Re: [Tutor] how to control putty window

2012-12-21 Thread Ufuk Eskici

I changed my way. This time I'm using plink under Putty.

My python code is:

os.chdir(c:\\Program Files\\Putty)
cmd = plink -ssh -l ufuk10.10.10.10 -pw password
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
inputdata=r van
result = process.communicate(inputdata)

But after the successful SSH, I cannot continue, no command runs:
This is the new output after the initial SSH connection:
No data input.

Last login: Fri Dec 21 16:27:

2012/12/20 Prasad, Ramit

 Ufuk Eskici wrote:
  I run this command and opens putty:
  import os
  import subprocess
  command = 'c:\Program Files\Putty\putty.exe -ssh
 ufukeskici@ -pw test
  But then I want to input new commands to this Putty new window. How can
 I do it?

 Do you need to control Putty or just SSH to another computer?
 If all you need to SSH then I would recommend using a 3rd
 party module such as Fabric (which relies on Paramiko). Those modules
 will simply SSH significantly. They are Python 2.x but you should
 be able to use Paramiko in 3.x except for SFTP. This link might help
 to install Paramiko if you are using Python 3.

 If you need to control Putty specifically then I cannot help.


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Re: [Tutor] how to control putty window

2012-12-21 Thread Prasad, Ramit
Ufuk Eskici wrote: 
 I changed my way. This time I'm using plink under Putty.
 My python code is:
 os.chdir(c:\\Program Files\\Putty)
 cmd = plink -ssh -l ufuk10.10.10.10 -pw password
 process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
 inputdata=r van
 result = process.communicate(inputdata)
 But after the successful SSH, I cannot continue, no command runs:
 This is the new output after the initial SSH connection:
 No data input.
 Last login: Fri Dec 21 16:27:

I am not familiar with plink, so I cannot help you. I recommend using
an SSH module which help a lot with all of this. That being said, maybe this 
post will help: 

Also take a look at the subprocess.communicate documentation[1] as 
it says
 Interact with process: Send data to stdin. Read data from stdout and 
stderr, until end-of-file is reached. **Wait for process to terminate**. The 
optional input argument should be a string to be sent to the child process, or 
None, if no data should be sent to the child.
communicate() returns a tuple (stdoutdata, stderrdata).
Note that if you want to send data to the process's stdin, you need to create 
the Popen object with stdin=PIPE. Similarly, to get anything other than None in 
the result tuple, you need to give stdout=PIPE and/or stderr=PIPE too.
 (emphasis added)
This suggests communicate is waiting for the plink to end? Also, you
should probably pass in a pipe so that you can send data more than
once.  Note, I am not familiar with subprocess so YMMV.



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Re: [Tutor] how to control putty window

2012-12-21 Thread Ufuk Eskici
I used this code:

os.chdir(c:\\Program Files\\Putty)
cmd = plink -ssh -l ufuk -pw password
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
stdout, stderr = process.communicate ()

After running this code, just one black cmd screen appears, but it frezzes
and doesn't continue.

I close the window manually and when I write - *print (stdout)* - I can get
some output *..ufuk@home-ubuntu:~$ * - as a long string.

But I dont know why it freezes and why I cannot input anything. How should
I continue?

2012/12/21 Prasad, Ramit

 Ufuk Eskici wrote:
  I changed my way. This time I'm using plink under Putty.
  My python code is:
  os.chdir(c:\\Program Files\\Putty)
  cmd = plink -ssh -l ufuk10.10.10.10 -pw password
  process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
  inputdata=r van
  result = process.communicate(inputdata)
  But after the successful SSH, I cannot continue, no command runs:
  This is the new output after the initial SSH connection:
  No data input.
  Last login: Fri Dec 21 16:27:

 I am not familiar with plink, so I cannot help you. I recommend using
 an SSH module which help a lot with all of this. That being said, maybe
 this post will help:

 Also take a look at the subprocess.communicate documentation[1] as
 it says
  Interact with process: Send data to stdin. Read data from stdout and
 stderr, until end-of-file is reached. **Wait for process to terminate**.
 The optional input argument should be a string to be sent to the child
 process, or None, if no data should be sent to the child.
 communicate() returns a tuple (stdoutdata, stderrdata).
 Note that if you want to send data to the process's stdin, you need to
 create the Popen object with stdin=PIPE. Similarly, to get anything other
 than None in the result tuple, you need to give stdout=PIPE and/or
 stderr=PIPE too.
  (emphasis added)
 This suggests communicate is waiting for the plink to end? Also, you
 should probably pass in a pipe so that you can send data more than
 once.  Note, I am not familiar with subprocess so YMMV.



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Re: [Tutor] how to control putty window

2012-12-21 Thread eryksun
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Ufuk Eskici wrote:

 cmd = plink -ssh -l ufuk10.10.10.10 -pw password
 process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
 inputdata=r van
 result = process.communicate(inputdata)

 But after the successful SSH, I cannot continue, no command runs:

To use communicate(), you need to set one or more of the standard
streams to a file or pipe (e.g. stdout=subprocess.PIPE). That said, if
you just have a single command, it's simpler to have the ssh client
execute it. Get the result using check_output (it sets up and calls

user = 'ufuk'
password = 'password'
host =
remote_cmd = 'r van'
cmd = ['plink', '-ssh', '-l', user, '-pw', password, '%s' % remote_cmd]
result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

I had to add stdin=subprocess.PIPE when trying this interactively.
Otherwise plink leaves the console stdin in an unusable state. This is
probably the source of the lockup you're getting.

If you need an interactive, stateful session, then communicate() won't
help since it closes the streams. You'll have to roll your own by
manually handling the stdin/stdout pipes. That means you'll need a
background thread to get around readline blocking (select only works
for sockets on Windows). You'll hit a brick wall with this approach if
the program uses full buffering in a pipe. With Linux you can
sometimes tweak the streams using stdbuf, but not if the program uses
setvbuf(). To get around this in Unix you can use pexpect to fake a
tty. I think that's only available on Windows via Cygwin.
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Re: [Tutor] Your thoughts on using Python 2.4.x?

2012-12-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano

On 19/12/12 14:54, boB Stepp wrote:

Now after the upgrades some machines now have Python 2.4.4
and others Python 2.4.6. For the purposes of creating/manipulating
text files and running Solaris-flavored Unix commands, is there
anything I should be specially aware of? I have been working entirely
in my Python studies with version 3.x up to this point. I understand
that there are differences between 2.x versus 3.x such as print
statements versus print functions, etc.

Yes; using Python 2.4 is painful compared to Python 3.x because it is
missing so many cool and useful features. 2.4 is quite old now, and
there have been many, many bug-fixes and new features added since then.

Some of those missing features can be easily added into your own code.
Because I have to support 2.4, I have a compatibility module to backport
the more essential features.

BTW, does 2.4.x come with Tkinter standard?

Depends on what you mean by standard. Tkinter is part of the standard
library, but it requires external dependencies which may not be present.
If your Solaris system doesn't include tcl (tickle) then you won't have
Tkinter either.

At the Solaris prompt, enter tclsh. You should get a % prompt, which you
can quit by entering exit command. If you don't, then you do not have
tcl installed and won't have Tkinter either.

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Re: [Tutor] Limitation of int() in converting strings

2012-12-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano

On 18/12/12 01:36, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

I think it's unfortunate that Python's int() function combines two
distinct behaviours in this way. In different situations int() is used
1) Coerce an object of some type other than int into an int without
changing the value of the integer that the object represents.

The second half of the sentence (starting from without changing) is not
justified. You can't safely make that assumption. All you know is that
calling int() on an object is intended to convert the object to an int,
in whatever way is suitable for that object. In some cases, that will
be numerically exact (e.g. int(1234) will give 1234), in other cases it
will not be.

2) Round an object with a non-integer value to an integer value.

int() does not perform rounding (except in the most generic sense that any
conversion from real-valued number to integer is rounding). That is what
the round() function does. int() performs truncating: it returns the
integer part of a numeric value, ignoring any fraction part:

py from decimal import Decimal as D
py from fractions import Fraction as F
py int(D(-123.))
py int(F(999, 100))

So you shouldn't think of int(number) as convert number to an int, since
that is ambiguous. There are at least six common ways to convert arbitrary
numbers to ints:

* truncate, or round towards zero (drop any fraction part);

* floor, or round towards -infinity (always round down);

* ceiling, or round towards +infinity (always round up);

* round to nearest, with ties rounding up;

* round to nearest, with ties rounding down;

* banker's rounding (round to nearest, with ties rounding to the
  nearest even number)

Python provides truncation via the int and math.trunc functions, floor and
ceiling via math.floor and math.ceil, and round to nearest via round.
In Python 2, ties are rounded up, which is biased; in Python 3, the
unbiased banker's rounding is used.

Instead, you should consider int(number) to be one of a pair of functions,
return integer part, return fraction part, where unfortunately the
second function isn't provided directly. In general though, you can get
the fractional part of a number with x % 1. For floats, math.modf also

So, in a sense int() does to double-duty as both a constructor of ints
from non-numbers such as strings, and as a get integer part function for
numbers. I'm okay with that.

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Re: [Tutor] Your thoughts on using Python 2.4.x?

2012-12-21 Thread boB Stepp
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Yes; using Python 2.4 is painful compared to Python 3.x because it is
 missing so many cool and useful features. 2.4 is quite old now, and
 there have been many, many bug-fixes and new features added since then.

 Some of those missing features can be easily added into your own code.
 Because I have to support 2.4, I have a compatibility module to backport
 the more essential features.

Thanks! I will look into your code in more depth once I get deeper
than I currently am in Python. More importantly you've given me a
useful approach that I can use for many things (potentially). This
type of approach had not yet occurred to me.

 BTW, does 2.4.x come with Tkinter standard?

 Depends on what you mean by standard. Tkinter is part of the standard
 library, but it requires external dependencies which may not be present.
 If your Solaris system doesn't include tcl (tickle) then you won't have
 Tkinter either.

 At the Solaris prompt, enter tclsh. You should get a % prompt, which you
 can quit by entering exit command. If you don't, then you do not have
 tcl installed and won't have Tkinter either.

Thanks for pointing this out and how to check for tcl being installed.
I will have to check for this after the holidays.

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Re: [Tutor] Limitation of int() in converting strings

2012-12-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Oh, another comment...

On 18/12/12 01:36, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

I have often found myself writing awkward functions to prevent a
rounding error from occurring when coercing an object with int().
Here's one:

def make_int(obj):
 '''Coerce str, float and int to int without rounding error
 Accepts strings like '4.0' but not '4.1'
 fnum = float('%s' % obj)
 inum = int(fnum)
 assert inum == fnum
 return inum

Well, that function is dangerously wrong. In no particular order,
I can find four bugs and one design flaw.

1) It completely fails to work as advertised when Python runs with
optimizations on:

[steve@ando python]$ cat
def make_int(obj):
'''Coerce str, float and int to int without rounding error
Accepts strings like '4.0' but not '4.1'
fnum = float('%s' % obj)
inum = int(fnum)
assert inum == fnum
return inum

print make_int('4.0')
print make_int('4.1')  # this should raise an exception

[steve@ando python]$ python -O

2) Even when it does work, it is misleading and harmful to raise
AssertionError. The problem is with the argument's *value*, hence
*ValueError* is the appropriate exception, not ImportError or
TypeError or KeyError ... or AssertionError. Don't use assert as
a lazy way to get error checking for free.

3) Worse, it falls over when given a sufficiently large int value:

py make_int(10**500)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 6, in make_int
OverflowError: cannot convert float infinity to integer

but at least you get an exception to warn you that something has
gone wrong.

4) Disturbingly, the function silently does the wrong thing even
for exact integer arguments:

py n = 10**220  # an exact integer value
py make_int(n) == n

5) It loses precision for string values:

py s = 1*200
py make_int(s) % 10

And not by a little bit:

py make_int(s) - int(s)  # should be zero

Lest you think that it is only humongous numbers where this is a
problem, it is not. A mere seventeen digits is enough:

py s = 10001
py make_int(s) - int(s)

And at that point I stopped looking for faults.

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