Re: [Tutor] writing effective unittests

2013-01-03 Thread Brian van den Broek
On 3 January 2013 14:46, Luke Thomas Mergner  wrote:
> * Albert-Jan Roskam  wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am trying to learn a bit of test-driven programming using unittests and
>> > nosetests. I am having trouble finding resources that explain how to write
>> > effective tests. I am not a programmer or a student, so I do not have 
>> > access to

> To partially answer my own question, let me tell you what I've learned in the 
> last 48 hours. It is easy to learn that unittest is the standard testing 
> module in Python > 2.6, that it is backported, that it is being improved in 
> Python 3 with new tools. There are a few PyCon videos that discuss this 
> evolution. It is also easy to learn that unittest is based off of prior 
> library for Java (JUnit) and SmallTalk. It is fairly easy to find an 
> introduction to the syntax of writing a test:

> And there are a few videos available that walk through how to put this 
> together into a test suite. (I've included what I found below, so that this 
> email will have some value to others.)
> What am I missing? The biggest problem is that no one is explaining the 
> rationale behind testing. The trivial examples compare integers: 2 == 2. At 
> first glance this seems pointless. I had assumed that tests would attempt to 
> confuse my functions and teach me how to write more robust code. But I 
> *think* now that tests are a way to determine if new code has changed old 
> behaviors. Testing 2 == 2 is trivial, but if the function starts returning 3 
> in a few months, it would be helpful to know right away. In general, though, 
> I'm finding it difficult to conceptualize what my tests should be doing, 
> testing, and telling me about my code.

Hi Luke,

First, I should like to commend your post; collecting together the
results of your research and posting it is a valuable thing to do.
While I agree with Steven that you'd be better off not taking the list
as a digest, for me at least, the mild irritation that digest use
imposes is small compared to the goodwill the effort shown produces.

Second, I don't test nearly as much as I ought. So, read with a grain
of salt :-)

Now, for the meat.

A key idea that was implicit in Steven's first reply might be better
made explicit. When testing, you want to look for odd or edge cases
where things might break and embed tests that will let you know if
they do.

What counts as an edge or odd case is obviously context dependent.
But, if dealing with an arithmetical function of one input, you'd
generally want tests for at least 0, 1, -1, some large positive, some
large negative, and small and large positive and negative non-integer
rational numbers. If writing against 2.x, you'd also want an integer
large enough to be a long rather than an int, etc.  If testing a
function that takes one string, you'd want tests for at least the
empty string, a string consisting solely of whitespace, a single
character string, a string with "odd   whitespacing   that you
wouldn  '  t expect", strings in mixed case, ones with punctuation,

Another principle that I use to generate tests: while writing code,
every time I find myself considering some possibility and thinking
"But, that's impossible!" I try to put in a test to ensure that the
impossible actually is.

I didn't try to find the context, but testing 2 == 2 does seem a bit
pointless. However, a similar sort of test might be worthwhile.

>>> class A(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
return False

>>> a=A()
>>> a==a

Now, one might think: "But that's such a stupid bug. I'd never do
that". If so tempted, go watch the link above :-)

In seriousness, the way that sort of test will help isn't so much to
confirm that the code works as intended when written, but that it
continues to work several moths later when you've forgotten most of it
and need to tweak just one thing that couldn't possibly affect other
parts of the code.


Brian vdB
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Re: [Tutor] IronPython any tutors with experience out there?

2013-01-03 Thread Alan Gauld

On 03/01/13 18:37, Bjorn Madsen wrote:

However ... to interact with the c# modules which my colleagues wrote, I
need to add "clr" references.


import clr
from Mapack import *

Unfortunately I can't get it to run

So does anything work? Is the import OK?
Are there any error messages?
Can you call any of the other CLR functions?
Can you  get a basic 'hello world' to run under .NET?

I've never used IronPython but I have played around
with C# and VB.Net on an earlier .NET framework (V2?)

There should be a bunch of functions you can access
via CLR, check that they work first to prove CLR
integration is OK.

For example can you use AddReference() to access
a standard  .NET assembly rather than AddReferenceToFile()
which is I assume for DLLs.

Finally there is an active gmane IronPython news group
which you could try for more focussed help...


It is probably sourced from the IronPython mailing
list of you prefer that...

Finally I did find this reference:

Which notes that you can only import DLLS compiled for .NET v4 in 
IronPython 2.7. Might that be the problem?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] writing effective unittests

2013-01-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Hi Luke,

My responses inline below.

On 04/01/13 06:46, Luke Thomas Mergner wrote:

I am on the digest version of the list, so I haven't gotten a copy of
any replies.

All the more reason not to be on the digest version. But you should have
received replies *in the digest*.

(By the way, thank you for editing the subject line to something

What am I missing? The biggest problem is that no one is explaining
the rationale behind testing.

You test software so that you know it does what you expect. Until you
actually try it, how do you know it will work as expected?

I'm reminded of a famous quote from Donald Knuth, which if memory serves
goes something like this:

"Beware of bugs in the above code, I have only proven it is correct, not
tested it."

All testing is aimed at making sure the software does what you want it
to do and does not contain bugs.

The trivial examples compare integers: 2 == 2. At first glance this
seems pointless.

As given, that is pointless, since there is no possible way for 2 to
fail to be 2. A less pointless example would be:

x = some_calculation(a, b, c)  # expected to return 2
assertEqual(x, 2)  # x might not be 2, so we test that it is

I had assumed that tests would attempt to confuse my functions and
teach me how to write more robust code.

That is part of it. A solid test suite should cover unexpected input
as well as expected input, to ensure that you code does the right
thing when faced with bad input.

In my earlier post, which I hope you received, I gave an toy example
of testing a function that takes at most one integer argument and
returns a string. Some of the tests I wrote test that the function
*correctly (and safely) fails* with TypeError if you pass more than
one argument, or if the argument is not an int.

But I *think* now that tests are a way to determine if new code has
changed old behaviors. Testing 2 == 2 is trivial, but if the
function starts returning 3 in a few months, it would be helpful to
know right away.

Yes, exactly!

We can write different sorts of tests:

* Doc tests are (mostly) intended to act as documentation. The problem
  with documentation is that it can get out of date as the software
  changes. How do you know when the documentation is out of date?
  Because the doc tests fail!

* Regression tests are intended to warn you if a bug has come back.
  Every time you fix a reported bug, you should have a regression test
  for that bug, so that if any future change accidentally *regresses*
  the code and reintroduces that bug, you will find out immediately.

* Unit tests are intended for testing that code behaves as expected,
  that parts of the public interface that you expect exist actually
  does exist. There's no point documenting that you have a class Spam
  if the class doesn't actually exist, so you have a unit test that
  confirms that Spam exists, and that it behaves as you expect.

(Note that the concept of "unit tests" is more general than the things
you write with the unittest module. The unittest module is a framework
for writing unit tests, but there are other frameworks, like nose.)

* Blackbox testing is when you treat functions and methods as black
  boxes. Since you can't see inside them, you can only test things
  which are public knowledge. E.g. "if I pass this input to the
  function, I should get this output".

* Whitebox testing is the opposite: you test based on your knowledge
  of the function's internal details. E.g. "if I pass this input to
  the function, it will run the code path A->B->C; but if I pass this
  other input, it will run the code path A->D->E->C. Therefore I need
  to test both inputs."

  The problem with whitebox testing is that if you change the
  function's implementation, your tests may become obsolete. But the
  advantage is that the tests cover more of the possible things that
  could happen.

* Fuzz testing is when you check how robust your code is by actually
  making *random changes to the data*, then seeing how your code
  responds or fails. One early example was "The Monkey" on Apple
  Macs in 1983, which fed random mouse clicks and key presses to
  discover bugs in MacPaint.

There are many other forms of testing that are possible:

But in general, any testing is better than no testing.

My further responses to follow later in the day.

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Re: [Tutor] IronPython any tutors with experience out there?

2013-01-03 Thread Prasad, Ramit
Bjorn Madsen wrote:
> Hello PythonTutor
> - I'm a scientist and very happy with python 2.7. I have been asked to assist 
> a development program where
> everything is written in dotNET/ C# (visual studio 2012) and luckily 
> Microsoft Visual Studio supports IronPython
> which is a clean Python implementation in C#, so I can use the Python syntax 
> I'm so familiar with...
> However ... to interact with the c# modules which my colleagues wrote, I need 
> to add "clr" references.
> Example:
> >>> import clr
> >>> clr.AddReferenceToFile("Mapack.dll")
> >>> from Mapack import *
> >>> dir()
> Unfortunately I can't get it to run and the tutorials after 12 hours of 
> google-reading are terribly sparse. Is
> there any experience somewhere in the network with IronPython in VSTO-2012 in 
> this forum and what could the top
> five clr.addreference bugs be?

If nobody responds satisfactorily on this list, you may have better
luck with the main Python list. Your question is not really in the
realm of "teaching python" which is this list's main focus. 


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Re: [Tutor] writing effective unittests

2013-01-03 Thread Alan Gauld

On 03/01/13 19:46, Luke Thomas Mergner wrote:

What am I missing? The biggest problem is that no one is explaining the 
rationale behind testing.

See my other reply and check out the references to programming by 
contract, pre/post conditions and invariants. Those are all good things 
to test. Invariants are probably hardest but also most powerful IMHO.

But viesw your code as a contract with the user. What can the user put 
in, what should they get out? What could break it?

I think what I need is a conceptual shift: how do python programmers use 

Personally I only use TDD and formal unit tests when I'm writing something
a) big and/or complex
b) reusable - I'll be coming back to it in the future

For small, one-off tools and scripts the overhead is usually not worth 
while. And they are never 100% reliable, bugs will still sneak through. 
So for one-offs I just do informal testing.

In most cases with TDD I stick to black box testing but if its a 
reuseable class or a framework then I'll probably drop down to white box 
and if it's mission or safety critical I'll do glass box testing (ie 
100% code coverage) - That's to say in about 3 projects in 30 years...

My next step is to look into buying some real books.

I'd only go there if you are really comfortable with programming in 
Python. Learn and use the principles but don't sweat over it until you 
really need to. It's more important to be comfortable writing good 
Python code than writing good tests for bad code!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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[Tutor] python as poetry

2013-01-03 Thread Jared Nielsen
I don't know if it's appropriate to post things like this on the list, but
I've learned a lot from this group and thought I'd share something I think
you all will enjoy:
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Re: [Tutor] writing effective unittests

2013-01-03 Thread Tino Dai
I think what I need is a conceptual shift: how do python programmers use
> unittests?
Here at the Library, we use unit test to test the cases that have many
known inputs. For example, some of the data could come in "foo bar baz",
and some others could come in as "foo, bar, baz", and others could come in
"foo; bar; baz". As we code for each one of these cases, we write tests to
make sure that changes that we make don't break any of our former code. I
think that TDD is a good thing to strive for, but in most cases is an ideal
that can't be reached in most cases.

Hope that helps,
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Re: [Tutor] writing effective unittests

2013-01-03 Thread Luke Thomas Mergner
* Albert-Jan Roskam  wrote: 

> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am trying to learn a bit of test-driven programming using unittests and 
> > nosetests. I am having trouble finding resources that explain how to write 
> > effective tests. I am not a programmer or a student, so I do not have 
> > access to 
> > collegues or classes. I'm hoping that someone knows of a good tutorial that 
> > I've missed. Based on the O'Reilly 2-Part introduction, I hope that 
> > learning to write tests will make my code better. 
> > 

I am on the digest version of the list, so I haven't gotten a copy of any 
replies. Apologies if two copies of my last email hit the list, I'm still 
learning to use mutt.

To partially answer my own question, let me tell you what I've learned in the 
last 48 hours. It is easy to learn that unittest is the standard testing module 
in Python > 2.6, that it is backported, that it is being improved in Python 3 
with new tools. There are a few PyCon videos that discuss this evolution. It is 
also easy to learn that unittest is based off of prior library for Java (JUnit) 
and SmallTalk. It is fairly easy to find an introduction to the syntax of 
writing a test:

>class blargTest(unittest.TestCase)
>   def testFeature(self):
>   ... do some stuff...
>   assertTrue('blarg', blarg)

And there are a few videos available that walk through how to put this together 
into a test suite. (I've included what I found below, so that this email will 
have some value to others.)

What am I missing? The biggest problem is that no one is explaining the 
rationale behind testing. The trivial examples compare integers: 2 == 2. At 
first glance this seems pointless. I had assumed that tests would attempt to 
confuse my functions and teach me how to write more robust code. But I *think* 
now that tests are a way to determine if new code has changed old behaviors. 
Testing 2 == 2 is trivial, but if the function starts returning 3 in a few 
months, it would be helpful to know right away. In general, though, I'm finding 
it difficult to conceptualize what my tests should be doing, testing, and 
telling me about my code.

The second problem is complexity. I'll paraphrase a well known saying about 
regex: "I wrote a unittest for my Python code, now I have two problems." Just 
to test my relatively simple code, I'm trying to do things like create 
temporary file structures, do some datetime parsing, etc. None of this is easy 
code for me to write at this stage. When a test fails, it could just as easily 
be a problem with the test code. (I'm unaccountably reminded about infinite 
regress here.) I *think* the answer must be that the benefit of writing tests 
on large, complex projects far outweighs the cost. But I've seen even small 
projects tout their test coverage.

I think what I need is a conceptual shift: how do python programmers use 

My next step is to look into buying some real books. 


Agile Testing Blog:
Tool Taxonomy:
Doug Hellman's Blog:
Unittest Docs:
Nose Docs
Fixture Docs

PyCon 2010:

PyCon 2011:

PyOhio July 2012. This looks perfect except it is missing about half the audio.

Marakana Tech TV:

At O'Reilly:

- Luke Mergner

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[Tutor] IronPython any tutors with experience out there?

2013-01-03 Thread Bjorn Madsen
Hello PythonTutor
- I'm a scientist and very happy with python 2.7. I have been asked to
assist a development program where everything is written in dotNET/ C#
(visual studio 2012) and luckily Microsoft Visual Studio supports
IronPython which is a clean Python implementation in C#, so I can use the
Python syntax I'm so familiar with...

However ... to interact with the c# modules which my colleagues wrote, I
need to add "clr" references.

>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReferenceToFile("Mapack.dll")
>>> from Mapack import *
>>> dir()

Unfortunately I can't get it to run and the tutorials after 12 hours of
google-reading are terribly sparse. Is there any experience somewhere in
the network with IronPython in VSTO-2012 in this forum and what could the
top five clr.addreference bugs be?

Kind Regards,

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Re: [Tutor] how to struct.pack a unicode string?

2013-01-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano

On 03/01/13 23:52, eryksun wrote:

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 1:29 AM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

2 Since "wide builds" use so much extra memory for the average ASCII
   string, hardly anyone uses them.

On Windows (and I think OS X, too) a narrow build has been practical
since the wchar_t type is 16-bit. As to Linux I'm most familiar with
Debian, which uses a wide build. Do you know off-hand which distros
release a narrow build?

Centos, and presumably therefore Red Hat do. Fedora did, and I presume
still do.

I didn't actually realize until now that Debian defaults to a wide

But more important than the memory savings, it means that for the first
time Python's handling of Unicode strings is correct for the entire range
of all one million plus characters, not just the first 65 thousand.

Still, be careful not to split 'characters':

 >>>  list(normalize('NFC', '\u1ebf'))
 >>>  list(normalize('NFD', '\u1ebf'))
 ['e', '̂', '́']

Yes, but presumably if you are normalizing to decomposed forms (NFD or NFKD
modes), you're doing it for a reason and are taking care not to let the
accents wander away from their base character, unless you want them to.

By the way, for anyone else trying this, the normalize function above is not
a built-in, it comes from the unicodedata module.

More on normalization:

Doing-a-lot-of-presuming-today-ly y'rs,

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Re: [Tutor] Limitation of int() in converting strings

2013-01-03 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 2 January 2013 17:59, Alan Gauld  wrote:
> On 01/02/2013 11:41 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> But __index__ is a special method that converts to int without rounding
>> or truncating, intended only for types that emulate ints but not other
>> numeric types:
> And this was the new bit I didn't know about.
> [SNIP]
> Help on wrapper_descriptor:
> __index__(...)
> x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]
> Bingo! Although still doesn't anything explicitly about the need for an
> integer!

The operator.index builtin checks that an int/long is returned. The
same is true of the underlying C-API that is used internally by
indexable sequences (list, tuple, etc.).

$ python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov 27 2010, 18:30:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import operator
>>> class A(object):
... def __index__(self):
... return 4.5
>>> a = A()
>>> a.__index__()
>>> operator.index(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: __index__ returned non-(int,long) (type float)
>>> b = [1,2,3]
>>> b[a]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: __index__ returned non-(int,long) (type float)

You only need to know about this feature if you are implementing a
custom integer type or a custom sequence type (both of which are
things that most Python users will never do). This particular special
method is probably only really documented in the PEP:

For my purposes, the important thing is that the method is only
supposed to be implemented on types that always exactly represent
integers, so it is not usable for converting e.g. floats to integers.

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Re: [Tutor] how to struct.pack a unicode string?

2013-01-03 Thread eryksun
On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 1:29 AM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> 2 Since "wide builds" use so much extra memory for the average ASCII
>   string, hardly anyone uses them.

On Windows (and I think OS X, too) a narrow build has been practical
since the wchar_t type is 16-bit. As to Linux I'm most familiar with
Debian, which uses a wide build. Do you know off-hand which distros
release a narrow build?

> But more important than the memory savings, it means that for the first
> time Python's handling of Unicode strings is correct for the entire range
> of all one million plus characters, not just the first 65 thousand.

Still, be careful not to split 'characters':

>>> list(normalize('NFC', '\u1ebf'))
>>> list(normalize('NFD', '\u1ebf'))
['e', '̂', '́']
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Re: [Tutor] writing effective unittests

2013-01-03 Thread Albert-Jan Roskam

> Hi,

> I am trying to learn a bit of test-driven programming using unittests and 
> nosetests. I am having trouble finding resources that explain how to write 
> effective tests. I am not a programmer or a student, so I do not have access 
> to 
> collegues or classes. I'm hoping that someone knows of a good tutorial that 
> I've missed. Based on the O'Reilly 2-Part introduction, I hope that 
> learning to write tests will make my code better. 

I am currently readingPython Testing: Beginner's Guideby Daniel Arbuckle

It covers doctest, unittest, nose, test-driven programming and more (I am just 
half way the book). Itś a beginnnerś guide but I like it.
Some of the examples are a little too simplistic (the author keeps writing 
'fixtures' for, for example).
But again, I am happy that I bought it. The only thing I did wrong: I bought it 
too late! Apparently hte FIRST thing one has to do is write tests, not the LAST.


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Re: [Tutor] writing effective unittests

2013-01-03 Thread Peter Otten
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> Notice that tests are not necessarily definitive. I haven't tested that
> spam(n) returns a string for every imaginable integer n, because there
> are too many. Instead, I just test a small, representative sample.
> Likewise I haven't tested that spam() might succeed when given four
> arguments, or forty-four. I trust that if it fails with two arguments,
> and fails with three arguments, it will fail with more than three too.
> Don't make the mistake of thinking that tests need to cover EVERYTHING
> or else they are useless. 10% test coverage is better than nothing,
> 50% is better still, and 90% is better still. (100% is, of course,
> impossible.)

There's no way you can test even 10% of the possible inputs for even the 

def mul(a, b):
return a * b

as there is an infinite number of such inputs. 

The more common and less ambitious definition of coverage is 

"What portion of your code is executed by your tests? 

There's an excellent tool to answer that question:

It reports executed lines, so problematic code like

x = 1 if True else undefined

will be reported as 100% coverage, but it is still a big help in improving 
your tests.

> Let's add some more tests to SpamTests:
>  def testHasDocString(self):
>  # Test that the spam function has a docstring.
>  doc = spam.__doc__
>  self.assertTrue(doc is not None)

You should rather run a tool like pylint to find missing docstrings. 

> The important thing here is that there process continually goes back and
> forth between the tests and the main code. Adding new tests reveals bugs
> in the code, or missing functionality, which you then fix, then write
> more tests, until you can no longer think of any more tests.
If you take this advice seriously you will soon rewrite your application 
code to make it easier to test it. At least for me the impact of unittests 
was larger than I had expected. 

I really should do more of them...

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Re: [Tutor] Limitation of int() in converting strings

2013-01-03 Thread eryksun
On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 12:07 AM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> Again, I was mistaken. x%1 is not suitable to get the fraction part of a
> number in Python: it returns the wrong result for negative values. You need
> math.modf:
> py> x = -99.25
> py> x % 1  # want -0.25
> 0.75
> py> math.modf(x)
> (-0.25, -99.0)

math.modf wraps libm's modf, which takes a double. This isn't suitable
for Decimal, Fraction, or a custom number type. What's wrong with
using math.trunc for this?
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