Re: [tryton-dev] 80 cols on XML file

2017-12-20 Thread Bernat Brunet
2017-12-20 15:55 GMT+01:00 Cédric Krier :

> Hi,
> I think we should remove the 80 cols limit on XML file.
> The rational is that XML file are indented by 4 spaces with at least 2
> indentation ( and ) but also XML is quite verbose.
> So we reach the limit very quickly and so we add line break which makes
> the XML more difficult to read. Also most of the time 'pyson' attribute
> already exceed the limit and it can not be break in multiple line.
> I think we should be more flexible. For example the  line with
> 'model' and 'id' is more readable when not split. But  is more
> readable if each attribute is on his own line.
> So I think the style should be one line with all attributes or one
> attribute per line, but not allow mixed.


For me will be better if it's one attribute per line. Because sometimes
when working with the laptop all in one line wont be good.

> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
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> --
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Bernat Brunet 
Telf: (+34) 935 531 803

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Re: [tryton-dev] RFC SEPA message

2014-06-17 Thread Bernat Brunet

El 17/06/14 11:46, Cédric Krier ha escrit:

On 17 Jun 11:16, Cédric Krier wrote:


I'm starting to work on incoming SEPA message like CAMT.054.
So I created the issue4001 [1] to provide a generic and flexible way to
support any SEPA message. I have some doubt about the name IN/OUT.

Also I have some idea to provide a generic design for parsing (SAX) such
message that could be extendable. I will show it in the review of

One more question, do you think we should do a module for each kind of
message or they can be implemented all into account_payment_sepa?
I think account_payment_sepa should try to support the full SEPA norm.

I prefer in the same module account_payment_sepa or maybe create a new 
module like account_payment_sepa_messages, but not one module for 
message, I think it's not necessary.


Bernat Brunet Torruella <>
Telf: (+34) 935 531 803