Re: [Tutor] Has anyone ever tried to convert the textual output of thedis module to another language

2005-04-16 Thread R. Alan Monroe
>> Just curious. Googling for 'python "dis module" convert "another
>> language" ' only got two hits. So maybe no one is trying it? I was
>> just daydreaming about a native python compiler, and wondered how
>> feasible it would be.

> I hope that your true google search string doesn't contain the two single
> quote on the outside...

Nope. That was just to set it off from the rest of the sentence in the

> So basically any website that contains 'dis module', which stands for what
> by that way?

It's python's included disassembler for its own virtual machine. It's
interesting to play around with. Try:

import dis
dis.dis(name of some function you def'd in your program)


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Has anyone ever tried to convert the textual output of thedis module to another language

2005-04-16 Thread Jacob S.
Just curious. Googling for 'python "dis module" convert "another
language" ' only got two hits. So maybe no one is trying it? I was
just daydreaming about a native python compiler, and wondered how
feasible it would be.
Well, from the way I understand the google search works, you would have to 
hit a website that contains *exactly* 'dis module' and\or *exactly* 'another 
language' and\or 'python' and\or 'convert'

I hope that your true google search string doesn't contain the two single 
quote on the outside...
That would mean the website would need to look for the whole string exactly.

So basically any website that contains 'dis module', which stands for what 
by that way? Maybe you should try that without the quotes becase of this 
abbreviation that potential hits might not use.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, try generalizing the search.
Maybe other people call what you're asking for by a different name that you 
aren't including.

Such searches aren't a really good way to judge the statistics of said 
projects due to the name idea etc.

Okay, I'm done.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] "paused" graphic leaves a 'residue' when returning to game?

2005-04-16 Thread Liam Clarke
Hi Denise, 

Are you using Pygame?On 4/15/05, D. Hartley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Another quick question:I can pause and unpause the little game I created, and I have agraphic to display over top of the game screen when it is paused,which tells the user which key to press to unpause, right?  It's set
up the same way as my "game over" graphic.  But in any case, when Iunpause, it leaves this "residue" of the "paused" text on the gamescreen. the moving game characters move over it and sort of wipe it
out, but I have no idea why it's there or how to clear it!Has anyone else encountered a problem like this before? I can post thespecific code if that would be helpful.  I've tried to clear thescreen, refresh, etc., and since the pause screen uses the same code
as the game over screen I figured the former should not leave aresidue if the latter does not.  Any suggestions for things to tryout, to fix this?Thanks a ton!~Denise___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
-- 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.'
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: How can I avoid cut'n'paste in this case?

2005-04-16 Thread Andrei
Nigel Rowe> writes:

> >> I have two modules, both define the same set of classes (with differing
> >> implementations) and a number of utility functions that use those
> >> classes.
> >> The utility functions are identical (the differences I need are
> >> abstracted in the classes), so they are cut'n'pasted into both files.

How about putting all utility functions in a separate module and doing a "from P
import *" or "from C import *" at the top of that module, depending on some
command line parameter or whatever it is that determines which one should be
imported? It's not elegant by any means, but at least you don't have to
copy-paste code around any more and the changes to the existing code are 

> >> How can I refactor these modules to avoid the code duplication?

I would say that the fact that there are two parallel implementations of the
same classes with small differences is worrying as well. There should be an
ancestor layer in there implementing common behavior.

> Maybe I'm going too far, trying to eliminate the cut'n'paste, but I've
> always thought it a bad smell.

It does indeed smell of a maintenance nightmare waiting to happen :). The bad
part is that it tends to get progressively worse. Imagine also what would happen
if you'd get even more of those similar modules. 



Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: newbie intro to pickle

2005-04-16 Thread Andrei
Lee Harr> writes:

> Now my question is how do you keep people from just loading
> the high score file with whatever scores they want?

I'd say this is impossible particularly with Python, because cheaters could
always look in the source and find out whatever you're doing to the scores and
if they can't get around it, they can certainly feed that routine bogus scores
and get valid (but cheated) score files. Cheating happens even with
closed-source games.

The only reliable way of scoring is to have an application which both runs and
keeps scores on computers you control (i.e. an online in-browser game), without
relying on cookies or any other form of client-side data.

If you just want to keep casual tinkerers from playing with a plain text scores
file, simple safeguards would suffice, like:

- writing a MD5 hash of the scores list along with the scores themselves. If the
scores are modified and the MD5 isn't, the two won't match.

- implementing some trivial obsfucation (as opposed to real encryption)
algorithm which you could apply to the data before writing it. You could for
example use the zlib module for this (compress the result of pickle.dumps and
decompress the string read from file before feeding it to pickle.loads). The
result will look tremendously ugly and scary, plus it will save a few bytes in
storage space if you're lucky :).

- storing the scores in a bsddb (it can be modified by hand, but it looks quite
scary and mistakes might lead to breakage)

It's quite obvious though that no method is good enough if you attach any kind
of value to high scores, by e.g. posting the highest scores on your webpage.



Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: How can I avoid cut'n'paste in this case?

2005-04-16 Thread Nigel Rowe
Kent Johnson wrote:

> Nigel Rowe wrote:
>> I have two modules, both define the same set of classes (with differing
>> implementations) and a number of utility functions that use those
>> classes.
>> The utility functions are identical (the differences I need are
>> abstracted in the classes), so they are cut'n'pasted into both files.
>> A simplified concrete example (not what I'm doing, but it illustrates the
>> point):
>> -- --
>> |class Comment:
>> |def __init__(self, value):
>> |self.value = value
>> |
>> |def __str__(self):
>> |return "/* " + self.value + " */"
>> |
>> |# utility functions
>> |import time
>> |def stamp():
>> |return Comment(time.asctime())
>> -- --
>> |class Comment:
>> |def __init__(self, value):
>> |self.value = value
>> |
>> |def __str__(self):
>> |return "# " + self.value + "\n"
>> |
>> |# utility functions
>> |import time
>> |def stamp():
>> |return Comment(time.asctime())
>> How can I refactor these modules to avoid the code duplication?
> You could make stamp() a classmethod of a common base class like this:
> #
> import time
> class CommentBase(object):
>  def stamp(cls):  # cls will be one of the Comment implementations
>  return cls(time.asctime())
>  stamp = classmethod(stamp)
> #
> from CommentBase import CommentBase
> class Comment(CommentBase):
>  def __init__(self, value):
>  self.value = value
> # Client code
> from C import Comment
> c = Comment.stamp()  # This becomes CommentBase.stamp(Comment)
> print type(c), c.value
> Kent

Thanks Kent, that's an approach that wouldn't have occurred to me. 
Unfortunately it's not going to do the job for me, since it would require
extensive changes to the client code.

import C as lang

would need to be re-written as

import C as lang

The other problem is that there are a LOT of classes, and some of the
utility functions make use of multiple classes.

eg. (not real code)
class this: ...
class that: ...
class other: ...
class something: ...

def utl_1():
x = this()
y = other()
def utl_2():
z = this()
foo = something()
def utl_3():
a = something()
b = other()

(You get the idea.)

Maybe I'm going too far, trying to eliminate the cut'n'paste, but I've
always thought it a bad smell.

Nigel Rowe
A pox upon the spammers that make me write my address like..
rho (snail) swiftdsl (stop) com (stop) au

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] TKinter and things over Linux

2005-04-16 Thread Bill Campbell
On Sat, Apr 16, 2005, joe_schmoe wrote:
>Alberto Troiano wrote:
>>Hi everyone
>>Sorry to bother you again but I don't know where else to go
>>I recently switch to Linux Red Hat AS 3.0 because I have to make a 
>>daemon to run in this OS and I'm having a few problems
>>I've struggle to replace Python 2.2(machine default) to 2.3.4 (tough but 
>>Now I want to program a GUI with Tkinter but when I put the sentence 
>>from TKinter import *, it tells me that it doesn't find the module 
>>Tkinter. I have downloaded Python 2.3.4 from and follow the 

The build process for python will pick up installed libraries for various
components (e.g. Berkeley database, Tk, etc.), so if you don't have Tkinter
on your system, and you built python yourself, it probably means that you
don't have the necessary Tk/TCL development libraries installed on the
system.  Careful perusal of the output of the build is necessary to see
what libraries have been built, and which were skipped.  I normally build
using ``make 2>&1 | tee makelist'' which puts all the output in the file
makelist which I can then examine when the make is complete.

>>Secondly I want to know how to run the .py programs and which is the 
>>extension of a GUI in Linux (I know that for Windows is .pyw but it 
>>doesn't know what are these in Linux)

Python scripts should Just Run(tm) whether they have a .py extension or not
on a Linux box.  Linux, and most *nix flavours don't depend on the file
suffix to determine what type of file it is, but generally look at the
first few bytes of the file (if a text file starts with ``#!'' the rest of
the line is taken to be the command to run the script.


INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

When you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship.
-- Harry Truman
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] TKinter and things over Linux

2005-04-16 Thread joe_schmoe
Alberto Troiano wrote:
Hi everyone
Sorry to bother you again but I don't know where else to go
I recently switch to Linux Red Hat AS 3.0 because I have to make a 
daemon to run in this OS and I'm having a few problems
I've struggle to replace Python 2.2(machine default) to 2.3.4 (tough but 
Now I want to program a GUI with Tkinter but when I put the sentence 
from TKinter import *, it tells me that it doesn't find the module 
Tkinter. I have downloaded Python 2.3.4 from and follow the 
Secondly I want to know how to run the .py programs and which is the 
extension of a GUI in Linux (I know that for Windows is .pyw but it 
doesn't know what are these in Linux)
Then is there an IDLE for Linux so I can run the program without having 
to go to the shell
Thanks a lot

Hi everyone
I recently switch to Linux Red Hat AS 3.0 because I have to make a 
daemon to run in this OS and I'm having a few problems
I've struggle to replace Python 2.2(machine default) to 2.3.4 (tough but 
Now I want to program a GUI with Tkinter but when I put the sentence 
from TKinter import *, it tells me that it doesn't find the module 
Tkinter. I have downloaded Python 2.3.4 from and follow the 
Secondly I want to know how to run the .py programs and which is the 
extension of a GUI in Linux (I know that for Windows is .pyw but it 
doesn't know what are these in Linux)
Then is there an IDLE for Linux so I can run the program without having 
to go to the shell
Thanks a lot

Hi Alberto
I am curious why you are using RH3.0 - be aware that many of the system 
calls of later Python releases may expect libraries that aren't part of 
the distro you are using. I couldn't say for sure, but I'd anticipate 
some limits to backwards compatibility.

Anyway, in answer to your question. To find the Tkinter modules, you 
should probably enter "whereis tkinter" at the command line and then 
re-install Python with that in its path, or re-install TKinter with the 
python installation path. RH has a tendency to Red Hat-ise the file 
hierarchy somewhat, so it could just be a case that one or the other 
doesn't know how to find its libraries.

I couldn't tell you what the extensions for GUIs are. Perhaps might have some clues for that. However, to run python 
programs from the shell, if you have added the she-bang (the #!/bin/sh 
part) as the first line of your program, then just enter python at the prompt and watch it run!!

I think that idle tends to be the native IDE for python, but there are 
others you could use, some of which might provide you with a GUI IDE so 
you don't have to use the command line. In the interim however, just 
enter idle at the command line and a new window will be spawned with the 

Python 2.4.1 (#1, Apr  6 2005, 09:36:35)
[GCC 3.3.4] on linux2
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

Personal firewall software may warn about the connection IDLE
makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback
interface.  This connection is not visible on any external
interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet.

IDLE 1.1.1
To use a text editor just enter ctrl + n in this window and then to run 
it, save it as *.py and hit F5 to run in the idle window.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: Eceptions

2005-04-16 Thread Diana Hawksworth

> From: "Brian van den Broek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Diana Hawksworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 3:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] exceptions
> > Diana Hawksworth said unto the world upon 2005-04-15 22:25:
> > > Hello list,
> > >
> > > I have been trying to trap a string entry by raising an exception.
> code follows - but the exception is never raised.  What am I doing
> > >
> > > TIA Diana
> > >
> > >  try:
> > >
> > > self.guess = int(self.num_ent.get())
> > >
> > > self.num_ent.delete(0,END)
> > > self.num_ent.focus_set()
> > >
> > >
> - Ignored:
> > > if self.guess < self.number:
> > > message = str(self.guess) + " is too low. You need
> guess higher"
> > >
> > > if self.guess > self.number:
> > > message = str(self.guess) + " is too high. You
need to
> guess lower"
> > >
> > > if self.guess == self.number:
> > > message = str(self.guess) + " is the correct
> > > self.message_txt.config(state = NORMAL)
> > > self.message_txt.config(state = DISABLED)
> > >
> > > self.message_txt.config(state = NORMAL)
> > > self.message_txt.delete(0.0, END)
> > > self.message_txt.insert(0.0, message)
> > > self.message_txt.config(state = DISABLED)
> > >
> > >
> > >  except(ValueError):
> > >  message = str(self.guess) + " is not a number. Please try
> again!"
> > >
> >
> > Hi Dianna,
> >
> > What are you expecting to raise the ValueError? It looks to me like
> > must be the line:
> >
> > self.guess = int(self.num_ent.get())
> >
> > But, if that is so, then the assignment to message in your except
> > clause won't work, as self.guess won't have been assigned.
> >
> > I'm no expert, so I may be missing something, but I wouldn't be
> > surprised if your num_ent.get() has details that are pertinent. What
> > does that method return?
> >
> > And, while I'm writing, I'd suggest rewriting your lines like:
> >
> > message = str(self.guess) + " is the correct number!"
> >
> > in this form instead:
> >
> > message = "%s is the correct number!" %self.guess
> >
> > The almost irrelevant benefit is that it is faster. The big plus is
> > string formatting is so handy, that I think it helps a lot to get
> > to using it in most cases, even those that are easy to handle with
> > string concatenation as you have done.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Brian vdB
> >
> >
> Thanks for your reply Brian.  The num_ent.get() method returns a
> Actually, it is an Entry box that returns a string, that I then
convert to
> an integer.  What I would like to do, is, if a user enters a string,
to have
> the program return an exception. At the moment it just blithely
carries on
> as if the string that was entered was in fact an integer, and compares
> entered string to a random number!
> Thanks for the hint on string formatting!  I had forgotten about that!
Been doing
> this for a month only!!!
> Thanks again. Diana
> - Done.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How can I avoid cut'n'paste in this case?

2005-04-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Nigel Rowe wrote:
I have two modules, both define the same set of classes (with differing
implementations) and a number of utility functions that use those classes.
The utility functions are identical (the differences I need are abstracted
in the classes), so they are cut'n'pasted into both files.
A simplified concrete example (not what I'm doing, but it illustrates the
-- --
|class Comment:
|def __init__(self, value):
|self.value = value
|def __str__(self):
|return "/* " + self.value + " */"
|# utility functions
|import time
|def stamp():
|return Comment(time.asctime())
-- --
|class Comment:
|def __init__(self, value):
|self.value = value
|def __str__(self):
|return "# " + self.value + "\n"
|# utility functions
|import time
|def stamp():
|return Comment(time.asctime())
How can I refactor these modules to avoid the code duplication?
You could make stamp() a classmethod of a common base class like this:
import time
class CommentBase(object):
def stamp(cls):  # cls will be one of the Comment implementations
return cls(time.asctime())
stamp = classmethod(stamp)
from CommentBase import CommentBase
class Comment(CommentBase):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
# Client code
from C import Comment
c = Comment.stamp()  # This becomes CommentBase.stamp(Comment)
print type(c), c.value
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Has anyone ever tried to convert the textual output of the dis module to another language

2005-04-16 Thread R. Alan Monroe
Just curious. Googling for 'python "dis module" convert "another
language" ' only got two hits. So maybe no one is trying it? I was
just daydreaming about a native python compiler, and wondered how
feasible it would be.


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] How can I avoid cut'n'paste in this case?

2005-04-16 Thread Nigel Rowe
Greetings all,
I hope someone can help me.

I have two modules, both define the same set of classes (with differing
implementations) and a number of utility functions that use those classes.

The utility functions are identical (the differences I need are abstracted
in the classes), so they are cut'n'pasted into both files.

A simplified concrete example (not what I'm doing, but it illustrates the

-- --
|class Comment:
|def __init__(self, value):
|self.value = value
|def __str__(self):
|return "/* " + self.value + " */"
|# utility functions
|import time
|def stamp():
|return Comment(time.asctime())

-- --
|class Comment:
|def __init__(self, value):
|self.value = value
|def __str__(self):
|return "# " + self.value + "\n"
|# utility functions
|import time
|def stamp():
|return Comment(time.asctime())

How can I refactor these modules to avoid the code duplication?

I tried:

|class Comment
|from utils import *

where contains the functions, but when I try to use C.stamp(), I

>>> import C as lang
>>> lang.stamp()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 3, in stamp
return Comment(time.asctime())
NameError: global name 'Comment' is not defined

Any suggestions how I could (for instance) emulate a #include "" or
any other technique to eliminate the dreaded cut'n'paste?


Nigel Rowe
A pox upon the spammers that make me write my address like..
rho (snail) swiftdsl (stop) com (stop) au

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] distutils problem

2005-04-16 Thread Paul Tremblay
On Sat, Apr 16, 2005 at 12:58:33PM -0400, Paul Tremblay wrote:
> I have written a script that is available at:
> This script has gotten about 1600 downloads and I have not got many
> bug complaints. However, recently I got the bug complaint listed
> below. 
> This bug--if it is one--seems to be related to the person't version
> and setup of python rather than my script. Can anyone make sense of
> it?
> Thanks 
> Paul
> forwarded message
> =
> I tried to set this up according to the documentation at
> But when I try to run
>python install
> (both as user and as root)
>  I get
>   xps8250:/home/chuck/rtf2xml-1.0a# python install
>   running install
>   error: invalid Python installation: unable to open 
> /usr/lib/python2.3/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)
> According to apt-get, I do have Python correctly installed. I also did
> this:
> xps8250:/home/chuck/rtf2xml-1.0a# python
>  Python 2.3.5 (#2, Mar 26 2005, 17:32:32)
>  [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-12)] on linux2
> However, in /usr/lib/python2.3/   there is no subdirectory for
> /config/Makefile, nor any Makefile in any python subtree. I've looked
> around the Python online documentation, but haven't found any
> clues. Any suggestions?

Okay, I just did a web search (which I should have done before I
posted this!) and discovered that the problem is probably due to the
user not having the development package of python installed as well. I
posted him and will wait to hear from him.



*Paul Tremblay *

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] distutils problem

2005-04-16 Thread Light
I think he may need to install python-devel.

> I have written a script that is available at:
> This script has gotten about 1600 downloads and I have not got many
> bug complaints. However, recently I got the bug complaint listed
> below.
> This bug--if it is one--seems to be related to the person't version
> and setup of python rather than my script. Can anyone make sense of
> it?
> Thanks
> Paul
> forwarded message
> =
> I tried to set this up according to the documentation at
> But when I try to run
>python install
> (both as user and as root)
>  I get
>   xps8250:/home/chuck/rtf2xml-1.0a# python install
>   running install
>   error: invalid Python installation: unable to open
> /usr/lib/python2.3/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)
> According to apt-get, I do have Python correctly installed. I also
> did this:
> xps8250:/home/chuck/rtf2xml-1.0a# python
>  Python 2.3.5 (#2, Mar 26 2005, 17:32:32)
>  [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-12)] on linux2
> However, in /usr/lib/python2.3/   there is no subdirectory for
> /config/Makefile, nor any Makefile in any python subtree. I've looked
> around the Python online documentation, but haven't found any
> clues. Any suggestions?

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] distutils problem

2005-04-16 Thread Paul Tremblay
I have written a script that is available at:

This script has gotten about 1600 downloads and I have not got many
bug complaints. However, recently I got the bug complaint listed

This bug--if it is one--seems to be related to the person't version
and setup of python rather than my script. Can anyone make sense of



forwarded message

I tried to set this up according to the documentation at

But when I try to run

   python install

(both as user and as root)

 I get

  xps8250:/home/chuck/rtf2xml-1.0a# python install

  running install

  error: invalid Python installation: unable to open 
/usr/lib/python2.3/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)

According to apt-get, I do have Python correctly installed. I also did

xps8250:/home/chuck/rtf2xml-1.0a# python

 Python 2.3.5 (#2, Mar 26 2005, 17:32:32)

 [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-12)] on linux2

However, in /usr/lib/python2.3/   there is no subdirectory for
/config/Makefile, nor any Makefile in any python subtree. I've looked
around the Python online documentation, but haven't found any
clues. Any suggestions?


*Paul Tremblay *

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] TKinter and things over Linux

2005-04-16 Thread Alberto Troiano

Hi everyone
Sorry to bother you again but I don't know where else to go
I recently switch to Linux Red Hat AS 3.0 because I have to make a daemon to run in this OS and I'm having a few problems 
I've struggle to replace Python 2.2(machine default) to 2.3.4 (tough but could)
Now I want to program a GUI with Tkinter but when I put the sentence from TKinter import *, it tells me that it doesn't find the module Tkinter. I have downloaded Python 2.3.4 from and follow the steps.
Secondly I want to know how to run the .py programs and which is the extension of a GUI in Linux (I know that for Windows is .pyw but it doesn't know what are these in Linux)
Then is there an IDLE for Linux so I can run the program without having to go to the shell
Thanks a lot 
Hi everyone
I recently switch to Linux Red Hat AS 3.0 because I have to make a daemon to run in this OS and I'm having a few problems 
I've struggle to replace Python 2.2(machine default) to 2.3.4 (tough but could)
Now I want to program a GUI with Tkinter but when I put the sentence from TKinter import *, it tells me that it doesn't find the module Tkinter. I have downloaded Python 2.3.4 from and follow the steps.
Secondly I want to know how to run the .py programs and which is the extension of a GUI in Linux (I know that for Windows is .pyw but it doesn't know what are these in Linux)
Then is there an IDLE for Linux so I can run the program without having to go to the shell
Thanks a lot 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Re: newbie intro to pickle

2005-04-16 Thread R. Alan Monroe

> Now my question is how do you keep people from just loading
> the high score file with whatever scores they want?

> This is not to disparage a simple (and probably very useful)
> high score file. It is just something that I have been thinking
> about doing myself for quite a while, but I can never quite get
> a grasp on how I would go about it.

This is a recurring discussion in a lot of usenet newsgroups. The
prevailing wisdom is: don't bother. Any way you come up with to keep
it secret can be defeated. Period.


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: newbie intro to pickle

2005-04-16 Thread Lee Harr
Pickling simply converts an object to a string (unpickling does the 
convert a string to an object). The dump() function writes the generated 
directly to a file, but you can use the dumps() function to get the 
string as such and do something else with it (e.g. put it in a database, 
send it
by mail, whatever).

mylist = [1, 2, 34, 4.2, 'abc']
s = pickle.dumps(mylist)
s # display the string
[1, 2, 34, 4.2002, 'abc']

... and just to complete the connection of dumps to dump,
you could write the string out to a file yourself ...
import pickle
mylist = [1, 2, 34, 4.2, 'abc']
s = pickle.dumps(mylist)
file_object = file('somefile.pickle', 'w') # I don't think there is a 
"standard" suffix
_file_object = file('somefile.pickle')
_s =
_mylist = pickle.loads(still_s)
[1, 2, 34, 4.2002, 'abc']
Now my question is how do you keep people from just loading
the high score file with whatever scores they want?
This is not to disparage a simple (and probably very useful)
high score file. It is just something that I have been thinking
about doing myself for quite a while, but I can never quite get
a grasp on how I would go about it.
Any thoughts?
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Re: [Tutor] Sort a list into equal sized chunks

2005-04-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Klas Marteleur wrote:
I have wrestled with a problem since last weeks knapsack discussion.
This is what i want, but i cant get it into a program.

I have a sorted list (for example):
aList = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
I have a max value (for example):
I have another list:
After processing "aList" i want my "anotherList" to look like this:
were every element is as close to maxValue as possible.
As someone noted, this problem is properly called the bin packing problem. If you google for "bin 
packing problem" there are a number of interesting references. This one is easy to read:

Finding the optimal partition is a hard problem. But for your purposes (sorting files onto DVDs) a 
simple greedy algorithm might be sufficient. Here is a simple implementation of a First Fit 
Decreasing algorithm:

''' Partition a list into sublists whose sums don't exceed a maximum
using a First Fit Decreasing algorithm. See
for a simple description of the method.
class Bin(object):
''' Container for items that keeps a running sum '''
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
self.sum = 0
def append(self, item):
self.sum += item
def __str__(self):
''' Printable representation '''
return 'Bin(sum=%d, items=%s)' % (self.sum, str(self.items))
def pack(values, maxValue):
values = sorted(values, reverse=True)
bins = []
for item in values:
# Try to fit item into a bin
for bin in bins:
if bin.sum + item <= maxValue:
#print 'Adding', item, 'to', bin
# item didn't fit into any bin, start a new bin
#print 'Making new bin for', item
bin = Bin()
return bins
if __name__ == '__main__':
import random
def packAndShow(aList, maxValue):
''' Pack a list into bins and show the result '''
print 'List with sum', sum(aList), 'requires at least', (sum(aList)+maxValue-1)/maxValue, 

bins = pack(aList, maxValue)
print 'Solution using', len(bins), 'bins:'
for bin in bins:
print bin
aList = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
packAndShow(aList, 11)
aList = [ random.randint(1, 11) for i in range(100) ]
packAndShow(aList, 11)
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[Tutor] TKinter and things over Linux

2005-04-16 Thread Alberto Troiano
Hi everyone
I recently switch to Linux Red Hat AS 3.0 because I have to make a daemon to run in this OS and I'm having a few problems 
I've struggle to replace Python 2.2(machine default) to 2.3.4 (tough but could)
Now I want to program a GUI with Tkinter but when I put the sentence from TKinter import *, it tells me that it doesn't find the module Tkinter. I have downloaded Python 2.3.4 from and follow the steps.
Secondly I want to know how to run the .py programs and which is the extension of a GUI in Linux (I know that for Windows is .pyw but it doesn't know what are these in Linux)
Then is there an IDLE for Linux so I can run the program without having to go to the shell
Thanks a lot 

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Re: [Tutor] Re: newbie intro to pickle

2005-04-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Andrei wrote:
Pickling is also very useful when combined with the bsddb module, because you
get a fast database which functions very much like a dictionary, and in which
you can put anything you like, as long as you pickle it first.

import bsddb
mydb = bsddb.btopen('game.db')
mydb['highscores'] = pickle.dumps(mylist)
mydb['highestlevel'] = pickle.dumps(21)
mydb['lastplayer'] = pickle.dumps('John Doe')
mydb = bsddb.btopen('game.db')
'John Doe'
You might be interested in the shelve module which essentially does this for you. With shelve your 
example would look like this:

import shelve
d ='game.db')
d['highscores'] = mylist
d['highestlevel'] = 21
d['lastplayer'] = 'John Doe'
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] high score lists

2005-04-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Chris Smith wrote:
high = [(1000,"Denise"), (945,"Denise"), (883,"Denise"),
 (823,"Grant"), (779,"Aaron"), (702,"Pete"),
 (555,"Tom"), (443,"Tom"), (442,"Robin"), (404,"Pete")]
for score, who in high:
col1 = str(score).rjust(10)
col2 = who.rjust(20).replace(' ', '.') #replace spaces with dots
print col1 + col2
--the output--
--end output--
Sweet. Note that in Python 2.4 you can write
  col2 = who.rjust(20, '.')
instead of
  col2 = who.rjust(20).replace(' ', '.') #replace spaces with dots
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Sort a list into equal sized chunks

2005-04-16 Thread Klas Marteleur
I have wrestled with a problem since last weeks knapsack discussion.

This is what i want, but i cant get it into a program.

I have a sorted list (for example):
aList = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]

I have a max value (for example):

I have another list:

After processing "aList" i want my "anotherList" to look like this:
were every element is as close to maxValue as possible.

Can somebody give me a push in the back?

Kind Regards 
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: exceptions

2005-04-16 Thread Andrei
Diana Hawksworth> writes:

> I have been trying to trap a string entry by raising an exception.  The code
follows - but the exception is
> never raised.  What am I doing wrong?

I've snipped the code that is irrelevant to this question.

>  try:
>  self.guess = int(self.num_ent.get())
>  except(ValueError):
>  message = str(self.guess) + " is not a number. Please try again!"

Obviously it's hard to determine what's happening since I don't know that that
get() returns, nor what you do with the message. Now let's play with that a bit
in the interpreter:

>>> try:
... guess = int('abc')
... except (ValueError):
... print 'not a number'
not a number
>>> try:
... guess = int('4')
... except (ValueError):
... print 'not a number'
>>> try:
... guess = int('abc')
... except (ValueError):
... message = 'not a number'
>>> print message
not a number

The first run demonstrates that the code is working. The second run shows that
if your source doesn't return any invalid data, the exception will not be
raised. The third run shows that the exception is triggered, but you will simply
not notice it if you don't do anything with message. 

By the way, the third implementation contains a potential problem: if the
message variable does not exist before the try-except and everything goes well,
you'll get a NameError if you try to print it. Also if it does exist, it will
need to be reset before the try-except, otherwise afterwards you won't know
whether its value comes from the last try-except or from some time in the past.

On a sidenote: recommended Python style is to use 4 spaces per indentation 



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[Tutor] Re: newbie intro to pickle

2005-04-16 Thread Andrei
D. Hartley> writes:

> So the .dump command is, in effect, saving the file, correct? which
> takes the object you're saving (in my case it would be
> high_scorelist), and ("filename",". what is the "w" ?)  Why does
> the temp file you're saving into end in .pik?

Pickling simply converts an object to a string (unpickling does the opposite,
convert a string to an object). The dump() function writes the generated string
directly to a file, but you can use the dumps() function to get the generated
string as such and do something else with it (e.g. put it in a database, send it
by mail, whatever).

>>> mylist = [1, 2, 34, 4.2, 'abc']
>>> s = pickle.dumps(mylist)
>>> s # display the string
>>> pickle.loads(s)
[1, 2, 34, 4.2002, 'abc']

Pickling is also very useful when combined with the bsddb module, because you
get a fast database which functions very much like a dictionary, and in which
you can put anything you like, as long as you pickle it first.

>>> import bsddb
>>> mydb = bsddb.btopen('game.db')
>>> mydb['highscores'] = pickle.dumps(mylist)
>>> mydb['highestlevel'] = pickle.dumps(21)
>>> mydb['lastplayer'] = pickle.dumps('John Doe')
>>> mydb.close()
>>> mydb = bsddb.btopen('game.db')
>>> pickle.loads(mydb['lastplayer'])
'John Doe'

This is not useful for small amounts of data like the highscores list, but if
you have more data (e.g. level data, dialog texts) and you need quick access to
it without having to keep everything in memory all the time, bsddb is a
comfortable option.



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