Head of the OPC website) and John Piper are 
READING THE NEW TESTAMENT BACKWARDS, when they tell people to pray IN ORDER to 
be saved. Here are Pribble’s words — “Would you like to receive Jesus Christ 
right now? Pray: “Lord, I know I am a sinner….Be merciful to me and save me now 
for Jesus’ sake.” (Pribble, Do you know how to get to heaven?). PRIBBLE 
IS READING THE NEW TESTAMENT BACK-TO-FRONT. He is commanding unbelievers to sin 
!! To Pray without faith is WICKED, an ABOMINATION and SATANIC. And Pribble’s 
telling men to do it. Woe to him !! 
Pribble is not of the apostolic faith. The Apostles – the ONLY 
Ambassadors of Christ – commanded men to TURN AWAY from sin, NOT to practice it. 
In fact, there is NO DIFFERENCE between “Bishop” Spong and Stephen Pribble. Both 
exhort men to approach the Father OUTSIDE of Christ. Spong says that Hindus, 
Muslims etc. came come before God without Christ. And is Pribble any different? 
He says, “Would you like to receive Jesus Christ right now? Pray: “Lord. I know 
Pribble is telling men to pray to the Father, even though they do not have the 
knowledge and imputed righteousness of the Son. But “NO man comes to the Father 
but by Me.”, says Christ (Jn 6:44)
The Biblical order of prayer is to #1) Believe and be saved and, 
then #2) Pray out of thanks for salvation, “Abba, Father” (Romans 8.) – 
something a child of Satan CANNOT do.
I leave you with the words of the Apostle Peter in Acts 8, 
telling the unbeliever Simon Magnus to REPENT (believe the gospel), then PRAY 
(with faith).
20 But Peter said to him, May your silver be with you into 
perdition, because you thought to get the gift of God through money.21 There 
is neither part nor lot to you in this matter, for your heart is not upright 
before the face of God.22 Repent, then, from this wickedness of yours, and 
petition God if perhaps you will be forgiven the thought of your heart. 

Andrew BainSydney, Australiahttp://www.xanga.com/andre

[TruthTalk] Hi John

2005-10-08 Thread Andrew C. Bain

G'day John,
How are you? No, I haven't heard of 
PS Are men 100% saved by the obedience of 

[TruthTalk] Antinomianism Refuted

2005-10-08 Thread Andrew C. Bain

An Antinomian writes, "We serve God now because we want to, not because 
we're bound by a written code."

My comment -- this sounds super-spiritual, but 
it's not. This is an attack on the obligation of all men 
to obey all God's commandments in all circumstances. This is an attack 
on God's authority. He demands PERFECT, ABSOLUTE obedience from ALL men. 
The gospel is not a message of God lowering His demand for perpetual holiness 
from his creatures. Neither is it a message of men being freed from the 
obligation to obey the WRITTEN CODE of God. Rather, the gospel is a proclamation 
that totally sinless Jesus Christ obeyed the Law perfectly for the Elect. It is 
an announcement -- The Just God WILL JUSTIFY the sinful Elect by imputing 
Christ's obedience to the Law into their accounts. 
Romans 3:31 Then is the Law annulled through faith? Let 
it not be! But we establish Law.
## The Law has not been made void. Believers enter heaven 
SOLELY because Christ ESTABLISHED the Law for them. No imputed righteousness (no 
garment -- see the parable) then no reward. 
When I hear things like, "We serve God because we want to, not 
because we're bound by a written code" I can see someone TRYING to SEPARATE what 
God has JOINED together. 
Yes, believers do want to serve God (because they have full 
assurance that God loves them as His elect). And, YES, believers have no fears 
of condemnation by the Law. "You are no longer a slave, but a son (Galatians 4). 
But the ONLY way believers know how to obey God is BY THE LAW. The Moral 
Law and additional the New Testament precepts are CLEAR commands that MUST 
be obeyed. This Written Code is the only source of knowledge for God's 
requirements. When Christ speaks of the Greatest Two Commandments -- LOVE God 
and your neighbour -- He is in NO way abrogating the 10 commandments. 
He is summarising the Moral Law. Elsewhere, John says, "By this we know that we 
Christians are MOTIVATED to serve God's Law by the knowledge 
that their sins are forgiven, and the Law was fulfilled for them. See the woman 
in Luke 7, who loved much because she knew she was much forgiven. And believers are OBLIGED to obey every single precept of the Moral Law 
(and the NT precepts too), because it is in God's written code. 

The idea that the written code has less authority on NT 
believers than OT believers would mean that God's demand for holiness has 
changed (and thus, God has changed.) But He is the same, yesterday, today and 
forever. And He gives some the perfect righteousness of Christ, whilst His wrath 
abides on the rest. The first group have no condemnation in 
Christ Jesus --and have full assurance that they have the imputed 
righteousness. The others have been reprobated based on God's will, and 
will be go to hell. But all must obey the written code.
Andrew C. Bain
Sydney, Australia

[TruthTalk] Repentance Unto Life

2005-10-06 Thread Andrew C. Bain

G'day everyone,
There is much confusion about what constitutes 
"repentance unto life". Most people make it into a work necessary for 
salvation. I don't. So I'm interested to know 
what you think about a brief article I wrote on the Presbyterian view. I think 
Presbyterians (like almost every other sect) make repentance into a work, and 
therefore believe salvation by works.  Andrew Bain. Sydney 

Presbyterians and Reformed people understand 
repentance unto life to mean, “a hating of sin”, “sorrowing for sin”, 
“endeavouring to do better”, and “turning from all sins unto God” (Q87 WSC). 
Without this sorrowing, their Confession says, no one can expect pardon of sin 
(WCF, 15:2, 15:3). And when does this work of sorrowing occur, according to the 
WCF? BEFORE (or at) justification. "By it, a sinner, out of the sight and 
sense not only of the danger, but also of the filthiness and odiousness of his 
sins, and upon the APPREHENSION of His mercy in Christ to such as are penitent, 
so grieves for, and hates his sins, as to turn from them all unto God..." (WCF 

The WCF uses the word "apprehension". To 
"apprehend" something is to "grasp" or "perceive" something. What the 
WCF is saying, is that sinners must perform the work of sorrowing, simultaneous 
(or prior to) justification. Apprehension of Christ occurs at justification. 
Therefore, if the sinner must sorrow for sin when apprehending Christ, then he 
must do a work (of sorrowing) at justification!
Thus, your confession teaches that men must do the 
good work of sorrowing in order to be justified. And your catechism teaches that 
sinners must "endeavour to do better" in order to be justified. Well, I have 
some questions for you.
Firstly, what does God mean when He says,  “I 
was found by those not seeking Me; I became known to those not inquiring after 
Me,” Rom 10:20. Doesn't He mean, that He justifies men without them seeking Him 
at all?
Secondly, what does Christ mean in Mark 2:17? He 
says He did not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners. Now, think 
about this. Someone that sorrows for their sins before justification is a BIT 
righteous, aren't they? They've done SOME good works (sorrowing and 
hating sin is a good work if caused by the Holy Spirit). So IF God did save 
men through making them sorrow for their sins, prior to justification, then he 
would be making them a bit righteous before justification. But Mark 2:17 says He 
doesn't. He justifies those who have never shown any love to Him. God declares 
those righteous who don't have a shred of the "marks of graces" in themselves 
(the unregenerate are just FLESH -- see Genesis 6:3). And how does God 
justify the ungodly? By the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ alone wholly 
Finally, doesn't repentance = belief, when 
used in the context of justification? In the Book of Acts, didn't the 
Apostles use repentance and belief interchangeably? Or, compare Christ's words 
"the one believing and being baptized will be saved," (Mk16:16) to Peter's 
"repent and be baptized." Clearly REPENTANCE = BELIEVING. Both signify a change 
of mind from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge. Compare these 
Acts 10:43 ... everyone *BELIEVING* into Him 
will receive remission of sins.
Acts 17:30 ... God  strictly commands all men 
everywhere to *REPENT*,
Acts 16:30 Sirs, what must I do that I may be 
Acts 16:31 ... *BELIEVE* on the Lord Jesus Christ, 
and you will be saved, you and your household.
Acts 2:37 ... Men, 
brothers, What shall we do?Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, *REPENT* and be 
Mk 16:16 The one *BELIEVING* and being 
baptized will be saved.
From these Scriptures it's clear that repentance in 
the context of justification is just bare belief of the bare truth. 
And look at Hebrews 12:17. Esau sorrowed over the punishment inflicted on 
him by Isaac. Now, he sorrowed, but this did not 
constitute repentance. "He found no place of repentance though he 
sought it carefully with tears," Heb 12:17. In other words, there was something 
DEFECTIVE about what Esau believed. Defective repentance, means a defective 
And to speak of defective belief, what more can we 
say about the "beloved" Westminster Standards?
Christ said "It is finished" on the cross, didn't 
He? There's NOTHING -- no thoughts, emotions or obedience -- required for 
justification. "Abraham believed God and His faith was imputed to him unto 
righteousness". Abraham was justified by the One he believed in, Christ. The 
Bible often refers to Christ as "The faith", so God is saying "Christ 
was imputed" to Abraham "unto righteousness". And Abraham was justified -- 
declared righteous -- based on the obedience of Christ in His account. But this 
righteousness was NOT IN Abraham. It was wholly EXTERNAL. Isaiah refers to being 
"clothed with the garments of salvation" and "covered with the robe of 
righteousness" (Isaia

[TruthTalk] Justification

2005-10-03 Thread Andrew C. Bain

G'day Dave,
I'd look to Romans 8:30...
But whom He predestinated, these He also called; and whom He 
called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also 
...From start to end of salvation, God determines 
who, when and how people will be saved. But when exactly, does someone know they 
are "saved from the wrath to come" and "justified from all things"? Romans 
Then being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our 
Lord Jesus Christ,
...It's only when the Holy Spirit regenerates and 
converts someone to the truth that they have peace with God. Prior to that, they 
are "children of wrath" like the children of darkness (Ephesians 2). It's at 
justification when Christ's righteousness is imputed to them, and they have a 
judicial peace with God. That is, there is NO CONDEMNATION IS CHRIST JESUS for 
them, because they have been legally charged "not guilty". It's at this 
point--justification--that the angels rejoice. And as well as being perfectly 
righteous in the sight of God by Christ's righteousness, like the Hebrew elders 
(Heb11) the believer has the GOOD report from God. Like Abraham, the believer 
will be fully persuaded of God's promise to save him. He will glory in the cross 
of Christ, knowing that his sins were imputed to Christ, who became a 
vicarious sacrifice for all the Elect.

Andrew Bain
Sydney, Australia
- Original Message - 

  Dave Hansen 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:01 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Doubting your 
  salvation ?
  DAVEH:   Welcome to TT, Andrew.   
  Question    When do you think that 
  person (who confesses and believes) will be saved?  Andrew C. 
  Bain wrote: 

If someone doubts that they are 
a believer of the gospel, because they sin, then they do not understand the 
gospel. .
Because if you confess 
the Lord Jesus with your mouth, and believe in your heart that God 
raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED.

Andrew Bain
Dave Hansen
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[TruthTalk] Imputed Righteousness

2005-10-03 Thread Andrew C. Bain

Hi John,
I'm glad you read what I wrote. Christ said "It is 
finished" on the cross, didn't He? There's NOTHING -- no thoughts, emotions or 
obedience -- required for justification. "Abraham believed God and His faith was 
imputed to him unto righteousness". Abraham was justified by the One he believed 
in, Christ. The Bible often refers to Christ as "The faith", so God is saying 
"Christ was imputed" to Abraham "unto righteousness". And Abraham was 
justified -- declared righteous -- based on the obedience of Christ in His 
account. But this righteousness was NOT IN Abraham. It was wholly EXTERNAL. 
Isaiah refers to being "clothed with the garments of salvation" and "covered 
with the robe of righteousness" (Isaiah 61:10). What saved Isaiah was outside 
him. He was covered and clothed with righteousness, NOT infused with it (like 
the wedding guests in the parable). Similarly, the sins of sheep were imputed to 
Christ on the cross. Intellectually and judicially the sins of the Elect became 
Christ's (like a debt of $50 can be charged to someone else's account, and the 
debt becomes theirs intellectually and judicially, even though they never 
contracted the debt - so Christ never sinned himself). In Psalm 38:4 Christ 
calls the Elect's sins "my iniquities". We know that Psalm 34 is talking about 
Christ and NOT David, because v20 of it is applied to Christ in John 19:36. (In 
fact, the New Testament NEVER says the Psalms are about David at all!). So there 
are two imputations. Christ took the Elect's sin (#1) and gives Him their 
righteousness (#2). And they're completely passive in earning Heaven. Instead, 
"this is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Only the finished work of 
Christ can satisfy God's demand for absolute obedience to the Eternal Law. 

Andrew BainSydney, Australiahttp://www.Godnoliar.com

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 11:34 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Doubting your 
  salvation ?
  Welcome, Andrew.   Good words ---  important 
  words.   It is surprising to me how many Christian folk want to 
  believe something other than this message of hope.   They are 
  everywhere  --  even here on TT.   Good folk who 
  believe that works save them rather than 
  the bibilical notion (IMO) that our works extend from the 
  salvation  that is within us  -- one we call The Christ.  

  Thanks again for your words.
  JD  -Original Message-From: 
  Andrew C. Bain <andrew[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>To: TruthTalk <TruthTalk@mail.innglory..org>Sent: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 
  18:03:19 +1000Subject: [TruthTalk] 
  Doubting your salvation ?


  If someone doubts that they are a 
  believer of the gospel, because they sin, then they do not understand the 
  The WHOLE point of the gospel, is 
  that Christ came to save filthy vile hell-deserving sinners who will continue 
  to sin after their conversion (their change of mind to the truth). The LAW 
  was NEVER meant to be the grounds of someone's assurance before God. By 
  it is the knowledge of sin. By it Christians are convicted of sin. 
  But how do we know their is a 
  Law? How do you know their is such a thing called sin? Where did you read that 
  adultery is wrong, drunkenness is rebellion, and bitterness is abominable? By 
  the Word of God. Well, doesn't the Word also say, "By His knowledge 
  shall My righteous servant justify many" and "HE SHALL BEAR THEIR 
  INIQUITIES" (Isa53). So if you have the knowledge of Christ, you 
  are justified. If you believe that Christ was a ransom for many, your 
  iniquities are as far as west is from east. How can you doubt? How can you 
  doubt God? He can't lie. He knows everything. And He says that ALL 
  who believe in Christ ARE  no pause ... they ARE JUSTIFIED from ALL 
  THINGS that they could not be justified by the Law of Moses (Acts 13:39). To 
  doubt His testimony is to spit in his face (so to speak), call Him a Liar, and 
  blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.
  Recently, someone tried to tell 
  me that the NT Hebrew Christians doubted their salvation, because 
  they were wondering whether or not Christ had atoned for 
  their wicked Judaism prior to their conversions. Now, I agree 
  that converted Jews would have been convicted of the 
  apostasy of their past Judaism. And this conviction arose from the 
  Bible. The believing Jews in Rome would have been convicted by Romans 10. 
  Here, God judges Israel apostate. He basically says Israel is full 
  of Pharisees and hypocrites IGNORANT of the righteousness of God. But does God stop 
  there, leaving all the Jews dead in their sins? Without faith, 
  without hope, without God in the world? No. 

[TruthTalk] Judging by Doctrine

2005-10-03 Thread Andrew C. Bain

Hi Izzy, 
I agree with the first half of what you said. 
Believers are commanded to separate from unbelievers, and not to speak peace to 
them (2 John 9). And when we say we are to judge by "fruit", we mean doctrine. 
If you look at the context of Christ speaking in Matthew 12...
33 Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree 
corrupt and its fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by the fruit.34 
Offspring of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the 
abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
...Notice, it's what the Pharisees SAID that made 
Christ declare them to be wicked. Likewise, elsewhere, God says "to the Law 
and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, there is no 
light in them." (Isaiah 8:20).
So even if a person seems "kind" and "loving", if 
they say things that contradict God, then they are bringing forth corrupt fruit. 

Andrew Bain
Sydney, Australia


  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 11:26 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Doubting your 
  salvation ?
  Welcome to TruthTalk, 
  Andrew of Australia.  To balance your 
  presentation I might add that we are to judge whether someone is really 
  believing God’s gospel by their fruit, and that Jesus came as a Jew because 
  only the Jews knew God and His Word at all.  
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew C. BainSent: Monday, October 03, 2005 2:03 
  AMTo: TruthTalkSubject: [TruthTalk] Doubting your 
  salvation ?
  If someone 
  doubts that they are a believer of the gospel, because they sin, then they do 
  not understand the gospel. 
  The WHOLE point 
  of the gospel, is that Christ came to save filthy vile hell-deserving sinners 
  who will continue to sin after their conversion (their change of mind to the 
  truth). The LAW was NEVER meant to be the grounds of someone's assurance 
  before God. By it is the knowledge of sin. By it Christians are convicted of 
  But how do we 
  know their is a Law? How do you know their is such a thing called sin? Where 
  did you read that adultery is wrong, drunkenness is rebellion, and bitterness 
  is abominable? By the Word of God. Well, doesn't the Word also say, "By 
  His knowledge shall My righteous servant justify many" and "HE SHALL BEAR 
  THEIR INIQUITIES" (Isa53). So if you have the knowledge of Christ, you 
  are justified. If you believe that Christ was a ransom for many, your 
  iniquities are as far as west is from east. How can you doubt? How can you 
  doubt God? He can't lie. He knows everything. And He says that ALL 
  who believe in Christ ARE  no pause ... they ARE JUSTIFIED from ALL 
  THINGS that they could not be justified by the Law of Moses (Acts 13:39). To 
  doubt His testimony is to spit in his face (so to speak), call Him a Liar, and 
  blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.
  someone tried to tell me that the NT Hebrew Christians doubted their 
  salvation, because they were wondering whether or not Christ had atoned 
  for their wicked Judaism prior to their conversions. Now, I agree 
  that converted Jews would have been convicted of the 
  apostasy of their past Judaism. And this conviction arose from the 
  Bible. The believing Jews in Rome would have been convicted by Romans 
  10. Here, God judges Israel apostate. He basically says 
  Israel is full of Pharisees 
  and hypocrites IGNORANT of the righteousness of God. But does God 
  stop there, leaving all the Jews dead in their sins? Without faith, 
  without hope, without God in the world? No. God never sends someone 
  the Law without the Gospel. 
  And imagine 
  one converted Jew -- who we'll call Yechezkel -- reading Romans 
  10. Yechezkel would have been reminded that when he was an apostate Jew, he 
  had NOT been  "submitted to the righteousness of God" and that he had 
  been "ignorant of the righteousness of God". Yechezkel have would be 
  convicted that he had been an Atheist, with NO knowledge or understanding of 
  God (Romans 10:2). He had been BLIND. In Satan's grip. Dead in sins. 
  Anti-Christian. A God-hater. A liar against God. A blasphemer against the Holy 
  But this was all 
  past for Yechezkel. He now believed that Jesus FULFILLED the prophecies of 
  Old. He know believed that Christ was the END of the Law for 
  righteousness. God had revealed to Yechezkel (by the Spirit testifying to the 
  Word) that Christ fulfilled and magnified the Law for EVERYONE -- ALL those -- 
  who have believed, do believe, and will believe. 
  And only those 
  who believe and are sure that He is the Christ, have His righteousness in 
  their account.  God condemns doubters as lost. Romans 10:6: Do not say in 
  your heart, Who will go int

[TruthTalk] Doubting your salvation ?

2005-10-03 Thread Andrew C. Bain

If someone doubts that they are a 
believer of the gospel, because they sin, then they do not understand the 
The WHOLE point of the gospel, is 
that Christ came to save filthy vile hell-deserving sinners who will continue to 
sin after their conversion (their change of mind to the truth). The LAW 
was NEVER meant to be the grounds of someone's assurance before God. By it 
is the knowledge of sin. By it Christians are convicted of sin. 
But how do we know their is a Law? 
How do you know their is such a thing called sin? Where did you read that 
adultery is wrong, drunkenness is rebellion, and bitterness is abominable? By 
the Word of God. Well, doesn't the Word also say, "By His knowledge 
shall My righteous servant justify many" and "HE SHALL BEAR THEIR 
INIQUITIES" (Isa53). So if you have the knowledge of Christ, you are 
justified. If you believe that Christ was a ransom for many, your 
iniquities are as far as west is from east. How can you doubt? How can you doubt 
God? He can't lie. He knows everything. And He says that ALL who 
believe in Christ ARE  no pause ... they ARE JUSTIFIED from ALL THINGS 
that they could not be justified by the Law of Moses (Acts 13:39). To doubt His 
testimony is to spit in his face (so to speak), call Him a Liar, and blaspheme 
against the Holy Spirit.
Recently, someone tried to tell me 
that the NT Hebrew Christians doubted their salvation, because they were 
wondering whether or not Christ had atoned for their wicked Judaism 
prior to their conversions. Now, I agree that converted Jews would 
have been convicted of the apostasy of their past Judaism. 
And this conviction arose from the Bible. The believing Jews in 
Rome would have been convicted by Romans 10. Here, God judges Israel 
apostate. He basically says Israel is full of Pharisees and hypocrites 
IGNORANT of the righteousness of God. But does God stop there, 
leaving all the Jews dead in their sins? Without faith, 
without hope, without God in the world? No. God never sends someone 
the Law without the Gospel. 
And imagine 
one converted Jew -- who we'll call Yechezkel -- reading Romans 
10. Yechezkel would have been reminded that when he was an apostate Jew, he had 
NOT been  "submitted to the righteousness of God" and that he had been 
"ignorant of the righteousness of God". Yechezkel have would be 
convicted that he had been an Atheist, with NO knowledge or understanding of God 
(Romans 10:2). He had been BLIND. In Satan's grip. Dead in sins. Anti-Christian. 
A God-hater. A liar against God. A blasphemer against the Holy Spirit. 

But this was all past for 
Yechezkel. He now believed that Jesus FULFILLED the prophecies of Old. He know 
believed that Christ was the END of the Law for righteousness. God had 
revealed to Yechezkel (by the Spirit testifying to the Word) that Christ 
fulfilled and magnified the Law for EVERYONE -- ALL those -- who have believed, 
do believe, and will believe. 
And only those who believe 
and are sure that He is the Christ, have His righteousness in their 
account.  God condemns doubters as lost. Romans 10:6: Do not say in your 
heart, Who will go into heaven? Romans 14:23 He that doubts ... is damned. 

Yet, our imaginary friend 
Yechezkel has as much certainty that he will be heaven that Abraham is 
already.  Yechezkel only knows both of these truths by the Word. He's 
never seen Abraham in heaven. But God tells him that Abraham is. And guess what? 
God also says that not only was Abraham justified by His faith (that is, 
justified by who he believed in, Christ), but so is EVERYONE who 
Because if you confess the 
Lord Jesus with your mouth, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from 
the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED.

Andrew Bain