Re: [TruthTalk] Kinder Gentler God would not call names - pagan ?????

2006-03-09 Thread Dave Hansen

OK let me chime in I will restate it for Dean
DH's BELIEFS are Pagan!

DAVEH:  OK Kevinspecifically in what way do draw that conclusion? 
What is it that you think I believe that qualifies as a pagan belief? 
First, you may want to define what you think pagan means so we will
have a common starting point.

Kevin Deegan wrote:

  "You ..  are a pagan"   is not the
same as "Your beliefs are pagan"   
  For the sake of Lance (IYO)
  OK let me chime in I will restate it for Dean
  DH's BELIEFS are Pagan!
  So does the BIBLE practice ADHOMS?
  AND name names!
  Sop let me get this straight Paul should NOT have said:
  Acts 13 Elymas the sorcerer ...
said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of
the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not
cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
  And said, O full of all subtilty beliefs
and all beliefs of mischief, thou child with beliefs of the
devil, thou believing against all righteousness, wilt thou not
cease believing to pervert
the right ways of the Lord? (what
VERSION would this be? )
  Since Paul was FULL of the Holy Ghost (IMO VS 9) when he said
this does that mean God called Elymas A DEVIL? Is God ADHOM? Did God
call him a PERVERT?
  Just wonderin...

You DaveH are a Pagan.
DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean. 
To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom
Why is attacking your genuinely held beliefs
an attack on your person?
Seriously; can you expound?    KD
DH  can make the point but let me
chime in here, as well.   "You ..  are a pagan"   is not the same as
"Your beliefs are pagan>"   
Those who have eyes, let them see,


Original message -- 
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  You DaveH are a Pagan.
  DAVEH:   ; I respectfully disagree, Judge
Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom
  Why is attacking your genuinely held beliefs
an attack on your person?
  Seriously; can you expound?
  Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
called you a Mormon-to which you do not deny-You called me a Christian
to wit I did not deny. By doing so you separated the two-and as
receiving the first (Mormon) and tagging me with the second(Christian)
you have clearly showed yourself to be non Christian

DAVEH:   What kind of convoluted logic is that, Judge Dean???  Does any
other TTer who understands what Dean said above, agree with his

You DaveH are a Pagan.

DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above
comment is a blatant ad-hom, and I will request Judge Moore take the
appropriate action if you do not wish to apologize.

he fact that you do not follow the teaching of Jesus

DAVEH:  Is that coming from Judge Dean, or Judge Moore?

Get over it the truth is not an Ad.
Homein attack

DAVEH:  Really?!?!?!?!   Did you just make a new TT rule, Judge Moore? 
Or was that Judge Dean expressing his unfounded wishes?

state a petition to impeach me

DAVEH:   Seems to me that you are doing a good job of it on your own.

I am not Judge Dean

DAVEH:  Then am I to assume that every time you pass judgment, you are
speaking as Judge Moore?

by your standards
isn't that Ad.
Homein attacking

DAVEH:  ???   I thought we were playing the game by your standards,
Judge Dean!   Hence.Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attack according
to you.

I will have to go to the Moderator

DAVEH:   I've not had much luck with him, but I suspect he will listen
to you.


Are you implyin g Dean called you
such NAMES?

DAVEH:    I'll let Judge Dean answer that, Kevin..I say/demand again "
Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your temple Pagan!!!




Re: [TruthTalk] Kinder Gentler God would not call names - pagan ?????

2006-03-10 Thread Kevin Deegan
Blaine has posted a number of times refering to Astrology.  What do you think of such?     PA'GAN, n. [L. paganus, a peasant or countryman, from pagus, a village.] A heathen; a Gentile; an idolater; one who worships false gods. This word was originally applied to the inhabitants of the country, who on the first propagation of the christian religion adhered to the worship of false gods, or refused to receive christianity, after it had been received by the inhabitants of the cities. In like manner, heathen signifies an inhabitant of the heath or woods, and caffer, in Arabic, signifies the inhabitant of a hut or cottage, and one that does not receive the religion of Mohammed. Pagan is used to distinguish one from a Christian and a Mohammedan.   PA'GAN, a. Heathen; heathenish; Gentile; noting a person who worships false gods. 1. Pertaining to the worship of false
 gods.Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:OK let me chime in I will restate it for Dean  DH's BELIEFS are Pagan!DAVEH:  OK Kevinspecifically in what way do draw that conclusion?  What is it that you think I believe that qualifies as a pagan belief?  First, you may want to define what you think pagan means so we will have a common starting point.Kevin Deegan wrote: "You ..  are a pagan"   is not the same as "Your beliefs are pagan"        For the sake of Lance (IYO)     OK let me chime in I will restate it for Dean  DH's BELIEFS are Pagan!
     So does the BIBLE practice ADHOMS?  AND name names!     Sop let me get this straight Paul should NOT have said:  Acts 13 Elymas the sorcerer ...  PAUL SAYS: And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?     SHOULD BE  And said, O full of all subtilty beliefs and all beliefs of mischief, thou child with beliefs of the devil, thou believing against all righteousness, wilt thou not cease believing to pervert the right ways of the Lord? (what VERSION would this be? )  Since Paul was FULL of
 the Holy Ghost (IMO VS 9) when he said this does that mean God called Elymas A DEVIL? Is God ADHOM? Did God call him a PERVERT?  Just wonderin...[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  You DaveH are a Pagan.DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom     Why is attacking your genuinely held beliefs an attack on your person?  Seriously; can you expound?    KD        DH  can make the point but let me chime in here, as well.   "You ..  are a pagan"   is not the same as "Your beliefs are pagan>"        Those who have eyes, let them see, Lord.    jd        -- Original message -- From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   You DaveH are a Pagan.DAVEH:   ; I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom    
 Why is attacking your genuinely held beliefs an attack on your person?  Seriously; can you expound?  Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I called you a Mormon-to which you do not deny-You called me a Christian to wit I did not deny. By doing so you separated the two-and as receiving the first (Mormon) and tagging me with the second(Christian) you have clearly showed yourself to be non ChristianDAVEH:   What kind of convoluted logic is that, Judge Dean???  Does any other TTer who understands what Dean said above, agree with his explanation?You DaveH are a Pagan.DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom, and I will request Judge Moore take the appropriate action if you do not wish to apologize.he fact that you do not follow the teaching of Jesus ChristDAVEH:  Is that coming from Judge Dean, or Judge Moore?Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attackDAVEH:  Really?!?!?!?!   Did you just make a new TT rule, Judge Moore?  Or was that Judge Dean expressing his unfounded wishes?state a petition to impeach meDAVEH:   Seems to me that you are doing a good job of it on your own.I am not Judge DeanDAVEH:  Then am I to assume that every time you pass judgment, you are speaking as Judge Moore?by your standards isn't that Ad. Homein attackingDAVEH:  ???   I thought we were playing the game by your standards, Judge Dean!   Hence.Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attack according to you.I will have to go to the ModeratorDAVEH:   I've not had much luck with him, but I suspect he will listen to you.Are you implyin g Dean called you such
 NAMES?DAVEH:    I'll let Judge Dean answer that, Kevin..I say/demand again " Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your temple Pagan!!!  
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Re: [TruthTalk] Kinder Gentler God would not call names - pagan ?????

2006-03-11 Thread knpraise

john in this color.  


- Original Message - 
Sent: 3/9/2006 9:41:00 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Kinder Gentler God would not call names - pagan ?

Also,  here is what I found at the home page for TT regarding ad hom:
11. AVOID AD HOMINEM ARGUMENTS: Sometimes discussions get frustrating and a person might start attacking another list member rather than addressing the actual arguments being made. Avoid arguments that appeal to prejudice and emotions rather than to reason. Avoid attacking the character and motives of another list member rather than debating an issue on logical grounds.
cd: No attack of character or motives here John. Is it an attack on your character to call you a Christian?If not why would it be wrong to call one who pratices Pagan belief a Pagan?
I have no idea what you are talking about, Dean.  I am giving you the official notion of "ad hom" as per TT home page.   It is this and nothing more.  David has already spoken on adn i will leave it at that.  
Please note   that this statement , the official TT postiion on ad hominem arguments, does  not speak to the "correctness" of the insult.    Why has the Moderator decided to rewrite the rules?
cd: Not rewriting the rules John-I am mearly offering a clear intrepretion of the  Ad. Hom rule as to define it limits the above is too vague-and is broken on a regular basics.  
I do beleive you have added to the "ad hom" concept here on TT and I am not the only one.  
  Or have I missed something, here?
cd; Yes, you seem to be missing a lot of things John. Do you condider this statement Ad. Hom(iemissing a lot of things)? By the above defination it is not but most would take it to be an insult. Hope you see my point and don't miss it again.  
No I do not "condider this statement Ad. Hom (ie ..  missing a lot of things) "     SINCE I WAS TALKING ABOUT MY SELF  !!!
Will I miss something again ?   Oh, you betcha  !!   Plan on it  !!