Re: [Tutor] Printing

2005-12-27 Thread Terry Carroll
On Mon, 26 Dec 2005, John Corry wrote:

 Thanks for the prompt reply.  This is exactly what I am looking for.
 However, I have tried the code on the page and I can't get it to work.
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File c:\python24\, line12, in ?
 pywintypes.error: (2, 'ShellExecute', 'The system cannot find the file

Odd.  Works for me.

Just for the heck of it, try using a known filename, instead of making a 
randomly-named one, and try closing the file first:

import win32api
filename = testprint.txt
fileobj=open (filename, w)
fileobj.write (This is a test)
win32api.ShellExecute (

Then you can confirm at least, that your file is being created.

What version python are you using?  I'm using activestate's:

ActivePython 2.4.1 Build 245 (ActiveState Corp.) based on
Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:33:37) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] regex

2005-12-27 Thread Danny Yoo

 Dec 18 10:04:45 dragon logger: TCPWRAP: SERVICE=sshd@:::

Hi Will,

Observation: the output above looks comma delimited, at least the stuff
after the 'TCPWRAP:' part.

 self.twist_fail_re =

The line given as example doesn't appear to have whitespace in the places
that the regular expression expects.  It does contain commas as delimiters
between the key/value pairs encoded in the line.

There's more information on regular expressions here:

that should help you get started.

As an aside: the structure of the log line above is simple enough that you
might not even need regexes --- regular string methods might just be
powerful enough.  For example, strings have a 'split()' method to break a
string into a list of substrings:

['hello', 'world', 'this', 'is', 'a', 'test']

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] regex

2005-12-27 Thread Kent Johnson
Danny Yoo wrote:
Dec 18 10:04:45 dragon logger: TCPWRAP: SERVICE=sshd@:::
 Hi Will,
 Observation: the output above looks comma delimited, at least the stuff
 after the 'TCPWRAP:' part.
self.twist_fail_re =
 The line given as example doesn't appear to have whitespace in the places
 that the regular expression expects.  It does contain commas as delimiters
 between the key/value pairs encoded in the line.

Expanding on Danny's comment...

\S*\s matches any amount of non-whitespace followed by one whitespace. 
This doesn't match your sample. It looks like you want to match 
non-comma followed by comma. For example this will match the first field:

Presumably you will want to pull out the value of the field so enclose 
it in parenthesis to make a group:


Another thing I notice about your regex is it doesn't include all the 
fields in the sample, for example TYPE. If the fields are always the 
same you can just include them in your regex. If they vary you can try 
to make the regex skip them, use a different regex for each field, or 
try Danny's approach of using str.split() to break apart the data.

The Regex Demo program that comes with Python is handy for creating and 
testing regexes. Look in C:\Python24\Tools\Scripts\ or the 


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] How to call mysqlcommand in Python , mysqldump for backup

2005-12-27 Thread John Joseph
I am trying to execute some MySQL commands using
some python scripts 
  I want to do a “mysqldump” of my database “john” to
a file
the normal command  to take a dump is 
 mysqldump  john backup.sql

  I tried python , by importing 
 “import os”
but  I am stuck in  how to call “mysqldump” in
python and execute it 
  Help and guidance requested

NEW Yahoo! Cars - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars 
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How to call mysqlcommand in Python , mysqldump for backup

2005-12-27 Thread nephish
ooh ooh, i know this one, i have python do this for me every day !

target_dir = '/path/to/where/you/want/to/dump'

os.system(mysqldump --add-drop-table -c -u user -ppassword database
table  +target_dir+/table.bak.sql)

dont forget the p in front of your password !

hope this helps

On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 13:07 +, John Joseph wrote:
 I am trying to execute some MySQL commands using
 some python scripts 
   I want to do a “mysqldump” of my database “john” to
 a file
 the normal command  to take a dump is 
  mysqldump  john backup.sql
   I tried python , by importing 
  “import os”
 but  I am stuck in  how to call “mysqldump” in
 python and execute it 
   Help and guidance requested
 NEW Yahoo! Cars - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars 
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] code review please

2005-12-27 Thread Eakin, W
 Although I've been coding in PHP and ASP and
_javascript_ for a couple of years now, I'm relatively new to Python. For
learning exercises, I'm writing small Python programs that do limited
things, but hopefully do them well.

The following program takes a text file, reads through it, and any word
longer than four characters will have the internal letters scrambled,
but the first and last letters of the word will remain unchanged.
Here's what happened when I ran the program on a file called

This is a sample of text that has been scrambled, before and after.

Tihs is a sapmle of txet taht has been sblrmcead, broefe and aetfr.

The code follows, so any comments and/or suggestions as to what I did
right or wrong, or what could be done better will be appreciated.


#!/usr/bin/env python
#filelocation: /home/william/programming/code/python
#filedate: 12/25/2005

import sys
import random

def fileScramble(fileName):
 newFile = file('scrambled.txt', 'w')
 newRow = ''
 for line in fileName:
  newRow = ''
  tempList = line.split(' ')
  for word in tempList:
   newRow = newRow + ' ' + wordScramble(word)
  newRow = newRow + '\n'

def wordScramble(word):
 punctuation = ['.', ',', ':', ';', '(', ')']
 if len(word)  4:
  return word
 elif len(word) == 4 and word[-1] in punctuation or word[0] in punctuation:
  return word
 elif len(word) == 4:
  word = word[0] + word[2] + word[1] + word[3]
  return word
  (fCut, fLetter) = getLetter(word, 0, 'forward')
  (lCut, lLetter) = getLetter(word, -1, 'back')
  tempWord = list(word)
  del tempWord[:fCut + 1]
  del tempWord[lCut:]
  middleString = .join(tempWord)
  scrambledWord = fLetter + middleString + lLetter
  return scrambledWord

def getLetter(string, number, direction):
 if direction == 'forward':
  increment = 1
  increment = -1
 if string[number].isalpha() == True:
  if direction == 'forward':
   return (number, string[:number + 1])
   return (number, string[number:])
 elif string[number].isalpha() == False:
  return getLetter(string, number + increment, direction)

if __name__ == __main__:
  if sys.argv[1].isspace() == True:
   print No file
was given to the program to process.\n-- Program
quitting --\n
f = open(sys.argv[1])
   except IOError:
print That file does not exist, or you do not have permission to
access it.\n-- Program quitting --\n
 except IndexError:
  print No file was given to the
program to process.\n-- Program quitting

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Printing

2005-12-27 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 27 Dec 2005, John Corry wrote:

 I am saving the code to c:\python24\
 The code creates the file c:\python24\testprint.txt

John, I would *very* strongly advise not to store your code in c:\python24
or any subdirectory in it.  That is where Python itself lives, and it's
very possible that you could create a file with the same name as a
Python-supplied file, and the file you create will start getting
erroneously used instead of the correct one.

I don't know that this is your problem, but it's certainly a factor I 
would eliminate.  Can you tell us what other files, and their names, you 
may have added there?

I have a directory named C:\test where I do my coding.  I generally create 
a subdirectory with some memorable name and work there.  For example, for 
testing your problem out, I have


There may be some differences between what's installed in your Python 
installation and in mine.  I'm a big fan of Activestate's ActivePython.  
It includes most of the Win32-specific stuff you'll need already.  

You may end up needing to re-install Python if you've put too much into
the Python24 directory; if so, I'd suggest you re-install from the
Activestate version.  It's also free, and made to target Windows.  I don't
know of any downsides to using it instead of the Windows release from, and it just works.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] code review please

2005-12-27 Thread Danny Yoo

Hi William,

Here are some constructive comments on the program; if you have questions
on any of it, please feel free to ask.

 def fileScramble(fileName):

We may want to rename fileName to something else, as it isn't being
treated as a filename, but more like a file-like object.  Good names help
to clarify programs.  I had expected the input here to be a string, and to
see it be a file-like object was a little disorienting at first.

[within fileScramble() ...]

 newFile = file('scrambled.txt', 'w')
 newRow = ''
 for line in fileName:

It's possible that the lines here still have their trailing newlines: you
might want to rstrip() them out before further processing.

 def wordScramble(word):
 punctuation = ['.', ',', ':', ';', '(', ')']
 if len(word)  4:
 return word
 elif len(word) == 4 and word[-1] in punctuation or word[0] in

The complexity of the elif is a bit high.  Do you mean:

((len(word) == 4 and word[-1] in punctuation) or
 word[0] in punctuation)

or do you mean:

len(word) == 4 and (word[-1] in punctuation or
word[0] in punctuation)

Explicit parenthesization is a good idea here, since there are two
possible ways of parsing the expression.  It's unambiguous to the computer
of course, but since it's ambiguous for humans, let's make it explicit
what we mean.

 def getLetter(string, number, direction):
 if direction == 'forward':
 increment = 1
 increment = -1
 if string[number].isalpha() == True:

The above if statement can be simplified to:

if string[number].isalpha(): ...

because comparing True to True is a bit redundant.

In fact, since either string[number].isalpha() is True or it isn't, this
allows us simplify the block:

if string[number].isalpha() == True:
elif string[number].isalpha() == False:

so that we use a simpler if/else:

if string[number].isalpha():

Looking into the __main__, I see:

 f = open(sys.argv[1])
 except IOError:
 print That file does not exist, or you do not have

In the exception handler, we may want to also show the message of the
exception too, just in case another kind of IOError has occurred.

According to:

we can grab at the 'errno' and 'strerror' attributes of the exception
object to display more detailed information --- I'd recommend including
those in the error output, since that's useful debugging information.

Similarly, the try/except for IndexError seems too pervasive: rather than
wrap it around the whole program, we may want to limit its extent to just
around the sys.argv access.  Otherwise, any other IndexError has the
potential of being misattributed.  Much of the program does indexing of
some sort, so that's why this concerns me.

Alternatively, doing the explicit length check:

   if not sys.argv[1:]:
   print some kind of usage message
   raise SystemExit

might be sufficient.

Unless we really want to hide errors from the user, I'd avoid the
exception handlers altogether: if bad things happen, the default exception
handler gives a fairly good stack trace that aids debugging.

But if we do want to handle the exceptions manually, we should try to make
sure that useful information is preserved in the error messages: it's a
terrible thing to get an error message that says Something bad happened.
when we can do much better.  *grin*

I hope this critique helps!

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Sets and Python; new shiny tool syndrome?

2005-12-27 Thread Liam Clarke
Hi all,

I just tried out sets for the first time, and I'm finding multiple
uses for them, particularly for replacing  and simplifying what would
normally be one or two list comprehensions i.e.

def parseKws(self, kw_data):
ignoreSet = set(['import', 'from', 'as', ' ', ''])
kws = set([])
for line in kw_data:
line = line.rstrip(\n)
if , in line: line = line.replace(,,  )
if ; in line: line = line.replace(;,  )
l = set(line.split( ))
k = l.difference(ignoreSet)

instead of

l = line.split( )
k = [ item for item in l if not (item in ignoreSet or item in kws) ]

(Above just gets module names from various import statements.)

However, I'm reminded of the joke about you can tell what chapter
someone reading the Patterns book by the Gang of Four is up to by what
new pattern they're trying to use the next day, no matter the problem.

Are there any drawbacks to sets that I need to watch out for?


Liam Clarke
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Sets and Python; new shiny tool syndrome?

2005-12-27 Thread Danny Yoo

 I just tried out sets for the first time, and I'm finding multiple uses
 for them, particularly for replacing and simplifying what would normally
 be one or two list comprehensions i.e.

   def parseKws(self, kw_data):
   ignoreSet = set(['import', 'from', 'as', ' ', ''])
   kws = set([])
   for line in kw_data:
   line = line.rstrip(\n)
   if , in line: line = line.replace(,,  )
   if ; in line: line = line.replace(;,  )

Hi Liam,

Quick comment: the two if statements there can be simplified by just doing
the replacement straight-out:

line = line.replace(,,  )
line = line.replace(;,  )

The reason is that if those characters aren't present, no harm is done.

But looking at the code, I'm curious: it looks like you're trying to
tokenize the keywords out of Python source?  If so, you may want to look
at the 'tokenize' module:

as it'll handle some of the especially tricky cases like handling string

 However, I'm reminded of the joke about you can tell what chapter
 someone reading the Patterns book by the Gang of Four is up to by what
 new pattern they're trying to use the next day, no matter the problem.

 Are there any drawbacks to sets that I need to watch out for?

Use them when they're appropriate, and don't use them when they're not.

It really is problem sensitive: if order matters, then sets probably
aren't appropriate.  But sets are such a pervasive concept that few
problems don't provide opportunities to take advantage of them.

Happy holidays to you!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Printing

2005-12-27 Thread bob
At 08:52 AM 12/26/2005, John Corry wrote:
Thanks for the prompt reply.  This is exactly what I am looking for.
However, I have tried the code on the page and I can't get it to work.

import tempfile
import win32api

filename = tempfile.mktemp (.txt)
open (filename, w).write (This is a test)
win32api.ShellExecute (

Also beware that the file must have an extension associated with an 
application that recognizes the print command. e.g. if the file is 
named foo.doc and .doc is registered as belonging to MS Word, then 
this will open MSword, open the file, print the file and close Word. 
It is the equivalent of right-clicking the file in the explorer and 
then choosing Print from the context menu.

I am using the Pythoncard code editor and I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File c:\python24\, line12, in ?
pywintypes.error: (2, 'ShellExecute', 'The system cannot find the file

I have played about with it and saved it in various places but I can't get
it to work.  Any suggestions?  Do I need to import other modules?  Do I need
to use Pythonwin?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Danny Yoo
Sent: 24 December 2005 19:33
To: John Corry
Cc: Tutor
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Printing

  I have downloaded win32, win32com, Preppy and PIL.  I have had a go at
  using them but can't get them to work.  At the moment I can't even print
  the text file.
  Is there a good helpguide/FAQ page which deals with printing text files
  or is there simple code which prints a text file?

Hi John,

Let's see... ok, found it!  Tim Golden has written a small introduction to

His recommendation is to use the ShellExecute function in win32api to send
off documents to your printer.

Best of wishes!

Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Writing/reading lists to a file

2005-12-27 Thread Hans Dushanthakumar

   Is there any easy way of writing lists to a file and more
importantly, reading it back as a list of lists rather than as a list of


 t = [t1, PASS, 31]
 f = open(pass.txt,a+)
 f.write(str(t) + \n)
 f.write(str(t) + \n)

At this stage, the file contains two lines.

Now, if I use the readlines() function to read it back, heres what I
 f = open(pass.txt,r+)
 r = f.readlines()
[['t1', 'PASS', 31]\n, ['t1', 'PASS', 31]\n, ['t1', 'PASS', 31]\n]
['t1', 'PASS', 31]\n

So, r[0] is now a string. Is there ant direct way of extracting the list
from this string?

Or alternatively, can I read the file as a list of lists rather than
list of strings (which is what readlines() appears to do).

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Sets and Python; new shiny tool syndrome?

2005-12-27 Thread Liam Clarke
On 12/28/05, Danny Yoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just tried out sets for the first time, and I'm finding multiple uses
  for them, particularly for replacing and simplifying what would normally
  be one or two list comprehensions i.e.
def parseKws(self, kw_data):
ignoreSet = set(['import', 'from', 'as', ' ', ''])
kws = set([])
for line in kw_data:
line = line.rstrip(\n)
if , in line: line = line.replace(,,  )
if ; in line: line = line.replace(;,  )

 Hi Liam,

 Quick comment: the two if statements there can be simplified by just doing
 the replacement straight-out:

 line = line.replace(,,  )
 line = line.replace(;,  )

 The reason is that if those characters aren't present, no harm is done.

 But looking at the code, I'm curious: it looks like you're trying to
 tokenize the keywords out of Python source?  If so, you may want to look
 at the 'tokenize' module:

 as it'll handle some of the especially tricky cases like handling string

Thanks Danny, I'm writing a little database to stash my code snippets
in, and my thinking tends to go along the lines of That code I did
that use imaplib... so I'm linking module names to the stored files;
that said, I'll use tokenizer next time I try and write a wxPython
frontend for IronPython and save myself a lot of grief!

  However, I'm reminded of the joke about you can tell what chapter
  someone reading the Patterns book by the Gang of Four is up to by what
  new pattern they're trying to use the next day, no matter the problem.
  Are there any drawbacks to sets that I need to watch out for?

 Use them when they're appropriate, and don't use them when they're not.

 It really is problem sensitive: if order matters, then sets probably
 aren't appropriate.  But sets are such a pervasive concept that few
 problems don't provide opportunities to take advantage of them.

Good to know; I'm very glad that they're part of Python. They're
making my job a whole lot simpler.

 Happy holidays to you!

And likewise. :)
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Writing/reading lists to a file

2005-12-27 Thread Liam Clarke
Hi Hans,

If you're looking to store lists as lists, may I recommend the cPickle module?
It's good for most times when you want to store an object as an object.

 import cPickle
 a = [1,2,3]
 b = [4,5,6]
 c = [7,8,9]
 d = [a,b,c]
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
 print d[0][1]
 f = file(filetosaveto,wb)
 cPickle.dump(d, f)
 del d
 f = file(filetosaveto,rb)
 newD = cPickle.load(f)
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]


Liam Clarke

On 12/28/05, Hans Dushanthakumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there any easy way of writing lists to a file and more
 importantly, reading it back as a list of lists rather than as a list of


  t = [t1, PASS, 31]
  f = open(pass.txt,a+)
  f.write(str(t) + \n)
  f.write(str(t) + \n)

 At this stage, the file contains two lines.

 Now, if I use the readlines() function to read it back, heres what I
  f = open(pass.txt,r+)
  r = f.readlines()
 [['t1', 'PASS', 31]\n, ['t1', 'PASS', 31]\n, ['t1', 'PASS', 31]\n]
 ['t1', 'PASS', 31]\n

 So, r[0] is now a string. Is there ant direct way of extracting the list
 from this string?

 Or alternatively, can I read the file as a list of lists rather than
 list of strings (which is what readlines() appears to do).

 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] code review please

2005-12-27 Thread Kent Johnson
Eakin, W wrote:
 The code follows, so any comments and/or suggestions as to what I did 
 right or wrong, or what could be done better will be appreciated.

 def fileScramble(fileName):
 newFile = file('scrambled.txt', 'w')
 newRow = ''
 for line in fileName:
 newRow = ''
 tempList = line.split(' ')
 for word in tempList:
 newRow = newRow + ' ' + wordScramble(word)
 newRow = newRow + '\n'

This seem pretty verbose to me. Using tempList doesn't IMO add anything, 
it might as well be
   for word in line.split(' '):
   for word in line.split():
since you probably want to split on tabs also and this will strip the 
trailing newlines as a bonus.

I usually prefer a list comprehension to an accumulation loop when 
possible so I would actually write it as
   newWords = [ wordScramble(word) for word in line.split() ]
   newRow = ' '.join(newWords) + '\n'

or even
   newRow = ' '.join(wordScramble(word) for word in line.split()) + '\n'

though that might be a little too terse for easy comprehension.

 def wordScramble(word):
 punctuation = ['.', ',', ':', ';', '(', ')']
 if len(word)  4:
 return word
 elif len(word) == 4 and word[-1] in punctuation or word[0] in 
 return word
 elif len(word) == 4:
 word = word[0] + word[2] + word[1] + word[3]
 return word

Rather than repeating the test for len(word) == 4, I would write

 elif len(word) == 4:
   if word[-1] in punctuation or word[0] in punctuation:
 return word
 word = word[0] + word[2] + word[1] + word[3]
 return word

This also breaks up the long conditional that Danny complained about.

 (fCut, fLetter) = getLetter(word, 0, 'forward')
 (lCut, lLetter) = getLetter(word, -1, 'back')
 tempWord = list(word)
 del tempWord[:fCut + 1]
 del tempWord[lCut:]

I think this is the same as
   tempWord = list(word[fCut+1:lCut])

 middleString = .join(tempWord)
 scrambledWord = fLetter + middleString + lLetter
 return scrambledWord
 def getLetter(string, number, direction):

I found it very hard to understand what this function does. A better 
name and a comment would help a lot. You might consider having separate 
getFirstLetter() and getLastLetter() since much of getLetter() is taken 
up with the conditionals and compensating for trying to do two things.

def getFirstLetter(string, number=0):
 if string[number].isalpha() == True:
 return (number, string[:number + 1])
 return getFirstLetter(string, number + 1)

Even better would be to use a simple loop to find the index of the first 
letter, and split the string into three sections in the caller.

BTW thinking of writing this as a loop brings to mind some problems - 
what will your program do with 'words' such as 555-1212 or Ha! ?

 if direction == 'forward':
 increment = 1
 increment = -1
 if string[number].isalpha() == True:
 if direction == 'forward':
 return (number, string[:number + 1])
 return (number, string[number:])
 elif string[number].isalpha() == False:
 return getLetter(string, number + increment, direction)
 if __name__ == __main__:
 if sys.argv[1].isspace() == True:
 print No file was given to the program to 
 process.\n-- Program quitting --\n
 f = open(sys.argv[1])
 except IOError:
 print That file does not exist, or you do not have 
 permission to access it.\n-- Program quitting --\n
 except IndexError:
 print No file was given to the program to 
 process.\n-- Program quitting --\n
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -