ClassNotFoundException On WebSphere

2008-05-22 Thread Dan Becker
This may have been discussed before, but just in case I want to bring to 
everyone's attention. If you are trying to run some of the Tuscany 
sample and demo web applications on WebSphere, you may see the following 

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

at java.lang.Class.forNameImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(

The solution to this problem is that you must set application properties 
to use the application class loader before the parent container class 
loader. Then Tuscany class dependencies packaged in your web app will be 
successfully loaded and resolved.

A step by step explanation and walk through is given my Jean-Sebastien 

Thanks, Dan Becker

Beginner question on running Tuscany demo-mortgage-loanapproval

2008-05-07 Thread Dan Becker
This is a rather simple question on running the SCA 
demo-mortgage-loanapproval. I am attempting to run this from my Eclipse 
environment, so I have most of the Tuscany projects on the build path as 
dependent projects and much of my MAven repos on the build path as 
dependent libraries.

However, when I run as Java application the mortgage.MortgageClient 
main (as in the ant run target), I see the following exception. Does 
anyone know why Axis refuses a connection? Is there some other setup to 
run this demo? Any pointers are appreciated.

Exception in thread main 
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Connection refused: connect

at $Proxy10.getCreditScore(Unknown Source)
at mortgage.LoanApprovalImpl.approve(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

at $Proxy7.approve(Unknown Source)
at mortgage.MortgageClient.main(
Thanks, Dan Becker

Re: Initial tuscany run mvn problems

2008-03-25 Thread Dan Becker

Luciano Resende wrote:

Then you just need to add to your PATH environment variable, another
way to try is to just issue the command like :


Try running this command at the command prompt or adding it to a bat file:

set PATH=d:\apache-maven-2.0.8\bin\mvn;%PATH%

Thanks, Dan Becker

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Re: Ask for help on promot and target

2008-03-24 Thread Dan Becker

Fengxiang wrote:

My mother luangage is not english.So I can't got an deep understand with the
specification document of assembly of sca.
Especially on attribution of promot and target, Could you give me an detail
explaination .

Hello Fengxiang,

Your English is fine. We all understand your message.

I do not know if you are aware of the Tuscany introduction pages at The documentation 
section has some good overview of the specification.

Some of the calculator examples at 
show how to program targets. Write back if this does not help with what 
you are looking for.

Thanks, Dan Becker

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Re: ask for help on use tuscany in tomcat6.0.10

2008-03-20 Thread Dan Becker

Raymond Feng wrote:
I'm working on a whitepaper which describes how to package tuscany as a 
web application for Geronimo. Most of the content applies to Tomcat too. 
You can find it at: 

This is a very useful article that I and many other will find useful.

One tiny nit. In the wiki presentation, some of the long lines in the 
code examples make the article very wide. As a result with limited 
screen space, the centered graphics appear far off to the right and 
require some left/right scrolling. Perhaps you can break some of the 
long code lines in pom.xml to narrow the width of the article, or you 
can left justify the graphics or make them smaller. It might make this 
easier to read on smaller screens. Or someone can buy me a bigger monitor!

Thanks, Dan Becker

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