Re: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?

2004-08-21 Thread Lance Muir

Iz:Lighten up! I'da thunk that trailer trash (talk) 
woulda bin right up your flag wavin' alley.
You folks don't seem to mind doing hatchet jobs on 
fellow believers who are otherwise politically aligned. The charicatures you 
occasionally offer up are deplorable. I suppose it all depends who's

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: August 21, 2004 15:47
  Subject: RE: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS 
  Subject: Re: Re: 
  [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?
  Lance wrote:  
  Iz:Amen brother Singh. I've read a 
  good deal by him. 
  Izzy responds: Lance, 
  That is good: finally something upon which we can agree.  Perhaps Brother 
  Singh can help you to have a more Christ-like attitude than what you have 
  shown below. In the Name of the Lord I call upon you to repent of your pride 
  so that you will not be judged for it.
  (Izzy)If I may translate: The 
  parables are the “Gospel for Dummies” who don’t get it.  
  (Lance) 1. Are you 
  As I listen to some of you 
  flag-waving nut cases I cannot help but notice what political bondage you are 
  biblicist/fundamentalist (read 
  Even a smart mouth like myself 
  doesn't appreciate ignorance from a self-professed 'mature' 
  So does Clarence Thomas for 
  starters. But, I suspect that high court considerations are beyond you 
  backwoods, redneck conservative types. 
  I know that 'scope' is tough for 
  you Limbaughites.
  Iz:Be a good 'wifey' and, ask your 
  husband. I think you said he had an education eh?
  Iz:Go back to crocheting where you 
  can do more good. Your poor brain's overloaded.
  Jt:I don't expect for you to be 
  able to understand this nor, your newfound friend, 
  Jt:What's this 'blood' fettish 
  thing ya got goin on JT? No. You inhabit 'wrong city' on this issue. He is 
  truly, completely one of us.
  I Corinthians 
  18   For the word of the 
  cross is (35) foolishness 
  to (36) those who 
  are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is (37) the power 
  of God. 19   For it is 
  written,  "(38) I WILL 
  20   (39) Where is 
  the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of (40) this age? 
  Has not God (41) made 
  foolish the wisdom of (42) the world? 
  21   For since in the wisdom of God (43) the world 
  through its wisdom did not come to know God, (44) God was 
  well-pleased through the (45) foolishness 
  of the message preached to (46) save those 
  who believe. 22   For indeed (47) Jews ask 
  for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; 23   but 
  we preach [3] (48) Christ 
  crucified, (49) to Jews a 
  stumbling block and to Gentiles (50) 
  foolishness, 24   but to those who are (51) the called, 
  both Jews and Greeks, Christ (52) the power 
  of God and (53) the wisdom 
  of God. 25   Because the (54) foolishness 
  of God is wiser than men, and (55) the 
  weakness of God is stronger than men. 26   For 
  consider your (56) calling, 
  brethren, that there were (57) not many 
  wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; 
  27   but (58) God has 
  chosen the foolish things of (59) the world 
  to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of (60) the world 
  to shame the things which are strong, 28   and 
  the base things of (61) the world 
  and the despised God has chosen, (62) the things 
  that are not, so that He may (63) nullify the 
  things that are, 29   so that (64) no man may 
  boast before God. 30   But by His doing you are 
  in (65) Christ 
  Jesus, who became to us (66) wisdom from 
  God, and (67) 
  righteousness and (68) 
  sanctification, and (69) redemption, 
  31   so that, just as it is written, "(70) LET HIM WHO 

RE: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?

2004-08-21 Thread ShieldsFamily

Subject: Re: Re:
[TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?


Lance wrote:  Iz:Amen
brother Singh. I've read a good deal by him. 



Izzy responds: Lance, That is good:
finally something upon which we can agree.  Perhaps Brother Singh can help
you to have a more Christ-like attitude than what you have shown below. In the
Name of the Lord I call upon you to repent of your pride so that you will not
be judged for it.



(Izzy)If I may translate: The parables are the “Gospel
for Dummies” who don’t get it.  

(Lance) 1. Are you self-identifying?


As I listen to some of you flag-waving nut cases I cannot
help but notice what political bondage you are in. 


biblicist/fundamentalist (read angry)


Even a smart mouth like myself doesn't appreciate ignorance
from a self-professed 'mature' believer.


So does Clarence Thomas for starters. But, I suspect that
high court considerations are beyond you backwoods, redneck conservative types.


I know that 'scope' is tough for you Limbaughites.


Iz:Be a good 'wifey' and, ask your husband. I think you said
he had an education eh?


Iz:Go back to crocheting where you can do more good. Your
poor brain's overloaded.


Jt:I don't expect for you to be able to understand this nor,
your newfound friend, Iz.


Jt:What's this 'blood' fettish thing ya got goin on JT? No.
You inhabit 'wrong city' on this issue. He is truly, completely one of us.



I Corinthians 1:


18   For the word of the cross is (35) foolishness
to (36) those who are
perishing, but to us who are being saved it is (37) the power of
19   For it is written,
  "(38) I WILL
20   (39) Where is the
wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of (40) this age? Has
not God (41) made foolish
the wisdom of (42) the world? 
21   For since in the wisdom of God (43) the world
through its wisdom did not come to know God, (44) God was
well-pleased through the (45) foolishness
of the message preached to (46) save those
who believe. 
22   For indeed (47) Jews ask for
signs and Greeks search for wisdom; 
23   but we preach [3] (48) Christ
crucified, (49) to Jews a
stumbling block and to Gentiles (50) foolishness, 
24   but to those who are (51) the called,
both Jews and Greeks, Christ (52) the power of
God and (53) the wisdom of
25   Because the (54) foolishness
of God is wiser than men, and (55) the weakness
of God is stronger than men. 
26   For consider your (56) calling,
brethren, that there were (57) not many wise
according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; 
27   but (58) God has
chosen the foolish things of (59) the world to
shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of (60) the world to
shame the things which are strong, 
28   and the base things of (61) the world and
the despised God has chosen, (62) the things
that are not, so that He may (63) nullify the
things that are, 
29   so that (64) no man may
boast before God. 
30   But by His doing you are in (65) Christ Jesus,
who became to us (66) wisdom from
God, and (67) righteousness
and (68)
sanctification, and (69) redemption, 
31   so that, just as it is written, "(70) LET HIM WHO


Re: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?

2004-08-21 Thread Lance Muir

Iz:Amen brother Singh. I've read a good deal by 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: August 21, 2004 15:10
  Subject: RE: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS 
  Izzy provides some comments 
  regarding philosophers from a godly Believer by the name of Sundar 
  “He thanked God that he had been enabled to go to the 
  West. Before he went, he thought that there must be something in Modernist 
  theories, otherwise so many men would not write so many books. Besides, 
  Christianity had been in force for so many centuries in the West. But when he 
  discovered how busy these scholars were and how much of their knowledge was 
  second-hand and not the fruit of their experience with Christ, he announced 
  that all their speculations would not move him an inch from his faith.” 
  “Trying to understand spiritual truth through the 
  intellect means increase of self. Men search for God and find Him 
  unknowable... But: He is known through the heart, not through philosophy. The 
  only way for us to understand the infinite God is by becoming infinite and 
  that is impossible. He must become finite and He is so in 
  "How are we to deal with people who are utterly 
  indifferent to religion?"He replied, "God Himself can do nothing with such 
  people so what can you and I do? Orthodox and strict Hindus and Mohammedans 
  are better than many of the reformed liberals. The latter are stones in their 
  own community and if they come over into the Christian Church they will be 
  stones there too. Far better a man who is strict in the observance of his own 
  "We are called to work for Him. Are we misled by 
  Modernists and Higher Criticism? Is our faith shaken? If we believe that 
  Christ was merely a great man then we have no message for the world. We will 
  have to jump down into Hell to hide ourselves for every shame. We are to be 
  fishers of men and are we still fishermen? The angels would have been glad to 
  preach the Gospel in this world for five minutes, and that would have been 
  enough. But the privilege is not granted to them. Only saved sinners can 
  preach the Gospel." 
  "Christianity [spiritual regeneration through Jesus 
  Christ] is the only religion which is universal." 
  jt: I have a 
  question Lance.
  Does the truth of 
  God's Word mean nothing at all to you unless validated by your favorite 
  Do you spend any 
  of your time meditating on what God 

Re: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?

2004-08-21 Thread Lance Muir

Jt:Why would I when I have you to read? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: August 21, 2004 13:29
  Subject: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS 
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Jt:May I (laughingly) suggest that you start your 
  own church? We then, will all fall (statically) in line behind you (You, of 
  course being statically in line with all the truth of Scripture). Problem 
  solved eh? God luv ya Judy! You are one 
  ultra-certain lady. 
  jt: I have a question 
  Does the truth of God's Word mean 
  nothing at all to you unless validated by your favorite theologian?  
  Do you spend any of your time 
  meditating on what God says?
From: Judy Taylor 
Let me take at shot at this one.   If I am 
right, then Lance's comment is not veiled in any kind of mystery. A 
"dynamic understanding  of the Nature of God and His Gospel"  
tells me that Lance's view is one that is in flux, changing, expanding, 
growing.  The use of the wording  "dynamic 
understanding" would demand a difference of 
position and opinion among believers and if this dynamic is of 
God,  a differenc of opinion and teaching will exist within the 
assembly of Saints.  We should expect 
differences.  They are of God and are 
not necessarily evil or even undesirable.  A static positioning is a closed system, fully 
understandable by all of (I assume) an honest heart.   Those with this understanding will argue that we can AND MUST 
be of the same mind and speak the same things on all points of import 
within the Gospel of Christ.How did I do?  
jt: Has Lance given you a grade yet 
John.  How did you do?  I know you are weighing a lot of things 
right now.  This dynamic understanding was neither taught nor promoted 
by the writers of the NT.  In fact they taught "static understanding" 
exclusively.  You can find it in all of the 
1 Corinthians 1:10,  
2 Corinthians 13:11, 
1 Peter 3:8, 1 Peter 4:1, Romans 12:16-18, Philippians 2:2.
The reason we must be of the same 
mind and speak the same thing is that we should have the "mind of Christ" 1 
Corinthians 2:16. which mind is the "same yesterday, today, and forever" 
which sounds pretty static to me.  This is the ONLY way that we will 
grow into Him in all things.  
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Jt:I'm 
  drawing a distinction between a dynamic understanding of the Nature of God 
  and God's Gospel and a static understanding (yours, I believe). Read the 
  three points again with that in mind then, tell me your understanding. 
  thanks  It might be better if you explain your definition of 
  dynamic vs static. Are you saying that your gospel has signs following, 
  that is, thesigns Jesus spoke of (the works He did and greater); my 
  understanding of a dynamic gospel is one where the power of God is 
  is a form of godliness that denies the power.  I doubt we are 'as 
  they say' on the same page.  jt

RE: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?

2004-08-21 Thread ShieldsFamily

Izzy provides some comments regarding
philosophers from a godly Believer by the name of Sundar Singh:

“He thanked God that he had been enabled to go to the West.
Before he went, he thought that there must be something in Modernist theories,
otherwise so many men would not write so many books. Besides, Christianity had
been in force for so many centuries in the West. But when he discovered how
busy these scholars were and how much of their knowledge was second-hand and
not the fruit of their experience with Christ, he announced that all their
speculations would not move him an inch from his faith.” 

“Trying to understand spiritual truth through the intellect means
increase of self. Men search for God and find Him unknowable... But: He is
known through the heart, not through philosophy. The only way for us to
understand the infinite God is by becoming infinite and that is impossible. He
must become finite and He is so in Jesus."

"How are we to deal with people who are utterly indifferent to
He replied, "God Himself can do nothing with such people so what can you
and I do? Orthodox and strict Hindus and Mohammedans are better than many of
the reformed liberals. The latter are stones in their own community and if they
come over into the Christian Church they will be stones there too. Far better a
man who is strict in the observance of his own religion." 

"We are called to work for Him. Are we misled by Modernists and
Higher Criticism? Is our faith shaken? If we believe that Christ was merely a
great man then we have no message for the world. We will have to jump down into
Hell to hide ourselves for every shame. We are to be fishers of men and are we
still fishermen? The angels would have been glad to preach the Gospel in this
world for five minutes, and that would have been enough. But the privilege is not
granted to them. Only saved sinners can preach the Gospel." 

"Christianity [spiritual regeneration through Jesus Christ] is the
only religion which is universal."


jt: I have a question

Does the truth of
God's Word mean nothing at all to you unless validated by your favorite

Do you spend any of
your time meditating on what God says?



Re: RE: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?

2004-08-21 Thread Lance Muir

Jt:We do indeed! Want an autographed 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: August 21, 2004 14:35
  Subject: Fw: RE: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS 
  am YHVH your God and I do not change (God)  
  Of course God has 'changed'.  
  jt Then God's Word can not be 
  trusted because He does not stand by it and if the Word above is wrong then 
  maybe Jesus is not
  the same yesterday, today, and 
  forever. Maybe He was not the lamb slain before the foundation of the 
  World.  Maybe the cross
  was one big 
  hoax after all ... Lance do you sell your 
  version of scripture at your Bookstore?
  What on earth 
  (heaven?) has that statement got to do with mine? You are being coy are you 
  not? Will you say back to me what you believe my meaning to have been? I 
  (Lance, speaking for myself) will then answer.

h, I guess you’d 
better write the Lance Muir version of scripture, since obviously the one 
God wrote is incorrect. Izzy



Of course God has 'changed' 
(allowing for the limitations of human language). Three things that are New 
even for God: 1. The Cosmos 2. The Incarnation 3. Resurrected, glorified 
HUMANITY ascending to the right hand of the Father where He, Jesus, 
continues to mediate on our behalf. This reflects a dynamic rather than a 
static understanding of our God.

  am YHVH your God and I do not change. That is why you descendants of 
  Jacob are not already completely destroyed.  Ever since the days of 
  your ancestors you have scorned my laws and failed to obey them.  Now 
  return to me and I will return to you,' says 
  YHVH" Malachi 3:6-7 
      God has 
  not changed, so what makes anyone think His Law (Torah) has changed?  
  I ask my question again,  If you reject God's law then how do you 
  define sin?
  Secondly, if you reject His law how can you embrace Yeshua?  After 
  all who is Yeshua?  He is none other than God in the flesh!(John 
  1:1)  It really saddens me to think that people are misled by 
  teachers, preachers, etc. who have been misled by their mentors, who have 
  been misled by their teachers, etc. for nearly 2000 
      This is 
  very odd because I know someone will eventually throw Acts 15 at me.  
  So I'll beat you to the punch and ask that you explain Acts 
  15:21.  And while you're at it explain how the Pharisee of 
  Pharisee's who studied at Gamaliel's feet would reject God's Torah when it 
  is so plainly clear in the Bible that Shaul both understood who Yeshua is 
  and worked so hard for the salvation of the Gentiles and the Jews. The 
  very same Paul who not only took a Nazarite vow, but went to the 
  Temple and 
  paid the price for several other Nazirs to fulfill their vows.  Shaul 
  did this for what reason? To reject Torah?  There ain't nobody gonna 
  convince me that Shaul rejected Torah. His actions disprove that 

- Original Message - 

From: Terry Clifton 


Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:23 PM

Subject: Re: 
[TruthTalk] Christians' authority over 

Jeff Powers wrote: 

Lets see now, if I'm understanding this John rejects 
Torah. So if this is true John, What then is sin?  >From my 
perspective, if we reject Torah then we quite naturally reject God's law 
and in rejecting God's Law we therefore have to reject ALL notions of 
sin.  Without Torah, how are we to know what sin 
you might want to consider Jeff.  There was sin and there was a 
penalty for sin long before Torah.  Mankind left the garden with a 
knowledge of good and evil.  Sometime later the law came, and after 
that, the law was fulfilled.  In the meantime, no one was ever able 
to keep it.  It was meant for a people, for a time, for a 
purpose.  Those times are over.  Now we live by faith, 
evidenced by love and obedience 

RE: RE: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?

2004-08-21 Thread ShieldsFamily

Jt: check out the comic books. Iz


. Lance do you sell your version of scripture at your Bookstore?


Re: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS SIN?

2004-08-20 Thread Lance Muir

Jt:Don't be a reactionary. Just answer my question 
then, I'll answer yours.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: August 20, 2004 09:51
  Subject: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] WHAT IS 
  Do you even know what I'm talking about 
  Obviously you've not seen the book much less read 
  Why would you assume that every author I 
  read becomes my mentor?  Must be this way for you?
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Jt:Nothing BECAME of sin! There you go again 
  demonstrating reliance on the teachings of men for your understanding of 
  Biblical Truth. Was Menninger a 'believer'? Add to a growing list (Dake, 
  Scofield)those men whom you place in a position of priority and authority. 
  'Pots & kettles' once again. 
This subject line is a 
good question.
I submit that today we are for the most part 
ignorant about what God calls sin and it is only when we are willing to walk 
in the light as He is in the light that we have real fellowship with 
one another and this is when the blood of Jesus cleanses us so that we 
have peace and rest in our personal lives.  Just keeping a stuff upper 
lip and hanging in there is not where it's at.  Has anyone read the 
book "WHATEVER BECAME OF SIN?" by Karl Menninger, M.D.  His thesis is 
good. He traces the demise of sin consciousness and it's effect on our 
culture which are not good.  They are really costing us and at 
this point there is little difference between the world and the 
God's people are perishing for lack of knowledge... 
they may go to heaven but God needs them here morehan he does there.  

  am YHVH your God and I do not change. That is why you 
  descendants of Jacob are not already completely destroyed.  Ever 
  since the days of your ancestors you have scorned my laws and failed to 
  obey them.  Now return to me and I will return to you,' says 
  YHVH" Malachi 3:6-7 
      God has not changed, so what 
  makes anyone think His Law (Torah) has changed?  I ask my question 
  again,  If you reject God's law then how do you define 
   Secondly, if you reject 
  His law how can you embrace Yeshua?  After all who is Yeshua?  
  He is none other than God in the flesh!(John 1:1)  It really saddens 
  me to think that people are misled by teachers, preachers, etc. who have 
  been misled by their mentors, who have been misled by their teachers, etc. 
  for nearly 2000 years.
      This is very odd because I know 
  someone will eventually throw Acts 15 at me.  So I'll beat you to the 
  punch and ask that you explain Acts 15:21.  And while 
  you're at it explain how the Pharisee of Pharisee's who studied at 
  Gamaliel's feet would reject God's Torah when it is so plainly clear in 
  the Bible that Shaul both understood who Yeshua is and worked so hard for 
  the salvation of the Gentiles and the Jews. The very same Paul who not 
  only took a Nazarite vow, but went to the Temple and paid the price for 
  several other Nazirs to fulfill their vows.  Shaul did this for what 
  reason? To reject Torah?  There ain't nobody gonna convince me that 
  Shaul rejected Torah. His actions disprove that doctrine!!
- Original Message - 
Terry Clifton 

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 
12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
Christians' authority over nature
Jeff Powers wrote: 


  Lets see now, if I'm understanding this John 
  rejects Torah. So if this is true John, What then is sin?  
  >From my perspective, if we reject Torah then we quite naturally 
  reject God's law and in rejecting God's Law we therefore have to 
  reject ALL notions of sin.  Without Torah, how are we to know 
  what sin is?Something 
you might want to consider Jeff.  There was sin and there was a 
penalty for sin long before Torah.  Mankind left the garden with a 
knowledge of good and evil.  Sometime later the law came, and after 
that, the law was fulfilled.  In the meantime, no one was ever able 
to keep it.  It was meant for a people, for a time, for a 
purpose.  Those times are over.  Now we live by faith, 
evidenced by love and obedience 