Re: [Tutor] Avoiding repetetive pattern match in re module

2006-01-05 Thread bob

At 02:41 AM 1/5/2006, Intercodes wrote:
Hello everyone,
 Iam new to this mailing list as well as
python(uptime-3 weeks).Today I learnt about RE from one was really helpful. I
started working out with few examples on my own. The first one was to
collect all the HTML tags used in an HTML file. I wrote this
import re
file1=open(raw_input(\nEnter The path of the HTML file:
while 1:
 if data="">
Consider a shorter way to grab the entire file:
ans = open(raw_input(\nEnter The path of the HTML file:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Further help needed!

2006-01-05 Thread John Corry
Notepad opens and prints the text file.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of John Fouhy
Sent: 04 January 2006 21:54
To: Tutor
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Further help needed!

[resending 'cause I forgot to address to tutor..]

On 05/01/06, John Corry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This code works on windows XP + Windows 2000.  However it does not work on
 windows 98SE.  I have tried this code on 3 seperate machines with windows
 98SE.  They all come up with the same error:

 line 310, in RunScript
 exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
   File C:\test\, line 12, in ?
 error: (31, 'ShellExecute', 'A device attached to the system is not

Have you verified that the printer on your Win98 machine does work?

For example, create a text file on that computer.  In Windows
Explorer, right-click on the text file and select 'print' from the
context menu.  What happens?

Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Avoiding repetetive pattern match in re module

2006-01-05 Thread Danny Yoo

 Instead of writing a new 'for,if' loop to filter the repetetive tags
 from the list, is there something that I can add in the re itself to
 match the pattern only once?

Hi Intercodes,

As far as I know, no: regular expressions don't have the capacity to
remember what tags they've matched in previous matching runs.

You may find sets useful in filtering out duplicates:

For example:

 from sets import Set as set
 set([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6])
Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9])

So you should not need to code much extra logic to do the duplication
filtering: sets do this for you already.

As an aside, I want to second Alan's recommendation to avoid doing so much
string concatenation: it's actually very expensive to do the following:

ans = ''
while 1:
if data==:

From a technical standpoint, it has quadratic complexity in terms of
what work the computer is doing.  It's related to the mathematical idea
that 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + n = n(n+1).

The string concatenation that the code does above is analogous because it
rebuilds larger and larger strings in a similar fashion.  Alan's approach,
to use, sucks up the string in one shot, so it's much less
computationally expensive.

If you do end up having to concatenate a lot of strings together, use the
join() method of lists instead.  We can talk about this in more detail if
you'd like.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Avoiding repetetive pattern match in re module

2006-01-05 Thread Danny Yoo
 From a technical standpoint, it has quadratic complexity in terms of
 what work the computer is doing.  It's related to the mathematical idea
 that 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + n = n(n+1).

Gaa, where did my division sign go?  *grin*

Sorry, that equation should be:

1 + 2 + ... + n = n(n+1)/2

We can see this:

 import operator
 def sumUpTo(n):
... return reduce(operator.add, range(n+1))
 for i in range(10):
... print sumUpTo(i), 'vs', i*(i+1) / 2
0 vs 0
1 vs 1
3 vs 3
6 vs 6
10 vs 10
15 vs 15
21 vs 21
28 vs 28
36 vs 36
45 vs 45

 If you do end up having to concatenate a lot of strings together, use the
 join() method of lists instead.

I should clarify this.  I meant to say we should use the string method of
join() on lists.  For example, if we didn't have, we could
still do:

ans = ''.join(file1.readlines())

which takes the lines of the file and joins them altogether at once.

Good luck!

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] string to integer

2006-01-05 Thread Boyan R.
I need program to convert my string in integer.
I remember in BASIC I used  val(string) command 
Is there a Python equivalent ?

Here is how it should work:
val(7) = 7
val(bbab7) = 7
val(aa7aa) = 7
val(   7) = 7  

This last is most important, currently I don't know how to
convert string7 to integer value 7 in my program
(those empty spaces are nasty)
btw, I'm working with random numbers, I took 7 just for example :)

Also, what are chr() values for enter and (empty) space ?
If anybody have a table with chr() values, I'd appreciate
if he upload it somewhere. Thanks in advance !

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Avoiding repetetive pattern match in re module (fwd)

2006-01-05 Thread Danny Yoo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 01:53:41 +0530
From: Intercodes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Avoiding repetetive pattern match in re module

Hello Danny,

Thanks for the response. The read() and join() method worked like charm. I
couldn't tune the sets.Set() though. It eliminated duplicates from the list,
but I couldn't find a method in sets to print only the set data ( instead I
get  Set([data1,data2]) when a set object is printed )

Actually,I have to code an compiler for javascript , so Iam working on the
basic stuff of parsing,re's and other stuff. I thought re's could do
everything  ;)


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Disabling a frame in Tkinter

2006-01-05 Thread Hans Dushanthakumar
   Is there any way to disable an entire frame (and all its included
widgets) in Tkinter. It does not seem to support state=DISABLED.

Another Tkinter question: In a listbox, how do I intially set a
selected item? What I want to do here is have the 1st item in a
listbox selected (ie highlighted) when the appln is run.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] string to integer

2006-01-05 Thread Danny Yoo

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Boyan R. wrote:

 I need program to convert my string in integer.
 I remember in BASIC I used  val(string) command
 Is there a Python equivalent ?

 Here is how it should work:
 val(7) = 7
 val(bbab7) = 7
 val(aa7aa) = 7
 val(   7) = 7

Hi Boyan,

Python has a function that's somewhat similar called the int() function.

However, it's a bit more strict about its input than what you may be used

 int(   5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 5th

To make something like val, we can try to pull out the first bunch of
digits we see, and int()ify that.  Here's one example of this approach:

import re

def val(s):
Tries to extract the first integer value we can see from
string s.
result =\d+, s)
if not result:
raise ValueError, (invalid literal for val(): %s % s)
return int(

Let's see how this works:

 val(this is 1derful)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File stdin, line 6, in val
ValueError: invalid literal for val(): huh?

 Also, what are chr() values for enter and (empty) space ? If anybody
 have a table with chr() values, I'd appreciate if he upload it
 somewhere. Thanks in advance !

I think you're asking: what's the ordinal values that we input into
chr() to get the enter and space characters?

If so: do you know about the ord()  builtin function?

Play around with it, and I think you should be able to get the values you
are looking for.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] string to integer

2006-01-05 Thread bob
At 12:40 PM 1/5/2006, Boyan R. wrote:
I need program to convert my string in integer.
I remember in BASIC I used  val(string) command
Is there a Python equivalent ?

Here is how it should work:
val(7) = 7
val(bbab7) = 7
val(aa7aa) = 7
val(   7) = 7

This last is most important, currently I don't know how to
convert string7 to integer value 7 in my program
(those empty spaces are nasty)
btw, I'm working with random numbers, I took 7 just for example :)

int(7) - 7
int( 7) - 7
int(aa7aa) -ValueError: invalid literal for int(): aa7aa. You'd 
need to remove the non-digits using replace or re.sub.

what are chr() values for enter and (empty) space ?
If anybody have a table with chr() values

Are you asking what numeric value passed to chr() gives Enter (etc)? 
If so consult any ASCII Chart. One is at Of course Enter in ASCII is CR. 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Avoiding repetetive pattern match in re module (fwd)

2006-01-05 Thread Adam
On 05/01/06, Danny Yoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-- Forwarded message --Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 01:53:41 +0530From: Intercodes [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Danny Yoo 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [Tutor] Avoiding repetetive pattern match in re moduleHello Danny,Thanks for the response. The read() and join() method worked like charm. Icouldn't tune the 
sets.Set() though. It eliminated duplicates from the list,but I couldn't find a method in sets to print only the set data ( instead Iget  Set([data1,data2]) when a set object is printed )
How about this s = set([1,2,2,3,4,3,3,5]) list(s)[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]Then it just prints out like a list. Also if the objects in the list are strings you can use the .join method to turn it into a string.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] string to integer

2006-01-05 Thread Alan Gauld
 Here is how it should work:
 val(7) = 7
 val(bbab7) = 7
 val(aa7aa) = 7
 val(   7) = 7  

There is no direct equivalent for val() as shpwn above the 
nearest is int() or float() but that will only work with the first
and last examples. (It is a pretty arbitrary functionn  to convert 
aa7aa to 7!)
What does val do with a6b5c?

You could strip all chars out of the string first:

nums = [ch for ch in aString if ch in string.digits]
val = int(str(nums))

Which would result in 65 for the example I gave... and 
that might be what you expect?

 This last is most important, currently I don't know how to
 convert string7 to integer value 7 in my program

Just use int()

 Also, what are chr() values for enter and (empty) space ?

Why would you need chr if you know its an empty space? 
Just use ' ' directly. 

if ch = ' ':

'enter' is more tricky since it depends on your OS and to 
some extent your terminal type. For example a TekTronics 
terminal in an xterm window on Linux gives a different value 
for Enter than the default vt100 terminal...

Again, if we knew why you needed to know we might be able 
to suggest a suitable mechanism otr alternate technique?

 If anybody have a table with chr() values, I'd appreciate
 if he upload it somewhere. 

Just do a google search for ASCII that should find several 
tables of the value/character combinations. Searching for 
Unicode will likewise find the Unicode values.

chr() is just the string representation of a number.

n = ord(c)
print chr(ord(c))

should print c since ord() convers the character to a number 
and chr() converts it back...

for n in range(256): print chr(n)

will print all of them (although some are unprintable!)


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

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Re: [Tutor] string to integer

2006-01-05 Thread Boyan R.
Thank you both
I think I'll manage to continue with my program :)

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Excel files to Tab delim files

2006-01-05 Thread Srinivas Iyyer
Dear group, 
 is there any library available that would convert
over 2000 .xls files to tab delim text files. 

I have over 2000 Excel files and I want to convert
them to tab delim files, which has become a pain in


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Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

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Re: [Tutor] Excel files to Tab delim files

2006-01-05 Thread John Fouhy
On 06/01/06, Srinivas Iyyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear group,
  is there any library available that would convert
 over 2000 .xls files to tab delim text files.

Check out pyExcelerator:

The documentation is a bit light, but basically, if you do:

import pyExcelerator
workbook = pyExcelerator.parse_xls('myFile.xls')

then workbook will be a data structure looking like [(sheet name, {
(row, col): data })]

ie: a list of tuples, where the first element is the sheet name (eg,
u'Sheet 1', u'Sheet 2') and the second element is a dictionary whose
keys are (int, int) pairs representing cells (where A1 is (0, 0)) and
whose values are the values of the cells.

From that, you should be able to easliy produce a tab delimited file
(or anything else you want).

The only issue I have had with it is that it reads integers as
strings, but I haven't looked at the latest version so this may be
fixed, and if you're just writing out to CSV file that won't matter
[be aware, though, that any dates in the spreadsheet will turn into integers]

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Disabling a frame in Tkinter

2006-01-05 Thread John Fouhy
On 06/01/06, Hans Dushanthakumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there any way to disable an entire frame (and all its included
 widgets) in Tkinter. It does not seem to support state=DISABLED.

Not that I'm aware of...  You could try maybe something like this (untested):

def setState(widget, state=DISABLED):
  except TclError:   # not sure what exception will be raised
  for child in widget.children:
setState(child, state=state)

 Another Tkinter question: In a listbox, how do I intially set a
 selected item? What I want to do here is have the 1st item in a
 listbox selected (ie highlighted) when the appln is run.

Have a look at Fredrik Lundh's Introduction to Tkinter.  You can use
.selection_clear() to clear the selection and .selection_set(index) to
select an item. So, .selection_set(0) will select the first item (just
make sure the listbox isn't empty).

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Excel files to Tab delim files

2006-01-05 Thread Danny Yoo
 From that, you should be able to easliy produce a tab delimited file
 (or anything else you want).

There's even a 'csv' module in Python's Standard Library to handle some of
the awkward cases in generating tab-delimited data:

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Syntax Error

2006-01-05 Thread Kris Kerwin
Hi all,

I'm working on a little script, but every time that I run it, it comes 
back as a syntax error around line 24. However, I can't find anything 
wrong with it.

I figure that maybe I just need another set of eyes. Please take a 
look at this code, and let me know if you can find anything wrong 
with it that would cause a syntax error?

Thanks in advance!

Kris Kerwin

 Script -


import commands
import string
import os


file_string = commands.getoutput('tree -afi')
new_file_string = string.replace(file_string, ' ', '_SPACE_')
file_list = string.split(new_file_string)

# Pop of leading '.' directory.

# Pop of directory stats.

index = 1
while index  (len(file_list) + 1):
file_name = file_list.pop()
new_file_name = string.replace(file_name, '_SPACE_', ' ')
unix_name = string.replace(new_file_name, ' ', '\ '
file_type = commands.getoutput('file %s' % unix_name) #  Line 24

if file_type == '%s: ASCII mail text, with very long lines' % 
file_contents = commands.getoutput('cat %s' % unix_name)
print file_contents
index = index + 1

index = index + 1


Description: application/python

Description: PGP signature
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Syntax Error

2006-01-05 Thread John Fouhy
On 06/01/06, Kris Kerwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 unix_name = string.replace(new_file_name, ' ', '\ '

Well, there seems to be a closing parenthesis missing on this line :-)

By the way --- starting with python2.2 (?), most of the functions in
the string module are deprecated in favour of calling methods on
strings themeslves.

So, instead of saying:

 new_file_string = string.replace(file_string, ' ', '_SPACE_')

You would say:

new_file_string = file_string.replace(' ', '_SPACE_')


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Python upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4

2006-01-05 Thread Srinivas Iyyer
Hi, I might be asking this question out of context.
however, eversince I started working with Python, the
only mailing list that I used ever is this. So this
could be also the other reason that I am posting here.

I am currently using Python 2.3 for windows XP.  I
wanted to use PyExcellerator module. However, this
module need the Python to be 2.4. 

So how should I upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4 without
loosing the neat libraries and modules that I have
been using on 2.3. these python modules and libraries
are backbone for my programming skills. so how could I
upgrade without loosing theh binaries and modules (eg.
BioPython module, EUtils etc.

I downloaded the 2.4 MSI and it was installed in
Pyhthon2.4 directoryu and when I started Python2.4
windows GUI, it never came up. I do not the reason. 

Any suggestion and help please. ..

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] string to integer

2006-01-05 Thread Brian van den Broek
Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 05/01/06 04:16 PM:
Here is how it should work:
val(7) = 7
val(bbab7) = 7
val(aa7aa) = 7
val(   7) = 7  
 There is no direct equivalent for val() as shpwn above the 
 nearest is int() or float() but that will only work with the first
 and last examples. (It is a pretty arbitrary functionn  to convert 
 aa7aa to 7!)
 What does val do with a6b5c?
 You could strip all chars out of the string first:
 nums = [ch for ch in aString if ch in string.digits]
 val = int(str(nums))


I'd spell that

nums = [ch for ch in aString if ch.isdigit()]


Brian vdB
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