RE: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-20 Thread ShieldsFamily

Why do you keep insisting
that Marlin is a 7th Day Adventist? Izzy

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002
10:09 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's
Commentary of the New Testament

I heard tonight that 7th Day
Adventists celebrate Christmas but have no tree. Marlin, Do you
have a Christmas tree? Laura

Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-20 Thread GJTabor
Here is your problem, Marlin. You were shown to be wrong on the OT trees passage, you did not refute it, and now you come back to saying the same old same old. You do not learn. YOUR MIND IS MADE UP. THERE IS NO NEED TO CONFUSE YOU WITH THE TRUTH.

You, Marlin, are intellectually dishonest. 

Dear Laura,
No, we do not have a Xmass tree. The Adventists here know that I do not partake in this dishonest celebration

Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-20 Thread CHamm56114
In a message dated 11/19/2002 10:37:34 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

No, we do not have a Xmass tree. The Adventists here know that I do not partake in this dishonest celebration

Can you explain why it is dishonest? Laura

Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-20 Thread GJTabor
Of course, if you don't play my way, I will take my marbles and go home. LOL I like you, but you are in need of truth, but you refuse to listen. 

 Your statement below is false. The "doctrine of origins" is not in the Bible. "They know better", you say. You are a bully. The Bible talks about stubborness is as witchcraft. If you were in my church I would kick you out. You would not be welcome bringing stubborness which is as witchcraft. No witchcraft in my church.,

If they make too much of it, my family will fellowship elsewhere for the time being. They know better. I would rather fellowship among ignorant believers who participate in Xmass without understanding that it is false, than condone the practice among those who know it is false and do it anyway.

Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-20 Thread GJTabor
I've don't recall saying you DaveL, are dishonest. I recall saying you are sincerely honestly wrong. :-)
Here is why I ignore most of what you say. YOU MARLIN, ACCUSE PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH YOU AS DISHONEST.
DAVEH: Hmwhere've I heard that before!?!?!?!? Is the shoe now on the other foot, Glenn? 

Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-20 Thread GJTabor
I didn't know I was doing that. Marlin can't get along with anyone, even the 7th Day Adventist. I don't think he is a 7th Day Adventist. He's going to take his marbles and go home if they make too much of the Christmas tree. LOL I would be highly surprised if they would allow him to be a member. 

Why do you keep insisting that Marlin is a 7th Day Adventist? Izzy

Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-19 Thread Marlin Halverson

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 9:49 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Check out Acts - 
  Chapter 20 - Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament on Se
  here: Acts - Chapter 20 - Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament on 
"This emphatically states the purpose of Christian assemblies on Sundays 
throughout history, that purpose being for the observance of the Lord's supper." 

I wonder what bible 
he reads. Anyone can take a scripture and run with it. But this is 
supposed to be a "scholar." 

Just because some 
scholar writes it in a book and gets it published does not mean that he is 
honest. I fail to see that John is trying to "emphatically" state anything of the kind. This is dishonest 
scholarship with a doctrinal agenda to assertfacts not in 

"As Lange said, .."Whoever this comentatoris, he too 
asserts facts not in evidence.

"Harrison complained.." Another 'scholar' with an 
agenda. He sites (John 
20:19). The scripture itself tells the reason for the gathering. 
It was forfear of the Jews. This was not for a meal with symbolic 
implications. The disciples had already kept the real "Lord's Supper" a 
few days earlier, prior to Jesus' death, not on a Sunday. 
JOH 20:19 ΒΆ Then the same day at evening, being the first 
[day] of the 
week, when 
the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled 
for fear 
of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith 
unto them, 
{Peace [be] unto you.}

Jesus was killed Passover Day, just prior to a sabbath which was an "high 
day," the first day of the feast of unleavened bread --the same feast that Paul 
and his companions had finished observing. Jesus had risen prior to the 
wave sheaf day, which begins the countdown toward Pentecost, as the rest of 
Coffman's biased comentary admits. The Greek language is the same 
in both instances. It was "the first of the weeks (sabbaton)," for 
counting the day of Pentecost.

"Pliny's letter to the Emperor Trajan..." is taken out of context, and does 
not prove this 'scholars' assertions. 
"Dummelow?" "Dummelow?" Who is Dummelow? "...To break bread ... as Dummelow noted, means "to 
celebrate the Lord's supper." F10 
In fact, it would be impossible to understand this as a reference to anything 
Impossible? All one needs to do is to read the scripture and quit 
imposing one's own ideas into it. 
No wonder people are confused, they depend onthese "scholars" over what 
the scripture itself plainly states. 
John was not very fond of people putting words into his mouth, note what he 
said here:
REV 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of 
of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall 
add unto 
him the plagues that are written in this book:
REV 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the 
book of 
prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, 
and out of 
the holy city, and [from] the things which are written 
in this 

Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-19 Thread CHamm56114
I heard tonight that 7th Day Adventists celebrate Christmas but have no tree. Marlin, Do you have a Christmas tree? Laura

Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's Commentary of the New Testament

2002-11-19 Thread Marlin Halverson

Dear Laura,

No, we do not have a Xmass tree. The Adventists here 
know that I do not partake in this dishonest celebration. Some have said 
that their prophetess had stated that they do it for the sake of the 
children. Why would anybody lie to children? Why feed that which is 
unclean to innocent children? Children will want to know if there is 
anything else that they have been lied to about someday.

If they make too much of it, my family will fellowship 
elsewhere for the time being. They know better. I would rather 
fellowship among ignorant believers who participate in Xmass without 
understanding that it is false, than condone the practice among those who know 
it is false and do it anyway.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 11:08 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]Coffman's 
  Commentary of the New Testament
  I heard tonight that 7th Day Adventists celebrate Christmas 
  but have no tree. Marlin, Do you have a Christmas tree? 