Re: [Tutor] python2 vs python3 urllib

2011-04-25 Thread pierre dagenais

On 11-04-23 06:58 PM, pierre dagenais wrote:
The following code works as expected with python version 2.6.5, but 
with version 3.1.2 I get the following error:

pierre:/MyCode/mesProjets$ py3

Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 3, in module
sock = urllib.urlopen(;)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlopen'

The code:

#example 8.5 of
import urllib
sock = urllib.urlopen(;)
htmlSource =
print (htmlSource)

What is the proper syntax in version 3?

Thank you,
Your help is much appreciated.
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Thank you everybody,

The short answer was of course:
import urllib.request
instead of :
import urllib

I realize I'm still confused about packages, libraries, modules, 
classes, etc...
Right now they're all more or less the same to me. I've got some reading 
to do.

Thanks again,

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Re: [Tutor] Virtualenv Error

2011-04-25 Thread Alan Gauld

Malcolm Newsome wrote

I installed virtualenv and am getting this error when trying to 
create one.

I'm running Windows 7.  Can anyone help??

I've no idea what virtuialenv is or does but it doesn't sound like
a Python beginners questuion You might get more success
asking on the general python mailing list/nesgroup

Or even better on a virtualenv list or forum is such a thing exists.

Alan G. 

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[Tutor] Unbound Method Error

2011-04-25 Thread Greg Nielsen
Because of the limited Python 3 support, I've decided to attempt to push my
over 600 lines of code back to Python 2.6. Surprisingly, it worked well for
the most part, except for the following section of code.

crash = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(playerCar, computerSprites, False)
if crash:
for BlueCarSprite in crash:
for GreenCarSprite in crash:
for TruckSprite in crash:

This is a perfectly good piece of code in Python 3.1.3 which checks to see
if a user controlled sprite collides with one or more computer controlled
sprites, then passes the data off to the proper class method to handle the
details. In Python 2.6.6, this section of code returns the following error

TypeError: unbound method collide() must be called with BlueCarSprite
instance as first argument (got GreenCarSprite instance instead)

I have several questions as to what exactly is going on and what I should
do, if you have any sort of answer to any of these questions, please

1) What exactly is an unbound method error? I have been programming (in
other languages) for several years on and off and have never heard of
something like this.

2) What changes between 3.1.3 and 2.6.6 that makes this section of code not
work? My best guess is that I'm missing something that lets the computer
know that BlueCarSprite is an object type, but even if that's true, I
wouldn't know what to do to fix it.

3) What would be a legit fix to my code to make it run? Sure, I guess I
could write a Collide class and use that rather than my collide method, or
perhaps a class that could act as a middle man between bits of code that I
know work, but I know that there has to be a better way to fix this.

Thank you to any and all who take the time to read this message, and
especially to those who respond with any sort of feedback

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Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error

2011-04-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Greg Nielsen wrote:

In Python 2.6.6, this section of code returns the following error

TypeError: unbound method collide() must be called with BlueCarSprite
instance as first argument (got GreenCarSprite instance instead)

Please copy and paste the actual traceback, as that will show the 
*actual* line of code (and not just this section).

1) What exactly is an unbound method error? I have been programming (in
other languages) for several years on and off and have never heard of
something like this.

When you retrieve an attribute from an instance:

Python looks up name on the instance, then class, then any parent 
classes, etc. The same mechanism is used for methods: the method object 
just happens to be callable.

When you retrieve instance.method, you get back a method-wrapper object 
which wraps the function you defined in the class. The method-wrapper 
ensures that the special self argument is supplied, so that this syntax:

instance.method(x, y, z)

calls the actual function object like this:

type(instance).method(instance, x, y, z)

Some people find it hard to wrap their head around this, but remember 
that you have defined an ordinary function inside the class, using the 
same def key word that gets used for making other functions. You write a 
function, and the class wraps it in code to make it a method.

Now, when you call instance.method, the object you get back is a bound 
method, so-called because it is bound to an instance and can supply the 
self argument. But when you call the method on the class object instead:


you get an *unbound* method, which is still a wrapper around the actual 
function you defined. Remember the parameter list you defined in the 
function? It starts with self. If you call it via the instance, you get 
a bound method and self if automatically provided. But if you call it 
from the class, there is no instance supplied and you have to supply it 
by hand.

You can easily experiment with this using built-ins such as str:

built-in method upper of str object at 0xb7f2d780
 spam.upper()  # self is set to spam
method 'upper' of 'str' objects
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: descriptor 'upper' of 'str' object needs an argument

Some of the implementation details (such as error messages) may differ 
between methods in Python classes and methods in built-in types, but the 
broad details are the same.

2) What changes between 3.1.3 and 2.6.6 that makes this section of code not
work? My best guess is that I'm missing something that lets the computer
know that BlueCarSprite is an object type, but even if that's true, I
wouldn't know what to do to fix it.

I suspect that you're running into a small semantic difference between 
Python 2 and 3. In Python 2, method objects know what their type is, and 
they enforce that the self argument has the same type. In Python 3, 
unbound methods are gone, and instance you get an ordinary function. 
This ordinary function has no clue about what class it is attached to, 
and so it can't enforce that the self parameter has the right class. You 
can pass anything that works.

3) What would be a legit fix to my code to make it run? Sure, I guess I
could write a Collide class and use that rather than my collide method, or
perhaps a class that could act as a middle man between bits of code that I
know work, but I know that there has to be a better way to fix this.

Perhaps you can make GreenCarSprite a subclass of BlueCarSprite, or both 
Blue* and Green* to be subclasses of a CarSprite class that owns all the 
methods. But without knowing more about your code, it's hard to say exactly.

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Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error

2011-04-25 Thread Greg Nielsen
First and foremost, thank you Steven for your quick and well written
response. It means a lot to me that you took the time out of your day to
answer my question, and it has really helped me better understand what it
going on.

So the full trace back for my error is as follows:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 19, in module
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 16, in main
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 87, in game
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(BlueCarSprite, playerCar)
TypeError: unbound method collide() must be called with BlueCarSprite
instance as first argument (got GreenCarSprite instance instead)
After reading through your explanation of unbound methods (and wrapping my
head around the concept), I came up with a quick fix that lead to a new
issue in my code. Here is what I think should work:

crash = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(playerCar, computerSprites, False)
if crash:
for BlueCarSprite in crash:
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)
for GreenCarSprite in crash:
redracersprites26.GreenCarSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)
for TruckSprite in crash:
redracersprites26.TruckSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)

However, the spritecollide method returns a list, which my collide method
isn't expecting. The list should only contain the name of the sprite the
player hit. In Python 3, the method would just pull the variable out of the
list and work with it, but in Python 2, it's not expecting a list, causing
an error similar to the one seen previously:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 19, in module
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 16, in main
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 87, in game
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)
TypeError: unbound method collide() must be called with BlueCarSprite
instance as first argument (got list instance instead)
So what really has to happen now (I think) is that the list needs to be
unpacked into just a simple variable containing the name of the sprite in
question. This way the method receives the name of the instance (self) in
the way it was expecting to receive it. In your opinion, should I unpacked
the list before passing the data into the method, or attempt to define
self as a list? Is the latter even possible? I would think it would have
to be because otherwise Python could pick a variable type which you don't
want or aren't expecting it to pick and need to force it to take a certain
type of input.

And thank you for pointing out the fact I could just make a CarSprite class
and have subclasses (basically just a different sprite image) work with the
details. You just removed over 150 lines of redundant code from my program.
And once again, thank you Steven for taking the time to help me better
understand the whole unbound method concept.

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[Tutor] voluntary work

2011-04-25 Thread Edgar Almonte
someboy have some project where can take a very noob and with very
little knowledgement of python in the arm where i can work voluntary
of course ? the thing
is i want learn i read a bit and do some exercises but i am the kind
of ppl that need saw the path that will walk so
need a route and a little of guide to keep going ,


pd: i ask the same question at #python in freenode that somebody
recommend me the book
and i check it it righ now.
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Re: [Tutor] Assistance

2011-04-25 Thread Prasad, Ramit
while numberOfGrades != gradesEntered:
grade = int(raw_input(Please enter the grade: ))
gradesEntered += 1
score =+ grade

Note that += and =+ do different things. I suspect this last line is
not doing what you think. Details like this are very important in
programming, especially since both forms are valid code, they
just do different things!

Could you please expand on that? From playing around on the shell it looks like 
'B =+ 2 ' always sets B to 2. At first, I thought it was taking it as 
'B=None+2' but that gave me the error TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) 
for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' So what is actually going on behind the scenes?


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423
This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not
intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of
any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of any
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and affiliates.

This transmission may contain information that is privileged,
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thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Although this transmission and any
attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect
that might affect any computer system into which it is received and
opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it
is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by JPMorgan Chase 
Co., its subsidiaries and affiliates, as applicable, for any loss
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transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and
destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard
copy format. Thank you.

Please refer to for
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Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error

2011-04-25 Thread Prasad, Ramit
Disclaimer: I have no knowledge of PyGame.

I think your original is a lack of checking types. You are calling 
BlueCar/GreenCar/Truck.collide regardless  of the car type. If you pass a 
TruckSprite to BlueCarSprite.collide it makes sense (without knowledge of 
PyGame) that it would fail because it expects a BlueCarSprite not a TruckSprite.

You do:
crash = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(playerCar, computerSprites, False)

if crash:
for BlueCarSprite in crash: # This loops through crash
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)
for GreenCarSprite in crash: # This loops through crash again
redracersprites26.GreenCarSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)
for TruckSprite in crash: # This loops through crash for the third 
redracersprites26.TruckSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)

There are two other problems with this: 1) this is sending the entire list of 
collisions to each of these functions. 2) The way you are looping seems odd to 
I would think you want something more like the following (UNTESTED):

crash = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(playerCar, computerSprites, False)
if crash:
for car in crash:
if isinstance(car, BlueCar):
redracersprices26.BlueCarSprite.collide(car, playerCar)
if isinstance(car, GreenCar):
redracersprices26.GreenCarSprite.collide(car, playerCar)
if isinstance(car, TruckCar):
redracersprices26.TruckCarSprite.collide(car, playerCar)

If you really want to call all 3 collide statements, then just remove the 'if 
isinstance(car, \w*):' line and it will call the collide for each.


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423

[] On Behalf Of Greg 
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 4:37 AM
To: Steven D'Aprano
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error

First and foremost, thank you Steven for your quick and well written response. 
It means a lot to me that you took the time out of your day to answer my 
question, and it has really helped me better understand what it going on.

So the full trace back for my error is as follows:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 19, in module
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 16, in main
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 87, in game
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(BlueCarSprite, playerCar)
TypeError: unbound method collide() must be called with BlueCarSprite instance 
as first argument (got GreenCarSprite instance instead)
After reading through your explanation of unbound methods (and wrapping my head 
around the concept), I came up with a quick fix that lead to a new issue in my 
code. Here is what I think should work:

crash = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(playerCar, computerSprites, False)
if crash:
for BlueCarSprite in crash:
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)
for GreenCarSprite in crash:
redracersprites26.GreenCarSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)
for TruckSprite in crash:
redracersprites26.TruckSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)

However, the spritecollide method returns a list, which my collide method isn't 
expecting. The list should only contain the name of the sprite the player hit. 
In Python 3, the method would just pull the variable out of the list and work 
with it, but in Python 2, it's not expecting a list, causing an error similar 
to the one seen previously:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 19, in module
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 16, in main
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 87, in game
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(crash, playerCar)
TypeError: unbound method collide() must be called with BlueCarSprite instance 
as first argument (got list instance instead)
So what really has to happen now (I think) is that the list needs to be 
unpacked into just a simple variable containing the name of the sprite in 
question. This way the method receives the name of the instance (self) in the 
way it was expecting to receive it. In your opinion, should I unpacked the list 
before passing the data into the method, or attempt to define self as a list? 
Is the latter even possible? I would think it would have to be because 

Re: [Tutor] Assistance

2011-04-25 Thread Wayne Werner
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Prasad, Ramit ramit.pra...@jpmchase.comwrote:

 while numberOfGrades != gradesEntered:
 grade = int(raw_input(Please enter the grade: ))
 gradesEntered += 1
 score =+ grade

 Note that += and =+ do different things. I suspect this last line is
 not doing what you think. Details like this are very important in
 programming, especially since both forms are valid code, they
 just do different things!

 Could you please expand on that? From playing around on the shell it looks
 like 'B =+ 2 ' always sets B to 2. At first, I thought it was taking it as
 'B=None+2' but that gave me the error TypeError: unsupported operand
 type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int' So what is actually going on behind the


+= is a single operator that is equivalent to typing b = b + 2

=+ is two operators put together:

b+=2 is equivalent to b += 2 is equivalent to b = b + 2

b=+2 is equivalent to b = +2 is equivalent to b = 2

b = + 2 is legal syntax, while b + = 2 is not.

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Re: [Tutor] voluntary work

2011-04-25 Thread Alan Gauld

Edgar Almonte wrote

is i want learn i read a bit and do some exercises but i am the kind
of ppl that need saw the path that will walk so
need a route and a little of guide to keep going ,

Have you looked at the python web site? There is a
whole section dedicated to tutorials for people who
have never programmed before. Take a look at a few
and choose the one you like - ie the one that aseems
to make most sense to you..


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Re: [Tutor] voluntary work

2011-04-25 Thread Edgar Almonte
Thanks , but i still are looking for some small project to get work
that let me learn in a more interesting way. i not that kind of person
that can start app from zero so is hard for me learn new things
without some kind of goal.

thanks again.

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

 Edgar Almonte wrote

 is i want learn i read a bit and do some exercises but i am the kind
 of ppl that need saw the path that will walk so
 need a route and a little of guide to keep going ,

 Have you looked at the python web site? There is a
 whole section dedicated to tutorials for people who
 have never programmed before. Take a look at a few
 and choose the one you like - ie the one that aseems
 to make most sense to you..


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Re: [Tutor] voluntary work

2011-04-25 Thread Wolf Halton
Learn Python the Hard Way is pretty cool.  I am always looking for books
that lay it out well.  Thanks for mentioning it, and good luck with your
studies.  I find that having a project that is a little beyond me helps me
get better at coding.


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Alan Gauld

 Edgar Almonte wrote

 is i want learn i read a bit and do some exercises but i am the kind
 of ppl that need saw the path that will walk so
 need a route and a little of guide to keep going ,

 Have you looked at the python web site? There is a
 whole section dedicated to tutorials for people who
 have never programmed before. Take a look at a few
 and choose the one you like - ie the one that aseems
 to make most sense to you..


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This Apt Has Super Cow Powers -
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Re: [Tutor] voluntary work

2011-04-25 Thread Rafael Durán Castañeda

I recommend you visit

On 25/04/11 20:42, Wolf Halton wrote:
Learn Python the Hard Way is pretty cool.  I am always looking for 
books that lay it out well.  Thanks for mentioning it, and good luck 
with your studies.  I find that having a project that is a little 
beyond me helps me get better at coding.


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

Edgar Almonte

is i want learn i read a bit and do some exercises but i am
the kind
of ppl that need saw the path that will walk so
need a route and a little of guide to keep going ,

Have you looked at the python web site? There is a
whole section dedicated to tutorials for people who
have never programmed before. Take a look at a few
and choose the one you like - ie the one that aseems
to make most sense to you..


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Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error

2011-04-25 Thread Greg Nielsen

 First, thank you for your input and insight into my problem, I believe
that the code you came up with should not only be more efficient, but also
clear up the last of my issues. I just have a quick question on the
isinstance command you called. How exactly do I get the code to recognize it
as a class I wrote sitting in an imported library file? I would guess that
it would look sort of like this:

   if crash:
   for car in crash:
if isinstance(car, redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite()):
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(car, playerCar)

However, worded as it the follow error and call back happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 19, in module
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 16, in main
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer
26\src\, line 87, in game
if isinstance(car, redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite()):
TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and
I must be using the wrong syntax in the second argument. I think I should be
able to find the documentation for this (extremely cool) method you showed
me, but if you know the proper way to cite my object, could you send me what
you think will work. This way I can have something to double check my work
against if I don't get it right first time round. Thank you again for your
time and assistance Ramit.

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Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error

2011-04-25 Thread Prasad, Ramit
Hi Greg,

You must use the class definition not an instance/object of it.  If the class 
is called CarClass
from some_lib_a.sub_lib_b import CarClass
isinstance(car, CarClass)
import some_lib_a
isinstance(car, some_lib_a.sub_lib_b.CarClass)

The following does NOT work:
isinstance(car, CarClass())

if you want to check multiple classes use
isinstance(car, (Class1, Class2))


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423

From: Greg Nielsen []
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 3:19 PM
To: Prasad, Ramit
Cc: Steven D'Aprano;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error


 First, thank you for your input and insight into my problem, I believe 
that the code you came up with should not only be more efficient, but also 
clear up the last of my issues. I just have a quick question on the isinstance 
command you called. How exactly do I get the code to recognize it as a class I 
wrote sitting in an imported library file? I would guess that it would look 
sort of like this:

   if crash:
   for car in crash:
if isinstance(car, redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite()):
redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite.collide(car, playerCar)

However, worded as it the follow error and call back happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 19, in module
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 16, in main
  File C:\Users\Greg\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Red Racer 
26\src\, line 87, in game
if isinstance(car, redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite()):
TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and 
I must be using the wrong syntax in the second argument. I think I should be 
able to find the documentation for this (extremely cool) method you showed me, 
but if you know the proper way to cite my object, could you send me what you 
think will work. This way I can have something to double check my work against 
if I don't get it right first time round. Thank you again for your time and 
assistance Ramit.


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Re: [Tutor] voluntary work :p:

2011-04-25 Thread Thomas C. Hicks
On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 15:09:02 -0400
Rafael Durán Castañeda wrote:

 I recommend you visit
 On 25/04/11 20:42, Wolf Halton wrote:
 Learn Python the Hard Way is pretty cool.  I am always looking for
 books that lay it out well.  Thanks for mentioning it, and good luck
 with your studies.  I find that having a project that is a little
 beyond me helps me get better at coding.
 On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
 Edgar Almonte wrote
 is i want learn i read a bit and do some exercises but i am the kind
 of ppl that need saw the path that will walk so
 need a route and a little of guide to keep going ,
 Have you looked at the python web site? There is a
 whole section dedicated to tutorials for people who
 have never programmed before. Take a look at a few
 and choose the one you like - ie the one that aseems
 to make most sense to you..

I second the recommendation to try out Python Challenge - outstanding
way to learn (at least for me).  Another option is to visit and look for python projects still in development.
Open source pojects seem to always need bug finders and smashers as
well as beta testers and I suspect most any of them would appreciate
free help!

Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] voluntary work :p:

2011-04-25 Thread Edgar Almonte
Thanks all for the answer, python challenge is cool but i think need
more python and programing level that i current have, ( i ended
looking for the answer at google )

i will continue reading Learn Python the Hard Way

2011/4/25 Thomas C. Hicks
 On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 15:09:02 -0400
 Rafael Durán Castañeda wrote:

 I recommend you visit

 On 25/04/11 20:42, Wolf Halton wrote:
 Learn Python the Hard Way is pretty cool.  I am always looking for
 books that lay it out well.  Thanks for mentioning it, and good luck
 with your studies.  I find that having a project that is a little
 beyond me helps me get better at coding.


 On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

 Edgar Almonte wrote

 is i want learn i read a bit and do some exercises but i am the kind
 of ppl that need saw the path that will walk so
 need a route and a little of guide to keep going ,

 Have you looked at the python web site? There is a
 whole section dedicated to tutorials for people who
 have never programmed before. Take a look at a few
 and choose the one you like - ie the one that aseems
 to make most sense to you..


 I second the recommendation to try out Python Challenge - outstanding
 way to learn (at least for me).  Another option is to visit and look for python projects still in development.
 Open source pojects seem to always need bug finders and smashers as
 well as beta testers and I suspect most any of them would appreciate
 free help!

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[Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

2011-04-25 Thread michael scott
Hello, I asked for help in another location and it solved my problem, but the 
only problem is I don't fully understand the after function. Here is part of 
code that was given to me.

def print_label_slowly(self, message):
'''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
t = self.label.cget(text)
t += message[0]
if len(message)  1:
self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])

I understand it, and the gist of how it works, but the self.after... I can not 
find any documentation on it (because after is such a common word), so can you 
guys tell me how it works. Is this a built in function (didn't see it on the 
built in function list)? Does it always take 3 arguements? Is this a user made 
function and I'm just overlooking where it was defined at? 

What is it about you... that intrigues me so?
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Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

2011-04-25 Thread Adam Bark

On 26/04/11 01:36, michael scott wrote:
Hello, I asked for help in another location and it solved my problem, 
but the only problem is I don't fully understand the after function. 
Here is part of the code that was given to me.

def print_label_slowly(self, message):
'''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
t = self.label.cget(text)
t += message[0]
if len(message)  1:
self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])

I understand it, and the gist of how it works, but the self.after... I 
can not find any documentation on it (because after is such a common 
word), so can you guys tell me how it works. Is this a built in 
function (didn't see it on the built in function list)? Does it always 
take 3 arguements? Is this a user made function and I'm just 
overlooking where it was defined at?

The function you have shown there appears to be a class method. 
self.after means you are calling another method of the same function 
that print_label_slowly is a part of.
Do you have the rest of the code? If you're still confused post it and 
hopefully we can clear it up for you.

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Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error

2011-04-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Greg Nielsen wrote:

if isinstance(car, redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite()):
TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and

Don't instantiate the class. Instead of

redracersprites26.BlueCarSprite()  # makes a new instance

just refer to the class object without calling it:


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Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

2011-04-25 Thread michael scott
Here is the code in its entirety, it works although I don't see after() 
so I assumed it was a built in function. I can just copy and paste parts of 
code into my project, so its not imperative that I understand, but I prefer to 
use the weapons I've been given. So I hope that you guys can understand it a 
better after I post this.

import Tkinter as tk

class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs):
tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.label = tk.Label(self, text=, width=20, anchor=w)
self.print_label_slowly(Hello, world!)

def print_label_slowly(self, message):
'''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
t = self.label.cget(text)
t += message[0]
if len(message)  1:
self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])

app = App()

What is it about you... that intrigues me so?

From: Adam Bark
Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 8:50:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

On 26/04/11 01:36, michael scott wrote:
 Hello, I asked for help in another location and it solved my problem, but the 
only problem is I don't fully understand the after function. Here is part of 
code that was given to me.
 def print_label_slowly(self, message):
 '''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
 t = self.label.cget(text)
 t += message[0]
 if len(message)  1:
 self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])
 I understand it, and the gist of how it works, but the self.after... I can 
find any documentation on it (because after is such a common word), so can you 
guys tell me how it works. Is this a built in function (didn't see it on the 
built in function list)? Does it always take 3 arguements? Is this a user made 
function and I'm just overlooking where it was defined at?

The function you have shown there appears to be a class method. self.after 
you are calling another method of the same function that print_label_slowly is 
part of.
Do you have the rest of the code? If you're still confused post it and 
we can clear it up for you.

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Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

2011-04-25 Thread Wayne Werner
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:02 PM, michael scott jigenbak...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Here is the code in its entirety, it works although I don't see after()
 defined, so I assumed it was a built in function. I can just copy and paste
 parts of this code into my project, so its not imperative that I understand,
 but I prefer to use the weapons I've been given. So I hope that you guys can
 understand it a bit better after I post this.

That it is indeed. Do you understand classes and subclassing in Python? App
is a subclass of tk.Tk. If you have done any of your own programming in
Tkinter, you should know that Tk is the main class in Tkinter. If you do a
Google search for Tkinter after, the top two results will answer your


 import Tkinter as tk

 class App(tk.Tk):
 def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs):
 tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
 self.label = tk.Label(self, text=, width=20, anchor=w)
 self.print_label_slowly(Hello, world!)

 def print_label_slowly(self, message):
 '''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
 t = self.label.cget(text)
 t += message[0]
 if len(message)  1:
 self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])

 app = App()

 What is it about you... that intrigues me so?

 *From:* Adam Bark
 *Sent:* Mon, April 25, 2011 8:50:16 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

 On 26/04/11 01:36, michael scott wrote:
  Hello, I asked for help in another location and it solved my problem, but
 the only problem is I don't fully understand the after function. Here is
 part of the code that was given to me.
 def print_label_slowly(self, message):
 '''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
 t = self.label.cget(text)
 t += message[0]
 if len(message)  1:
 self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])
  I understand it, and the gist of how it works, but the self.after... I
 can not find any documentation on it (because after is such a common word),
 so can you guys tell me how it works. Is this a built in function (didn't
 see it on the built in function list)? Does it always take 3 arguements? Is
 this a user made function and I'm just overlooking where it was defined at?

 The function you have shown there appears to be a class method. self.after
 means you are calling another method of the same function that
 print_label_slowly is a part of.
 Do you have the rest of the code? If you're still confused post it and
 hopefully we can clear it up for you.

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Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

2011-04-25 Thread Edgar Almonte
after(delay_ms, callback=None, *args) [#]

Registers an alarm callback that is called after a given time.

This method registers a callback function that will be called
after a given number of milliseconds. Tkinter only guarantees that the
callback will not be called earlier than that; if the system is busy,
the actual delay may be much longer.

The callback is only called once for each call to this method. To
keep calling the callback, you need to reregister the callback inside

class App:
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
self.poll() # start polling

def poll(self):
... do something ...
self.master.after(100, self.poll)

after_cancel to cancel the callback.

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Wayne Werner wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:02 PM, michael scott

 Here is the code in its entirety, it works although I don't see after()
 defined, so I assumed it was a built in function. I can just copy and paste
 parts of this code into my project, so its not imperative that I understand,
 but I prefer to use the weapons I've been given. So I hope that you guys can
 understand it a bit better after I post this.

 That it is indeed. Do you understand classes and subclassing in Python? App
 is a subclass of tk.Tk. If you have done any of your own programming in
 Tkinter, you should know that Tk is the main class in Tkinter. If you do a
 Google search for Tkinter after, the top two results will answer your

 import Tkinter as tk

 class App(tk.Tk):
     def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs):
     tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     self.label = tk.Label(self, text=, width=20, anchor=w)
     self.print_label_slowly(Hello, world!)

     def print_label_slowly(self, message):
     '''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
     t = self.label.cget(text)
     t += message[0]
     if len(message)  1:
     self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])

 app = App()

 What is it about you... that intrigues me so?

 From: Adam Bark
 Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 8:50:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

 On 26/04/11 01:36, michael scott wrote:
  Hello, I asked for help in another location and it solved my problem,
  but the only problem is I don't fully understand the after function. Here 
  part of the code that was given to me.
     def print_label_slowly(self, message):
         '''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
         t = self.label.cget(text)
         t += message[0]
         if len(message)  1:
             self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])
  I understand it, and the gist of how it works, but the self.after... I
  can not find any documentation on it (because after is such a common word),
  so can you guys tell me how it works. Is this a built in function (didn't
  see it on the built in function list)? Does it always take 3 arguements? Is
  this a user made function and I'm just overlooking where it was defined at?

 The function you have shown there appears to be a class method. self.after
 means you are calling another method of the same function that
 print_label_slowly is a part of.
 Do you have the rest of the code? If you're still confused post it and
 hopefully we can clear it up for you.

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Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

2011-04-25 Thread michael scott
Now I understand what I misunderstood. Well he imported Tkinter as tk, so I 
thought if it belonged to Tkinter it would be tk.after(), but the after was 
attached to the app, so it was in actuality app.after() . app inherits from the 
tk class (taking with it all its methods), so its a built in function of 

I read the whole thread of the first google response, but I still wasn't sure 
it was a Tkinter function or a python function. I searched the actual python 
documentation quite extensively, but briefly glanced at the tkinter effbot 
after not seeing it I came here. I was just looking for the documentation on 

But yea, this is what I needed 

id = w.after(time, callback)

So I know it takes 2 arguments, and I know to use it recursively in my problem, 
so now I understand enough about this function to put it to good use :) Thank 

What is it about you... that intrigues me so?

From: Wayne Werner
To: michael scott
Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 9:15:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:02 PM, michael scott wrote:

Here is the code in its entirety, it works although I don't see after() 
so I assumed it was a built in function. I can just copy and paste parts of 
code into my project, so its not imperative that I understand, but I prefer to 
use the weapons I've been given. So I hope that you guys can understand it a 
better after I post this.

That it is indeed. Do you understand classes and subclassing in Python? App is 
subclass of tk.Tk. If you have done any of your own programming in Tkinter, you 
should know that Tk is the main class in Tkinter. If you do a Google search 
for Tkinter after, the top two results will answer your question:


import Tkinter as tk

class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs):
tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.label = tk.Label(self, text=, width=20, anchor=w)
 self.print_label_slowly(Hello, world!)

def print_label_slowly(self, message):
'''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
t = self.label.cget(text)
t += message[0]
if len(message)  1:
self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])

app = App()

What is it about you... that intrigues me so?

From: Adam Bark
Sent: Mon, April 25, 2011 8:50:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

On 26/04/11 01:36, michael scott wrote:
 Hello, I asked for help in another location and it solved my problem, but 
only problem is I don't fully understand the after function. Here is part of 
code that was given to me.
 def print_label_slowly(self, message):
 '''Print a label one character at a time using the event loop'''
 t = self.label.cget(text)
 t += message[0]
 if len(message)  1:
 self.after(500, self.print_label_slowly, message[1:])
 I understand it, and the gist of how it works, but the self.after... I can 
find any documentation on it (because after is such a common word), so can 
guys tell me how it works. Is this a  built in function (didn't see it on the 
built in function list)? Does it always take 3 arguements? Is this a user 
function and I'm just overlooking where it was defined at?

The function you have shown there appears to be a class method. self.after 
you are calling another method of the same function that print_label_slowly is 
part of.
Do you have the rest of the code? If you're still confused post it and 
we can clear it up for you.

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Re: [Tutor] after(), how do I use it?

2011-04-25 Thread Wayne Werner
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:34 PM, michael scott jigenbak...@yahoo.comwrote:

 So I know it takes 2 arguments, and I know to use it recursively in my 
 problem, so now I understand enough about this function to put it to good use 
 :) Thank you.

 Technically speaking it's not a recursive function call, it registers
itself as a callback with the Tkinter mainloop.

For more about recursion:

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Re: [Tutor] Unbound Method Error

2011-04-25 Thread Greg Nielsen
And it works! Thank you once again to both Steven and Ramit for your
peerless insight into the workings of Python and for taking time out of you
day to help me work my code back to Python 2. I have learned much by talking
with both of you over the last day or so.

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Re: [Tutor] voluntary work :p:

2011-04-25 Thread Wolf Halton
I didn't get anything out of pythonchallenge.  All seems static.  Do you
need flash or something to make the magic happen?

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Edgar Almonte wrote:

 Thanks all for the answer, python challenge is cool but i think need
 more python and programing level that i current have, ( i ended
 looking for the answer at google )

 i will continue reading Learn Python the Hard Way

 2011/4/25 Thomas C. Hicks
  On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 15:09:02 -0400
  Rafael Durán Castañeda wrote:
  I recommend you visit
  On 25/04/11 20:42, Wolf Halton wrote:
  Learn Python the Hard Way is pretty cool.  I am always looking for
  books that lay it out well.  Thanks for mentioning it, and good luck
  with your studies.  I find that having a project that is a little
  beyond me helps me get better at coding.
  On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
  Edgar Almonte wrote
  is i want learn i read a bit and do some exercises but i am the kind
  of ppl that need saw the path that will walk so
  need a route and a little of guide to keep going ,
  Have you looked at the python web site? There is a
  whole section dedicated to tutorials for people who
  have never programmed before. Take a look at a few
  and choose the one you like - ie the one that aseems
  to make most sense to you..
  I second the recommendation to try out Python Challenge - outstanding
  way to learn (at least for me).  Another option is to visit and look for python projects still in development.
  Open source pojects seem to always need bug finders and smashers as
  well as beta testers and I suspect most any of them would appreciate
  free help!
  Tutor maillist  -
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This Apt Has Super Cow Powers -
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Re: [Tutor] voluntary work :p:

2011-04-25 Thread bob gailer

On 4/25/2011 11:59 PM, Wolf Halton wrote:

I didn't get anything out of pythonchallenge.

Nothing? No web pages?

All seems static.

Now you say All instead of nothing. Did you get more than 1 web page?

Do you need flash or something to make the magic happen?

What are you expecting? What magic?

Did you see an image of a monitor with 2 to the 38 on it?

Did you see Hint: try to change the URL address.?

Did you try that?

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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