[Tutor] recursive glob -- recursive dir walk

2009-06-10 Thread spir

A foolow-up ;-) from previous question about glob.glob().

I need to 'glob' files recursively from a top dir (parameter). Tried to use 
os.walk, but the structure of its return value is really unhandy for such a use 
(strange, because it seems to me this precise use is typical). On the other 
hand, os.path.walk seemed to meet my needs, but it is deprecated.

I'd like to know if there are standard tools to do that. And your comments on 
the 2 approaches below.

Thank you,

-1- I first wrote the following recurseDirGlob() tool func.

import os, glob

def dirGlob(dir, pattern):
''' File names matching pattern in directory dir. '''
fullPattern = os.path.join(dir,pattern)
return glob.glob(fullPattern)

def recurseDirGlob(topdir=None, pattern=*.*, nest=False, verbose=False):
'''  '''
allFilenames = list()
# current dir
if verbose:
print *** %s %topdir
if topdir is None: topdir = os.getcwd()
filenames = dirGlob(topdir, pattern)
if verbose:
for filename in [os.path.basename(d) for d in filenames]:
print%s %filename
# possible sub dirs
names = [os.path.join(topdir, dir) for dir in os.listdir(topdir)]
dirs = [n for n in names if os.path.isdir(n)]
if verbose:
print -- %s % [os.path.basename(d) for d in dirs]
if len(dirs)  0:
for dir in dirs:
filenames = recurseDirGlob(dir, pattern, nest, verbose)
if nest:
# final result
return allFilenames

Example with the following dir structure ; the version with nest=True will 
recursively nest files from subdirs.

2 .txt files and 1 with a different pattern, in each dir

recurseDirGlob(/home/spir/prog/d0, *.txt, verbose=True) --
*** /home/spir/prog/d0
-- ['d01', 'd02']
*** /home/spir/prog/d0/d01
-- []
*** /home/spir/prog/d0/d02
-- ['d020']
*** /home/spir/prog/d0/d02/d020
-- []
['/home/spir/prog/d0/t01.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/t02.txt', 
'/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t011.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t012.txt', 
'/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t021.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t022.txt', 

recurseDirGlob(/home/spir/prog/d0, *.txt) --
['/home/spir/prog/d0/t01.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/t02.txt', 
'/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t011.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t012.txt', 
'/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t021.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t022.txt', 

recurseDirGlob(/home/spir/prog/d0, *.txt, nest=True) --
['/home/spir/prog/d0/t01.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/t02.txt', 
['/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t011.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t012.txt'], 
['/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t021.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t022.txt', 

-2- Another approach was to build a general 'dirWalk' tool func, similar to 

def dirWalk(topdir=None, func=None, args=[], nest=False, verbose=False):
'''  '''
allResults = list()
# current dir
if verbose:
print *** %s %topdir
if topdir is None: topdir = os.getcwd()
results = func(topdir, *args)
if verbose:
print %s % results
# possible sub dirs
names = [os.path.join(topdir, dir) for dir in os.listdir(topdir)]
dirs = [n for n in names if os.path.isdir(n)]
if verbose:
print -- %s % [os.path.basename(d) for d in dirs]
if len(dirs)  0:
for dir in dirs:
results = dirWalk(dir, func, args, nest, verbose)
if nest:
# final allResults
return allResults

Example uses to bring the same results, calling dirGlob, would be:

dirWalk(/home/spir/prog/d0, dirGlob, args=[*.txt], verbose=True) --
dirWalk(/home/spir/prog/d0, dirGlob, args=[*.txt])
dirWalk(/home/spir/prog/d0, dirGlob, args=[*.txt], 

[Tutor] XML: changing value of elements

2009-06-10 Thread Johan Geldenhuys
Hi all,


I have a rather complex XML file and I need to change some values inside
this file.

So far I have been using minidom, but I can't find the thing I am looking


My code so far:


from xml.dom import minidom


xmlFile = 'signal1.xml'

xmlDocument = minidom.parse(xmlFile)


SignalsNode = xmlDocument.firstChild

signalNode = SignalsNode.childNodes[1]



signalNode.setAttribute(name, Test_Name)



descElem = signalNode.childNodes[1]



I know how to manipulate the value of the attributes, but I can't seem to
change the values of eg: Description



Snippet from my XML file:


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ? 

 file:///C:\Users\Public\XML%20parse\signal1.xml## - Signals 

 file:///C:\Users\Public\XML%20parse\signal1.xml## - Signal model=Model
name=Model_X type=Flyer

  DescriptionSome description/Description 

  SpecName Model_X /SpecName 

  Reporting category=POW name= / 

 file:///C:\Users\Public\XML%20parse\signal1.xml## - Trigger type=open


  MessageModel X 1/Message 


 file:///C:\Users\Public\XML%20parse\signal1.xml## - Trigger


  Message Model X 2/Message 





Any suggestions on how to change some of the values of the elements?






Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] gui further explained

2009-06-10 Thread Wayne
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Essah Mitges e_mit...@hotmail.com wrote:

 i don't know if its what i am searching that is wrong but what i am trying
 to do is
 link my game i made in pygame to my pygame menu the menu has 4 button
 classes on it one foe instruction one to quit one for high scores and one to
 start the game
 the 3 other buttons work all but the one to start the game this is basicly
 the menu i want people to see first the main menu

So why don't you put your menu in your game?

Consider the following:

# Lamegame.py - probably the lamest game ever!

print Welcome to Lame Game!
raw_input(Please type something and press enter: )
print You win!

So there's a game. Now let's add a menu:

# lamegameimproved.py - the lamest game, now with a menu!

import sys

print Welcome to Lame Game!
print \nMenu:\n
print (Q)uit
print (P)lay
choice = raw_input(Your Choice? (P or Q): )

if choice.lower() == 'q':
elif choice.lower() == 'p':
# add original code here

See? Quite simple. Even with pygame it shouldn't be a whole lot more complex
than that. And that's really the most simple example I could think of and
it's really not very good. For instance you could put the original code into
a game function and then call it if the choice was P.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Help running a simple python script for one time operation (noob)

2009-06-10 Thread Wayne
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:57 PM, Melinda Roberts mindi...@mac.com wrote:

 Hi -

 I would like to export a large amount of data from ExpressionEngine to
 Wordpress, and have had lots of trouble finding something that isn't miles
 over my head. I did find these three scripts, which seem to be perfect for
 this purpose, but I don't know how to go about implementing them. It's a
 three-step process:

 1. Configure and run Databases.cfg
 2. Run ExpressionEngineExport.py
 3. Run WordPressImport.py.

 I have a mac, am all set with access to my dbs on my host, all I need is to
 be pointed in the right direction. Anyone?

It looks like it should be straightforward. I don't have the sqlobject
library installed though, so it complains to me.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Wayne\My
xport.py, line 4, in module
from sqlobject import *
ImportError: No module named sqlobject

What that means is that I need to install sqlobject from

Python should be installed on your mac by default. It appears that you've
already got the Databases.cfg file configured, so you should just be able to
run the other two files in the same directory as your .cfg file and
everything should be fine.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] recursive glob -- recursive dir walk

2009-06-10 Thread Sander Sweers
2009/6/10 spir denis.s...@free.fr:
 A foolow-up ;-) from previous question about glob.glob().

Hopefully no misunderstanding this time :-)

 I need to 'glob' files recursively from a top dir (parameter). Tried to use 
 os.walk, but the structure of its return value is really unhandy for such a 
 use (strange, because it seems to me this precise use is typical). On the 
 other hand, os.path.walk seemed to meet my needs, but it is deprecated.

Is it really derecated? It is still in the 3.0 docs with no mention of this..

 I'd like to know if there are standard tools to do that. And your comments on 
 the 2 approaches below.

Well, this is what I came up with which I am sure someone can improve on.

 patern = '*.txt'
 topdir = 'C:\\GTK\\'
 textfiles = [f[0] for f in [glob.glob(os.path.join(d[0], patern)) for d in 
 os.walk(topdir)] if f]


 -1- I first wrote the following recurseDirGlob() tool func.

 import os, glob

 def dirGlob(dir, pattern):
        ''' File names matching pattern in directory dir. '''
        fullPattern = os.path.join(dir,pattern)
        return glob.glob(fullPattern)

 def recurseDirGlob(topdir=None, pattern=*.*, nest=False, verbose=False):
        '''  '''
        allFilenames = list()
        # current dir
        if verbose:
                print *** %s %topdir
        if topdir is None: topdir = os.getcwd()
        filenames = dirGlob(topdir, pattern)
        if verbose:
                for filename in [os.path.basename(d) for d in filenames]:
                        print    %s %filename
        # possible sub dirs
        names = [os.path.join(topdir, dir) for dir in os.listdir(topdir)]
        dirs = [n for n in names if os.path.isdir(n)]
        if verbose:
                print -- %s % [os.path.basename(d) for d in dirs]
        if len(dirs)  0:
                for dir in dirs:
                        filenames = recurseDirGlob(dir, pattern, nest, verbose)
                        if nest:
        # final result
        return allFilenames

 Example with the following dir structure ; the version with nest=True will 
 recursively nest files from subdirs.

 2 .txt files and 1 with a different pattern, in each dir

 recurseDirGlob(/home/spir/prog/d0, *.txt, verbose=True) --
 *** /home/spir/prog/d0
 -- ['d01', 'd02']
 *** /home/spir/prog/d0/d01
 -- []
 *** /home/spir/prog/d0/d02
 -- ['d020']
 *** /home/spir/prog/d0/d02/d020
 -- []
 ['/home/spir/prog/d0/t01.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/t02.txt', 
 '/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t011.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t012.txt', 
 '/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t021.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t022.txt', 

 recurseDirGlob(/home/spir/prog/d0, *.txt) --
 ['/home/spir/prog/d0/t01.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/t02.txt', 
 '/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t011.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t012.txt', 
 '/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t021.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t022.txt', 

 recurseDirGlob(/home/spir/prog/d0, *.txt, nest=True) --
 ['/home/spir/prog/d0/t01.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/t02.txt', 
 ['/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t011.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d01/t012.txt'], 
 ['/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t021.txt', '/home/spir/prog/d0/d02/t022.txt', 

 -2- Another approach was to build a general 'dirWalk' tool func, similar to 

 def dirWalk(topdir=None, func=None, args=[], nest=False, verbose=False):
        '''  '''
        allResults = list()
        # current dir
        if verbose:
                print *** %s %topdir
        if topdir is None: topdir = os.getcwd()
        results = func(topdir, *args)
        if verbose:
                print     %s % results
        # possible sub dirs
        names = [os.path.join(topdir, dir) for dir in os.listdir(topdir)]
        dirs = [n for n in names if os.path.isdir(n)]
        if verbose:
                print -- %s % [os.path.basename(d) for d in dirs]
        if len(dirs)  0:
                for dir in dirs:
                        results = dirWalk(dir, func, args, nest, verbose)
                        if nest:

Re: [Tutor] recursive glob -- recursive dir walk

2009-06-10 Thread Kent Johnson
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:28 AM, spirdenis.s...@free.fr wrote:

 A foolow-up ;-) from previous question about glob.glob().

 I need to 'glob' files recursively from a top dir (parameter). Tried to use 
 os.walk, but the structure of its return value is really unhandy for such a 
 use (strange, because it seems to me this precise use is typical). On the 
 other hand, os.path.walk seemed to meet my needs, but it is deprecated.

 I'd like to know if there are standard tools to do that. And your comments on 
 the 2 approaches below.

I would use os.walk(), with fnmatch.fnmatch() to do the pattern
matching, and write the function as a generator (using yield). It
would look something like this (untested):

import os, fnmatch
def findFiles(topDir, pattern):
  for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(topDir):
for filename in filenames:
  if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern):
yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename)

To get a list of matches you would call
  list(findFiles(topDir, pattern))

but if you just want to iterate over the paths you don't need the list.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] recursive glob -- recursive dir walk

2009-06-10 Thread Martin Walsh
spir wrote:
 A foolow-up ;-) from previous question about glob.glob().
 I need to 'glob' files recursively from a top dir (parameter). Tried to use 
 os.walk, but the structure of its return value is really unhandy for such a 
 use (strange, because it seems to me this precise use is typical). On the 
 other hand, os.path.walk seemed to meet my needs, but it is deprecated.

I often use Fredrik Lundh's implementation, when I need a recursive
'glob'. And even though it was contributed some time ago, it appears to
be 3.x compatible.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] gui further explained

2009-06-10 Thread Jacob Mansfield
 does anyone know how to make a parallel or serial interface with respective
software, i would prefer parallel because it is easy to utilise
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] gui further explained

2009-06-10 Thread A.T.Hofkamp

Jacob Mansfield wrote:

does anyone know how to make a parallel or serial interface with respective
software, i would prefer parallel because it is easy to utilise

Both the serial and the parallel interface seem to be covered by pyserial

http://pyserial.wiki.sourceforge.net and
http://pyserial.wiki.sourceforge.net/pyParallel .

With these libraries you can program the ports from Python.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] GUI recommendations/tutorials?

2009-06-10 Thread taserian
I think I'm ready to start working with some simple graphic output.
Currently, I've got the basics of a Python program that calculates full
tours of a honeycomb structure, going through each cell exactly once. The
output from the program shows the paths as coordinates of each cell; what
I'd like to do is create a simple window that would show the tour in
graphical format, and using keystrokes to go through all of the tours that
have been collected. I'm already accounting for eliminating duplicates by
rotational symmetry by restricting the starting point to the cells in the
northernmost row of hexes, but the ending point to be any of the edge
hexes. I'm trying to identify duplicates by reflexive symmetries as well,
but I'd like to get the visualization component up first.

My problem is that I have no GUI experience outside of Visual Studio-style
drag-and-drop IDEs. Which Python GUI system would you recommend for
neophytes that would allow line drawing and a simple graphic load of a
honeycomb structure in a JPG, for example, as a background?

Tony R.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] GUI recommendations/tutorials?

2009-06-10 Thread bhaaluu
Have you looked at PyGame yet?

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:05 PM, taseriantaser...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think I'm ready to start working with some simple graphic output.
 Currently, I've got the basics of a Python program that calculates full
 tours of a honeycomb structure, going through each cell exactly once. The
 output from the program shows the paths as coordinates of each cell; what
 I'd like to do is create a simple window that would show the tour in
 graphical format, and using keystrokes to go through all of the tours that
 have been collected. I'm already accounting for eliminating duplicates by
 rotational symmetry by restricting the starting point to the cells in the
 northernmost row of hexes, but the ending point to be any of the edge
 hexes. I'm trying to identify duplicates by reflexive symmetries as well,
 but I'd like to get the visualization component up first.

 My problem is that I have no GUI experience outside of Visual Studio-style
 drag-and-drop IDEs. Which Python GUI system would you recommend for
 neophytes that would allow line drawing and a simple graphic load of a
 honeycomb structure in a JPG, for example, as a background?

 Tony R.
 Tutor maillist  -  tu...@python.org

b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
Kid on Bus: What are you gonna do today, Napoleon?
Napoleon Dynamite: Whatever I feel like I wanna do. Gosh!
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] What is nntp news reader address for this mailing list?

2009-06-10 Thread ayyaz

testing again
ayyaz wrote:

Zia mkhawar...@hotmail.com wrote in message 

It works now.


Emile van Sebille em...@fenx.com wrote in message 

On 6/9/2009 3:38 PM Mohammad Khawar Zia said...

Hello All,

I am new to this mailing list. I am trying to setup outlook
Which version?  Older ones don't do news right and you'll need to be on 
outlook express if you must use something called outlook.  Try 

to read the posts on this mailing list.

What is the nntp address for thsi mailing list?

The news server is nntp://news.gmane.org/

Then subscribe to the lists you're interested in.


doesn't work.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] GUI recommendations/tutorials?

2009-06-10 Thread Wayne
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:05 AM, taserian taser...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think I'm ready to start working with some simple graphic output.
 Currently, I've got the basics of a Python program that calculates full
 tours of a honeycomb structure, going through each cell exactly once. The
 output from the program shows the paths as coordinates of each cell; what
 I'd like to do is create a simple window that would show the tour in
 graphical format, and using keystrokes to go through all of the tours that
 have been collected. I'm already accounting for eliminating duplicates by
 rotational symmetry by restricting the starting point to the cells in the
 northernmost row of hexes, but the ending point to be any of the edge
 hexes. I'm trying to identify duplicates by reflexive symmetries as well,
 but I'd like to get the visualization component up first.

 My problem is that I have no GUI experience outside of Visual Studio-style
 drag-and-drop IDEs. Which Python GUI system would you recommend for
 neophytes that would allow line drawing and a simple graphic load of a
 honeycomb structure in a JPG, for example, as a background?

I don't *think* the turtle module allows loading a jpg as a background, but
definitely allows you to draw a line.

Tkinter's canvas
PyGTK's DrawingArea
and even just using the PIL (Python Image(ing?) Library)

could all accomplish parts if not all of your goals.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] question about class

2009-06-10 Thread Lie Ryan
Vincent Davis wrote:
 Thanks again for the help, A little followup.
 For my applicant class I have a few initial values that need to be set
 but I what to choose the value (actually the calculation to set the
 value) for each applicant (instance?)
 Here is the start of my Applicant Class
 class Applicant(object):
   quality is refers to the quality of the Applicant
   observe refers to the accuracy of which they assess the
 quality of the school
   def __init__(self, quality = 0, observe = 0):
   self. quality = quality
   self. observe = observe
   def Quality(self, mean, sd):
   print self,
   self.quality = normalvariate(mean, sd)
   print -- %s % self
  def Observe(self, mean, sd):
   print self,
   self. observe = normalvariate(mean, sd)
   print -- %s % self

The problem with that approach is that repeated calls to Quality and
Observe would change the value of self.quality and self.observe and it
will be therefore unnecessary (and dangerous) to call
self.Quality/Observe again in the future

Usually I'd go with something like this:

class Applicant(object):
def __init__(self, quality, observe):
self.quality = quality
self.observe = observe
def norm_quality(self, mean, sd):
return normalvariate(mean, sd, self.quality)
def norm_observe(self, mean, sd):
return normalvariate(mean, sd, self.observe)

Additionally-- although it is a matter of style --instead of passing
mean and sd to norm_quality, I'd use functools.partial with
normalvariate, mean, and sd. Then since they now don't take parameters
they can then be easily turned into property using decorator.

 Or I could I guess do it this way, Is this better? I will only be
 setting the quality and observe values once for each instance.
 class Applicant(object):
   quality is refers to the quality of the Applicant
  observe refers to the accuracy of which they assess the
 quality of the school
   def __init__(self, mquality = 0, sdquality = 0, mobserve = 0,
 sdobserve = 0):
   self. quality = normalvariate(mquality, sdquality)
   self. observe = normalvariate(mobserve, sdobserve)

That approach is fine as well, however it wouldn't be much different
than using a tuple.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] vpython compatibility

2009-06-10 Thread Kent Johnson
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:52 PM, robertorobert...@gmail.com wrote:

 and last question: may python 3.0 and 2.6 be installed on the same pc ?

Yes, no problem.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] vpython compatibility

2009-06-10 Thread roberto
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Emile van Sebilleem...@fenx.com wrote:
 On 6/7/2009 10:48 AM roberto said...

 i have a short question:
 is vpython usable in conjunction with python 3.0 ?

 This is likely better answered by the vpython crowd -- I've not used or
 previously hear of vpython, but they're rather explicit on their download
 pages here http://vpython.org/contents/download_windows.html and here
 http://vpython.org/contents/download_linux.html that they recommend python
 2.5 or 2.6.

and last question: may python 3.0 and 2.6 be installed on the same pc ?

thank you again
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Parse Text File

2009-06-10 Thread Stefan Lesicnik
Hi Guys,

I have the following text

[08 Jun 2009] DSA-1813-1 evolution-data-server - several vulnerabilities
{CVE-2009-0547 CVE-2009-0582 CVE-2009-0587}
[etch] - evolution-data-server 1.6.3-5etch2
[lenny] - evolution-data-server 2.22.3-1.1+lenny1
[04 Jun 2009] DSA-1812-1 apr-util - several vulnerabilities
{CVE-2009-0023 CVE-2009-1955}
[etch] - apr-util 1.2.7+dfsg-2+etch2
[lenny] - apr-util 1.2.12+dfsg-8+lenny2

... (and a whole lot more)

I would like to parse this so I can get it into a format I can work with.

I don't know anything about parsers, and my brief google has made me think
im not sure I wan't to know about them quite yet!  :)
(It looks very complex)

For previous fixed string things, i would normally split each line and
address each element, but this is not the case as there could be multiple
[lenny] or even other entries.

I would like to parse from the date to the next date and treat that all as
one element (if that makes sense)

Does anyone have any suggestions - should I be learning a parser for doing
this? Or is there perhaps an easier way.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Need help solving this problem

2009-06-10 Thread Raj Medhekar
I have been teaching myself Python using a book. The chapter I am on currently, 
covers branching, while loops and program planning. I am stuck on on of the 
challenges at the end of this chapter, and I was hoping to get some help with 
this. Here it is:

Write a program that flips a coin 100 times and the tells you the number of 
heads and tails.

I have tried to think about several ways to go about doing this but I have hit 
a wall. Even though I understand the general concept of branching and looping, 
I have been having trouble writing a program with these.  I look forward to 
your reply that will help me understand these structures better.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Need help solving this problem

2009-06-10 Thread Albert-jan Roskam


This is how I would do it, but I'm still learning this too, so I'm very much 
open for suggestions.


import random
def draw ():
return random.sample([head, tail], 1)
def toss ():
heads, tails = 0, 0
for flip in range(100):
if draw() == [head]: heads += 1
else: tails += 1
return heads, tails
for attempt in range(20):
print attempt:, attempt+1, heads:, toss()[0], tails:, toss()[1]

--- On Wed, 6/10/09, Raj Medhekar cosmicsan...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: Raj Medhekar cosmicsan...@yahoo.com
 Subject: [Tutor] Need help solving this problem
 To: Python Tutor tutor@python.org
 Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 10:08 PM
 have been teaching myself Python using a book. The chapter I
 am on currently, covers branching, while loops and program
 planning. I am stuck on on of the challenges at the end of
 this chapter, and I was hoping to get some help with this.
 Here it is:
 Write a program that flips a coin 100 times and the tells
 you the number of heads and tails.
 I have tried to think about several ways to go about doing
 this but I have hit a wall. Even though I understand the
 general concept of branching and looping, I have been having
 trouble writing a program with these.  I look forward
 to your reply that will help me understand these structures
 -Inline Attachment Follows-
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Need help solving this problem

2009-06-10 Thread Robert Berman
What you are looking at is a simulation whereby a coin having 2 outcomes
(heads or tails) is flipped exactly 100 times. You need to tell how many
times the coin falls heads up and how many times the coin falls tails

First become familiar with the random module. Assign a value of 1 for
heads and a value of 2 for tails. Then you are going to use a structure
of the random module which will return only two possible outcomes.
Either a one or a two. You are going to loop (look at range(1,101) or
range(0,100). (Side question; why 101 or 0 to 100?; look closely at the
meaning of the range arguments). Simply count the number of ones and the
number of two's in the 100 flips then print the results. 

Good luck.


On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 13:08 -0700, Raj Medhekar wrote:
 I have been teaching myself Python using a book. The chapter I am on
 currently, covers branching, while loops and program planning. I am
 stuck on on of the challenges at the end of this chapter, and I was
 hoping to get some help with this. Here it is:
 Write a program that flips a coin 100 times and the tells you the
 number of heads and tails.
 I have tried to think about several ways to go about doing this but I
 have hit a wall. Even though I understand the general concept of
 branching and looping, I have been having trouble writing a program
 with these.  I look forward to your reply that will help me understand
 these structures better.
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Parse Text File

2009-06-10 Thread Eduardo Vieira
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Stefan Lesicnikste...@lsd.co.za wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I have the following text

 [08 Jun 2009] DSA-1813-1 evolution-data-server - several vulnerabilities
     {CVE-2009-0547 CVE-2009-0582 CVE-2009-0587}
     [etch] - evolution-data-server 1.6.3-5etch2
     [lenny] - evolution-data-server 2.22.3-1.1+lenny1
 [04 Jun 2009] DSA-1812-1 apr-util - several vulnerabilities
     {CVE-2009-0023 CVE-2009-1955}
     [etch] - apr-util 1.2.7+dfsg-2+etch2
     [lenny] - apr-util 1.2.12+dfsg-8+lenny2

 ... (and a whole lot more)

 I would like to parse this so I can get it into a format I can work with.

 I don't know anything about parsers, and my brief google has made me think
 im not sure I wan't to know about them quite yet!  :)
 (It looks very complex)

 For previous fixed string things, i would normally split each line and
 address each element, but this is not the case as there could be multiple
 [lenny] or even other entries.

 I would like to parse from the date to the next date and treat that all as
 one element (if that makes sense)

 Does anyone have any suggestions - should I be learning a parser for doing
 this? Or is there perhaps an easier way.


Hello, maybe if you would show a sample on how you would like the
ouput to look like it could help us give more suggestions.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Need help solving this problem

2009-06-10 Thread karma
Hi Raj,

I'm another learner, I used the following:

 def toss(n):
heads = 0
for i in range(n):
heads += random.randint(0,1)
return heads, n-heads

 print %d heads, %d tails % toss(100)

Best of luck in your python endeavors!

2009/6/10 Raj Medhekar cosmicsan...@yahoo.com:
 I have been teaching myself Python using a book. The chapter I am on
 currently, covers branching, while loops and program planning. I am stuck on
 on of the challenges at the end of this chapter, and I was hoping to get
 some help with this. Here it is:

 Write a program that flips a coin 100 times and the tells you the number of
 heads and tails.

 I have tried to think about several ways to go about doing this but I have
 hit a wall. Even though I understand the general concept of branching and
 looping, I have been having trouble writing a program with these.  I look
 forward to your reply that will help me understand these structures better.


 Tutor maillist  -  tu...@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] python and serial port

2009-06-10 Thread Alan Gauld

Ranjeeth P T ranjeeth_gecm...@yahoo.com wrote

I am new to python i want to communicate i.e send and
receive b/n an arm device and pc via a serial port,


Jacob Mansfield cyberja...@googlemail.com wrote
does anyone know how to make a parallel or serial interface with 

software, i would prefer parallel because it is easy to utilise

It never fails to amaze me how often a subject can be untouched
on this list for months then come up twice in the same day from
two different places.


Alan G 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] gui

2009-06-10 Thread Essah Mitges

thx lol fixed part of the problem

 To: tutor@python.org
 From: lie.1...@gmail.com
 Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:24:48 +1000
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] gui

 Essah Mitges wrote:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:\Users\John Doe\Desktop\D-Day\back.py, line 47, in 
 File C:\Users\John Doe\Desktop\D-Day\back.py, line 37, in main
 elif sbut.clicked(k.pos):
 File C:\Users\John Doe\Desktop\D-day\but.py, line 200, in clicked
 subprocess.Popen([D-Day, Destruction.py])
 File C:\Python26\lib\subprocess.py, line 595, in __init__
 errread, errwrite)
 File C:\Python26\lib\subprocess.py, line 804, in _execute_child
 WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

 The error in readable form

 Readable doesn't mean it have to be colored and line numbered, although
 this is more readable than the previous one -- at least on a newsreader
 that supports HTML -- it's better to keep messages in plain text (i.e.
 not only unformatted text but change the newsreader's settings to pure,
 plain text)

 All right to the problem, the problem is not related to pygame at all;
 it's in your subprocess.Popen() call. The traceback says that
 subprocess.Popen cannot find the executable/script that would be run.

 A quick look at the traceback:
 subprocess.Popen([D-Day, Destruction.py])

 That line is executing an executable/script named D-Day and pass an
 argument Destruction.py to it. Probably not something you wanted to
 do. What you want to do is something like:


 or perhaps:
 subprocess.Popen([python, D-Day\Destruction.py])

 depending on whether the file association is setup correctly and whether
 the shell's search path is set to search python's install directory.

 Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org

Internet explorer 8 lets you browse the web faster.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] GUI recommendations/tutorials?

2009-06-10 Thread Alan Gauld

taserian taser...@gmail.com wrote

My problem is that I have no GUI experience outside of Visual 

drag-and-drop IDEs. Which Python GUI system would you recommend for
neophytes that would allow line drawing and a simple graphic load of a
honeycomb structure in a JPG, for example, as a background?

The two most common Python GUI frameworks are Tkinter (in the
standard library) and wxPython - an add on. Both have a canvas
widget that will cater to your requirements fairly easily.

Another approach might be to investigate pygame since it excells
at graphics. There are a couple of other options too but I suspect
a simple canvas widget is nearly all you need and Tkinter or
wxPython will both procvidfe that.

There are several tutorials (and at least 1 book) for either option.

The GUI programming topic on my tutorial will give you the very
bare bones and show an example in both frameworks for

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Need help solving this problem

2009-06-10 Thread David

Raj Medhekar wrote:
I have been teaching myself Python using a book. The chapter I am on 
currently, covers branching, while loops and program planning. I am 
stuck on on of the challenges at the end of this chapter, and I was 
hoping to get some help with this. Here it is:

Write a program that flips a coin 100 times and the tells you the number 
of heads and tails.

I have tried to think about several ways to go about doing this but I 
have hit a wall. Even though I understand the general concept of 
branching and looping, I have been having trouble writing a program with 
these.  I look forward to your reply that will help me understand these 
structures better.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

I am learning also, I came up with;


import random
random = random.Random()
choice = ['heads', 'tails']
head_wins = 0
tail_wins = 0

def coin_flip():
flip = random.choice(choice)
global head_wins
global tail_wins
if flip == 'heads':
head_wins += 1
elif flip == 'tails':
tail_wins += 1

def number_flips():
for i in range(100):

print 'Head Total Wins =', head_wins
print 'Tail Total Wins =', tail_wins

Powered by Gentoo GNU/Linux
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Need help solving this problem

2009-06-10 Thread Alan Gauld

Raj Medhekar cosmicsan...@yahoo.com wrote

Write a program that flips a coin 100 times and the tells you the number 
of heads and tails.

I have tried to think about several ways to go about doing this but I 
have hit a wall.

Even though I understand the general concept of branching and looping,
I have been having trouble writing a program with these.

You also need to understand the concept of variables as data stores.
And you will probably need to use a mechanism to generate random
values. The random module will help or you can simply read the time
and strip off the last two digits - that will be good enough for your

Otherwise take a look at my tutorial for the various topics
Raw Materials - variables and data
File handling - for a very brief intro to reading the time


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] file/subprocess error

2009-06-10 Thread Wayne
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Essah Mitges e_mit...@hotmail.com wrote:

 So no one is confused about the error i screenshot it I am not sure of the
 problemWhen I run the game outside the menu it works fine but when I call it
 as a child window it start then the modules attached cannnot load the games
 images which couse this error is there a subprocess command to fix thisTried
 python.org btw

The last error specifically tells you what it is and what is wrong:

pygame.error: Couldn't open data\up-1-.png

it can't find that file. Are you sure it exists?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] subprocess/files help

2009-06-10 Thread Wayne
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Essah Mitges e_mit...@hotmail.com wrote:

 The problem I am have now is that once my game is initiated from the menu
 file the modules that are with cannot import the imagesthe folder looks like
 thisWODDSdataAll images and sound for gamegamelib
 Png error file attachedAny one know the code in subprocesses to fix this

The problem has nothing to do with subprocess (and in the future please
combine your questions into one email). As I mentioned before it's
specifically looking for a file data/up-1.png which either doesn't exist
or permissions are wrong.

Remember, relative paths are not absolute.

On *nix, /home/user/file/image.jpg is an absolute reference. No matter where
you execute a program it will be able to find it. On Windows you would see
something like C:\Documents and Settings\Users\MyGuy\MyFile\image.jpg

A relative path would be, as the name suggests, relative. files/image.jpg
will access a different location on the disk depending on where you are.
Take a look at this that specifically deals with web programming but is

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] subprocess/files help

2009-06-10 Thread Essah Mitges

game runs fine out of the WODDS.py it when I start it from the menu lies the 
problemup-1.png is the first pic file used in the program so I'm guessing that 
all of the imported files from data have a problem if i took away up-1 up-2 
would start a problem then side-1 and so on

 From: sri...@gmail.com
 Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:16:43 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] subprocess/files help
 To: e_mit...@hotmail.com
 CC: tutor@python.org

 On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Essah Mitges wrote:

 The problem I am have now is that once my game is initiated from the menu 
 file the modules that are with cannot import the imagesthe folder looks like 
 thisWODDS data All images and sound for game gamelib Objects Utilities 
 ___init___ WODDS.py

 Png error file attachedAny one know the code in subprocesses to fix this

 The problem has nothing to do with subprocess (and in the future please 
 combine your questions into one email). As I mentioned before it's 
 specifically looking for a file data/up-1.png which either doesn't exist or 
 permissions are wrong.

 Remember, relative paths are not absolute.

 On *nix, /home/user/file/image.jpg is an absolute reference. No matter where 
 you execute a program it will be able to find it. On Windows you would see 
 something like C:\Documents and Settings\Users\MyGuy\MyFile\image.jpg

 A relative path would be, as the name suggests, relative. files/image.jpg 
 will access a different location on the disk depending on where you are. Take 
 a look at this that specifically deals with web programming but is applicable.



Internet explorer 8 lets you browse the web faster.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] file/subprocess error

2009-06-10 Thread Alan Gauld
Essah Mitges e_mit...@hotmail.com wrote 
So no one is confused about the error i screenshot it 


I am not sure of the problem

It says it can't find the file.
Does a file

C:\Users\John Doe\Desktop\WODDS\WODDS\gamelib\data\up-1.png

actually exist? And is it readable by the user running the program?

When I run the game outside the menu it works fine 

Are you running it from the same directory?

but when I call it as a child window it start then the modules 
attached cannnot load the games images which couse this 
error is there a subprocess command to fix this

No, you need to set up the correct environment for the game 
to run before calling subprocess.

However as I and others have pointed out this is almost 
certainly the wrong way to approach your problem, even if 
you can get it to work! You would be better putting the game 
code into a function in Utilities.py and then importing that into 
your menu module. You can then call the game function


import Utilities

# menu code here


And so that you can still ru n it as Utilities.py add a clause 
at the end of IUtilities.py like

if __name__ == __main__:


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Need help solving this problem

2009-06-10 Thread ayyaz

Raj Medhekar wrote:
I have been teaching myself Python using a book. The chapter I am on 
currently, covers branching, while loops and program planning. I am 
stuck on on of the challenges at the end of this chapter, and I was 
hoping to get some help with this. Here it is:

Write a program that flips a coin 100 times and the tells you the number 
of heads and tails.

I have tried to think about several ways to go about doing this but I 
have hit a wall. Even though I understand the general concept of 
branching and looping, I have been having trouble writing a program with 
these.  I look forward to your reply that will help me understand these 
structures better.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

A very simple solution

import random # you need to import this module to generate random 			 
   # numbers

heads = 0;  #init number of heads;
tails = 0;  #init number of tails;
cnt = 0 # variable to store number of coin tosses
while cnt100:  # we want this loop to 100 times
toss = random.randrange(0,2,1) # this line will 
randomly choose 		   # between 0 and 1

if toss == 0:
tails += 1 # if the random generator gives 0, then we 
increase    # count of tail by one

heads += 1 # if the random generator gives 1, then we increase
   # count of head by one   
cnt += 1   # increase count of coin toss by one

print Number of heads, heads # print the number of heads
print Number of tails, tails # print the number of tails

raw_input(\nPress enter to exit)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] file/subprocess error

2009-06-10 Thread Essah Mitges

But will it work  I run 3 module for this game utilites is just 1

 To: tutor@python.org
 From: alan.ga...@btinternet.com
 Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 23:57:35 +0100
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] file/subprocess error

 Essah Mitges  wrote
 So no one is confused about the error i screenshot it


 I am not sure of the problem

 It says it can't find the file.
 Does a file

 C:\Users\John Doe\Desktop\WODDS\WODDS\gamelib\data\up-1.png

 actually exist? And is it readable by the user running the program?

 When I run the game outside the menu it works fine

 Are you running it from the same directory?

 but when I call it as a child window it start then the modules
 attached cannnot load the games images which couse this
 error is there a subprocess command to fix this

 No, you need to set up the correct environment for the game
 to run before calling subprocess.

 However as I and others have pointed out this is almost
 certainly the wrong way to approach your problem, even if
 you can get it to work! You would be better putting the game
 code into a function in Utilities.py and then importing that into
 your menu module. You can then call the game function

 import Utilities

 # menu code here


 And so that you can still ru n it as Utilities.py add a clause
 at the end of IUtilities.py like

 if __name__ == __main__:


 Alan Gauld
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

 Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org

Create a cool, new character for your Windows Live™ Messenger. 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Syntax Error First Example

2009-06-10 Thread Randy Trahan
Just opened the book Python Programming, Second Edition by Michael Dawson
and have my first question. Instead of the usual Hello World as the first
example he asked to type this:

print Game Over
raw input(\n\nPress the enter key to exit.)

First, I am suppose to put this in the script mode vs the IDLE mode correct?
He failed to mention where..

Also, I get a syntax error at input? Since its my first day/hour I don't
know how to debug and its typed in exactly as he wrote it...

Finally, I'm running Python 2.6 on Vista. It loaded but the book did not
mention Vista it only went up to XP. Is that ok?

Any help would be appreciated.

Randy Trahan
Owner, BullDog Computer Services, LLC
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Syntax Error First Example

2009-06-10 Thread bob gailer

Randy Trahan wrote:

Just opened the book Python Programming, Second Edition by Michael 
Dawson and have my first question. Instead of the usual Hello World 
as the first example he asked to type this:
print Game Over

raw input(\n\nPress the enter key to exit.)

Try raw_input(\n\nPress the enter key to exit.)
First, I am suppose to put this in the script mode vs the IDLE mode 
correct? He failed to mention where..
Also, I get a syntax error at input? Since its my first day/hour I 
don't know how to debug and its typed in exactly as he wrote it...
Finally, I'm running Python 2.6 on Vista. It loaded but the book did 
not mention Vista it only went up to XP. Is that ok?
Any help would be appreciated.

Randy Trahan
Owner, BullDog Computer Services, LLC

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Syntax Error First Example

2009-06-10 Thread Wayne
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:12 PM, bob gailer bgai...@gmail.com wrote:

 Randy Trahan wrote:

 snip First, I am suppose to put this in the script mode vs the IDLE mode
 correct? He failed to mention where..

It really doesn't matter - although presumably he meant you to write a
script instead of in the shell/interactive interpreter (the prompt starting

   Also, I get a syntax error at input? Since its my first day/hour I
 don't know how to debug and its typed in exactly as he wrote it...
  Finally, I'm running Python 2.6 on Vista. It loaded but the book did not
 mention Vista it only went up to XP. Is that ok?

Python works(ed?) fine on my computer when I ran Vista. As long as you keep
to the 2.XX series of Python you shouldn't have too much trouble picking up
python - it's really only if you start switching to Python 3 that you'll
have a problem - specifically a lot of statements have turned into
functions... but that's a discussion for a different day :)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org