Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-25 Thread Matthew Sykes


As a user and a consumer of Tuscany that has had to debug problems, I 
have a couple of comments.

Raymond Feng wrote:
It seems to me that we could use the EventManagement in the core to 
handle these in the event/listener pattern.

If possible, I would like to see Tuscany focus on the higher level event 
model for component management, on enhancing the exception formatter 
framework for diagnostics, and improving the wiring, contribution, and 
assembly validation in a way that would surface errors and an error 
context to extensions that could be implemented by a consumer.

I was referring to the fact that the apsectj-based tracing can be 
enabled or disabled simply by turning on/off the JVM agent. The 
annotation-based aspect doesn't require a compiler for the aspectj and 
it's not invasive.

On using aspects for trace, I'm not a huge fan of performing any weaving 
at runtime during class loading nor in requiring consumers to install an 
instrumentation agent to turn on trace emission.  Not only does dynamic 
instrumentation lengthen the class load time and effect the benefits of 
class sharing (in JVM's that support the technology), it assumes that 
the user has installed the agent because a problem is expected.  If 
aspect weaving is used, I believe it should be an optional part of the 
build environment and not force fit into the instrumentation agent 


Matthew Sykes

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Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-23 Thread Raymond Feng


Please see my comments inline.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jean-Sebastien Delfino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of 
missing extensions)

Raymond Feng wrote:

Hi, Simon.


On the positive side this seems like an approach we could use that
separates logging/tracing from the application code. However you still 

the aspectj runtime to weave the annotation based aspects into the
application classfiles right. I am attracted by doing tracing with 
So that we can turn it off completely when we are done. However I 

using a more standard approach for logging more highlevel and persistent
events which we might want to plug into other monitoring tools.

The aspectj now supports load-time weaving in a standard way supported by 
Java 5. It would be nice to support tracing on demand with this 

I agree with you that we need to support high-level monitoring as well. 
For example, I'm interested in seeing the component interactions. One way 
we can achieve that is to add a monitoring interceptor.


I agree that we need high-level monitoring, but it shouldn't be limited to 
interactions handled by interceptors. For example, we should be able to 
monitor when the runtime starts, stops, when .composite files are loaded, 
component instances get created and recycled, wires are matched etc...

It seems to me that we could use the EventManagement in the core to handle 
these in the event/listener pattern.

I tried the aspectj sample from your sandbox and I have a few questions:
Is it possible to trace the value of the parameters?

Yes, we can access the method as well as the input/output.

Is it possible to trace when an exception is thrown?

Yes. The AfterThrowing will do.

Would it be possible to use slf4j from the tracing aspect?

Yes, the aspect implementation can be any java code.

What did you mean by supporting tracing on demand using the load time 
weaver? Doesn't load time weaving going to happen at the beginning when 
classes are loaded??

I was referring to the fact that the apsectj-based tracing can be enabled or 
disabled simply by turning on/off the JVM agent. The annotation-based aspect 
doesn't require a compiler for the aspectj and it's not invasive.



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Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-23 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Raymond Feng wrote:

Hi, Simon.


On the positive side this seems like an approach we could use that
separates logging/tracing from the application code. However you 
still need

the aspectj runtime to weave the annotation based aspects into the
application classfiles right. I am attracted by doing tracing with 
So that we can turn it off completely when we are done. However I 

using a more standard approach for logging more highlevel and persistent
events which we might want to plug into other monitoring tools.

The aspectj now supports load-time weaving in a standard way supported 
by Java 5. It would be nice to support tracing on demand with this 

I agree with you that we need to support high-level monitoring as 
well. For example, I'm interested in seeing the component 
interactions. One way we can achieve that is to add a monitoring 


I agree that we need high-level monitoring, but it shouldn't be limited 
to interactions handled by interceptors. For example, we should be able 
to monitor when the runtime starts, stops, when .composite files are 
loaded, component instances get created and recycled, wires are matched 

I tried the aspectj sample from your sandbox and I have a few questions:
Is it possible to trace the value of the parameters?
Is it possible to trace when an exception is thrown?
Would it be possible to use slf4j from the tracing aspect?
What did you mean by supporting tracing on demand using the load time 
weaver? Doesn't load time weaving going to happen at the beginning when 
classes are loaded?? 



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Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-19 Thread Raymond Feng

Hi, Simon.


On the positive side this seems like an approach we could use that
separates logging/tracing from the application code. However you still 

the aspectj runtime to weave the annotation based aspects into the
application classfiles right. I am attracted by doing tracing with 

So that we can turn it off completely when we are done. However I support
using a more standard approach for logging more highlevel and persistent
events which we might want to plug into other monitoring tools.

The aspectj now supports load-time weaving in a standard way supported by 
Java 5. It would be nice to support tracing on demand with this capability.

I agree with you that we need to support high-level monitoring as well. For 
example, I'm interested in seeing the component interactions. One way we can 
achieve that is to add a monitoring interceptor.




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Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-19 Thread Simon Laws

On 4/19/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I created a prototype to play with aop-based logging and tracing. The
annotation-style aspect development seems to be simpler as it doesn't
require the aspectj compiler. You can see the code at:

You can download aspectj 1.5.3 from
and then run the prototype using "test.bat" in the root of the project.


- Original Message -
From: "Raymond Feng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of
missing extensions)

> Hi,
> Please see my comments below.
> Thanks,
> Raymond
> - Original Message -
> From: "ant elder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:51 AM
> Subject: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of
> missing extensions)
>> On 4/17/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I found our current Monitor stuff difficult to follow as well. I
>>> that we start a new discussion thread to discuss monitoring in
>>> and try to come up with something that will be more usable and easier
>>> adopt through our whole runtime.
>> Starting the new thread for you...
>> I agree we should improve monitoring and logging in the runtime.
>> I've used AOP before for this type of thing, its cool, but it does add
>> yet
>> another new thing to know about which could be off putting for new
>> developers. How about just using one of the existing logging packages
>> that
>> most people are already completely familiar with? Commons Logging looks
>> like
>> its coming to its end, no one really likes java.util.logging, so how
>> about
>> SLF4J, its really easy and nice to use?
> I personally don't like the Commons Logging approach very much due to
> fact that conflicting versions are used by many 3rd party artifacts.
> With regard to AOP, do we really need to have all the developers learn
> to use it? I assume we can put together some logging aspects in a
> module to take care of most of the logging/monitoring concerns. Other
> modules are not even aware of the existence of the AOP. Isn't it the
> objective of AOP to address the cross-cutting concerns without poluting
> the code?
>> I also think exception handling could be improved, I don't find the
>> current
>> exception formatter design easy to use, and most times stack traces end
>> up
>> missing the important bit of information you need. How about just using
>> the
>> traditional way of  putting everything in the exception message and
>> using
>> properties files to allow for I18N?
> I think we might be able to improve the ExceptionFormatter by providing
> default formatter which could dump out all the information in the
> exception object. We already have a similar function in
> "org.apache.tuscany.assembly.util.PrintUtil" and we could further
> it.
> To support I18N, we could adopt a pattern for the exception so that a
> getter or a field can be recoginzed as the message id.
>> One thing I've wondered about was having a release specifically
>> these RAS type features. So once we've worked out the strategy for
>> logging,
>> exceptions, internationalization etc we have a release where a big
>> is
>> on implementing/fixing/testing all these RAS things.
> +1. Enabling RAS is a big effort.
>>   ...ant

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On the positive side this seems like an approach we could use that

separates logging/tracing from the application code. However you still need
the aspectj runtime to weave the annotation based aspects into the
application classfiles right. I am attracted by doing tracing with aspectj.
So that we can turn it off completely when we are done. However I support
using a more standard approach for logging more highlevel and persistent
events which we might want to plug into other monitoring tools.



Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-19 Thread ant elder

I was referring to this mail [1] when I mentioned commons logging and SLF4J.
I don't know if its worth converting if you've already used LOG4J. SLF4J
does have some nice features though, particularly parameterized log
messages. You can read all about it at:


On 4/18/07, Kevin Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is SLF4J a better route than Log4j?  If so, I wonder if we should convert
over the RDB DAS.

On 4/18/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/17/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found our current Monitor stuff difficult to follow as well. I suggest
> > that we start a new discussion thread to discuss monitoring in
> > and try to come up with something that will be more usable and easier
> > adopt through our whole runtime.
> Starting the new thread for you...
> I agree we should improve monitoring and logging in the runtime.
> I've used AOP before for this type of thing, its cool, but it does add
> another new thing to know about which could be off putting for new
> developers. How about just using one of the existing logging packages
> most people are already completely familiar with? Commons Logging looks
> like
> its coming to its end, no one really likes java.util.logging, so how
> SLF4J, its really easy and nice to use?
> I also think exception handling could be improved, I don't find the
> current
> exception formatter design easy to use, and most times stack traces end
> missing the important bit of information you need. How about just using
> the
> traditional way of  putting everything in the exception message
and  using
> properties files to allow for I18N?
> One thing I've wondered about was having a release specifically
> these RAS type features. So once we've worked out the strategy for
> logging,
> exceptions, internationalization etc we have a release where a big focus
> is
> on implementing/fixing/testing all these RAS things.

Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-18 Thread Raymond Feng


I created a prototype to play with aop-based logging and tracing. The 
annotation-style aspect development seems to be simpler as it doesn't 
require the aspectj compiler. You can see the code at:

You can download aspectj 1.5.3 from 
and then run the prototype using "test.bat" in the root of the project.


- Original Message - 
From: "Raymond Feng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of 
missing extensions)


Please see my comments below.


- Original Message - 
From: "ant elder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:51 AM
Subject: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of 
missing extensions)

On 4/17/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I found our current Monitor stuff difficult to follow as well. I suggest

that we start a new discussion thread to discuss monitoring in general,
and try to come up with something that will be more usable and easier to
adopt through our whole runtime.

Starting the new thread for you...

I agree we should improve monitoring and logging in the runtime.

I've used AOP before for this type of thing, its cool, but it does add 

another new thing to know about which could be off putting for new
developers. How about just using one of the existing logging packages 
most people are already completely familiar with? Commons Logging looks 
its coming to its end, no one really likes java.util.logging, so how 

SLF4J, its really easy and nice to use?

I personally don't like the Commons Logging approach very much due to the 
fact that conflicting versions are used by many 3rd party artifacts.

With regard to AOP, do we really need to have all the developers learn how 
to use it? I assume we can put together some logging aspects in a separate 
module to take care of most of the logging/monitoring concerns. Other 
modules are not even aware of the existence of the AOP. Isn't it the 
objective of AOP to address the cross-cutting concerns without poluting 
the code?

I also think exception handling could be improved, I don't find the 
exception formatter design easy to use, and most times stack traces end 
missing the important bit of information you need. How about just using 
traditional way of  putting everything in the exception message and 

properties files to allow for I18N?

I think we might be able to improve the ExceptionFormatter by providing a 
default formatter which could dump out all the information in the 
exception object. We already have a similar function in 
"org.apache.tuscany.assembly.util.PrintUtil" and we could further enhance 

To support I18N, we could adopt a pattern for the exception so that a 
getter or a field can be recoginzed as the message id.

One thing I've wondered about was having a release specifically targeting
these RAS type features. So once we've worked out the strategy for 
exceptions, internationalization etc we have a release where a big focus 

on implementing/fixing/testing all these RAS things.

+1. Enabling RAS is a big effort.


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Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-18 Thread Kevin Williams

Is SLF4J a better route than Log4j?  If so, I wonder if we should convert
over the RDB DAS.

On 4/18/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/17/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I found our current Monitor stuff difficult to follow as well. I suggest
> that we start a new discussion thread to discuss monitoring in general,
> and try to come up with something that will be more usable and easier to
> adopt through our whole runtime.

Starting the new thread for you...

I agree we should improve monitoring and logging in the runtime.

I've used AOP before for this type of thing, its cool, but it does add yet
another new thing to know about which could be off putting for new
developers. How about just using one of the existing logging packages that
most people are already completely familiar with? Commons Logging looks
its coming to its end, no one really likes java.util.logging, so how about
SLF4J, its really easy and nice to use?

I also think exception handling could be improved, I don't find the
exception formatter design easy to use, and most times stack traces end up
missing the important bit of information you need. How about just using
traditional way of  putting everything in the exception message and  using
properties files to allow for I18N?

One thing I've wondered about was having a release specifically targeting
these RAS type features. So once we've worked out the strategy for
exceptions, internationalization etc we have a release where a big focus
on implementing/fixing/testing all these RAS things.


Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-18 Thread Raymond Feng


Please see my comments below.


- Original Message - 
From: "ant elder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:51 AM
Subject: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of 
missing extensions)

On 4/17/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I found our current Monitor stuff difficult to follow as well. I suggest

that we start a new discussion thread to discuss monitoring in general,
and try to come up with something that will be more usable and easier to
adopt through our whole runtime.

Starting the new thread for you...

I agree we should improve monitoring and logging in the runtime.

I've used AOP before for this type of thing, its cool, but it does add yet
another new thing to know about which could be off putting for new
developers. How about just using one of the existing logging packages that
most people are already completely familiar with? Commons Logging looks 

its coming to its end, no one really likes java.util.logging, so how about
SLF4J, its really easy and nice to use?

I personally don't like the Commons Logging approach very much due to the 
fact that conflicting versions are used by many 3rd party artifacts.

With regard to AOP, do we really need to have all the developers learn how 
to use it? I assume we can put together some logging aspects in a separate 
module to take care of most of the logging/monitoring concerns. Other 
modules are not even aware of the existence of the AOP. Isn't it the 
objective of AOP to address the cross-cutting concerns without poluting the 

I also think exception handling could be improved, I don't find the 

exception formatter design easy to use, and most times stack traces end up
missing the important bit of information you need. How about just using 

traditional way of  putting everything in the exception message and  using
properties files to allow for I18N?

I think we might be able to improve the ExceptionFormatter by providing a 
default formatter which could dump out all the information in the exception 
object. We already have a similar function in 
"org.apache.tuscany.assembly.util.PrintUtil" and we could further enhance 

To support I18N, we could adopt a pattern for the exception so that a getter 
or a field can be recoginzed as the message id.

One thing I've wondered about was having a release specifically targeting
these RAS type features. So once we've worked out the strategy for 
exceptions, internationalization etc we have a release where a big focus 

on implementing/fixing/testing all these RAS things.

+1. Enabling RAS is a big effort.


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Re: Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-18 Thread Simon Laws


Replies in line

On 4/18/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/17/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I found our current Monitor stuff difficult to follow as well. I suggest
> that we start a new discussion thread to discuss monitoring in general,
> and try to come up with something that will be more usable and easier to
> adopt through our whole runtime.

Starting the new thread for you...

I agree we should improve monitoring and logging in the runtime.

I've used AOP before for this type of thing, its cool, but it does add yet
another new thing to know about which could be off putting for new
developers. How about just using one of the existing logging packages that
most people are already completely familiar with? Commons Logging looks
its coming to its end, no one really likes java.util.logging, so how about
SLF4J, its really easy and nice to use?

Simple is good. I've not done much with Aspects but we could really do with
keeping down the complexity quotient I think. I'm keen that whatever
information we put out can be transported to whatever management solution is
used in the future so having a facade for accepting logged information
sounds good. We can start off with a simple console logger and migrate to
more complex distributed managment/logging solutions if required in the

I also think exception handling could be improved, I don't find the current

exception formatter design easy to use, and most times stack traces end up
missing the important bit of information you need. How about just using
traditional way of  putting everything in the exception message and  using
properties files to allow for I18N?

I agree that I find the current exception messages lacking but I have to
admit to not having studied how they are implemented so I'll go take a look
and come back on this one.

One thing I've wondered about was having a release specifically targeting

these RAS type features. So once we've worked out the strategy for
exceptions, internationalization etc we have a release where a big focus
on implementing/fixing/testing all these RAS things.

+1 I'm stringly in favour of this and would very much like to help out. Even
if it's not all of the community if a few of us can take a sweep through the
code and get the level of error reporting/logging up a notch then that's
going to improve our usability no end. People don't expect the software to
be perfect but if it fails and doesn't give any clues in lots of cases that
that gives a bad impression. This is particulalry the case when the failure
is down to user input. So we need to be really careful about loading the
assembly model and loading extensions to report any detected inconsistencies
in a easy to understand manner.



Monitoring, logging, and exceptions (was: Re: Notifcation of missing extensions)

2007-04-18 Thread ant elder

On 4/17/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I found our current Monitor stuff difficult to follow as well. I suggest

that we start a new discussion thread to discuss monitoring in general,
and try to come up with something that will be more usable and easier to
adopt through our whole runtime.

Starting the new thread for you...

I agree we should improve monitoring and logging in the runtime.

I've used AOP before for this type of thing, its cool, but it does add yet
another new thing to know about which could be off putting for new
developers. How about just using one of the existing logging packages that
most people are already completely familiar with? Commons Logging looks like
its coming to its end, no one really likes java.util.logging, so how about
SLF4J, its really easy and nice to use?

I also think exception handling could be improved, I don't find the current
exception formatter design easy to use, and most times stack traces end up
missing the important bit of information you need. How about just using the
traditional way of  putting everything in the exception message and  using
properties files to allow for I18N?

One thing I've wondered about was having a release specifically targeting
these RAS type features. So once we've worked out the strategy for logging,
exceptions, internationalization etc we have a release where a big focus is
on implementing/fixing/testing all these RAS things.
