Re: [Tutor] Objects C++ vs Python

2011-06-08 Thread Ashwini Oruganti
That clears it up to an extent.

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Steve Willoughby  wrote:

> The value 5 is an integer-class object.

But now what is "Integer-class"? Isn't integer a data type? I mean there is
no concept of "classes" in C, and yet in C, we can write

int x = 5;

Will "5", then be called an integer class object?

What exactly is a class now? I thought is a collection of variables and (or)
associated functions. Am I missing something here?

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Re: [Tutor] Objects C++ vs Python

2011-06-08 Thread Steve Willoughby

On 08-Jun-11 22:38, Ashwini Oruganti wrote:

I'm trying to learn Python, and know C++. I have a slight confusion
regarding the meaning of "object" in python. Here's what I've concluded
so far:

When we say "object" in C++, it means an instance of a class.

This is true in both Python and C++.

int x;// x is NOT  an object, it is a *variable*

You're confusing variables and the things they hold.  x here is a 
variable which contains an "int" type value.  Another variable might

hold a pointer to an object.

while in python, from what i've understood so far,
 >>> x=5
implies that there's a memory allocation (called object) that holds the
value 3, and "x" is the variable (or name) that is used to refer to it.

Maybe this will be more clear:

The value 5 is an integer-class object.  Full stop.  Don't even go down 
the road of thinking of "memory allocation" (yet).  It's an object 
floating around in Python's runtime somewhere.

x is a name you gave to that object for now, so you can refer to it 

The big difference is that variable names in Python are really just 
names for objects (something like pointers/references in C++ but a lot 
easier to work with), while in C++ they refer to specific memory 
locations, which must be the right size for what you store into them. 
Since Python is just naming objects, there is no such problem.

That has nothing to do with what an "object" means.

So does the term *Object * change its meaning when we shift the context
from C++ to python?? This is a little confusing, can someone clear it up??

Not really.  I think your confusion was about variables.

Steve Willoughby /
"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."
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[Tutor] Objects C++ vs Python

2011-06-08 Thread Ashwini Oruganti
I'm trying to learn Python, and know C++. I have a slight confusion
regarding the meaning of "object" in python. Here's what I've concluded so

When we say "object" in C++, it means an instance of a class.

class x{...};
x ob1; // here ob1 is an object.

but, for;

   int x;// x is NOT  an object, it is a *variable*

while in python, from what i've understood so far,
>>> x=5
implies that there's a memory allocation (called object) that holds the
value 3, and "x" is the variable (or name) that is used to refer to it.

Further, in python,  *everything *is an object, while in C++,
only*instances of a class
* are called objects.

So does the term *Object * change its meaning when we shift the context from
C++ to python?? This is a little confusing, can someone clear it up??

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Re: [Tutor] lxml.html

2011-06-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
nitin chandra wrote to me off-list. I've taken the liberty of returning 
the conversation to the mailing list.


[Wed Jun 08 20:29:51 2011] [error] [client] Traceback
(most recent call last):

What is all this extraneous date/error/ip address nonsense in the traceback?
Where does it come from?

This error statement comes from Apache Error Logs. Python / WSGI / apache.

In future, please strip that extraneous noise before posting, thank you.

cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

I am extracting form field name / value from an html, but then it
gives the above error and does
not display the value of the variable 'name' entered in the respective

What is the value of the variable 'name'?

Value entered in the form is 'admin'

I didn't ask what the value entered in the form is. Where does the form 
go? Where are you looking? Are you sure you're looking in the right place?

You're looking at a file /home/dev/wsgi-scripts/ and trying to 
extract XML from that file. What's inside that file?

Hint: read the error message that you get when you try to concatenate a
string with the None object:

"spam" + None

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

Did this gives the same error... now the question is how do i NOT
face the same error.?

By making sure that the variable name actually contains a name.


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Re: [Tutor] Q

2011-06-08 Thread Brett Ritter
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Vincent Balmori
> In the "Loop of Game" section of my code for some reason it gives me five
> more chances than I wanted it to. When I put two as the chance limit, it
> allowed seven. Also, the program will always say "yes" to any letter I
> enter, even if it's wrong.

Let's take a look. I'll comment on a few parts that aren't the cause
of your problems.

> WORDS = ("python", "jumble", "easy", "difficult", "answer", "xylophone")
> # pick one word randomly from the sequence
> word = random.choice(WORDS)

> # create a variable to use later to see if the guess is correct
> correct = word

I'm unclear on the purpose of this step.  You never again use word, so
why have correct and not just use word?

> LETTERS = None
> if correct == "python":
>         LETTERS = "python"

LETTERS always ends up == correct (and thus == word).  Why not just
use correct (or word)?

> chances = 0
> while chances < 5:
>     guess = input("Does the word have a: ")
>     for letter in correct:

You are looping over every letter in correct.  Why?
Don't you just want to loop over my 5 chances?

>         if letter.lower() in LETTERS:

Here's your other issue.  What is letter?  Based on your for loop,
it's one of the letters in correct.  What test do you actual intend to
do here?  Say it in english and the python code should be fairly

>             print("\nYes")
>             chances += 1
>             guess = input("\nDoes the word have a: ")
>         else:
>             print("\nNo")
>             chances += 1
>             guess = input("\nDoes the word have a: ")

Just as a tip you've got a lot of repetition here.  If you move the
"chances" line and "guess" line outside of the if/else, your program
will be shorter and cleaner.

>     print("\nYour chances are up!")

You want this to occur when your chances are up, right?  So why is it
_inside_ the while loop?

Your basic approach is fine, you just have some extra stuff going on
unnecessarily and I'm guessing it's confused you as to your logic.
Give it another shot and let us know how it goes.

Brett Ritter / SwiftOne
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Re: [Tutor] String formatting question with 's'.format()

2011-06-08 Thread Alan Gauld


'first={0}, last={1}, middle={2}'.format(*parts)

"first=S, last=M, middle=['P', 'A']"

why do we need the '*' at 'parts'. I know we need it, because 
otherwise it

gives an error:

The * tells Python to unpack parts and treat the contents
as individual values. format is looking for 3 values. Without
the * it sees one, a tuple and complains about insufficient
values. If it did try to do the format you would wind up with
something like:

"first=(S,M,['P', 'A']) last=None, middle=None"

Python can't tell automatiocally whether you want the tuple
treated as a single value and youu just forgot the other two
or if you want the tuple unpacked. The * says unpack this value.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Copying a mutable

2011-06-08 Thread Alan Gauld

"Válas Péter"  wrote

> really care if the two names are bound to same object, or just to 
> two

> objects that happen to have the same value.

Being one of the purposes of Python to be a simple educational 
language, I

want to make this simple to a beginner who does care. :-)

That's good. But the fundamental precursor to explaining it is to
explain the concept of an object. Because everything in Python
is an object. If you don;t explain the concept of an object the
beginner will never understand the different behaviours.

There is nothing unusual in this, other object oriented languages
require the same fundamental comprehension of objects.
(eg Smalltalk - alsdo a language developed to teach
beginners - indeed children - about programming.)

My question is: how would you explain the different
behaviour of a list and a tuple for a beginner?

By explaining what immutability means and that some
objects are mutable (the objects are changed in place)
and others are not (new objects of the same type but
with different values are created) - and that's just how
it is...

Every language has some core concepts that need to
be addressed early in the learning experience. (Like
the idea of maxint in C and Pascal say...)  Python's
data model and concept of mutability is one such

This is another point the beginner may be confused:
multiple assignments.

Frankly I never use those with beginners.
They are syntactic sugar and never needed.
If a beginner comes across them somewhere then
I explain them. But they are an idiom best picked
up by osmosis IMHO.

As far as I understand, assignment means giving a value to
a variable which is the expression used by classical languages

and in math where the terms originated.

variables (such as Pascal or Basic). Python has no variables,

Python does have variables but the implementation model
is different to languages like C and Pascal where they map
to memory locations. But compared to Lisp and Smalltalk
(both heavily used as teaching languages) Python is semantically
very similar.

since even the simpliest data is an object,
but we still say assignment,

Exactly, provided we have explained the concept of objects
and that everything is an object, then assignment is simply
the  associating of a name with an object - a very simple
and consistent concept for a true beginner. It's the folks who
come with a load of mental baggage from other, memory
mapped, languages that have the problems because they
are trying to force Python's model onto their preconceived
notions of variables. If you come from a clean slate with no
previous knowledge Python's model is simple and consistent.

In this sense, if I say, "assignment" is a subset of "binding",

No because binding has a specific meaning in relation to
classes and object instances. Assignment in Python is a
form of name association not binding.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] String formatting question with 's'.format()

2011-06-08 Thread Evgeny Izetov
I see now, that example helps. Basically I use one asterisk to extract a
list or a tuple and double asterisks for a dictionary, but I have to provide
keys in case of a dictionary, like here:

>>> template = '{motto}, {pork} and {food}'
>>> a = dict(motto='spam', pork='ham', food='eggs')
>>> template.format(**a)
'spam, ham and eggs'

Thanks for clearing things up.
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Re: [Tutor] String formatting question with 's'.format()

2011-06-08 Thread Prasad, Ramit
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 3:11 PM
Subject: [Tutor] String formatting question with 's'.format()

I'm working through the 'Learn Python' book by Mark Lutz, in this example:

>>> somelist = list('SPAM')
>>> parts = somelist[0], somelist[-1], somelist[1:3] 
>>> 'first={0}, last={1}, middle={2}'.format(*parts) 
"first=S, last=M, middle=['P', 'A']" 

why do we need the '*' at 'parts'. I know we need it, because otherwise it 
gives an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in 
'first={0}, last={1}, middle={2}'.format(parts)
IndexError: tuple index out of range

Still, wouldn't python basically see 'parts' and insert the actual tuple 
instead of the variable 'parts'? How does the machine think?

When you use {0} and {1} and {2} it looks for 3 variables being passed into it 
format. Passing *parts tells Python that parts is NOT an argument but instead a 
list of arguments.

*parts is equivalent to 3 variables where:
Variable 1 = 'S'
Variable 2 = 'M'
Variable 3 = ['P', 'A']

The error you see when using parts instead of *parts is basically saying it is 
looking for 2 more arguments to be passed into the function so that it can 
replace it.

>>> 'first={0}'.format(parts)
"first=('S', 'M', ['P', 'A'])"
>>> 'first={0}'.format(*parts)


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[Tutor] String formatting question with 's'.format()

2011-06-08 Thread eizetov

I'm working through the 'Learn Python' book by Mark Lutz, in this example:

somelist = list('SPAM')
parts = somelist[0], somelist[-1], somelist[1:3]
'first={0}, last={1}, middle={2}'.format(*parts)

"first=S, last=M, middle=['P', 'A']"

why do we need the '*' at 'parts'. I know we need it, because otherwise it  
gives an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in 
'first={0}, last={1}, middle={2}'.format(parts)
IndexError: tuple index out of range

Still, wouldn't python basically see 'parts' and insert the actual tuple  
instead of the variable 'parts'? How does the machine think?
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[Tutor] Q

2011-06-08 Thread Vincent Balmori
For the Absolute Beginner 3rd Edition book, I am having trouble with another 
question, which says "create a game where the computer picks a random word and 
the player must guess that word. The computer tells the player how many letters 
are in the word. Then the player gets 5 chances to ask if a letter is in the 
word. The computer can only respond with 'yes' or 'no'. The player must then 
guess the word." 

In the "Loop of Game" section of my code for some reason it gives me five more 
chances than I wanted it to. When I put two as the chance limit, it allowed 
seven. Also, the program will always say "yes" to any letter I enter, even if 
it's wrong.

#Word Guess

import random
# create a sequence of words to choose from
WORDS = ("python", "jumble", "easy", "difficult", "answer", "xylophone")
# pick one word randomly from the sequence
word = random.choice(WORDS)
# create a variable to use later to see if the guess is correct
correct = word

# Getting the letter count and selection

lcount = len(correct)

if correct == "python":
LETTERS = "python"
elif correct == "jumble":
LETTERS = "jumble"
elif correct == "easy":
LETTERS = "easy"
elif correct == "difficult":
LETTERS = "difficult"
elif correct == "answer":
LETTERS = "answer"
elif correct == "xylophone":
LETTERS = "xylophone"

#Start Game
print("\n\n This word has", lcount,"letters in it.")

#Loop of Game
chances = 0
while chances < 5:
guess = input("Does the word have a: ")
for letter in correct:
if letter.lower() in LETTERS:
chances += 1
guess = input("\nDoes the word have a: ")
chances += 1
guess = input("\nDoes the word have a: ")

print("\nYour chances are up!")
theguess = input("What is your guess?: ")

if theguess == correct:
print("\n\nYou did it!")
input("\n\nPress the Enter key to exit.")

print("\n\nSorry the word is:", correct)
print(("Try again!"))
input("\n\nPress the Enter key to exit.")___
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Re: [Tutor] lxml.html

2011-06-08 Thread Joel Goldstick
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Jerry Hill  wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:20 AM, nitin chandra 
> wrote:
> > Hello Every One,
> >
> > doc =
> lxml.html.parse('/home/dev/wsgi-scripts/').getroot()
> Is really an XML document?  If so, it's named pretty oddly...
> --
> Jerry
> ___
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Can you display the source code of your html file you are trying to process?

Joel Goldstick
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Re: [Tutor] lxml.html

2011-06-08 Thread Jerry Hill
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:20 AM, nitin chandra  wrote:
> Hello Every One,
>         doc = lxml.html.parse('/home/dev/wsgi-scripts/').getroot()

Is really an XML document?  If so, it's named pretty oddly...

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Re: [Tutor] lxml.html

2011-06-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano

nitin chandra wrote:

Hello Every One,

 doc = lxml.html.parse('/home/dev/wsgi-scripts/').getroot()
 name = doc.forms[0].fields['name']

 html = 'name is '
 html += name

[Wed Jun 08 20:29:51 2011] [error] [client] Traceback
(most recent call last):

What is all this extraneous date/error/ip address nonsense in the 
traceback? Where does it come from?

cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

I am extracting form field name / value from an html, but then it
gives the above error and does
not display the value of the variable 'name' entered in the respective form.

What is the value of the variable 'name'?

Hint: read the error message that you get when you try to concatenate a 
string with the None object:

>>> "spam" + None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

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[Tutor] lxml.html

2011-06-08 Thread nitin chandra
Hello Every One,

 doc = lxml.html.parse('/home/dev/wsgi-scripts/').getroot()
 name = doc.forms[0].fields['name']

 html = 'name is '
 html += name

[Wed Jun 08 20:29:51 2011] [error] [client] Traceback
(most recent call last):
[Wed Jun 08 20:29:51 2011] [error] [client]   File
"/home/dev/wsgi-scripts/", line 33, in application
[Wed Jun 08 20:29:51 2011] [error] [client] return, start_response)
[Wed Jun 08 20:29:51 2011] [error] [client]   File
"/home/dev/wsgi-scripts/", line 15, in do
[Wed Jun 08 20:29:51 2011] [error] [client] html += name
[Wed Jun 08 20:29:51 2011] [error] [client] TypeError:
cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

I am extracting form field name / value from an html, but then it
gives the above error and does
not display the value of the variable 'name' entered in the respective form.


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Re: [Tutor] Copying a mutable

2011-06-08 Thread Walter Prins
2011/6/8 Válas Péter 

> As far as I understand, assignment means giving a value to a variable which
> is the expression used by classical languages that have variables (such as
> Pascal or Basic). Python has no variables, since even the simpliest data is
> an object, but we still say assignment, because it is comfortable.

I'd submit that conceptually Python has variables, but the way it implements
it is simply slightly different from some other languages.  So conceptually
talking about assignment is quite appropriate even if as an implementation
detail it's slightly different to some other languages (due to being object
oriented and due to design choices made in the langugae.)  I'd further
submit that from a conceptual point of view assignments mostly work as
expected, for example consider this exchange:

ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Mar 27 2008, 17:57:18) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = [1,2,3]
>>> a == b
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> a = (1,2,3)
>>> b = (1,2,3)
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> a is b
>>> a == b

Note, the lists are 2 seperate objects, but contain the same values.  From a
newbies point of view they look to be the same.  Now, from an *identity*
(id) point of view they're actually not the same, however usually that's a
detail that you can ignore, and furthermore you'll normally use an equality
check to see if they're "the same", so when a newbie that checks them for
equality (using ==) he/she will get the expected result, e.g. that they're
equal (despite not being the same object).  In other words, the fact that
they're different objects are actually irrelevant in this case.  The same
goes for the tuple as shown.

In some sense, this is atually no different from a normal pascal/C variable,
where e.g. one int will have a seperate identity (address in memory heap or
on the stack) from another int, and when comparing them it would be
implicitly understood that the machine would be reading the value from the
one address and comparing it to the value at the other address and returning
the result of the value comparison.  The identities (pointers/memory
addresses) are then conceptually irrelevant.

So, I submit that the implications and effects of some types being mutable
and others being immutable and the fact that they're implemented via objects
need not lead to confusion or complication to basic notions of assignment in
Python.  Conceptually you have variables, and you can assign values to
them.  Everything else is details.


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Re: [Tutor] Copying a mutable

2011-06-08 Thread col speed
I think this is easily seen by a for loop:
for something in range(20):
print something

In the above "something" is a variable, in this case an int(which is
immutable). However, "something" is changed every time it goes through the
It's the equivalent of:
x = 0
x = 1
x = 2
and so on
Just because an int is immutable, doesn't mean that you can't change the
"variable" that refers to it.

Hope that helps

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Re: [Tutor] Copying a mutable

2011-06-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Válas Péter wrote:

Being one of the purposes of Python to be a simple educational language, I
want to make this simple to a beginner who does care. :-)
Here is a piece of code, Python 3.1.2, a small game with a list and a tuple:





You can make it simpler by ignoring id() and using the `is` operator 
instead. `is` is equivalent to this function:

def my_is(a, b):
return id(a) == id(b)

Of course you don't need to use that, instead do this:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = a
>>> a is b

My question is: how would you explain the different behaviour of a list and
a tuple for a beginner? 

Lists are mutable, which means you can change them in-place. The *= 
command changes the list in place:

>>> a = [1, 2]
>>> b = a
>>> b *= 2
>>> a is b
>>> b
[1, 2, 1, 2]

Since you have changed the list object itself, both a and b see the same 
change. Naturally, since a and b are nothing but two different names for 
the same object.

But tuples are immutable, which means you *cannot* change then in-place. 
Since *= cannot change the tuple in-place, it has to create a new tuple 
and assign it to the name on the left hand side:

>>> c = (1, 2)
>>> d = c
>>> c is d
>>> d *= 2
>>> d
(1, 2, 1, 2)

c remains a name for the first tuple, and d is now a name for the new, 
expanded tuple:

>>> c
(1, 2)
>>> c is d


Just to precisely understand English words, because this is a foreign
language for me. As far as I understand, assignment means giving a value to
a variable which is the expression used by classical languages that have
variables (such as Pascal or Basic). Python has no variables, since even the
simpliest data is an object, but we still say assignment, because it is
In this sense, if I say, "assignment" is a subset of "binding", is it

I don't think so. They are definitely related, though, assignment in the 
Pascal or C sense is *like* name binding in the Python or Java sense, 
but they are not strictly subset/superset of each other.

If one was a subset of the other, then you could write down every fact 
about name binding:

Name binding is:
1. blah blah blah...
2. ...
3. ...
999. ...

and then every fact about assignment:

Assignment is:
1. blah blah blah...
2. ...
3. ...
777. ...

and every fact about assignment would also be a fact about name binding. 
But that's not the case.

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Re: [Tutor] Python Beginners

2011-06-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Dave Angel wrote:

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Vincent Balmori wrote:
Hello. Right now I am learning the python language through Python 
for the Absolute Beginner 3rd Edition. I am having trouble with one 
question in
Ch. 4 #3, which says "Improve 'WordJumble so that each word is paired 
with a
hint. The player should be able to see the hint if he or she is stuck. 
Add a
scoring system that rewards players who solve a jumble without asking 
for the


Right now I am having trouble with giving the 'hint' variable a value 

the conditions. Everything else is working fine.

Don't try to use color to give us any information, since this is a text 
newsgroup.  I wouldn't know you had tried if Valas hadn't mentioned yellow.

Not to mention that about one in 12 males (and 1 in 200 females) are 
colour blind and have difficulty distinguishing colours, and a 
surprisingly large number of completely blind people manage to read and 
write emails by use of screen readers and speech-to-text programs.


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Re: [Tutor] Python Beginners

2011-06-08 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Vincent Balmori wrote:

Hello. Right now I am learning the python language through Python Programming
for the Absolute Beginner 3rd Edition. I am having trouble with one question in
Ch. 4 #3, which says "Improve 'WordJumble so that each word is paired with a
hint. The player should be able to see the hint if he or she is stuck. Add a
scoring system that rewards players who solve a jumble without asking for the

Right now I am having trouble with giving the 'hint' variable a value despite
the conditions. Everything else is working fine.

Don't try to use color to give us any information, since this is a text 
newsgroup.  I wouldn't know you had tried if Valas hadn't mentioned yellow.

# Word Jumble
# The computer picks a random word and then "jumbles" it
# The player has to guess the original word

import random

# create a sequence of words to choose from
WORDS = ("python", "jumble", "easy", "difficult", "answer", "xylophone")
# pick one word randomly from the sequence
word = random.choice(WORDS)
# create a variable to use later to see if the guess is correct
correct = word

Since the words and hints are so closely tied, you should just make one 
list/tuple with both of them, so that once you have chosen a word, 
you've already got the hint.

WORDS = (("python","It's a snake"), ("jumble", Shake Those Words"), ...

then   word, hint = random.choice(WORDS)

# create a jumbled version of the word
jumble =""
while word:
 position = random.randrange(len(word))
 jumble += word[position]
 word = word[:position] + word[(position + 1):]

There's a random function that does this in one go.  Look through the 
module and see if you can find it.

# hints for each word

hint = None
if word == "python":
 hint = ("It's a snake!!")
elif word == "jumble":
 hint = ("Shake Those Words!")
elif word == "easy":
 hint = ("Not Hard!")
elif word == "difficult":
 hint = ("Not Easy!")
elif word == "answer":
 hint = ("I ask a question you have an...")
elif word == "xylophone":
 hint = ("Metal bars with two drum sticks")

Don't need this part any more.

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Re: [Tutor] Python Beginners

2011-06-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Vincent Balmori wrote:
Hello. Right now I am learning the python language through Python Programming 
for the Absolute Beginner 3rd Edition. I am having trouble with one question in 
Ch. 4 #3, which says "Improve 'WordJumble so that each word is paired with a 
hint. The player should be able to see the hint if he or she is stuck. Add a 
scoring system that rewards players who solve a jumble without asking for the 

Right now I am having trouble with giving the 'hint' variable a value despite 
the conditions. Everything else is working fine.

Try adding an "else" clause to your "if word == ... hint = ..." block.

print "word = '%s'" % word

I think you might be surprised by the value of word.

A bit more advice for you:

# create a jumbled version of the word
jumble =""
while word:
position = random.randrange(len(word))
jumble += word[position]
word = word[:position] + word[(position + 1):]

That's a rather complicated way to shuffle word. Here's a better way:

>>> import random
>>> word = 'python'
>>> jumble = list(word)
>>> random.shuffle(jumble)
>>> jumble = ''.join(jumble)
>>> jumble

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Re: [Tutor] if statement

2011-06-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Matthew Brunt wrote:

i'm very new to python (currently going through a python for beginners
book at work to pass the time), and i'm having trouble with an if
statement exercise.  basically, i'm creating a very simple password
program that displays "Access Granted" if the if statement is true.
the problem i'm having is that no matter what i set the password to,
it seems like it's ignoring the if statement (and failing to print
"Access Granted").  the code is copied below.  i'm pretty sure it's my
own programming ignorance, but i would greatly appreciate any

More important than the exact solution to the problem is to learn how to 
solve this sort of problem:

password = input("Enter your password: ")
if password == "a":
   print("Access Granted")

If this is not doing what you expect, you should see what password 
actually is:


It might also help to print the repr() of password, in case there are 
any unexpected spaces or other characters:


Of course, if you're getting an error instead, then you should read the 
error message, and look at the full traceback, and see what it says.

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Re: [Tutor] Python Beginners

2011-06-08 Thread Válas Péter
Since you have jumbled the word in the same variable, you have a very small
chance (1:len(word)! which is 1:120 for a five-letter word) to have any of
the given words in the variable "word" whan your program reaches the yellow
part. You shold try to use "correct" instead of "word" in the yellow if.
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[Tutor] Python Beginners

2011-06-08 Thread Vincent Balmori
Hello. Right now I am learning the python language through Python Programming 
for the Absolute Beginner 3rd Edition. I am having trouble with one question in 
Ch. 4 #3, which says "Improve 'WordJumble so that each word is paired with a 
hint. The player should be able to see the hint if he or she is stuck. Add a 
scoring system that rewards players who solve a jumble without asking for the 

Right now I am having trouble with giving the 'hint' variable a value despite 
the conditions. Everything else is working fine.

# Word Jumble
# The computer picks a random word and then "jumbles" it
# The player has to guess the original word

import random

# create a sequence of words to choose from
WORDS = ("python", "jumble", "easy", "difficult", "answer", "xylophone")
# pick one word randomly from the sequence
word = random.choice(WORDS)
# create a variable to use later to see if the guess is correct
correct = word

# create a jumbled version of the word
jumble =""
while word:
position = random.randrange(len(word))
jumble += word[position]
word = word[:position] + word[(position + 1):]

# hints for each word

hint = None
if word == "python":
hint = ("It's a snake!!")
elif word == "jumble":
hint = ("Shake Those Words!")
elif word == "easy":
hint = ("Not Hard!")
elif word == "difficult":
hint = ("Not Easy!")
elif word == "answer":
hint = ("I ask a question you have an...")
elif word == "xylophone":
hint = ("Metal bars with two drum sticks")

# start the game
   Welcome to Word Jumble!

   Unscramble the letters to make a word.
(Press the enter key at the prompt to quit.)
print("The jumble is:", jumble)
print("\nFor a hint, type in 'yes'. If not, type in 'no'.")
helpcount = 0
help = input("Do you need a hint?: ")
if help == "yes":
helpcount += 1
guess = input("\nYour guess: ")

elif help == "no":
guess = input("\nYour guess: ")

while guess != correct and guess != "":
print("Sorry, that's not it.")
guess = input("Your guess: ")
if guess == correct:
print("That's it!  You guessed it!")

if helpcount == 0:
print("And you didn't even need a hint! You're awesome!\n")

print("Thanks for playing.")

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")___
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