[TruthTalk] Thought

2006-01-20 Thread Lance Muir

Either faith in Christ is faith in God or, it is 

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought

2006-01-20 Thread Judy Taylor

Now where didthat profound thought came 
What about faith in God by way of the Church 
Fathers? What is that?

On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 06:31:36 -0500 "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Either faith in Christ is faith in God or, it is 

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought

2006-01-20 Thread Lance Muir

Did you at some point in time take a course in 
rebuttal which abbreviated everything to nya, nya, nay?

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Cc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: January 20, 2006 06:36
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Thought
  Now where didthat profound thought came 
  What about faith in God by way of the Church 
  Fathers? What is that?
  On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 06:31:36 -0500 "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Either faith in Christ is faith in God or, it 
is idolatry.

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought

2006-01-20 Thread knpraise

By Jove, I believe you have nailed !! it goes in my journal !! 


-- Original message -- From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Either faith in Christ is faith in God or, it is idolatry.

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought

2006-01-20 Thread knpraise

And[Judy's] response is just one more avoidancetechnique Sigh!!

-- Original message -- From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Now where didthat profound thought came from?
What about faith in God by way of the Church Fathers? What is that?

On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 06:31:36 -0500 "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Either faith in Christ is faith in God or, it is idolatry.

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought for the day

2005-10-11 Thread knpraise

Bonhoeffer gives us the thought for theday: Words to this effect -- The historical God in Christ is always contemporary.[ Never provable but always believable. Able to move mountains with a grain of faith but unable to soften a harden heart is that be the willof man.] The incarnate Christdoes not move God the abstract, into the realm ofdefinable reality. Rather, the God of Spirit andGod in the flesh areequally the benefactors of faith. Such is the nature of self-revelation. 

Faith remains our substance and evidence, our hope in that which is not provable. Build upon it for out of faith comes those convictions that move man forward in all the disciplines of life. 


[TruthTalk] Thought for the Day

2005-09-24 Thread ShieldsFamily

Thought for the day:

Psalm 32

is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 

is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there
is no guile. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought for the say via Terry and Smithson

2004-07-31 Thread Knpraise

Is this too pentecostal for the some of you? 
bro John

Watchman.Net | Is Jesus Enough? 
 read | write | listen | learn | join 
 Your email address: 
 Is Jesus Enough? 
 by Chip Brogden 
 Email this page | Printer-friendly version 
 "After they had eaten, Jesus asked Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of Jonah, do 
 you love Me more than these other things?'" (John 21:15). 
 If Jesus was all you had, would Jesus be enough for you? 
 Many precious believers are in love with the things of the Lord, but they 
 are not in love with the Lord Himself. 
 Many Christian workers and ministers are in love with the Lord's work. 
 Almost without realizing it, the work of the Lord becomes more important 
 than the Lord of the work. 
 There are prophets and teachers who hold words from God in higher esteem 
 than the God Who speaks the words they attribute as being from Him. People 
 seek these words and teachings. The more they receive, the more they want. 
 Before one word is digested they are craving another. They are seeking 
 "things" - words, prophecies, teachings, visions, dreams - but they are 
 not seeking the Lord Himself. 
 Is Jesus enough? 
 When the saints gather together most of the activity is focused on "one 
 another". This is important, but it is not the most important thing. 
 Fellowship is good: but is Jesus enough? Gatherings are good: but is Jesus 
 enough? Meetings are good: but is Jesus enough? Special speakers and 
 special music are good: but is Jesus enough? 
 Even with praise and worship it is possible to sing "about" Jesus and not 
 truly worship Jesus. With preaching and teaching it is possible to talk 
 "about" Jesus and not truly meet Jesus in what is shared. In prayer it is 
 possible to talk "about" our needs and never actually commune with Jesus 
 Among Christians I have discovered something. There is Jesus, and then 
 there are all the things ABOUT Jesus that are NOT Jesus. Jesus Himself 
 occupies only a small portion of what is said and done in Christian 
 circles. Most of what is said and done is merely ABOUT Jesus, but it is 
 NOT Jesus. 
 I have learned that stress, strife, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, 
 bitterness, anger, hurt, misunderstanding, and confusion comes from 
 everything said and done by religious people ABOUT the Lord, and IN THE 
 NAME of the Lord, that does not, in fact, have anything to do with Jesus 
 How much of your focus is directed to the things of God, and not to God 
 Himself? How much of your discussion centers on things about Jesus, and 
 not Jesus Himself? 
 Just look around. This brother is focused on end-time events, and that 
 sister is devoted to inner healing. This brother is primarily concerned 
 with prophetic things, while another sister is keenly interested in 
 spiritual warfare. That brother is deeply involved with theological 
 discussions, while that sister is in love with Christian music. One 
 movement emphasizes this particular thing, and another group stands for 
 another thing. 
 There may be diversities of gifts and callings. There may be various and 
 sundry things to be involved with. There may be many topics to study and 
 discuss. Many things compete for our time, attention, affection, energy, 
 and money. 
 But there is only one Lord Jesus. 
 Just as some people cannot see the forest for the trees, I believe most 
 sinners cannot see Jesus for the Christians. And I believe most Christians 
 cannot see Jesus for the "church". 
 Is Jesus enough? 
 Whenever I am ministering to pastors, whatever they think their calling 
 is, I always have them turn to Mark 3:14: 
 "And he ordained twelve, that they should BE WITH HIM, and that He might 
 send them forth to preach." 
 You are called to be with Jesus. That is your calling. That is the primary 
 thing, the highest ministry. Going forth to preach or do anything else is 
 of secondary importance. We should be with Jesus; after that, He might 
 send us forth to preach. But before Jesus said, "Go into all the world" He 
 said, "Be with Me." 
 The call of the Lord is not more important than the Lord of the call. The 
 work of the Lord must not replace the Lord of the work. No amount of 
 ministering FOR the Lord will make up for a lack of ministering TO the 
 Lord. And knowing the Word of God does not necessarily mean that we know 
 the God of the Word. 
 Everyone wants to go and do something for God, but few people are willing 
 to stay and do "nothing" for Him. 
 Jesus asked Peter, "Am I enough for You? Do you love Me more than 
 everything else? Do you love Me more than you love the things about Me?" 
 A few weeks later, when Peter stood with John before the religious rulers 
 to explain the healing of a man who had never walked, "...they marveled; 
 and they took knowledge of [Peter and John], that THEY HAD BEEN WITH 
 JESUS" (Acts 4:13b). 
 If we will be with Jesus, then Jesus will be with us. 
 The reason the New Testament church had power was not because they 

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought for the say via Terry and Smithson

2004-07-31 Thread Knpraise

Excellent article. The idea that Christ is actually alive and well, not only in His dimension of choice, but within us is something that so many miss.


In a message dated 7/30/2004 11:18:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Is this too pentecostal for the some of you? 
bro John

Watchman.Net | Is Jesus Enough? 
 read | write | listen | learn | join 
 Your email address: 
 Is Jesus Enough? 
 by Chip Brogden 
 Email this page | Printer-friendly version 
 "After they had eaten, Jesus asked Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of Jonah, do 
 you love Me more than these other things?'" (John 21:15). 
 If Jesus was all you had, would Jesus be enough for you? 
 Many precious believers are in love with the things of the Lord, but they 
 are not in love with the Lord Himself. 
 Many Christian workers and ministers are in love with the Lord's work. 
 Almost without realizing it, the work of the Lord becomes more important 
 than the Lord of the work. 
 There are prophets and teachers who hold words from God in higher esteem 
 than the God Who speaks the words they attribute as being from Him. People 
 seek these words and teachings. The more they receive, the more they want. 
 Before one word is digested they are craving another. They are seeking 
 "things" - words, prophecies, teachings, visions, dreams - but they are 
 not seeking the Lord Himself. 
 Is Jesus enough? 
 When the saints gather together most of the activity is focused on "one 
 another". This is important, but it is not the most important thing. 
 Fellowship is good: but is Jesus enough? Gatherings are good: but is Jesus 
 enough? Meetings are good: but is Jesus enough? Special speakers and 
 special music are good: but is Jesus enough? 
 Even with praise and worship it is possible to sing "about" Jesus and not 
 truly worship Jesus. With preaching and teaching it is possible to talk 
 "about" Jesus and not truly meet Jesus in what is shared. In prayer it is 
 possible to talk "about" our needs and never actually commune with Jesus 
 Among Christians I have discovered something. There is Jesus, and then 
 there are all the things ABOUT Jesus that are NOT Jesus. Jesus Himself 
 occupies only a small portion of what is said and done in Christian 
 circles. Most of what is said and done is merely ABOUT Jesus, but it is 
 NOT Jesus. 
 I have learned that stress, strife, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, 
 bitterness, anger, hurt, misunderstanding, and confusion comes from 
 everything said and done by religious people ABOUT the Lord, and IN THE 
 NAME of the Lord, that does not, in fact, have anything to do with Jesus 
 How much of your focus is directed to the things of God, and not to God 
 Himself? How much of your discussion centers on things about Jesus, and 
 not Jesus Himself? 
 Just look around. This brother is focused on end-time events, and that 
 sister is devoted to inner healing. This brother is primarily concerned 
 with prophetic things, while another sister is keenly interested in 
 spiritual warfare. That brother is deeply involved with theological 
 discussions, while that sister is in love with Christian music. One 
 movement emphasizes this particular thing, and another group stands for 
 another thing. 
 There may be diversities of gifts and callings. There may be various and 
 sundry things to be involved with. There may be many topics to study and 
 discuss. Many things compete for our time, attention, affection, energy, 
 and money. 
 But there is only one Lord Jesus. 
 Just as some people cannot see the forest for the trees, I believe most 
 sinners cannot see Jesus for the Christians. And I believe most Christians 
 cannot see Jesus for the "church". 
 Is Jesus enough? 
 Whenever I am ministering to pastors, whatever they think their calling 
 is, I always have them turn to Mark 3:14: 
 "And he ordained twelve, that they should BE WITH HIM, and that He might 
 send them forth to preach." 
 You are called to be with Jesus. That is your calling. That is the primary 
 thing, the highest ministry. Going forth to preach or do anything else is 
 of secondary importance. We should be with Jesus; after that, He might 
 send us forth to preach. But before Jesus said, "Go into all the world" He 
 said, "Be with Me." 
 The call of the Lord is not more important than the Lord of the call. The 
 work of the Lord must not replace the Lord of the work. No amount of 
 ministering FOR the Lord will make up for a lack of ministering TO the 
 Lord. And knowing the Word of God does not necessarily mean that we know 
 the God of the Word. 
 Everyone wants to go and do something for God, but few people are willing 
 to stay and do "nothing" for Him. 
 Jesus asked Peter, "Am I enough for You? Do you love Me more than 
 everything else? Do you love Me more than you love the things about Me?" 
 A few weeks later, when Peter stood with John before the religious rulers 
 to explain the healing of a man who 

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought for the say via Terry and Smithson

2004-07-31 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 7/31/2004 1:23:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Excellent article. The idea that Christ is actually alive and well, not only in His dimension of choice, but within us is something that so many miss.

I agree totally. Keep up the good work

Yours trully.


Re: [TruthTalk] Thought for the say via Terry and Smithson

2004-07-31 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 7/31/2004 1:24:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Excellent article. The idea that Christ is actually alive and well, not only in His dimension of choice, but within us is something that so many miss.

I agree totally. Keep up the good work

Yours trully.

Thanks and good night.

Yours truly -- back atcha. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Thought for the say via Terry and Smithson

2004-07-31 Thread Terry Clifton

Maybe we should require ourselves to read this again from time to
time. Might help us keep our eye on the doughnut, and not on the


Is this too pentecostal for the some of you? 
bro John
Watchman.Net | Is Jesus Enough? 
 read | write | listen | learn | join 
 Your email address: 
 Is Jesus Enough? 
 by Chip Brogden 
 Email this page | Printer-friendly version 
 "After they had eaten, Jesus asked Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of
Jonah, do 
 you love Me more than these other things?'" (John 21:15). 
 If Jesus was all you had, would Jesus be enough for you? 
 Many precious believers are in love with the things of the Lord,
but they 
 are not in love with the Lord Himself. 
 Many Christian workers and ministers are in love with the Lord's
 Almost without realizing it, the work of the Lord becomes more
 than the Lord of the work. 
 There are prophets and teachers who hold words from God in higher
 than the God Who speaks the words they attribute as being from
Him. People 
 seek these words and teachings. The more they receive, the more
they want. 
 Before one word is digested they are craving another. They are
 "things" - words, prophecies, teachings, visions, dreams - but
they are 
 not seeking the Lord Himself. 
 Is Jesus enough? 
 When the saints gather together most of the activity is focused
on "one 
 another". This is important, but it is not the most important
 Fellowship is good: but is Jesus enough? Gatherings are good: but
is Jesus 
 enough? Meetings are good: but is Jesus enough? Special speakers
 special music are good: but is Jesus enough? 
 Even with praise and worship it is possible to sing "about" Jesus
and not 
 truly worship Jesus. With preaching and teaching it is possible
to talk 
 "about" Jesus and not truly meet Jesus in what is shared. In
prayer it is 
 possible to talk "about" our needs and never actually commune
with Jesus 
 Among Christians I have discovered something. There is Jesus, and
 there are all the things ABOUT Jesus that are NOT Jesus. Jesus
 occupies only a small portion of what is said and done in
 circles. Most of what is said and done is merely ABOUT Jesus, but
it is 
 NOT Jesus. 
 I have learned that stress, strife, disillusionment,
 bitterness, anger, hurt, misunderstanding, and confusion comes
 everything said and done by religious people ABOUT the Lord, and
 NAME of the Lord, that does not, in fact, have anything to do
with Jesus 
 How much of your focus is directed to the things of God, and not
to God 
 Himself? How much of your discussion centers on things about
Jesus, and 
 not Jesus Himself? 
 Just look around. This brother is focused on end-time events, and
 sister is devoted to inner healing. This brother is primarily
 with prophetic things, while another sister is keenly interested
 spiritual warfare. That brother is deeply involved with
 discussions, while that sister is in love with Christian music.
 movement emphasizes this particular thing, and another group
stands for 
 another thing. 
 There may be diversities of gifts and callings. There may be
various and 
 sundry things to be involved with. There may be many topics to
study and 
 discuss. Many things compete for our time, attention, affection,
 and money. 
 But there is only one Lord Jesus. 
 Just as some people cannot see the forest for the trees, I
believe most 
 sinners cannot see Jesus for the Christians. And I believe most
 cannot see Jesus for the "church". 
 Is Jesus enough? 
 Whenever I am ministering to pastors, whatever they think their
 is, I always have them turn to Mark 3:14: 
 "And he ordained twelve, that they should BE WITH HIM, and that
He might 
 send them forth to preach." 
 You are called to be with Jesus. That is your calling. That is
the primary 
 thing, the highest ministry. Going forth to preach or do anything
else is 
 of secondary importance. We should be with Jesus; after that, He
 send us forth to preach. But before Jesus said, "Go into all the
world" He 
 said, "Be with Me." 
 The call of the Lord is not more important than the Lord of the
call. The 
 work of the Lord must not replace the Lord of the work. No amount
 ministering FOR the Lord will make up for a lack of ministering
TO the 
 Lord. And knowing the Word of God does not necessarily mean that
we know 
 the God of the Word. 
 Everyone wants to go and do something for God, but few people are
 to stay and do "nothing" for Him. 
 Jesus asked Peter, "Am I enough for You? Do you love Me more than
 everything else? Do you love Me more than you love the things
about Me?" 
 A few weeks later, when Peter stood with 

Re: [TruthTalk] Thought for the say via Terry and Smithson

2004-07-30 Thread Knpraise

If there is a failure in the Church today it is this: we live as natural, earth-bound, flesh-and-blood people who speak great things but do not live what we speak. There is no heavenly distinctiveness about us, little reality about us which suggests this other-worldliness of which we claim. We live as "mere men", religious men, even spiritual men, but not as citizens of heaven.


Great site, Terry -- at least at first glance. 
