[Tutor] Expected indented block error

2013-09-23 Thread Arron Sutcliffe
Hi i have been working on a currency converter for school and i have been
having a hard time with this syntax error Expected indented block and i
don't understand why it isn't working. i am fairly new to Python thus my
sloppy and unfinished code hope you can help :)
My code -
v_fallback = 1
while v_fallback == 1:
print(Please enter your current currency)
v_current = input()
if v_current == (USD or usd or US Dollars or us dollars):
print(Please enter the name of the currency you wish to convert
print(Your options are GBP, EUR, INR, AUD, CAD, AED or BACK to
return to the Main Menu)
v_final = input()
if v_final ==(GBP or gpb):
if v_final == (EUR or eur):
if v_final == (INR or inr):
if v_final == (AUD or aud):
if v_final == (CAD or cad):
if v_final == (AED or aed):
if v_final == (BACK or back):
print (ERROR - Please enter a valid currency, if incorrect
currency is entered again program will close)
print(Your options are GBP, EUR, INR, AUD, CAD, AED or BACK to
return to the main menu)
v_final = input()
if v_final == (GBP or gbp):
if v_final == (EUR or eur):
if v_final == (INR or inr):
if v_final == (AUD or aud):
if v_final ==(CAD or cad):
if v_final == (AED or aed):
if v_final == (BACK or back):
else print (ERROR - Program will close):
v_fallback = 0
#if v_current == (GBP or gbp or pounds or Pounds or pounds
#v_exrate =
#v_fallback = 0
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] AntiSpam measures circumventing

2013-09-23 Thread Jugurtha Hadjar


I shared some assembly code (microcontrollers) and I had a comment wit 
my e-mail address for contact purposes.

Supposing my name is John Doe and the e-mail is john@hotmail.com, my 
e-mail was written like this:


With a note saying to remove the capital letters.

Now, I wrote this :

for character in my_string:
... if (character == character.upper()) and (character !='@') and 
(character != '.'):

... my_string = my_string.replace(character,'')

And the end result was john@hotmail.com.

Is there a better way to do that ? Without using regular expressions 
(Looked *really* ugly and it doesn't really make sense, unlike the few 
lines I've written, which are obvious even to a beginner like me).

I obviously don't like SPAM, but I just thought If I were a spammer, 
how would I go about it.

Eventually, some algorithm of detecting the 
johndotdoeathotmaildotcom must exist.

Also, what would in your opinion make it *harder* for a non-human to 
retrieve the original e-mail address? Maybe a function with no inverse 
function ? Generating an image that can't be converted back to text, etc..

If this is off-topic, you can just answer the what is a better way to 
do that part.


~Jugurtha Hadjar,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] HELP Please!!!....How Do I Make a Graph Chart Generate in Python Based on my Code

2013-09-23 Thread znxm0i
Can anyone please help me figure out what I am NOT doing to make this program 
work properly.PLEASE !!

I need to be able to take the user input that is entered in the two graphical 
boxes of the first window and evaluate it to generate a graph chart which is 
suppose to display in the second window.  I am totally at a loss for what I am 
NOT doing, and I know it is something so simple that I am overlooking because I 
am making this harder that what it most likely really is.

But I just cannot get it to work properly.  Please HELP !!!   Help me 
understand what I am doing wrong and how to fix it.  I believe I am on the 
right path but I'm becoming frustrated and discouraged.  

I have attached a copy of the code I've compiled so far.
# futval_graph2.py

from graphics import *

def main():
# Introduction
print(This program plots the growth of a 10-year investment.)

win = GraphWin(Growth of 10-Year Investment, 400, 300)
win.setCoords(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)

# Draw the interface
Text(Point(1,3),Enter principal:).draw(win)
input = Entry(Point(2,3), 5)
principal = eval(input.getText())

Text(Point(1.10,2.5),Input APR:).draw(win)
input2 = Entry(Point(2,2.5), 5)
apr = eval(input2.getText())

output = Text(Point(0,0),)
button = Text(Point(1.5 ,1.65),Graph It)
Rectangle(Point(.5,2), Point(2.5,1.25)).draw(win)

# wait for a mouse click

win = GraphWin(Investment Growth Chart, 320, 240)
win.setCoords(-1.75,-200, 11.5, 10400)

# Create a graphics window with labels on left edge
Text(Point(-1, 0), ' 0.0K').draw(win)
Text(Point(-1, 2000), ' 2.5K').draw(win)
Text(Point(-1, 5000), ' 5.0K').draw(win)
Text(Point(-1, 7500), ' 7.5k').draw(win)
Text(Point(-1, 1), '10.0K').draw(win)

# Draw bar for initial principal
bar = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(1, principal + apr))

# Draw a bar for each subsequent year
for year in range(1, 11):
bar = Rectangle(Point(year, 0), Point(year+1, principal))


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Suds, Lxml - sending an xml request

2013-09-23 Thread Ismar Sehic
i'm probably very annoying and boring with these python web service :)and
sorry for the previous message reply subject,wont happen again...
the thing is, i'm provided with some service provider documentation,
including xml request example, xml response example, wsdl file for the
protocol defintion, and xsd file for every request type.
i've played around with LXML and SUDS, and i got this :

xml parsing (i don't really know if i need this, but i made it just to see
how it works ):

 from lxml import etree
 except ImportError:
 import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
 document = etree.parse(HotelValuedAvailRQ.xml)
 root = document.getroot()
 #namespaces used
 xmlns = ''
 xsi = '{http://www.hotelbeds.com/schemas/2005/06/messages}'
 user = document.find('//{namespace}User'.format(namespace=namespace))
 user.text = ''  #set hotelbeds user(text)

 password =
 password.text = ''  #set hotelbeds password(text)

 language =
 language.text = ''  #set hotelbeds response language(text)

 #set number of pages for xml response(attribute)
 PaginationData = root[2].set('pageNumber', '4')
 #set check in date, format :'20130509'
 CheckInDate = root[3].set('date', '')
 #set check out date
 CheckOutDate = root[4].set('date', '')
 #set dest code, set dest type
 Destination = root[5].set('code', ''); root[5].set('type', '')

 #set the room count
 RoomCount =
 RoomCount.text = ''
 #set number of adults
 AdultCount =
 RoomCount.text = ''
 #set number of children
 ChildCount =
 ChildCount.text = '3'

 print '---Changes saved'

  and i also made this, some suds experiment :

import logging
 logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)
 from suds.client import Client
 url = 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/appservices/ws/FrontendService?wsdl'
 client = Client(url)
 print client

which gives me following result :

 Suds ( https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ )  version: 0.4 GA  build:

 Service ( FrontendServiceService ) tns=
Prefixes (0)
Ports (1):
  Methods (34):
 cancelProtectionAdd(xs:anyType cancelProtectionAdd, )
 cancelProtectionRemove(xs:anyType cancelProtectionRemove, )
 getCancelProtectionAvail(xs:anyType getCancelProtectionAvail, )
 getCarCountryList(xs:anyType getCarCountryList, )
 getCarInfoSet(xs:anyType getCarInfoSet, )
 getCarValuedAvail(xs:anyType getCarValuedAvail, )
 getCountryList(xs:anyType getCountryList, )
 getDestinationGroupList(xs:anyType getDestinationGroupList, )
 getHotelBoardGroupList(xs:anyType getHotelBoardGroupList, )
 getHotelBoardList(xs:anyType getHotelBoardList, )
 getHotelCategoryGroupList, )
 getHotelCategoryList(xs:anyType getHotelCategoryList, )
 getHotelCountryList(xs:anyType getHotelCountryList, )
 getHotelDetail(xs:anyType getHotelDetail, )
 getHotelList(xs:anyType getHotelList, )
 getHotelRoomTypeGroupList, )
 getHotelValuedAvail(xs:anyType getHotelValuedAvail, )
 getIncomingOfficeDetail(xs:anyType getIncomingOfficeDetail, )
 getIncomingOfficeList(xs:anyType getIncomingOfficeList, )
 getPurchaseDetail(xs:anyType getPurchaseDetail, )
 getPurchaseList(xs:anyType getPurchaseList, )
 getTicketAvail(xs:anyType getTicketAvail, )
 getTicketClassificationList, )
 getTicketCountryList(xs:anyType getTicketCountryList, )
 getTicketDetail(xs:anyType getTicketDetail, )
 getTicketValuation(xs:anyType getTicketValuation, )
 getTransferCountryList(xs:anyType getTransferCountryList, )
 getTransferValuedAvail(xs:anyType getTransferValuedAvail, )
 getZoneGroupList(xs:anyType getZoneGroupList, )
 purchaseCancel(xs:anyType purchaseCancel, )
 purchaseConfirm(xs:anyType purchaseConfirm, )

Re: [Tutor] HELP Please!!!....How Do I Make a Graph Chart Generate in Python Based on my Code

2013-09-23 Thread Alan Gauld

On 21/09/13 04:26, znx...@yahoo.com wrote:

Can anyone please help me figure out what I am NOT doing to make this
program work properly.PLEASE !!

First you need to tell us what graphics module you are
using since there is no standard library module by that

Second, you should probably ask for help on their forum
since this list is really for those learning Python and
its standard library.

However, if we know the library we might be able to help
or someone may have some experience.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] AntiSpam measures circumventing

2013-09-23 Thread Chris Down
On 2013-09-20 15:50, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
 I obviously don't like SPAM, but I just thought If I were a
 spammer, how would I go about it.

You wouldn't, it's not effective to do this. You would just grab plain
text e-mail addresses and leave it at that, anyone who tries to
obfuscate their e-mail address is not worth spamming anyway.

Description: PGP signature
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Expected indented block error

2013-09-23 Thread Alan Gauld

On 21/09/13 23:44, Arron Sutcliffe wrote:

Hi i have been working on a currency converter for school and i have
been having a hard time with this syntax error Expected indented block
and i don't understand why it isn't working.

It tells you, it's expecting an indented block...

v_fallback = 1
while v_fallback == 1:
 print(Please enter your current currency)
 v_current = input()
 if v_current == (USD or usd or US Dollars or us dollars):
 print(Please enter the name of the currency you wish to
convert to)
 print(Your options are GBP, EUR, INR, AUD, CAD, AED or BACK to
return to the Main Menu)
 v_final = input()
 if v_final ==(GBP or gpb):

Python is expecting an indented block of code to do something when the 
if is true. So eoitrher you put some code here or...

 if v_final == (EUR or eur):

You indent this line. But thats probably a bad idea.

 if v_final == (INR or inr):
 if v_final == (AUD or aud):
 if v_final == (CAD or cad):

BTW these lines are almost certainly not doing what you think they are.
This is not testing whether v_final is one of the values in the if tet, 
it is testing whether v_final has the same truth(boolewan0 vale as the 
expression (str1 or str2) which is always True.

You probably want something like

if v_final.upper() == GBP: # do something

or, more likely in this case:

if v_final.upper() in (GBP, INR, AUD, ...other values): #do this

 if v_final == (AED or aed):
 if v_final == (BACK or back):
 print (ERROR - Please enter a valid currency, if incorrect
currency is entered again program will close)
 print(Your options are GBP, EUR, INR, AUD, CAD, AED or
BACK to return to the main menu)
 v_final = input()
 if v_final == (GBP or gbp):
 if v_final == (EUR or eur):
 if v_final == (INR or inr):
 if v_final == (AUD or aud):
 if v_final ==(CAD or cad):
 if v_final == (AED or aed):
 if v_final == (BACK or back):
 else print (ERROR - Program will close):
 v_fallback = 0

And there is a programming principle called DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).
You have the same set of tests here as above. Rather than limit the user 
to 2 goes you could wrap the tests into a while loop and only have them 
once. That way there is never any risk of them getting out of step
with each other. (You could also encapsulate them in a function but you 
might not have covered functions yet!)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] AntiSpam measures circumventing

2013-09-23 Thread Albert-Jan Roskam

- Original Message -

 From: Jugurtha Hadjar jugurtha.had...@gmail.com
 To: tutor@python.org
 Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 4:50 PM
 Subject: [Tutor] AntiSpam measures circumventing
 I shared some assembly code (microcontrollers) and I had a comment wit 
 my e-mail address for contact purposes.
 Supposing my name is John Doe and the e-mail is john@hotmail.com, my 
 e-mail was written like this:
 With a note saying to remove the capital letters.
 Now, I wrote this :
 for character in my_string:
 ...     if (character == character.upper()) and (character !='@') and 
 (character != '.'):
 ...             my_string = my_string.replace(character,'')
 And the end result was john@hotmail.com.
 Is there a better way to do that ? Without using regular expressions 
 (Looked *really* ugly and it doesn't really make sense, unlike the few 
 lines I've written, which are obvious even to a beginner like me).

I used this a while ago. It's not Python, but it's effective:  

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] ImportError: No module named '_sysconfigdata_m'

2013-09-23 Thread Albert-Jan Roskam

I just wanted to type git status in my Linux terminal but I made a typo and I 
got a long Python 3.3 traceback message. Just curious: What does it mean?

gigt status
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/site.py, line 631, in module
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/site.py, line 616, in main
    known_paths = addusersitepackages(known_paths)
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/site.py, line 284, in addusersitepackages
    user_site = getusersitepackages()
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/site.py, line 260, in getusersitepackages
    user_base = getuserbase() # this will
 also set USER_BASE
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/site.py, line 250, in getuserbase
    USER_BASE = get_config_var('userbase')
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/sysconfig.py, line 580, in get_config_var
    return get_config_vars().get(name)
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/sysconfig.py, line 530, in get_config_vars
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/sysconfig.py, line 403, in _init_posix
    from _sysconfigdata import build_time_vars
  File /usr/lib/python3.3/_sysconfigdata.py, line 6, in module
    from _sysconfigdata_m import *
ImportError: No module named '_sysconfigdata_m'

Thank you!


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public 
order, irrigation, roads, a 
fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
~~ ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Suds, Lxml - sending an xml request

2013-09-23 Thread Walter Prins

On 20 September 2013 14:25, Ismar Sehic i.she...@gmail.com wrote:

 i'm probably very annoying and boring with these python web service :)and
 sorry for the previous message reply subject,wont happen again...
 the thing is, i'm provided with some service provider documentation,
 including xml request example, xml response example, wsdl file for the
 protocol defintion, and xsd file for every request type.

You should not need to mess with lxml yourself if you're using a SOAP
library like suds.   Also, you might try SOAPpy, or alternatively, try ZSI
if you can get it working -- the project seems kind of dead and not
recently updated and I seem to remember it was rather fiddly to get it
working last time I had to work with it.  (That said I might add that we've
had good success with ZSI.  Usefully, it can generate wrapper classes for
your WSDL which means you get a concrete native Python representation that
you can refer to, of the webservice interface you're trying to work with.
 SOAPpy and other more recent frameworks takes a more minimalist approach
and does everything dynamically which can sometimes make it a bit tricky to
work with a new interface.)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] ImportError: No module named '_sysconfigdata_m'

2013-09-23 Thread eryksun
On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Albert-Jan Roskam fo...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I just wanted to type git status in my Linux terminal but I made a typo
 and I got a long Python 3.3 traceback message. Just curious: What does it

 gigt status
 Traceback (most recent call last):

gigt? Why is that trying to run Python?

   File /usr/lib/python3.3/_sysconfigdata.py, line 6, in module
 from _sysconfigdata_m import *
 ImportError: No module named '_sysconfigdata_m'

_sysconfigdata.build_time_vars updates sysconfig._CONFIG_VARS.
build_time_vars was parsed from pyconfig.h when Python was built:


On Debian systems the dict is actually stored in the platform-specific
module _sysconfigdata_m. I doubt it's a sys.path issue since the
platform subdirectory is baked in to the interpreter binary. Check
that the module exists:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] HELP Please!!!....How Do I Make a Graph Chart Generate in Python Based on my Code (znx...@yahoo.com)

2013-09-23 Thread Dino Bektešević

 I have attached a copy of the code I've compiled so far.

Next time just post the code in here, I think that's the general
consensus around here. You should only attach it or use a pastebin if
it's really really long. Considering that usually the only valid
entries here are snippets of code you've isolated that do not work
(functions/methods...), code that gets posted here is usually not too
Anyhow the graphics.py module is unbeknownst to me, but I presume
you're reffering to this one:

What you're doing wrong is your input:
principal = eval(input.getText())
apr = eval(input2.getText())
Those commands are in order, however their position in programing is
not. Let's examine:
1. you draw your input screen and define standard inputs for boxes
2. during the drawing session you read in values for which you have
provided input boxes
3. you plot the values in a bar graph.
When this runs it goes like this:
1. you draw your input screen, set values in input boxes to 0.0 and 0.0
2. apr and principal get set to 0.0 and 0.0
3. plot graph and values

and of course every single bar gets ploted to 0, because those are the
values of your inputs. If there is no principal to add apr to there is
no net result. You should make it so that apr and principal get set
AFTER the initial screen drawing session but BEFORE plotting,
therefore after the mouse-click.
You're also making a mistake of not actually changing any values as
the year progresses:
bar = Rectangle(Point(year, 0), Point(year+1, principal))
every bar will have the same height, that of the inputed principal value.

I don't know if it's encouraged here or not, to give straight away
answers, but here it goes anyway because I think znx is missing couple
of other things as well:
To sort out the wrong inputing move the eval() lines after the
win.getMouse() statement, preferably right before the for loop
statement. Your principal grows each year by the value of apr, so if
you have a 1000$ in the bank and the bank awards you with 500$ each
year (good luck with that) then by the end of the first year you
should have 1500$, by the end of the 2nd year 2000$ because the 1st
year becomes the principal for the 2nd year, by 3rd year it's 2500$
and so on
To introduce the changing values you have to have a new variable to
store the increased original value, let's call that variable
newvalue. Then you have to increase the value of the new variable
every complete step of the for loop. Each full circle of for loop
should see at least 1 newvalue = newvalue +apr (or newvalue+=apr in

This solution removes the need for the # Draw bar for initial
principal set of orders so delete it:
# read values in input boxes AFTER the button click
principal = eval(input.getText())
apr = eval(input2.getText())

#create new value that you'll increase every year by apr
newvalue = principal+apr #this is the net money by the end of 1st year

# Draw a bar for each subsequent year
for year in range(0, 11): #by going from 0 you don't have to
specifically plot 1st year
bar = Rectangle(Point(year, 0), Point(year+1, newvalue))
newvalue = newvalue+apr
bar.setWidth(2) #I don't know if this serves any purpose
because the width of your bar is defined with year to year+1 values.
Maybe it's the line width?

and that should do it. For a test run use print statement to check
that the for loop does what you want it too and use simple numbers as
principal=1000 and apr=500, you should get 1500, 2000, 2500..
(This looked a lot like a fixed interest rate assignment so I guess
that's the purpose, note that because of the set scale of the graph
you should always use larger numbers because smaller ones will not be

You can make your y axis change by the value of input if you:
1. read input after button click but before setting the scale
2. set scale from 0 to maximal achievable value + some aditional
height that you can see the entire graph (p.s. maximal achievable
value is principal+final_year*apr, so in your case,
principal+11*apr+500 [for spacing])
3. plot the rest

Good luck,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] ImportError: No module named '_sysconfigdata_m'

2013-09-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 12:28:10PM -0700, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
 I just wanted to type git status in my Linux terminal but I made a 
 typo and I got a long Python 3.3 traceback message. Just curious: What 
 does it mean?

Unless this was at the Python prompt, it's not really a Python question. 
It's a question about your Linux installation, and why gigt ends up 
calling Python. Start with:

man gigt

which gigt

locate gigt

to try to identify what it is. If nothing relevant comes up, that 
suggests that your Linux system is set up to try to help when you 
mistype a command. E.g. on one Ubuntu system, I get this:

steve@flora:~$ gigt
No command 'gigt' found, did you mean:
 Command 'gitg' from package 'gitg' (universe)
 Command 'gist' from package 'yorick' (universe)
 Command 'gift' from package 'gnuift' (universe)
 Command 'git' from package 'git-core' (main)
gigt: command not found

I don't know the technology behind this feature, but it may be built 
using Python. That explains why you're going a Python traceback. Which 
implies that you've broken the system Python.

Very few Linux distros use Python 3.3 as their system Python. Your error 
suggests that you've replaced the expected Python installation, probably 
2.7, with 3.3 instead of installing in parallel. That's not a good idea.

You can test this by su'ing to some user other than yourself, to ensure 
you have a clean environment, and then run python -V to see the version. 
If I do this as both the steve and root users, you can see I get two 
different versions:

[steve@ando ~]$ python -V
Python 2.7.2
[steve@ando ~]$ su -
[root@ando ~]# python -V
Python 2.4.3

That's because the steve user has a line in my .bashrc file that sets 
an alias python=python2.7, while the system Python on this machine is 
Python 2.4.

Last but not least, the error message you get hints that your Python 3.3 
installation may be broken. What happens if you try to run it normally? 
The error ends with:

   File /usr/lib/python3.3/sysconfig.py, line 403, in _init_posix
     from _sysconfigdata import build_time_vars
   File /usr/lib/python3.3/_sysconfigdata.py, line 6, in module
     from _sysconfigdata_m import *
 ImportError: No module named '_sysconfigdata_m'

If you can reliably reproduce this error, it should be reported as a 
bug. Assuming you didn't break it yourself :-)

I note that in my version of Python 3.3, line 6 of _sysconfigdata is not 
an import, and the line from _sysconfigdata_m import * does not exist 
anywhere in the file.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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