[tryton] Download Tryton from mercurial repository - specific version

2014-07-02 Thread kostas

I want to download the trytond sources from mercurial repository for a 
specific version. I have hgnested extension installed.

For version 3.2 I use the command:
$ hg nclone  http://hg.tryton.org/trytond -r 3.2
This works, it gets trytond server and modules.

I try similar command for version 3.0:
$ hg nclone  http://hg.tryton.org/trytond -r 3.0

Now it fails to get module account_credit_limit (which I suppose does not 
exist for version 3.0.x) and aborts:
abort: unknown revision '3.0'!

How can I get trytond  ver3.0 from mercurial repository ?

[tryton] Creation of a custom chart of accounts fails - how to locate error

2014-04-07 Thread kostas
Dear tytonistas,

I have created a custom chart of accounts as a tryton module (I use tryton 
The template gets installed successfully but when I try to create the chart 
of accounts using this template, I get the error message 
'domain_validation_error' and the creation fails. 
Can you suggest a way to locate where the error is ?


[tryton] Re: How to get a list of pending invoices using xmlrpc / proteus

2013-11-28 Thread kostas

Hello Cedric,

No there is a paid state 
The change of state is not based on the amount_to_pay but if all move 
lines are reconciled. 

In tryton 3.0 when I pay a Supplier Invoice, the 'Reconciled' flag remains 
false and the 'State' remains posted.
Even if I manually do reconciliation (Financial | Entries | Reconcile 
Lines) it does not go to 'paid' state.
The payment of a Customer Invoice works as expected, it becomes 'Reconciled 
and 'Paid'
I did the above tests in demo3.0.tryton.org installation.

In tryton 2.8 both Invoices and Supplier Invoices after payment become 
'Reconciled' and 'Paid'.

[tryton] Re: How to get a list of pending invoices using xmlrpc / proteus

2013-11-21 Thread kostas
Hello Nicolas,

Why don't you use the state field of the invoice? 

thanks for your answer, the obvious easy way is to use the state field.

I was testing tryton 3.0. In my installation (upgrade from 2.6 and 2.8) the 
invoice.state field has the value 'posted' for both paid and unpaid 
Should it be this way ? The amount_to_pay is 0 for the paid ones.

In version 2.6 the invoice.state field has the value 'open' and after full 
payment it becomes 'paid'

[tryton] Adding logo in report header - multiple companies

2013-04-25 Thread kostas
I am wondering what is the best way to add a logo in a tryton report for 
example in the sale.sale report.

The definition of the report in sale.xml is:

record model=ir.action.report id=report_sale
field name=nameSale/field
field name=modelsale.sale/field
field name=report_namesale.sale/field
field name=reportsale/sale.odt/field
field name=stylecompany/header_A4.odt/field
record model=ir.action.keyword id=report_sale_keyword
field name=keywordform_print/field
field name=modelsale.sale,-1/field
field name=action ref=report_sale/

One way could be to edit the header and insert a graphic in the odt: it is 
the company/header_A4.odt file

But in the case of a multi-company installation in which we login to 
multiple companies how can we have different logo per company ?
In header_A4.odt using Genshi directives we can access the name, address 
and other fields of current company. 

Is there a way to reference a variable logo which depends on the current 
company ?

[tryton] proteus - change current company

2012-04-09 Thread kostas
I am using the proteus library in python scripts in order to import
and export data from a trytond server.
for example:

from proteus import config, Model

def main(args):
  ... do something ...

if __name__ == '__main__':
  config.set_trytond(user='admin', password='admin',

The above script works for the current company of user 'admin'.
How can I change the current company in the proteus script ?

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